Baha, I just got another green. That's 3 in one night so far!
Haven't ID'd it yet, but I think it's Zunimassa's Attunement.
How the hell
I'm still greenless
Baha, I just got another green. That's 3 in one night so far!
Haven't ID'd it yet, but I think it's Zunimassa's Attunement.
How the hell
I'm still greenless
It wouldn't have mattered. They're only buffing the ones that drop *after* the change.
They're not buffing ones that have already dropped.
Wouldn't matter, it's not going to be retroactive.
Edit: double-beaten!
Zing! Blizzard knows how to treat their fans like 2 dollar whores. There. That's better.Guess only negative stats are retroactive. That's cool.
How the hell
I'm still greenless
my first quad stat gloves price check?
my first quad stat gloves price check?
Finally after 100+ hours of play (only 20 with my DH tho) I found my very first Legendary item.
It's basically useless, I don't even have a monk lol, is this worth anything at all?
Check how much Brimstone in AH.
Game is driving me nuts. It's pretty silly that out of 250+ hours in inferno alone, I've never found anything that actually benefited my character. I've found godlike barb, WD, wiz, Monk stuff, but I've NEVER found anything for my class. Shits just way too random.
hmm so this is what happens when i wander around...
if only that int was vit
hmm so this is what happens when i wander around...
if only that int was vit
i posted those gloves on ah for 100 gold bid if any1 is interested
i posted those gloves on ah for 100 gold bid if any1 is interested
I got all excited today, thinking one dropped but it was Magdha's Orders
EXACT same item dropped 2x in a row:
The odds of that... have to be astronomical.
Crafted 68 pairs of gloves. Not one was even remotely sellable. Gg rng.
Crafted 68 pairs of gloves. Not one was even remotely sellable. Gg rng.
Crafted 68 pairs of gloves. Not one was even remotely sellable. Gg rng.
is ghom a quest marker i can come back to or do i have to do keeps again?
Kill Ghom is a quest marker. Starts you in the keep bastion you can teleport to Keep Level 3 right in front of the Larder door that leads to Ghom.
Also these gloves are pretty good. Can I get a price check for these (for EU RMAH/GAH).
EXACT same item dropped 2x in a row:
The odds of that... have to be astronomical.
OK well I upgraded my equipment some more and I'm doing better now (and my Wizard is now level 56) but Fire Chains and those purple rotating beam thingies still kick my ass, is there anything I could look for to help with those?
Is this worth anything? I figure a 36% chance to block is pretty high, right?