Haha, did they actually nerf elite mobs now too? I have never seen black canyon mines area without a single mob and that's my most played farming starting area.
You can actually sacrifice a bit of your resist. You've reached the point of diminishing return.
At 600 res it's 67% damage reduction while at 800 res it's around 73%. That extra 6% is nice and all but even at 600 res you can tank Diablo easily. It's better to be able to kill mobs faster with as much LOH/regen as you can get.
You do need more HP though.
You won't be hit by other monsters if you don't vault into a pack of them. Nor will you get hit by quicker attacks and speed if you're never in range of them melee attacking. Use vault to put and keep distance between you and enemies. Certain affixes suck for any build, you avoid them or adapt to them in some way.
They're not forcing you to do anything. You don't have to use vault. However, if you're going to use it you have to use it properly, and that's understanding how it is best used. Using vault to try to escape as a mob is right on top of you and you're milliseconds away from taking damage.
The combat is amazing and quite fantastic. Are there some things that need to be tweaked? Sure, but it's still great. What isn't fantastic in your scenario is that it would seem you're not using the skill to maximize it's potential which is frustrating because intuitively it should work a different way.
Why did you shop out the ilvl?
Ok, I never said you did. I'm simply saying if you don't do this, you won't get hit from a melee attack - if you're out of range of melee, you won't be hit by melee.I don't vault into a pack of them expecting not to get hit and I never said.
Of course you're going to be hit by a melee attack if you're in melee range. I never said otherwise. I did say " Nor will you get hit by quicker attacks and speed if you're never in range of them melee attacking." It seems you misunderstood that.Yes, you do get hit by quicker attacks if they run right up and attack, surround me, corner me, or hit me while being attacked by abilities from elites.
You're using the skill wrong. That isn't how it's (vault) supposed to work per the design of the game. To your bolded: I've explained why what the animation says and how the actual design differs. Bashiok explicitly stated the difference as well.I use vault to dodge a slow attack which the animation of the game says should work.
Yes, they're forcing me to not dodge attacks but instead stay as far away as possible (but not too far or the elites will full regen health). Said this several times but this isn't limited to vault or the demon hunter character at all. It's with all characters. You can be hit while walking away from the animation hitbox. Btw, I am using vault properly. It's a quick move that, according to animations, can be used to dodge attacks.
What is your farm route for Act II? I have seen a few for Act 1 posted but not many for Act 2.
Why did you shop out the ilvl?
I'm not sure why the iLvl is blocked, I just snapped a SS of it in the AH, don't have it pulled up right now but I'll check it in a sec.
Ok, I never said you did. I'm simply saying if you don't do this, you won't get hit from a melee attack - if you're out of range of melee, you won't be hit by melee.
Of course you're going to be hit by a melee attack if you're in melee range. I never said otherwise. I did say " Nor will you get hit by quicker attacks and speed if you're never in range of them melee attacking." It seems you misunderstood that.
You're using the skill wrong. That isn't how it's (vault) supposed to work per the design of the game. To your bolded: I've explained why what the animation says and how the actual design differs. Bashiok explicitly stated the difference as well.
Right, they're forcing you to avoid attacks. You can't dodge a melee attack (unless you "dodge" via dex) once that attack has been initiated on you by simply moving further away than melee range. That is by design, you're free to not like it, but that's by design. I understand the thought behind "I'm further way than melee, so I shouldn't be hit by melee" as it works in other games. However it isn't the case in this game, and unfortunately you have to play by this games rules.
You can dodge SOME attack, most importantly the big slow ones like the Dark Berserker ones do. The regular melee attacks however you have no chance against other than stunning them out of it or using your defensive skill right on time.
What is your farm route for Act II? I have seen a few for Act 1 posted but not many for Act 2.
Alright what is the recommended specs/attributes for a monk to survive act 3?
Can't tell its dying at all in game... just people and their forum talk claiming it is.
So, now that the game is dead, what is everyone buying with their RMAH winnings?
So, now that the game is dead, what is everyone buying with their RMAH winnings?
I don't know why you mentioned vaulting into a mob then. I am out of range when the attack is in animation. The whole point of animations, besides being pretty, is letting us know what's really happening.
I said if you did this, thus putting you in melee range, you'd be hit. If not, then you won't. To the point of a melee animation in this game is simply that you're about to take melee damage. Doesn't matter how far or close you are, it's coming. Doesn't matter how it's handled in real life or other games, because this isn't real life or another game.
But I'm not in melee range. I'm half a screen away lol. If I'm in range of quicker attacks then vaulting away will be much harder. Not impossible, since dodging should never be impossible, just difficult to the point where more mistakes are likely to be made. I didn't misunderstand it...
When the attack was initiated you were in melee range. Doesn't matter where you are now. Why are you not understanding this?
It's a skill that should have more than one purpose. I'm not using it wrong according to the animation team since quickly putting distance between you and the attacker appears to be one of it's purposes. As already stated, this happens when simply walking. Never said it was vault only or even skill only. It's any situation where you're in some invisible attack range and try to move out mid animation. This isn't a turn based rpg so dodging should be an option.
What it should have and what it has are two different things. You play based on what it does, not what it should do. You're using it wrong according the design mechanics. You keep harping on animation and where you are, you're still there... you're just going to get the melee damage that was initiated when you were in melee range.
Again, I know it doesn't work. I know the animation isn't accurate to what's actually happening. These are my complaints after all.
The animation is accurate. What you're saying you're complaining about and what you actually are complaining about are two different things.
Melee attack animation begins (damage will be taken is now true)
You move from melee range
Melee attack animation ends
Damage is taken
It seems that you're wanting the game to not register damage from a melee attack if you're out of melee range, which has nothing to do with animation other than you get damage when it, the melee animation that is, is over (and your frames form a skill are done, unless you're walking but that's semantics). Is that not what you're wanting?
