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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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So burnt out on D3. Don't even have anything up on the ah right now. Will be nice to come back after a bit of a break.

Yeah, I've decided the same. I'm still trying to fire sale a lot of my stuff and hope that my good barb gear sells, since I'm guessing by the time I get back most of the stuff that I have will be obsolete.

I don't care for pvp and it sounds like it won't be much to write home about anyways, so it'll probably be awhile before a real content patch comes out. I'm going to need to have something bigger that key wardens and ubers to bring me back.

I never really played much diablo 2, been thinking about going that route. Or maybe finally giving DOTA a try.


Saint Nic
Yeah, I've decided the same. I'm still trying to fire sale a lot of my stuff and hope that my good barb gear sells, since I'm guessing by the time I get back most of the stuff that I have will be obsolete.

I don't care for pvp and it sounds like it won't be much to write home about anyways, so it'll probably be awhile before a real content patch comes out. I'm going to need to have something bigger that key wardens and ubers to bring me back.

I never really played much diablo 2, been thinking about going that route. Or maybe finally giving DOTA a try.

Diablo 2 with Median XL is still the best loot fest ARPG I've ever played. So fucking amazing, but hard as nails.


Just bought 535 brimstones off the auction house, and when I clicked send to stash it said I reached input limit and kicked me out to log in. I log back in and my money is gone and brimstones are no where to be found. Anyone had this happen? Will they appear or do I submit a ticket or something?
Just got through the trial period. Does this game ever go on sale? Just wondering, not sure I want to spend $60 on a game right now but I did enjoy what I played.


Just bought 535 brimstones off the auction house, and when I clicked send to stash it said I reached input limit and kicked me out to log in. I log back in and my money is gone and brimstones are no where to be found. Anyone had this happen? Will they appear or do I submit a ticket or something?

KMD you think they will go back up or something I have 12mil or so and would love to invest it in something that can make me some more gold down the line..... still try to sale stuff but no go...:/ can even sale a inna chest with three green stars for 13mil.... :/

hope its will work out for you and u get your stuff....


KMD you think they will go back up or something I have 12mil or so and would love to invest it in something that can make me some more gold down the line..... still try to sale stuff but no go...:/ can even sale a inna chest with three green stars for 13mil.... :/

hope its will work out for you and u get your stuff....

Yeah they finally arrived in my stash. I'm sure that brimstones will go up in value at some time. Whether or not that's soon or far away is anyone's guess. I have about 2500 brimstones, 65 million worth. I figure its as good as anything to invest in, can't lose mush money and stand to gain a ton if they do go up.


Yeah they finally arrived in my stash. I'm sure that brimstones will go up in value at some time. Whether or not that's soon or far away is anyone's guess. I have about 2500 brimstones, 65 million worth. I figure its as good as anything to invest in, can't lose mush money and stand to gain a ton if they do go up.

lol wow... thanks
Itemization image on 214 is the truth. So many people on the Official forums argued those points only to get the [garbage] revamped Legendaries. Itemization was always my biggest beef with the game. I would have gladly took D3 in it's pre-nerfed form if it had similarly inspired itemization.

I haven't played in a couple of months now, but I'm debating about coming back to consolidate all my resources and make a last bit of $$ if enough people care about dueling. Seeing as how they will probably never change their MMO-inspired loot, I think I'm going to stay far far away after selling.


Their price will probably go up once the new patch comes. That's at least what happened last patch.

