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Diablo III |OT4| Antiques Roadshow: Sanctuary Edition

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lmao @ this zrave guy on twitch tv. He invites people for "gear checks" taking tips. One dude just payed him 600,000 and another 800,000 and all he did was ramble and basically said "get more crit and crit dmg" absolutely disgusting. Why would you do that to your viewers? Esp when all you do half the time when streaming is farming for gold anyway. Eh.. to each his own I guess.


The hitboxes aren't bad, they've said several times that once the monster starts animation while you are in range you will be hit regardless of where you go. They made it like that because they thought dodging wouldn't be fun or something along those lines.
Somehow they didn't realize that this creates frustration. For people who expressly want to create 'fun' experiences, that's a big fucking oversight. When my eyes tell me that I am out of range of an attack, but the game disagrees and kills me for it, then that pisses me off. It wouldn't be so bad if there weren't a number of affixes that do more than enough to fulfill this function, aka make it difficult for people to cheese their way through a pack of champions. Often the sheer number of enemies that start their attacks at different times, making it really difficult to get a hit in, will be enough to keep you alert. But no, they gotta hit you from half a screen away, too. And when you have really bad luck, they wall you in, poison and burn the ground under your feet and fill the screen with rotating laser beams, as well. It speaks volumes that the ranged classes have to have skills that make them invulnerable, or let them cheat death and that melee classes pretty much rely on just eating a lot of the damage from attacks that were designed to be avoided.

Wouldn't it be fun if we made combat more engaging, having the players actively dodge attacks? Yeah!

Wouldn't it be fun if, at the same time, we sabotaged that with insane melee ranges and included special abilities that make this nigh impossible with certain combinations of said skills, torpedoing our own design? Hell, yeah!


Fun isn't as important as always online and reduced load on the servers. That is why there is only one check-to-hit and that it is before the actual animation.

If it makes you feel any better the players get the same benefit in many cases. Try breaking a barrel with rain of toads. The barrel will shatter before the toads even appear on the screen.
Yeah, I can do regular enemies fine, but yeah, can't do shit about elite mobs.

Back to Butcher run for me. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHH...

Change MoE to Backlash and get more LOH. Each dodge will then proc 65% AOE dmg and full LOH on every enemy it hits. Fuck transcendence it doesnt heal enough with the IaS nerf. Switch it with resolve, and run sweeping wind. Every enemy within sweeping wing is now 25% weaker.

For you main use either FoT Thunder Clap, Lightning flashes (more dodge) or keen eye (50% more armor).

Serenity should be ascension .25% more time to deal damage.

Cyclone is almost aways better then bladestorm because critical hits proc LOH and i think when the tornados lightning shock you get loh too.


Some simple guidelines:
  • First of all - most everything you find that you'd even think about putting up on the AH will be worth less than 100k gold.
  • Nearly every weapon that isn't iLevel 63 is worthless. You can get better rolls on lower stuff, but at best, you won't find anything worth keeping below iLevel 61. A good rule of thumb is that it doesn't even matter what the other stats are, no matter how godly, if the DPS is below 600 on a 2-hander, or 500 on a 1-hander. Those are the absolute minimum ranges you should watch for. Anything below that is an instant salvage/vendor. "Good" weapons really only start at the 750+ range for 2H, and 600+ for 1H.
  • Rings and amulets of all levels can be valuable. They're rare enough anyway that even just decent itemization can go for a lot. As such, besides the highest of high end weapons, they'll be the most valuable slots.
  • Sub-iLevel 60 rares of other slots are vendor trash unless they roll well (and they can roll well). They're completely stat dependent. Whatever you do though, do not salvage these - the salvage will be worth less than if you'd vendored it.
  • Level 60 rares (ones with an iLevel of 60 - sometimes they require only level 59 to equip) should generally be vendored (unless they're good, of course.) They can sometimes salvage into Inferno materials but will most often DE into Hell mats, which are worthless. (I don't know if it's random at that level, or based on the specific item type, but it's honestly too much hassle anyway.)
  • Blues - iLevel 61 and above - instant salvage. Below that, vendor. Weapons with 800+ DPS you can try to auction. If it clears 900, you'll definitely get a sale if priced appropriately, and 1000+ DPS, even on a blue, is pretty god tier.

As for what stats to actually look out for when determining if an item is "good" or at least salable, you want to see combos that people want. Typically it's going to need at least 100+ of a primary stat (Dex, Str, Int) unless the other stats make up for it somehow. Sockets are a necessity for helms (unless it's godly in some other way), and much appreciated in weapons. For other slots, just treat them like you're putting a flawless square of whatever gem would help the value the most in (and do so when auctioning off).

