Big hig changes in 1.0.3b.
Bid button is getting nerfed. Now the search button is OP. Hope they fix that in 1.0.4.
Where're you seeing the change list?
Big hig changes in 1.0.3b.
Bid button is getting nerfed. Now the search button is OP. Hope they fix that in 1.0.4.
This just dropped for me - missing critical hit unfortunately, but max IAS, 9 Max Disc, high DEX and decent Hatred regen still makes it a slight upgrade for me.
Where're you seeing the change list?
I got my Wizard to 60 yesterday and my stats are:
32k hp
27k damage (Force Weapon)
850-950 Resist All (Prismatic Armor)
700 Life Regen/Sec (Without Gal. Ward)
715 LOH
Pretty new to wizard, but what stats are needed to clear Inferno Post 1.0.3?
No AH to check, but I'd guess 1-2M maybe? If that Max AP was crit %, it'd be worth multi-millions.
if im running sharpshooter, is +crit chance stat unnecessary?
I think any class is viable provided you have the gear. I mean I have seen streams of WDs in Act III inferno so it has to be viable, you might have to change your build around as you progress though. I just didn't like kiting and Darting enemies all day, so I switched to a different class. I was using Bears in Act 1 without problems before the 1.0.3 patch with about 24k damage and it worked fine there.
Reposting this for a new page. Going to do a little shopping over lunch if everything is back up in time.
So for a DH,
Dual wield 1H xbows, or 2H xbow and a quiver? Bang for your buck with a ~30m budget.
Right now I have a 950dps 2h xbow w/ crit damage and 150 dex and a quiver. Gives me about 25k dps with my current gear. It was a 300k weapon though. I'm ready to upgrade.
if im running sharpshooter, is +crit chance stat unnecessary?
Is there any point in any kind of boosting with a 60 friend now, or is running solo act 3 the best way to level?
depends on what level you are. If you are 50+, have that 60 friend just mow through the mobs of Act 3-4 Nightmare. I leveled from 55-60 in just around 2 hours with 2 level 60 friends.
Surely you mean Hell not Nightmare? (and I'm the lvl 60, the friend is 43 ;p)
Would love to see a screen shot of your stats and armor. Not saying you're lying...actually yes I am. You just hit 60 and you have all that? That's millions upon millions in gear.
BTW is Natalya set full bonus still workind at +2 to discipline or they nerfed it back already ?
Reposting this for a new page. Going to do a little shopping over lunch if everything is back up in time.
So for a DH,
Dual wield 1H xbows, or 2H xbow and a quiver? Bang for your buck with a ~30m budget.
Right now I have a 950dps 2h xbow w/ crit damage and 150 dex and a quiver. Gives me about 25k dps with my current gear. It was a 300k weapon though. I'm ready to upgrade.
BTW is Natalya set full bonus still workind at +2 to discipline or they nerfed it back already ?
I'm guessing he missed the port shortly afterwards where you said it wasn't your first character.I logged a combined 240 hours on a WD and Barb before rolling my Wiz. I had 11 Million gold plus the drops I found on those characters to gear with. I usually dont post screens because I am either at work or on my phone (that and theres not really a quick way to crop and edit them). I might just snap a quick Steam screen and link it later though. No reason to lie about it, I just wanted to find out from the Wiz experts what stat numbers I should work towards to be viable in Act III/IV Inferno.
BTW is Natalya set full bonus still workind at +2 to discipline or they nerfed it back already ?
Why not a 2h bow and quiver? All depends on what you're wanting to go. Are you lacking crit damage or crit chance if you're going a crit build?
still working, but expect it to be balanced out eventually, so not worth buying the set now...
I'm guessing he missed the port shortly afterwards where you said it wasn't your first character.
Still, I'm almost at 60 with my fourth and I haven't made any meaningful cash yet (though I haven't touched inferno post patch). Going to get all five there then decide which one I want to try and progress with... barbarian is currently the most fun I've had levelling.
Right now I'm mostly a crit build. I have 28% crit chance and 157% crit damage and I use hungering arrows and cluster bomb loaded for bear. If I go 2h xbow I'm hoping for a socket + crit damage this time to get it up over 200%.
