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Diablo III |OT4| Antiques Roadshow: Sanctuary Edition

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Pretty much. Not necessarily always public games. I duo with a wizard quite frequently, and I have a friend that plays DH and Barb, and they bring some friends sometimes.

I rarely ever solo. I really hate soloing in Diablo games. Never did it in D2, either. Just boring stuff. That's why I can't get into Torchlight at all. No online.

Amen to that. Will be nice when they get around to doing something about the extremely anemic number of people in Inferno public games. Thats a huge reason why I dont find it fun playing anymore. Solo farming is fucking boring.


Amen to that. Will be nice when they get around to doing something about the extremely anemic number of people in Inferno public games. Thats a huge reason why I dont find it fun playing anymore. Solo farming is fucking boring.

Lately I've found games have had less people, but there was a long time there where inferno games were pretty full. It was the games before inferno that would rarely ever fill up at all.

And yeah farming solo sucks. Not only is it boring, but if you fuck up or if you get an arcane landed right on you while you're jailed or something? Oops, hope you like walking all the way back and retrying the entire fight, because they're going to be completely healed again! Every time that happens I just want to leave the game and say fuck it... Farming with at least one other person is great. If you can get a whole group of 4 that works well together it's much much better.

What class are you? Maybe you could join us sometime. Feel free to add me: RDreamer$1621


What's the point of putting an enrage timer on the bosses before the end boss, but then not put one on the end boss. Why make me go through DPS gear checks if I don't need the DPS when I fight Diablo? I've had Ghom down to about 5-10% health a ton of times. I've built up a nice strat to pull him too. He's a giant DPS gear check that doesn't matter. Kind of frustrating.

You're putting more thought into this than the developers did.

For me it seems fists never drop for me. I always have a fucking lot of bows/xbows drop, but never any fists (I'm a monk btw). I would love to just have a rare one drop for once, but nope.

I remember never getting heaven hands. Then one night, I got 3. And they were all under 600dps. Nearly choked on bile.


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
Your worst nightmare



holy crap - 18 now


edit: 19


now 22

last one was a cracked one...greys to yellows so far....LEGENDARY GOEDENDANG INC
There is definitely something bugged with the rng and drops imo. Earlier this week I had 2 rare shields with exactly the same stats drop and then the exact 2hd bow drop with the same stats as well. The matching pair dropped within 2 minutes of each other. I could understand if they were sets or maybe even legendaries, but these were rare items with exactly the same stats with at least 6 different properties. They werent similar in stats, but every number and property was the same.

Bows/Xbows seem to have a much higher drop rate than any other weapon for me. I know it is random and it will be streaky, but Ive had over 50 Helion and 40 Revenant Bows drop and not one Veil Piercer so far this week. I dont mind it as much as because so many want Bows/Xbows, but as a WD I would like to see more ceremonial knives dropping. Even looking at the market, the market is flooded with all kinds of high end bows/xbows and not many ceremonial knives. Who knows maybe it was lottery luck with the same items, horrible luck with WD weapons and this week things will change. The drop system could be more like D2 than they are letting on though. Certain bosses were more likely to drop certain items and they carried this over to D3. Since Ive been running the same areas, Im seeing the similar drops more often.


Now playing hell with a buddy and it just sucks, you die too many times and you get worse items than before, so way even playing on hell difficulty?


There is definitely something bugged with the rng and drops imo. Earlier this week I had 2 rare shields with exactly the same stats drop and then the exact 2hd bow drop with the same stats as well. The matching pair dropped within 2 minutes of each other. I could understand if they were sets or maybe even legendaries, but these were rare items with exactly the same stats with at least 6 different properties. They werent similar in stats, but every number and property was the same.

Bows/Xbows seem to have a much higher drop rate than any other weapon for me. I know it is random and it will be streaky, but Ive had over 50 Helion and 40 Revenant Bows drop and not one Veil Piercer so far this week. I dont mind it as much as because so many want Bows/Xbows, but as a WD I would like to see more ceremonial knives dropping. Even looking at the market, the market is flooded with all kinds of high end bows/xbows and not many ceremonial knives. Who knows maybe it was lottery luck with the same items, horrible luck with WD weapons and this week things will change. The drop system could be more like D2 than they are letting on though. Certain bosses were more likely to drop certain items and they carried this over to D3. Since Ive been running the same areas, Im seeing the similar drops more often.

I haven't gotten a truly great roll yet. I'm hoping when I do, it'll be a glitched RNG drop that gives me two of them :lol


Almost have my 4th 60. I do maybe 3-4 Butcher runs a day. I am extremely bored with the game. It's unfortunate too, because I looked forward to it for so long.


WoW, just found a pair of legendary legs that I think might actually be worth a bit.


Seems quite good if you're into mf and gf, no?


Replace Nightmarish and Molten with Invunerable Minions and Fast.

Ya know, I used to hate invulnerable packs. Then I went back to my barb and started using the whirlwind build. Now, whenever I see the invulnerable affix, I just laugh, pop wrath of the berserker and kill the pack in about 10 seconds flat.

I'm gonna miss that build once blizzard decides it's too fun and good to be in their game...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Ya know, I used to hate invulnerable packs. Then I went back to my barb and started using the whirlwind build. Now, whenever I see the invulnerable affix, I just laugh, pop wrath of the berserker and kill the pack in about 10 seconds flat.

I'm gonna miss that build once blizzard decides it's too fun and good to be in their game...

Yeah, well i'm talking about from the perspective of a demon hunter/wizard. Sure, I can shoot through the minions with nether tentacles, but kiting that many minions for that long is a serious pain in the ass.