Defensive combinations, Like Vit, Armor, All Resist, with a primary stat are very nice. Offensive combinations as well like Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and a primary stat. Life on Hit and Life Regeneration are two of the best secondaries, especially breaking 100 and can increase the value of an item (especially LOH.) And finally, anything with Magic Find greater than 15%, as long as the rest of the stats are decent, will sell. 18%, 19%, 20% MF will sell even with nothing else on the item.

And if you happen to find an amulet with more than 20% MF (max on them is 45%), even with nothing else on it, consider yourself at least a little bit wealthier.

Wait. Why are sockets on helms a necessity? For the life gain from Amethyst? Is that really such a big deal?


Looking at some of the posts in this thread I have proposition for OT5

"It's so bad that I played it for 300 hours"

People aren't saying it's bad, we're saying it's not as good as it could have been or was expected to be. They just don't seem to be making any right moves post-release. I'm just hanging around hoping they'll make the game better when they start losing money from quitting players.

The game is starting to get a lot more boring though. Goblin farming was a lot less tedious for me than these marathon MF sessions that are every bit as grindy.


I can list some problems D2 players have with D3.

[*]Good gear can't be found at areas other than max difficulty. We're at the point where weps almost have to be ilvl63 or they'll be worthless.

We were at that point two weeks in with DH/Wizards farming ghosts in Act IV Inferno for 1000+ DPS blues.

1.03 lets us find decent weapons earlier now---not that I've seen any playing almost every day for hours since the patch---but what it didn't do was reduce the existing supply of ilvl63 weapons, nor did it reduce the inflation.

It isn't so much that lower DPS stuff is worthless, you can sell it to new players who don't have 100m gold in their bank. The problem is that due to inflation what you can get for those weapons won't even put a dent in what you have to pay for your own upgrades.

Wait. Why are sockets on helms a necessity? For the life gain from Amethyst? Is that really such a big deal?

magic find at 60, exp bonus pre-60. Any helm with max magic find AND a socket is worth a good deal of gold even if every other stat is horrible. It is the only slot you can add magic find to with just a gem.

His guidelines are pretty good, about the same thing I've been doing. Another thing to consider are special builds. You have a smaller market but the people in that market will pay good coin for things that you'd otherwise consider average, or even junk. Stuff with just dex+all resist+1 resist can be sold to monks stacking that particular resist, even if the numbers aren't that great. Tank Doctors will buy int/vit+all resist even if the int is lower than a regular witch doctor would buy. Those tank doctors will also buy sub-par ceremonial knives as long as they have mana regen and >=400 LoH. Tank Doctor DPS is naturally low, it is just about maxing damage mitigation and whittling the mob down so LoH >>>> DPS.


Wait. Why are sockets on helms a necessity? For the life gain from Amethyst? Is that really such a big deal?

No, it isn't. But that's how all games today work. Don't get me wrong I especially like Kripp and I do like streamers and pro gamers. Nevertheless if you look at the AH and go through the gear for Barbs the most expensive Armor has the following preferred stats on it:

All Resisance

and that's because Kripp and a lot of other pro gamers said so. Same goes for the slotted helmet. I personally don't think that a slot on a helmet defines it's worth. In general a slotted gear is better than a non slotted; sure it is. But there are god tier helmets without slot...without a doubt there are.

Additionally it is the only spot where you can get + magic find....so yeah there you go. There are some reasons why a slot is really good. But I don't see it as a necessity
People aren't saying it's bad, we're saying it's not as good as it could have been or was expected to be. They just don't seem to be making any right moves post-release. I'm just hanging around hoping they'll make the game better when they start losing money from quitting players.

The game is starting to get a lot more boring though. Goblin farming was a lot less tedious for me than these marathon MF sessions that are every bit as grindy.

Then farm goblin - act 2 goblin is still very time efficient farm spot and now can spawn ilvl 63 items with fair chance.


It's even worse that it was intended. :\

It seems to be part of their design philosophy unfortunately.

This part from the Q&A kinda stood out for me as well as regards to intended play.

Some of the challenge presented by the monster affixes are meant to be "holy koala how do i mitigate this damage!!!!" rather than "cant catch me mister jailer man."

I found it interesting because I would have much more fun playing "Can't catch me mister jailer man" than "I got 600 resist so...yourealdeadydead.gif"


Junior Member
Why are the 'hitboxes' (which is not the case, more like animations) such a big fucking deal? Is it really so damn hard to change the way you think about being hit to 'if i let the monster start his animation that means i need to stun him before he finishes or i'm hit'? I understand it could have been counterintuitive and potentially it would be more fun if more attacks could be dodged, but it's not as much of a big deal as most people make it to be. Yeah, if a mob approaches you and swings his sword/claws/whatever, you're hit and running away won't change anything. They could have made the animations super quick jabs with a lot of downtime, but that would look shitty and it would remove the window for stomp/frost nova/smoke screen/whatever.