But more than open for new approaches. Basically just sold an item for 68m and can finally upgrade my gear. Most of what I'm wearing I either found or bought for <500k.
Boo they got rid of the ability to track an auction by bidding more gold than you had? Bastards.
Didn't they say they wouldn't nerf it?
I thought it was the opposite. Saying they were happy with where it was after the 'bug' so they were going to leave it. Which is why the price in the set skyrocketed.
Yeah, I definitely should jump back in and check. As I say my Monk is nearly at 60 (55) and then I just have the DH to go. Hopefully I'll have around 3m by that point, which should be enough to at least get one of the characters started for progression and in turn making some more cash.Inferno Act 1 drops post patch are a ton better and it took me about 5 days to farm the 11 mil (farming and auctioning items). When I was buying Gloves/Helms/Boots yesterday,it seemed like the prices have fallen a lot on those items over the past few week though (Crafting?). Was finding plenty of Wizard helms with 100+ Int, 50 AR, Crit Chance 4% for a few hundred k and noticed gloves were pretty cheap as well.
Nice that people find a way to get around their shoddy AH and *that* is what is deemed important to fix!Boo they got rid of the ability to track an auction by bidding more gold than you had? Bastards.
Didn't they say they wouldn't nerf it?
That's what I said O_O
Nice that people find a way to get around their shoddy AH and *that* is what is deemed important to fix!
And you are correct about Natalya's, there was a blue post stating it will not be nerfed. I personally feel the gold cost of a nice set could easily just be spent on decking your DH out so you don't need that constant discipline to begin with.
Reading the patch notes, I guess you guys were right about the auction house thing. I'm pretty peeved right now, because they're taking away a feature, albeit one that they never intended. Give us a real way to watch an auction without bidding on it before getting rid of the current cheesy method.
Don't get me wrong, I'd definitely take a set if I was offered one! =) I can definitely see how having essentially unlimited discipline would be a lot of fun.Yeah the gold towards a nice set could probably do that, but now that I've got a set I think it opens up so many different builds and play styles that it's kind of a bummer just this set offers that. The class is just so much more fun with it, I think.
From what I've played so far (160hours) it's a fun and VERY versatile class. I'm just a bit bummed out that pets are such a PITA to use and are not viable after act 1 inferno. (they work fine in act 1, if you are geared for it)
Post act 1 you have two choices, kiting stuff with darts or tank stuff, if I wanted to kite stuff I would have picked DH or wiz from the start and if I wanted to tank I would have rolled a tank, you know...
WD in its current state feels a bit like Druids did when WoW launched, jack of all trades, master of none. I love the versatility though but it doesn't "feel" optimal.
Thanks for this! Windowed mode nailed it.I use LogMeIn. Try turning down the color quality and opening in Windowed mode, that's what I had to do. You won't be able to play but you can browse the AH.
Don't get me wrong, I'd definitely take a set if I was offered one! =) I can definitely see how having essentially unlimited discipline would be a lot of fun.
So besides the full set, that is the only way to get improved discipline regen? Well that and I know there's a passive that also does it.
Nice that people find a way to get around their shoddy AH and *that* is what is deemed important to fix!
Darn auction house. I just wanted to browse over lunch. Game up, AH not. At least I made some star gems. DPS climbing with every gem. yay.
Hey I'd intended to post earlier but then promptly forgot. I believe we have the exact same skill setup. My DPS/Resists are higher than yours, but not like they are light years beyond what you no tips on cydaea as a DH? just farm to the point where I can drop her in 3 seconds flat so I don't worry about spiderlings?
Ridiculous, isn't it?
Just yesterday my group was hit with the invisible mob bug and we had to kite the invincible monster to somewhere safe before we could proceed.
How about fixing that, Blizzard?
So for a DH,
Dual wield 1H xbows, or 2H xbow and a quiver? Bang for your buck with a ~30m budget.
Right now I have a 950dps 2h xbow w/ crit damage and 150 dex and a quiver. Gives me about 25k dps with my current gear. It was a 300k weapon though. I'm ready to upgrade.