That weapon breaks the magic 1000 DPS barrier for a 1H, and it has IAS, 200str, and a socket. A few million is reasonable for it.
People in every single Community-side thread, without fail, will always complain about gaming-side threads for their game. It's how things go.
What I think that thread goes to show (much like the D3 console port thread which was bumped a month ago and locked) is that everyone will hold their impressions of the game as of 101 or 102 and repeat it as gospel until the end of time.
There will be enough posters there who will endlessly parrot the lines about AH being mandatory. That RMAH has the best gear. That DH is the most OP class. We all know it to be false, but there's more people out there who believe and post otherwise.
That said, I think it would do Blizzard well to bite the bullet and release things like TDM PVP as it is and let the tears flow about class imbalance. For D3 in general, the cat's out of the bag. There's nothing they can do to entice people who quit and bitch about the game to come back. There's no way to make the game have balance for an ancillary mode of play. Drop the pretentious justification for delays on the basis of "quality control", dish out what people want, collect worthwhile feedback, and iterate from there.