It's not like monsters just stand around miles away, swing their swords randomly and somehow end up hitting you. If you let them get close, you get hit, as simple as that. The game would have been even easier if you could run away from every attack that doesn't physically hit the character model. Sure, a bit counterintuitive and maybe less than perfect, but really not such a big fucking deal.


Maintenance window for tomorrow is only 2 hours. Do we assume that means that nothing is being changed? I suppose you could rollback some previous changes without a need for vigorous testing.

Why are the 'hitboxes' (which is not the case, more like animations) such a big fucking deal? Is it really so damn hard to change the way you think about being hit to 'if i let the monster start his animation that means i need to stun him before he finishes or i'm hit'?

Nobody likes taking damage when the animation of the attack/weapon wasn't even close to them. It looks stupid and feels wrong. It is crappy design/gameplay in any action game. I don't think is that big of a deal, it is just one very obvious way in which blizzard compromised on the gameplay to support their security model. Dodging attacks is part of every other action game, after all. blizzard said they don't want people dodging every attack so they removed the option completely. Developers concerned about the gameplay will instead just sprinkle in some very fast/instant attacks so that you can't dodge everything. Players can still use skill but they can't count on it to save them every time.


Then farm goblin - act 2 goblin is still very time efficient farm spot and now can spawn ilvl 63 items with fair chance.

I went back to them but it's really not the same. It's less time efficient unless you have a group and that's really a hassle to do quickly. When they were the best way to get ilvl62 and below items it was a lot easier to justify the grind. Pony runs were the best and most fun way of farming until the clouds got mega-nerfed and elites started insta-regenning health if I kited a little too far.


Need a gearcheck for Act II Inferno , please.

My skills:

My stats:

My items:

1. What should I switch/improve first? Obviously pants/gloves/amulet/helmet are the weakpoints. But upgrades are sooo expensive :[.
2. I have a 800 dps dagger with 1.50 attack speed I'm using for trash/butcher. The dagger gives me 3,5k damage - but I'm left with 160 life on hit. Which should I use?
3. I'm using the rubies so I can upgrade my amethysts to stars.
4. Just out of curiosity - would my chest/bracers be worth something on SC?


lmao @ this zrave guy on twitch tv. He invites people for "gear checks" taking tips. One dude just payed him 600,000 and another 800,000 and all he did was ramble and basically said "get more crit and crit dmg" absolutely disgusting. Why would you do that to your viewers? Esp when all you do half the time when streaming is farming for gold anyway. Eh.. to each his own I guess.

To be completely fair to him, he wanted to stop like an hour ago and his viewers begged him to keep going. The people are telling him what they're going to tip before hand and they know exactly what they're going to get from the gear check. From what I've seen, some of the people just want to show off their gear on stream anyway.

No, it isn't. But that's how all games today work. Don't get me wrong I especially like Kripp and I do like streamers and pro gamers. Nevertheless if you look at the AH and go through the gear for Barbs the most expensive Armor has the following preferred stats on it:

All Resisance

and that's because Kripp and a lot of other pro gamers said so. Same goes for the slotted helmet. I personally don't think that a slot on a helmet defines it's worth. In general a slotted gear is better than a non slotted; sure it is. But there are god tier helmets without slot...without a doubt there are.

Additionally it is the only spot where you can get + magic find....so yeah there you go. There are some reasons why a slot is really good. But I don't see it as a necessity

The numbers don't lie though. A +15 life% gem gives me about 145k EHP. To get that same EHP with vitality, I'd need 162 extra vit on the helmet. Yeah if you can somehow get a helm with 300 vit, cool but I'd rather get a socket as I'm sure a 300 vit rolled helm would cost more than I can afford.


Need a gearcheck for Act II Inferno , please.

1. What should I switch/improve first? Obviously pants/gloves/amulet/helmet are the weakpoints. But upgrades are sooo expensive :[.
2. I have a 800 dps dagger with 1.50 attack speed I'm using for trash/butcher. The dagger gives me 3,5k damage - but I'm left with 160 life on hit. Which should I use?
3. I'm using the rubies so I can upgrade my amethysts to stars.
4. Just out of curiosity - would my chest/bracers be worth something on SC?

Buy a bk ring and get some loh on the amulet. You can get a 200loh, str, vit one for fairly cheap. A 950+ dps blue shouldn't be too expensive either and will definitely speed up your runs. Upgrade the 580dps to 700+ loh for when you need it.

Of course the rest is just small upgrades when you can afford them.


