lol yeah looks like an axe or somethingThats a mace? Doesn't look like one
Any opinions on this item, I'm so torn here. Any Whirlwind/tornado barbs here?
DPS aint as hot as it could be but the rest of the roll is pretty majestic.
dps is on the middle end for sure but the rest of it is as spot on as it gets for a whirlwind/tornado barb. And that's ignoring the 200 vit boost.DPS is just crippling, I'd vendor it. I've got a 1122 dps 2h blue sword you can have for free if you want.
You friend him?Today was the first time I could say I had fun doing a run on Inferno. A random Barb joined my game and was the best tank I could ever ask for. lol
What would others price it at? I know it's worth quite a bit. I'm just taking my time to price correctly.
dude, it just sucks ass. 600 dps on a 2hander. if you can move that, i'll be pissed because im selling a 1k dps 2h with 600 loh and socket for 150k and no one is buyingdps is on the middle end for sure but the rest of it is as spot on as it gets for a whirlwind/tornado barb. And that's ignoring the 200 vit boost.
and no thx on the sword, got enough of thoseAh whatever I'll just random price it and see where it goes. I guess the real knock on it is the no LoH which is key for those barbs. I'm still gonna try to milk it lol. I've sold things worth less for more.
hello. i am a barb. would you like to be friends?Today was the first time I could say I had fun doing a run on Inferno. A random Barb joined my game and was the best tank I could ever ask for. lol
You friend him?
I am a pro mover. That ring you guys here said wasn't worth much ( 100 something vit and dex with attack speed 6) I sold for 85 bucks lol.dude, it just sucks ass. 600 dps on a 2hander. if you can move that, i'll be pissed because im selling a 1k dps 2h with 600 loh and socket for 150k and no one is buying
I wonder if you'd do an even trade with me for my weapon.
I'm honestly not even sure which one I like better, the 244 strength almost definitely makes mine surpass your 920 dps (for a barb anyway). And I have more LoH than yours as well. So it really comes down to Life Steal versus Crit Damage. It's hard to say which is better, but yours looks like something I'd like to at least experiment with, so if you're down for a straight trade, let me know.
The massive crit dmg on Opiate's mace makes it worth significantly more than your weapon.
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take from this. Is that Hell Ponies? Otherwise, 63's drop there all the time, don't they?
I don't know, I'm not really convinced. Life on Hit is worth a lot, and 900 life on hit combined with life steal is pretty unheard of, especially with 250 strength.
I mean it's possible you're right, but it doesn't seem that obvious to me.
If I search the AH, the closest i can find to my weapon is a 927 dps weapon with 167 strength, similar LoH, and LoH which is listed for 158 million. The one on the AH is probably worth a tad more than mine, but not much. So idk, I think mine is pretty valuable.
His has 700+ LoH as well, it's not a huge difference there. And life steal isn't a very good mod. You would need to gear your entire char around % life steal for it to be worth it, it's just not a good mod. That's why LoH is so popular.
The fact that yours has so much STR is nice but 91% crit dmg is far superior. Yours is still worth a King's ransom but Opiates is definitely worth more.
Do you have to have really high magic find for 2 greens to drop?
Price checks if you guys would be so kind. Gold or RMAH
There's 2 greens AND an ilvl 63 that dropped from one champ, apparently.
hello. i am a barb. would you like to be friends?
I'm gonna need some credentials, sir. You know, for science. (<_<)
Shield is vendor trash. The stats are good enough to make up for a poor block%, but not 11% which is about the lowest a shield can even possibly go. If it was even 15-16% you might be able to sell it for something, but 11% is just basically a deal breaker regardless of the other stats.
i threw it on the auction house for 50k buyout and it went instantly. you can still trick people with lots of props!
Sorry to be another asking for price check, but any help would be greatly appreciated:[IMG][/QUOTE]
no crit bonuses really hurts imo, probably around 100k on the high end?
It's just ridiculous that I can't search green set pieces by attribute (you cant, can you?). Why is that the case? Who would think this is a good idea? It's a massive pain in the ass.
I can't believe how shitty a lot of legendary equipment seems.
They're buffing them, luckily. But yeah, it's pretty mindbogeling that blizzard thought the legendary and set items where in a good state when they released the game. I get that they want rares to have the potential to be the best items in the game. But rigth now even mediocre rares and magic items are better than 90% of legendaries and set items.
Thought I'd heard that. Wish I would have held on to the two shitty ones I'd found.
Thought I'd heard that. Wish I would have held on to the two shitty ones I'd found.
Thought I'd heard that. Wish I would have held on to the two shitty ones I'd found.