Smokescreen makes you immune to reflect damage, and caltrops will keep mortar enemies out of your range (unless they are also fast affix).
You'd be surprised what people will pay real money for. My $2.50 Hammer Jammers for instance (awwww yeah, 21 cents after fees).
I know smokescreen makes you immune, but so does that mean you literally only shoot while smoke screened? Seems like an awfully long fight, then... And how in fuck's name are you shooting mortar enemies if they're out of your range? It seems like the range on mortar is greater and more flexible than the range on any DH ability, especially in some areas. I mean I had some enemies that I literally couldn't see on my screen that would pelt me with mortar.
And as for caltrops, I've been using that, but it seems to only temporarily annoy the enemies. It doesn't really keep them at range very much, especially if I have to smokescreen a lot and can't afford to lay down like 5 caltrops at a time. Keep in mind I have like 45 discipline, and use preparation with backup plan. If backup plan doesn't go off it seems like I'm pretty fucked in some of these fights.
Seems like they overnerfed Inferno a bit. My brand new Monk in bargain basement gear just plowed through act 2 way too easy.
I haven't sold anything on the RMAH in like ... a week. I have LoL to pay for guys, somebody buy my shit![]()
Me too! Seems like the fever has passed... I was on a nice streak of people buying items that were not even good. Shit, I don't even sell my good items.
I think part of that reason is that suitable gear for act 2 has gone down in price. Act III wall will require much more money and much better gear.
1h/shield? I think a4 requires at least 65 k to 70 k life to farm. There's some b.s. spike damage and stuns sometimes. I have like 800 resist and I'm doing alright against elemental damage without superstition.Barbgaf
What stats for farming act 3/4 inferno?
I have 16k dps
8k armor/ 500 all resist unbuffed
45k hp
Life regen and loh are about 390 each
Its getting to the point where i think im going to lose some hp or go damage when I change gear. What amount of health do you really need?
1h/shield? I think a4 requires at least 65 k to 70 k life to farm. There's some b.s. spike damage and stuns sometimes. I have like 800 resist and I'm doing alright against elemental damage without superstition.
Fun fact: The game doesn't add the time in the menus, on the AH or when the game is paused to your class /played statistics.
So how long have you been playing, GAF?
I'm at 263 hours.
Me too! Seems like the fever has passed... I was on a nice streak of people buying items that were not even good. Shit, I don't even sell my good items anymore. Having mixed luck in the GAH still, but I'm doing alright in gold at least.
The gravy train is over.
What stats for farming act 3/4 inferno?
I have 16k dps
8k armor/ 500 all resist unbuffed
45k hp
Life regen and loh are about 390 each
Its getting to the point where i think im going to lose some hp or go damage when I change gear. What amount of health do you really need?
Until gold sales are randomly huge fora day or twoan hour or two.
What stats for farming act 3/4 inferno?
I have 16k dps
8k armor/ 500 all resist unbuffed
45k hp
Life regen and loh are about 390 each
Its getting to the point where i think im going to lose some hp or go damage when I change gear. What amount of health do you really need?
Monk ?
Sales are in the toilet. I got $50 for a Dex Andy last week (post patch), and now I can't move another one for like $15.
The only things I've sold in days are that Manajuma Ritual Cutter for $5, and that ring for $10. The gravy train is over.
i'm at 98k dps, 6k armor / 500 all res unbuff, 30k hp, 10% lifesteal farming a3
I'm the same way, was making $40-50 a day, about 2-3 days ago the well dried up and nothings really selling. Figured I had until gold selling was turned on, but it was a good run.
I have no evidence, but I think 1.0.3 pissed a lot of people off and made them quit. I can't figure out any other explanation for why no one buys anything anymore.
Disagree with your comment about locales. I think Act 3 looks absolutely awesome. Siege of Bastion's Keep is the greatest looking area in the game honestly.
I personally wish they would put something in along the lines of Uber Tristram from D2, some kind of crazy hard hook for the endgame.
so im up to 765 res 6500 armor and 19% melee reduce damage. I really need to get my dps back up
There needs to be a better way to search AH finding Fire, All Resis, Vit Dex Crit chance gear is a pain in the ass.
Well, you'd be hit by all the other monsters with quicker attacks and speed. Also the elites with abilities like waller, vortex, jailer, and teleport. Sounds like good combat strategy... exploit their slow attacks with my quick movements.
You see, bold is exactly what they're doing wrong. Trying to force us to play the game one certain way with every design choice or update they make.
It is more of an OT thing but I was responding to someone calling combat "goddamn fantastic".
You can actually sacrifice a bit of your resist. You've reached the point of diminishing return.
At 600 res it's 67% damage reduction while at 800 res it's around 73%. That extra 6% is nice and all but even at 600 res you can tank Diablo easily. It's better to be able to kill mobs faster with as much LOH/regen as you can get.
oh wow 30% block stick dat shit onto the rmah and buy some drinks irl
What kinda gear does Wizards need for inferno? I just hit 60 and destroyed act 1, I'm about a hour into act 2 and its still easy. I only have 29k dps.
They should put an asterisk next to all Inferno Diablo kills post patch in your profile, too
What's the most efficient Wiz steamroll build for late Nightmare and Hell ?
I got the gear for it, just need a build.
Could be simple saturation, too. Since there's no reason to level multiple characters once you have one of every class, there's no reason to buy them gear once they can either run all acts on Inferno or the player gives up.I have no evidence, but I think 1.0.3 pissed a lot of people off and made them quit. I can't figure out any other explanation for why no one buys anything anymore.
o gloves recipe how i love u
asshole why dont you buy my essences instead
Logged in to Diablo 3 now and I got a friend request, it was from a gold seller. Really great that they are going to harass people by sending friend invites :|
o gloves recipe how i love u
i'm at 98k dps, 6k armor / 500 all res unbuff, 30k hp, 10% lifesteal farming a3
That's not quite the case, however. That's 33% Damage taken to 27% Damage Taken, a reduction of around ~18%. It may take more Armor/Resistance to get another +1% mitigation but that +1% mitigation means more than the 1% before it. It balances itself out.
Edit: To example it, another +6% Mitigation (27% Damage Taken -> 21% Damage Taken) means a reduction of around ~22% now.
Your Barb hits for 98kdps?
My point is though, with the reduction in mobs damage in Inferno, one can get away from a lower resist and armor value than before. It's probably better to be able to kill things faster.
Haha, did they actually nerf elite mobs now too? I have never seen black canyon mines area without a single mob and that's my most played farming starting area.