Junior Member
Nobody likes taking damage when the animation of the attack/weapon wasn't even close to them. It looks stupid and feels wrong. It is crappy design/gameplay in any action game. I don't think is that big of a deal, it is just one very obvious way in which blizzard compromised on the gameplay to support their security model. Dodging attacks is part of every other action game, after all. blizzard said they don't want people dodging every attack so they removed the option completely. Developers concerned about the gameplay will instead just sprinkle in some very fast/instant attacks so that you can't dodge everything. Players can still use skill but they can't count on it to save them every time.

If you want to 'dodge' the attack after the animation starts but before the hit connects, you have to stun the mob. As simple as that. Letting you just run around and dodge 95% of the stuff that's supposed to hit you would make the game far too easy. And how the fuck is it even related to 'blizzard's security model'?
My weapon is 920 dps with a 50% increased crit damage gem.

My build is this:

Hungering Arrow w/ Devouring
Elemental Arrow w/ Frost
Multishot w/ Full Broadside
Caltrops w/ Torturous Ground or Hooked Spines (I switch them out)
Smoke Screen w/ Lingering Fog
Preparation w/ Battle Scars

Passives are:

I know people say Tact Advantage but I really just don't see that much benefit, especially with losing all the additional Hatred from Vengeance.

Vengeance really isn't that good in Inferno. Other than that, Multishot is kind of redundant/useless for you - not sure why you have it. You'd probably be better off swapping it for something fairly passive, be it Companion, Rain of Vengeance, or something else. Tactical Advantage gives you much needed mobility, especially for faster mobs. Now, you may be able to get away without it between Caltrops and Frost Arrow, but don't underestimate being able to position yourself and get out of otherwise deadly situations (e.g. walled in) with the combination of speed and invincibility. You can kite much, much better with the small sprint you get and it's insanely useful for when enemies get on top of you via teleport or some other means. It also makes just running around the map much quicker, and will shorten the time on runs.

No, it isn't. But that's how all games today work. Don't get me wrong I especially like Kripp and I do like streamers and pro gamers. Nevertheless if you look at the AH and go through the gear for Barbs the most expensive Armor has the following preferred stats on it:

All Resisance

and that's because Kripp and a lot of other pro gamers said so. Same goes for the slotted helmet. I personally don't think that a slot on a helmet defines it's worth. In general a slotted gear is better than a non slotted; sure it is. But there are god tier helmets without slot...without a doubt there are.

Additionally it is the only spot where you can get + magic find....so yeah there you go. There are some reasons why a slot is really good. But I don't see it as a necessity

Umm, the community/free market isn't choosing what gear is valuable just based on what some "pro" gamer says. Logically, All Resist, Armor, and Vit are great defensive stats, and having them all on one piece will make it expensive. You don't need anyone to tell you this.

As for helmets - it's mainly about the Magic Find. You get such a huge boost from that socket - greater than is possible on any other slot except for amulets, that it adds a huge value. It's an opportunity to get massive amounts of a stat(s) that is otherwise impossible to gem for, and hard to gear for. Same goes for weapons and Crit/LOH (they really should probably buff the red gems there.)

Can you have a good helm without a socket for someone who doesn't care about MF? Yes. Would it be better with a socket? Definitely. The socket adds so much value (more than an entire other slot worth of MF), which is why I said that unless it had other godly stats, a helm without a socket isn't worth very much.


Why are the 'hitboxes' (which is not the case, more like animations) such a big fucking deal? Is it really so damn hard to change the way you think about being hit to 'if i let the monster start his animation that means i need to stun him before he finishes or i'm hit'? I understand it could have been counterintuitive and potentially it would be more fun if more attacks could be dodged, but it's not as much of a big deal as most people make it to be. Yeah, if a mob approaches you and swings his sword/claws/whatever, you're hit and running away won't change anything. They could have made the animations super quick jabs with a lot of downtime, but that would look shitty and it would remove the window for stomp/frost nova/smoke screen/whatever.

It's not like monsters just stand around miles away, swing their swords randomly and somehow end up hitting you. If you let them get close, you get hit, as simple as that. The game would have been even easier if you could run away from every attack that doesn't physically hit the character model. Sure, a bit counterintuitive and maybe less than perfect, but really not such a big fucking deal.

I agree with this. The hitboxes don't take away skill from the game. It just makes the game harder because you need to grant enemies far more space than what it would seem on-screen. Once you get used to the hitboxes and the windows of timing within which you are able to dodge enemy attacks, the game no longer feels cheap because you can get a strong feel of the mechanics and be able to dodge attacks consistently.


Why are the 'hitboxes' (which is not the case, more like animations) such a big fucking deal? Is it really so damn hard to change the way you think about being hit to 'if i let the monster start his animation that means i need to stun him before he finishes or i'm hit'?

I dont think I have ever heard anyone speak fondly of ridiculous super psychic "who cares if you are 50 yards away" Dhalsim-esque melee horsecrap in action games.