Because the animation in that scenario is fine.
It's not a video game thing that should differ from game to game. Animations should match what is happening in every game.
Again, what it should do and what it does are two different things. The animation of a melee hit and the animation of you being outside of the range of that hit are accurate.
Melee animation has nothing to do with damage other than to let you know you're about to take some regardless of your position relative to the mob that initiated it.
So, now that the game is dead, what is everyone buying with their RMAH winnings?
This post was a fail, meant for the other Diablo 3 thread I have open. Since I can't undo it....this was sarcasm.
The question remains though. Personally, I think I'm going to finally upgrade my mobo/proc/RAM.
So, now that the game is dead, what is everyone buying with their RMAH winnings?
I sold two $150 items in the past 10 hours. Its only just getting started.![]()
rCIZZLE, I get that you can't wrap your head around their design decision, but the cold hard fact is that you're using Vault incorrectly.
And yes, that does matter, because every skill has a purpose. That's why you get like, 30 of them.
I could bitch and complain all day about how dashing strike doesn't go anywhere unless you're targeting something, but that's simply not how the skill is supposed to work. End of story. You may not like that, but you don't make the rules of the game.
My advice would be to actually use caltrops the way they were intended, and actually use vault the way it was created: by vaulting before anything is close to touching you. That is the whole damn point of the ability.
Frankly, if you could just vault around without anything hitting you, the rune that halves vault cost would be grossly overpowered.
Not to mention that you have access to evasive fire, an ability that does EXACTLY what you want. Yet you're using vault instead.
What does animation have to do with damage taken... I still don't see your connection. Whether you're next to the mob or 100 yards away, if the mob has initiated a melee attack, you're going to take melee damage. Nothing to do with any animation or your location on the screen.
That is by design.
Also, I'll bold this so you see it: The animation problem isn't limited to just vault or just skills. Running away from an attack can and does result in the same thing. Vault just shows how ridiculous it is.
i can't do more than 1 farming run in act 1 in a row lol. unless im' playing with someone else, but its just too boring and too easy
His point is that it's terribly designed. I agree with him.
I think the design of unavoidable melee attacks has more to do with masking latency issues than anything else.
Same. I have been farming goblins for the most part. That's pretty much the closest thing I can get to those quick D2 boss runs.
I said if you did this, thus putting you in melee range, you'd be hit. If not, then you won't. To the point of a melee animation in this game is simply that you're about to take melee damage. Doesn't matter how far or close you are, it's coming. Doesn't matter how it's handled in real life or other games, because this isn't real life or another game.
When the attack was initiated you were in melee range. Doesn't matter where you are now. Why are you not understanding this?
What it should have and what it has are two different things. You play based on what it does, not what it should do. You're using it wrong according the design mechanics. You keep harping on animation and where you are, you're still there... you're just going to get the melee damage that was initiated when you were in melee range.
The animation is accurate. What you're saying you're complaining about and what you actually are complaining about are two different things.
Melee attack animation begins (damage will be taken is now true)
You move from melee range
Melee attack animation ends
Damage is taken
It seems that you're wanting the game to not register damage from a melee attack if you're out of melee range, which has nothing to do with animation other than you get damage when it, the melee animation that is, is over (and your frames form a skill are done, unless you're walking but that's semantics). Is that not what you're wanting?
Because the animation in that scenario is fine.
Again, what it should do and what it does are two different things. The animation of a melee hit and the animation of you being outside of the range of that hit are accurate.
Melee animation has nothing to do with damage other than to let you know you're about to take some regardless of your position relative to the mob that initiated it.
We're not going to change/correct the set bonus of Natalya's. It will remain as-is.
It's one of a few cases recently that made us really sit and look at how we were approaching a game system, have some serious discussions about what they mean for the game, and where we want it to go. Sure it's one set and set bonus, but allowing it to continue existing, and even now beginning some work to embrace the concept, probably wouldn't have happened if the unintended change to Natalya's hadn't occurred, and maybe more importantly if you didn't offer your feedback (constructively and in calm and reasonable tones, of course).
We are working on Legendary item changes for a future patch, as I'm sure you know, which could change the set in any variety of ways. I don't know what those changes could be yet, but I do know there's no desire to "fix" the set, even in the updated version. But regardless those changes will only affect items that drop after that patch. They aren't retroactive. Any Natalya's items that drop before that patch (ie the ones dropping now), and the set bonus, will remain unchanged regardless of future Legendary item updates.
i can't do more than 1 farming run in act 1 in a row lol. unless im' playing with someone else, but its just too boring and too easy
What does animation have to do with damage taken... I still don't see your connection. Whether you're next to the mob or 100 yards away, if the mob has initiated a melee attack, you're going to take melee damage. Nothing to do with any animation or your location on the screen.
That is by design.
What does animation have to do with damage taken... I still don't see your connection. Whether you're next to the mob or 100 yards away, if the mob has initiated a melee attack, you're going to take melee damage. Nothing to do with any animation or your location on the screen.
That is by design.
I know how it works. You didn't tell me anything, I knew that coming in hence my whole complaint. I'm saying that's sloppy design. It would be better if this was like real life or games that have polished combat in that dodging means something. This isn't a turn based rpg. It's supposed to be real time combat. There's nothing real time about being hit before you're hit.
Apparently natalya's disc regen won't get nerfed/fixed, so I suppose there will be other similarly "broken" set bonuses in a future patch
I guess I'm just spoiled by games with hitboxes.
I know it's by design, they said it on the official forums and I was the first person to bring it up in this discussion.