So I got into Act III and got tired of soloing in NM (and the BS fake challenges when bal was piss easy). I hit public and I can only select the quest to unlock that dudes chamber so we can get the black soulstone, what gives? I want to do act III.

**SO I get 30 FPS in SP and in multi I get 2 FPS.

I am done with this game...honestly...it gives more grief than pleasure. If the game had actual challenge and better..reward..and maybe not so weird performance..it be pleasurable..but right now it just trolls and causes more grief.


Yeah, well i'm talking about from the perspective of a demon hunter/wizard. Sure, I can shoot through the minions with nether tentacles, but kiting that many minions for that long is a serious pain in the ass.

Remember the part about me hating them before I switched to the barb? I was a DH before I started using my barb again :p

You should use ball lightning rune instead of nether tentacle btw, should be better after the nerf to nether tentacle, unless you're using it for the life leech.
Almost have my 4th 60. I do maybe 3-4 Butcher runs a day. I am extremely bored with the game. It's unfortunate too, because I looked forward to it for so long.

Surprised you leveled more than one toon. I can't bring myself to play another character let alone the game (besides AH). At least I have learned my lesson from hyping a game with rabid anticipation.


First Character - Witch Doctor - Time to level 43 - 40 hours.

Second Character - Barbarian - Time to Level 43 - 16 hours.

Guess which one was more fun? :p


Since I can't solo and I seem to not be getting any drops that are useful (even at my meaningless lvl) in NM lvl 42, what can I do? Go farm Bal? Or any main boss since they are all piss easy..? Or what do I buy on AH (ugh I do not want to result to buying on a AH so I can progress..what cheese)


Since I can't solo and I seem to not be getting any drops that are useful (even at my meaningless lvl) in NM lvl 42, what can I do? Go farm Bal? Or any main boss since they are all piss easy..? Or what do I buy on AH (ugh I do not want to result to buying on a AH so I can progress..what cheese)

You should be able to solo fine... what class? build? Especially NM at 42..


Since I can't solo and I seem to not be getting any drops that are useful (even at my meaningless lvl) in NM lvl 42, what can I do? Go farm Bal? Or any main boss since they are all piss easy..? Or what do I buy on AH (ugh I do not want to result to buying on a AH so I can progress..what cheese)

5 stack farm NM with your wizard :lol


I just went for str STR items..boosted my DPS from 600 to over 1K..that helps have some HP regen LoH and steal..doing a bit better..but will see when I get an elite pack...since they can either spam fear, frozen or sentries >.<
Man, I really suck at gearing myself. I don't understand how everyone's getting 30k DPS while I barely hit 15k.

I have a DH (15k) and Wizard (13k) both at level 60 doing such pitiful damage. :(

Even if I go complete glass cannon build, my dps only goes up by a few thousand which isn't nearly good enough because I die way too easily.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Man, I really suck at gearing myself. I don't understand how everyone's getting 30k DPS while I barely hit 15k.

I have a DH (15k) and Wizard (13k) both at level 60 doing such pitiful damage. :(

Even if I go complete glass cannon build, my dps only goes up by a few thousand which isn't nearly good enough because I die way too easily.

You're always going to die easily in Inferno. As a DH, your survivability is going to be derived more from your kiting abilities than it will be from your vitality. You probably have way too much vitality.
Man, I really suck at gearing myself. I don't understand how everyone's getting 30k DPS while I barely hit 15k.

I have a DH (15k) and Wizard (13k) both at level 60 doing such pitiful damage. :(

Even if I go complete glass cannon build, my dps only goes up by a few thousand which isn't nearly good enough because I die way too easily.

Yeah just get ias, crit%, critdmg for big boosters and obviously a LOT of the primary stat.
You hafta know which items can hold how much of which stat and try to get little bits at a time.

If this can help you-


I got a 586 dps, 598 LoH, crit 49%, and empty socket. You interested?

Thanks for the let-know, really appreciate it.
But it looks like I won't be needing one anymore though because somehow I just won this auction below.

At 5,250,000!

However, this is where my story becomes strange.
-Long boring AH glitch story about how I got a good price-

I was watching many auctions. There was one weapon I tried for before this one.
I placed 7,100,000 at the item maybe less than 5 seconds before closure (I keep track), and it said the bid was successful.
The bid ended up on this weapon, for which the current bid was at 5m. Now it said I was winning with my 7.1m.
In confusion, I waited until this one was due, tried to bid, but it said I would bid 5,250,000. It denied me.
I thought I'd lost the bid because I knew there were couple other people trying for this.

I got the winning notification. I won.
Now, look at this:

Isn't this strange? I know for sure I paid 5.25m, and the system refunded me the difference of 1.85m.
I really feel like somehow others couldn't bet because of me, and I ended up winning it.
Finally got past Ghom. I was able to face tank him while the barb in the party was doing laps. If blizzard nerfs CM builds, i'm out. I probably died to him about 15 times before I managed to get the permafrost--nova rhythm down.

Was happy to get through, though. Not sure which animated gif to use:


Every time I died:


Also, invincible minions is the worst affix, and the cold cave charging bulls is some grade A baloney.


Finally got past Ghom. I was able to face tank him while the barb in the party was doing laps. If blizzard nerfs CM builds, i'm out. I probably died to him about 15 times before I managed to get the permafrost--nova rhythm down.
Lol that barb is terrible. Barb can kill ghom with shitty gear just using the broken skill overpower and any amount of LoH
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