This is a first my friend. The way most game designers handle this is variety in attacks. Some with extremely fast attack animations that make them un-dodgeable unless you happened to get lucky and start moving, they then mix them in with dodge-able attacks. Blizzard has sort of come out saying they dont want you dodging anything really. That's not some pristine genius game design decision, its purely them wanting to force you to gear up and not be able to overcome a challenge with micro and skill, but ONLY through gear that you have to grind the treadmill for.

Its their way of extending the end game artificially because the game has shit for end game content. Don't defend this, save your energy and back them on something reasonable.

Vaulting 50 yards away and dying to a melee swing from a mob thats completely offscreen at the time of my death with a 20ms ping is not cool. Its not edgy game design, its not something I need to 'learn'. Its cheap bullshit. Especially when we find out its not latency, but an intentional game design 'feature'.


Why are the 'hitboxes' (which is not the case, more like animations) such a big fucking deal? Is it really so damn hard to change the way you think about being hit to 'if i let the monster start his animation that means i need to stun him before he finishes or i'm hit'? I understand it could have been counterintuitive and potentially it would be more fun if more attacks could be dodged, but it's not as much of a big deal as most people make it to be. Yeah, if a mob approaches you and swings his sword/claws/whatever, you're hit and running away won't change anything. They could have made the animations super quick jabs with a lot of downtime, but that would look shitty and it would remove the window for stomp/frost nova/smoke screen/whatever.

It's not like monsters just stand around miles away, swing their swords randomly and somehow end up hitting you. If you let them get close, you get hit, as simple as that. The game would have been even easier if you could run away from every attack that doesn't physically hit the character model. Sure, a bit counterintuitive and maybe less than perfect, but really not such a big fucking deal.

If you want to 'dodge' the attack after the animation starts but before the hit connects, you have to stun the mob. As simple as that. Letting you just run around and dodge 95% of the stuff that's supposed to hit you would make the game far too easy. And how the fuck is it even related to 'blizzard's security model'?

I would prefer the game have polished combat rather than the real combat being invisible with the animations serving no purpose other than being pretty. It's not a big deal to you, but it is to a lot of us that don't like being misled into thinking we can dodge what looks like a slow, powerful attack.

Why can't it be the way we're describing? Are you saying that wouldn't be a better system and we have no reason to complain about the current one? Some guy with a big hammer winds up, we sidestep, he misses. As simple as that. I still get hit when I'm cornered, walled, jailed, vortexed, surrounded, make mistakes, etc. All dodging would do is remove the bullshit deaths and the frustration that go with them. If the attack was "supposed to hit" us then the animation wouldn't show it wiffing by half a screen.


1. What should I switch/improve first? Obviously pants/gloves/amulet/helmet are the weakpoints. But upgrades are sooo expensive :[.
2. I have a 800 dps dagger with 1.50 attack speed I'm using for trash/butcher. The dagger gives me 3,5k damage - but I'm left with 160 life on hit. Which should I use?
3. I'm using the rubies so I can upgrade my amethysts to stars.
4. Just out of curiosity - would my chest/bracers be worth something on SC?

First off, I'd get another 33 dex somewhere. It's the cheapest way to increase your survivability right now.

Your resists could be a little higher but looking at your gear, it's not going to be completely cheap to upgrade some of your pieces. Because your armor is so high, you'd actually gain EHP by converting armor to resists at this point so I'd probably target switching your boots with some that have higher resist. Your pants and chest are OK.

1. After boots I'd look at getting a better amulet. Consider getting one with LoH since it's one of the few slots you can get that on. If you want to go crit down the line, check out crit amulets but they're probably crazy expensive. One of your rings is OK but not the best (the one with just 100/100 str/vit. I'd try to get crit, ASI, or more resist here. I don't know EU market but if you just pick one of those stats + str or vit you should be able to snag one for a decent price.
2. Your DPS is definitely low. I'd search AH and see if you can pick up a 800 DPS weapon w/ socket and STR or VIT and put in amethyst for LoH. I think that's the cheapest way to go about it. You have a lot of strength for only 8k dps which is going to be a huge problem in A2.
3. I actually don't think it's a good deal for you to upgrade gems at this point, especially if you only have 4mil gold to work with. +4 stats isn't going to be a big deal and that money can be spent to upgrade other pieces.
4. Not sure on prices. You could definitely do the zrave strat on your chest, dump it for a lot of gold then get a piece with high STR/VIT/life% and sockets. Basically use the EHP calculator to find one with similar EHP and come out ahead. Your bracers wouldn't be worth much on US. 60/60/80 stuff sells for about 400-500k here I think. Not sure about EU.

The main thing with A2 is a lot of the enemies are annoying as hell so you want to kill them faster. I actually run A2 with about the same EHP as you but but I have 400% more damage. I couldn't imagine being able to survive some of the stuff out there taking 5x as long to kill stuff.