Yeah. And like someone said earlier, their price is super sensitive to any crafting information bliz throws out. My dream is that they'll at least temporarily go back up to the 170k range, doing so right now would net me 400 million. But I'd be happy with even a 50 to 100k price on em. If I'm ever going to make a billion gold it's going to come from brimstone flipping. All I gotta do is get another 3000 of em and have the price go up :D


There is someone selling a copy in the gaf buy sell traded.
Saw your message in game, was only on selling on the ah and giving a few things away :p

I'll probably still play some, but nothing compelling me to do so right now :(

Almost hit 1 billion gold! With the $in my rmah I'm almost to 1.5 billion lol. Trying to buy stuff and flip it towards my PayPal. So far I've made a meager $17 in real real money :p


Jesus dude, I'm sitting with 10 million and it's among the richest I've been. :p

Exciting! You'll have to let us know how much you cash out for. I always wanted to do that, sigggh.
Was going without pick up radius for a bit. I only have one piece with it now, but it's such a big difference. Missing stuff even if you are on top of it is so frustrating.


Did d3 just go down for anyone else? I got disconnected from my game and I'm getting a 3003 trying to log back in. My internet is fine. Was playing HC too and just made lvl 50 which is where I died the last time to a disconnect. I was in the town this time when I got disconnected so hopefully I'm still alive.


The official forums are full of new threads about it.

Speaking of HC deaths (sorry), I managed to kill my second HC character earlier today. Entirely my fault.
Like a complete idiot, I leapt into a huge group of enemies while my potion was on cooldown. My health was already kind of low, so they just ripped me to shreds. Pushed it too far that time. That said, It's kinda weird how it doesn't bother me at all... It helps that it was entirely my fault and not a DC, but still. Already got through normal A1 on another one, but I think I'll be taking my time with this one, since I'm already getting kinda bored with HC as well.


Thanks, never thought to look there first. It looks like they have some emergency maintenance going on. If this was planned one would think they would send out a message to all before they took the server out from under you, especially on hc.

Edit - sorry to hear about your death but, yeah, I've been taking it very slowly and cautiously, just wanna get at least 1 hc to 60 then I may be a little less careful for the next. But if this server disconnect killed another hc char I will probably give it up for good.


Right? It would be even better if you didn't take any damage once the connection was severed, but hey, what do I know about their tech...

I had a crazy lag spike on my first HC, where the entire screen froze for several seconds, then recovered, then froze again. I was fighting the four legged fire mage rare at the end of one of the Kulle quests. The one that casts three pools of fire all the time.
That was the first time I mashed the crap out of my potions and leap on HC. I survived that obviously, but it would have been a miserable way to go out.

At least both my deaths so far were 60s. While that's more time down the drain, dying on lower levels would be more demoralizing.


Servers back up and my HC char is alive and I was finally able to make it into hell for the first time. Had a close encounter with some of those frog things in A1 that had fast/fire chains/molten as the affixes they were circling around me hitting me with both the chains and the lava and were way too fast to draw a bead on to kill, luckily I made it back to the dungeon exit. Gonna start needing allres gear soon it looks like, hp alone isn't enough.


I played today for the first time since 1.0.1 on my Monk. I was on Act II Inferno when I realized I had no chance of proceeding any further, and put it on the shelf. So today I sold my old mats and geared myself up for about 600k with cheap life on hit weapons and fire/resist all gear, and changed to the "default" Monk build. Now I'm blowing things away. This is how it felt playing in Hell, not in Inferno. I'll probably be downing Diablo and graduating to ML 1 pretty soon. :)

Lizard with a ladder

learnin' with the blacks!
I played today for the first time since 1.0.1 on my Monk. I was on Act II Inferno when I realized I had no chance of proceeding any further, and put it on the shelf. So today I sold my old mats and geared myself up for about 600k with cheap life on hit weapons and fire/resist all gear, and changed to the "default" Monk build. Now I'm blowing things away. This is how it felt playing in Hell, not in Inferno. I'll probably be downing Diablo and graduating to ML 1 pretty soon. :)

Once you finish up with inferno, be sure to check the hellfire ring quest. Getting a group together to down some ubers is alot of fun.
After ~36 hours of playing, I only had 3 legenadary drops. 1 was a crappy dagger that sold for 25K and the other 2 were the freaking recipes for the staff of herding. I also want to get a hellfire ring but no one wants to play with/carry me :(
After ~36 hours of playing, I only had 3 legenadary drops. 1 was a crappy dagger that sold for 25K and the other 2 were the freaking recipes for the staff of herding. I also want to get a hellfire ring but no one wants to play with/carry me :(
Add me ....


