Game is a lot of fun when you have at least 3 other real life friends that are online when you are on a regular basis. Have to use ventrilo to do voice chat but it works (should have been included in the game, but whatever).
What isn't fun is the fact that I haven't found an item I actually wanted to use in ages, every item that drops is just vendor trash or gets auctioned off to eventually buy something better suited. Act 2 inferno is still pretty much impossible to progress through at any kind of bearable rate when in a group and we must have killed the inferno butcher hundreds of times now and that's getting real old. Well, they're "fixing" act 2 but whatever.
I'm having a hard time even imagining how I'll be able to upgrade in any meaningful fashion now as gear that is even a like 5% improvement is millions upon millions of gold per item... I just don't see any way to make myself much more powerful and there are 3 acts to go on inferno. I am damn well not buying virtual garbage for real money, it goes against pretty much every fibre of my being for being a total waste of money not to mention pretty much bypassing the actual game itself... I mean, the point of a game is to play it... spending money on the RMAH is basically just pay to win and it reminds me way too much of all of the trash that is called the mobile game market. If the game was going to be like this, forcing you into RMAH to progress at any reasonable rate through the end game they might as well have made the D3 client free and let you spend $60 in the auction house right?
As for D2, I too had fond memories of it... and well, it came with LOD in my D3 CE... of course, my original install discs for D2 are long lost so I haven't played it in ages ... I installed it during one of the many server downtimes and I can say with certainty I was looking back at that game with rose tinted glasses - it was pretty painful to play after spending all that time in D3. Sure D2 did some things better but D3 is a lot more enjoyable to just pick up and play if you ask me.
I have not played nearly as much as some people I know, maybe 80 hours... but still, the best item anybody I know has ever found was found by me... it was the tal rasha set amulet and even then I was only able to wring 2 million gold for it out of the AH which is peanuts when it comes to gearing up for inferno even with my being patient and hunting for deals.