If you want to 'dodge' the attack after the animation starts but before the hit connects, you have to stun the mob. As simple as that. Letting you just run around and dodge 95% of the stuff that's supposed to hit you would make the game far too easy. And how the fuck is it even related to 'blizzard's security model'?

A. Where does your 95% figure come from?
B. It is related to their security model because it is an optimization that wouldn't be required for a game that was hosted locally. They do it that way not to prevent you from running around and "dodging 95% of the attacks" they do it because it masks latency issues and requires less work for the servers. And why do they need to mask latency issues and reduce load on server? Because they decided to make it always online. I'm not saying I disagree with this decision, BTW.

You don't need to do anything special to stop people from "dodging 95%" of the attacks, for fuck's sake. If you do that guess what you're not doing? That's right, you're not doing any damage. It was a bullshit excuse by Blizzard, it doesn't sound any better coming from you. :)
After a few days of no legendaries, finally got one on my last run for the night:


Is this the only Amulet that can have Max Disc on it? Doesn't seem like there is much out there with similar stats. And now to play the pricing game...



Well this was my first good legenday drop. It actually rolled with a perfect 20 Resist All, and for the 2 random stats it rolled 148 strength and fire resist. I'm pretty happy with it and it's something actually usable for my class.

I got tired of farming Act 1 so I have been running treasure goblins on the ancient path.


Need a gearcheck for Act II Inferno , please.

My skills:

My stats:

My items:

1. What should I switch/improve first? Obviously pants/gloves/amulet/helmet are the weakpoints. But upgrades are sooo expensive :[.
2. I have a 800 dps dagger with 1.50 attack speed I'm using for trash/butcher. The dagger gives me 3,5k damage - but I'm left with 160 life on hit. Which should I use?
3. I'm using the rubies so I can upgrade my amethysts to stars.
4. Just out of curiosity - would my chest/bracers be worth something on SC?

You can make it with what you have. I did it with pretty much those same stats on my barb alt. You have more resists than I had by about 50, and you have 8k more HP than I did. I had 900LOH total give or take 20 or so though. That was the only difference. I also had about 1k more dps, around 9800 dps.

I had to drop my 5 stack at Belial and grab berserker rage (replacing my Leap) and earthquake to beat Belials enrage timer. Other than that I cleared the rest of the act multiple times. I have had a few upgrades since then so Im just farming it now. But I think you should give it a try before spending money. You might find yourself at Act 3 having saved all of your gold.

You'll need it for A3.

After a few days of no legendaries, finally got one on my last run for the night:


Is this the only Amulet that can have Max Disc on it? Doesn't seem like there is much out there with similar stats. And now to play the pricing game...

Wow must be, I certainly have never seen a neck with it, nice.


First off, I'd get another 33 dex somewhere. It's the cheapest way to increase your survivability right now.

Your resists could be a little higher but looking at your gear, it's not going to be completely cheap to upgrade some of your pieces. Because your armor is so high, you'd actually gain EHP by converting armor to resists at this point so I'd probably target switching your boots with some that have higher resist. Your pants and chest are OK.

1. After boots I'd look at getting a better amulet. Consider getting one with LoH since it's one of the few slots you can get that on. If you want to go crit down the line, check out crit amulets but they're probably crazy expensive. One of your rings is OK but not the best (the one with just 100/100 str/vit. I'd try to get crit, ASI, or more resist here. I don't know EU market but if you just pick one of those stats + str or vit you should be able to snag one for a decent price.
2. Your DPS is definitely low. I'd search AH and see if you can pick up a 800 DPS weapon w/ socket and STR or VIT and put in amethyst for LoH. I think that's the cheapest way to go about it. You have a lot of strength for only 8k dps which is going to be a huge problem in A2.
3. I actually don't think it's a good deal for you to upgrade gems at this point, especially if you only have 4mil gold to work with. +4 stats isn't going to be a big deal and that money can be spent to upgrade other pieces.
4. Not sure on prices. You could definitely do the zrave strat on your chest, dump it for a lot of gold then get a piece with high STR/VIT/life% and sockets. Basically use the EHP calculator to find one with similar EHP and come out ahead. Your bracers wouldn't be worth much on US. 60/60/80 stuff sells for about 400-500k here I think. Not sure about EU.

The main thing with A2 is a lot of the enemies are annoying as hell so you want to kill them faster. I actually run A2 with about the same EHP as you but but I have 400% more damage. I couldn't imagine being able to survive some of the stuff out there taking 5x as long to kill stuff.

Thank you, that's some good advice.

But some upgrades simply won't happen :/. I just searched the AH. The cheapest(and to some pont only) stuff on there:
-400 LoH 630 DPS 1h for 2 mill
-1h 620dps 90 vit 30 strength socket for 400k
-100 Vit, 8-16 dmg, 150 LoH Amulet for 250k
-Boots with 58 AR, 80 str, 50 vit, 90 int for 800k

Hmm, the boots aren't looking to shabby. Thinking off gettin them.

But I think you should give it a try before spending money
Giving it a try sounds harsh on HC °°

edit:stats are buffed with ench.


Need a gearcheck for Act II Inferno , please.
Are the stats in the windows buffed or un-buffed? If un-buffed (maybe even buffed), you're good to go on that front. DPS is your most glaring shortcoming. I've only gotten to Act 2 recently on my Barb and with 19k DPS and I'm not satisfied with how quickly (or not) I kill things, but I only have 250 LOH. I lean on WotB a lot to kill them before they kill me. You might fare better with your 560 LOH. Extra health champions are going to be a massive pain for you, regardless.

Considering you play HC, I'd say you can peek your head in safely. If the first canyon with the wasps and Lacuni hunters doesn't give you too much trouble you can move further. The wasps won't one shot you, at least. I can take a salvo and survive, even with 30k life, 7k armour and about 450 un-buffed resists. I don't use Ignore Pain, either.

Shatterbone (or a nasty pack of elites) will be your first real test, unless you decide to cheese him.


So for a Tank barb is there really any shield substitute for Stormshield? I want to get one but only have about 2.5 mil gold right now and a crap one cost like 7 mil. I think the odds of me finding one before I can afford one are pretty good lol.



Not saying it's worth that much, but some people are fucking crazy. If that doesn't work out drop it down.

If more than 1 person is willing to pay 10m for an item like that it will get to 10m without a 10m starting bid. :) I sold a shield for 7m and the opening bid was 10k, just as an example. Starting off with a lower opening bid entices people to "bookmark" it with an early bid.


Thank you, that's some good advice.

But some upgrades simply won't happen :/. I just searched the AH. The cheapest(and to some pont only) stuff on there:
-400 LoH 630 DPS 1h for 2 mill
-1h 620dps 90 vit 30 strength socket for 400k
-100 Vit, 8-16 dmg, 150 LoH Amulet for 250k
-Boots with 58 AR, 80 str, 50 vit, 90 int for 800k

Hmm, the boots aren't looking to shabby. Thinking off gettin them.

Giving it a try sounds harsh on HC °°

edit:stats are buffed with ench.

The 2nd one isn't bad. Are there no others with higher damage? Try searching for just str like a 1H with 150 str and socket.

Since it appears you only have budget to upgrade one item, try to get 40-50 dex on it. If you want to save some money you can probably upgrade your boots and just ignore str or vit completely.

So for a Tank barb is there really any shield substitute for Stormshield? I want to get one but only have about 2.5 mil gold right now and a crap one cost like 7 mil. I think the odds of me finding one before I can afford one are pretty good lol.

SS is immensely overrated imo. You can get a decently rolled sacred shield for way less and it has a higher block amount. If you're rolling tank, the extra 1000 avg block will cancel out a lot of damage that you might otherwise take.

A cheap but worse alternative to SS is the ivory tower. It is insanely cheap though so if you're just looking for something to hold you over until you get more cash it isn't a bad buy if you get a good roll.


No, sadly not. Search results for 100 str, socket:

780 dps, 777(no joke) LoH, 120 str, socket - 30 mil
680 dps, 120 str, socket - 3 mil
680 dps , 100 str, socket - 1,5 mill
621 dps, 160 dex, 120 str, socket - 300k

Hm, I should buy the last one and put a 190 LoH gem in it I guess? My dex really is frikkin low.


No, sadly not. Search results for 100 str, socket:

780 dps, 777(no joke) LoH, 120 str, socket - 30 mil
680 dps, 120 str, socket - 3 mil
680 dps , 100 str, socket - 1,5 mill
621 dps, 160 dex, 120 str, socket - 300k

Hm, I should buy the last one and put a 190 LoH gem in it I guess? My dex really is frikkin low.

Your dex is low but I wouldn't go out of my way to start stacking it. You really want to hit the 100 dex breakpoint because each point of dex up to 100 gives you 0.1% dodge. After that 101-500 dex gives you 0.025% dodge per point. The first breakpoint is so cheap to get to that it's almost a no brainer to get IMO. One thing about dodge that you have to keep in mind is that you don't proc revenge. I think the first 10% makes a big enough difference to offset not proccing revenge 10% of the time though.

Try bidding on weapons and try to win one on bids for cheap. If you don't see anything now, just keep looking. I wouldn't blow the budget on a weapon but it's definitely something you're going to need to upgrade soon.


The 2nd one isn't bad. Are there no others with higher damage? Try searching for just str like a 1H with 150 str and socket.

Since it appears you only have budget to upgrade one item, try to get 40-50 dex on it. If you want to save some money you can probably upgrade your boots and just ignore str or vit completely.

SS is immensely overrated imo. You can get a decently rolled sacred shield for way less and it has a higher block amount. If you're rolling tank, the extra 1000 avg block will cancel out a lot of damage that you might otherwise take.

A cheap but worse alternative to SS is the ivory tower. It is insanely cheap though so if you're just looking for something to hold you over until you get more cash it isn't a bad buy if you get a good roll.

Right now I just have a rare shield with 18% block, 55 Resist All, 75 Str/Vit, and 6% life. I want my next upgrade to be significant and long term, so i'm not sure if Ivory Tower will fit the bill because of the Resist. I was looking into that earlier today though. I also found a rare sacred shield but the stats were terrible rolls so I scrapped it.


wtf is wrong with Kulle?! Everytime I get him down to under 25% he starts teleporting and my character dies. No attacks are shown, it doesn't matter if I stand right next to him or run away from him, he just teleports up to my character (if I'm close to him, he teleports where he stands and doesn't move) and I lose 95% of my life the first time and then he teleports again in 3-4 seconds and I die.

What the fuck is going on?!


wtf is wrong with Kulle?! Everytime I get him down to under 25% he starts teleporting and my character dies. No attacks are shown, it doesn't matter if I stand right next to him or run away from him, he just teleports and I lose 95% of my life the first time and then he teleports again in 3-4 seconds and I die.

What the fuck is going on?!

I'm guessing that is the enrage timer. You need more deeeeeps


So for a Tank barb is there really any shield substitute for Stormshield? I want to get one but only have about 2.5 mil gold right now and a crap one cost like 7 mil. I think the odds of me finding one before I can afford one are pretty good lol.

Any Shield, really? Stormshield is just nice because it has the right stats guaranteed and rolls them high. It's not the best Shield in the game.


Giving it a try sounds harsh on HC °°

Christ I didnt know you meant HC. I had a handful of deaths on my clear of A2. Man...... I would farm more, goblins or something and outgear it massively before attempting it if I were you.

But Im not built for HC. I couldnt handle losing a character like that.

wtf is wrong with Kulle?! Everytime I get him down to under 25% he starts teleporting and my character dies. No attacks are shown, it doesn't matter if I stand right next to him or run away from him, he just teleports and I lose 95% of my life the first time and then he teleports again in 3-4 seconds and I die.

What the fuck is going on?!

You are hitting his poorly implemented enrage timer. Apparently at his enrage he teleports and hits you with an extremely powerful attack that supposedly cannot be dodged. I think you can survive it if you are tanky enough, but he supposedly does it repeatedly. Need to kill him faster.


After a few days of no legendaries, finally got one on my last run for the night:


Is this the only Amulet that can have Max Disc on it? Doesn't seem like there is much out there with similar stats. And now to play the pricing game...

4m or so. Alternatively, anywhere from $25-$50. I watch these things religiously.

You didn't roll max discipline, or max MF, nor did it roll very high dex or vit. The niche value of discipline is really most of what it has going for it.

I have this one up for $25. I've sold three much better ones for more; Yours should go a bit higher since it has vita and % life, I'd think:



Any Shield, really? Stormshield is just nice because it has the right stats guaranteed and rolls them high. It's not the best Shield in the game.

Yeah I think i might take my 2.5 mil and get a high rolled Ivory Tower or try for a sacred shield. I'm farming a lot and finding solid gear to fill up my Auction House Slots with. It just feels like I'm never going to have enough gold to even get a 25% block SS.

Edit: Or I guess I could buy another high damage one hander and dual wield but not sure how well that would work in Inferno.


So it took some time but I managed to solo Inferno Diablo last night. On my Act 1 geared Barb. 19k DPS, 30k HP, 8k Armor, ~350 Resists, 0 Life on Hit + 5.6% Life Steal.

I didn't get any sub-ilvl 60 blues though :( I wanted a like ilvl 51 Ring as a souvenir.

Edit: Or I guess I could buy another high damage one hander and dual wield but not sure how well that would work in Inferno.

You'd need to hit really high DPS and they'd both need sockets, ideally, for +Crit Damage Gems. If you can reach 40%+ Crit and 200%+ Crit Damage, it should be fine for Act 1 and 2.

But I find Tank Barb boring and DPSing everything is fun :x


They apparently need to add an enrage timer to Diablo if people in Act1 gear can kill him /s

I was kind of surprised he didn't have anything. The fight took awhile but it's pretty hard to die unless you just decide to sit and DPS for way longer than is reasonable.

Edit: I was also surprised to find that you can leash all the shadows and not even kill them. Though, I killed them all on the actual successful kill attempt.
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