I can help u get a ring

If you're US that is
My game always drops to like 1 fps when I first run into enemies after opening the game. Is there any way to fix this shit? It's an auto death.
Went weeks with no drops except for keys/organs. Then in a few hours had 5 legendaries this afternoon. Almost felt like something was broke but I'll take it!


Went weeks with no drops except for keys/organs. Then in a few hours had 5 legendaries this afternoon. Almost felt like something was broke but I'll take it!

Lol, almost same happened to me. I was crying for "booo no set items :(" then in same party between act 3 and 4 i got 3 set items!
My game always drops to like 1 fps when I first run into enemies after opening the game. Is there any way to fix this shit? It's an auto death.
Until Blizzard actually follow up on the promise they made months ago, the only thing to do is ramdisk or sad, some people have had varying results just putting the game onto an external hard drive.

Shame though, the game was butter smooth in 1.0.4 for me. Now I had to start in town, run all my skills first, then wp to wherever I'm heading and give the game a few minutes.

Such a pain, hopefully they'll fix it with 1.0.7


Until Blizzard actually follow up on the promise they made months ago, the only thing to do is ramdisk or sad, some people have had varying results just putting the game onto an external hard drive.

Shame though, the game was butter smooth in 1.0.4 for me. Now I had to start in town, run all my skills first, then wp to wherever I'm heading and give the game a few minutes.

Such a pain, hopefully they'll fix it with 1.0.7

I'm running mine off an SSD and outside of a brief hiccup when first loading a game I had a pretty smooth experience 99.9% of the time. But in the last month or so I'll have this odd, very sluggish "framerate" (not really the framerate, but everything moves really slow and stuttery) for 30 seconds to a minute every now and then. It will never happen in the middle of a game, but if I exit to the menu and come back it'll happen sometimes. I can't recreate it on demand since it's only about 5% of the time but it's really annoying when that happens.

It's probably not the reason, but this experience pretty much coincides with when I started playing multiple alts in inferno.


It's probably not the reason, but this experience pretty much coincides with when I started playing multiple alts in inferno.

It could be a router issue. I was having some strange disconnects and it turned out to be an issue with my router, either overheating or getting overloaded I upgraded mine with a DD-WRT firmware and the issues went away.
I'm getting so bored of my paragon lvl 22 WD.. I'm thinking of leveling my dh or wiz instead but they have no gear at all and those lousy 22 levels took forever =\ WD just seems so fing slow.
I'm getting so bored of my paragon lvl 22 WD.. I'm thinking of leveling my dh or wiz instead but they have no gear at all and those lousy 22 levels took forever =\ WD just seems so fing slow.

I would level a Wiz if I were you then. There will be crossover from all your INT gear reducing the time/money spent on regarding your wiz.

A DH would need all new DEX gear and the dex market sucks ass.


I'm getting so bored of my paragon lvl 22 WD.. I'm thinking of leveling my dh or wiz instead but they have no gear at all and those lousy 22 levels took forever =\ WD just seems so fing slow.

a least u didn't kill about 4000 elite kills before PLs on my monk.... most here has waaay more lol...would have been like pl40+... only took me 60 hours on my barb to do the same. Sometimes I wish I had just waited a year or more for the expansion...


Hates quality gaming
So I got a barb to 60. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Ammostiel-1897/hero/6028305

I wanted to be a special snowflake and do something that's not WW ballerina or Skornsmash. I came up with this: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#WeUXRP!ZYd!cacYYc . With 59% CC and Battle Rage active, I can face mobs and basically spam Seismic Slam indefinitely and keep them stunned at least half as well as a frost wiz. On elites or big enough mobs I can activate Wrath and keep it alive the entire time as well. Repeatedly stunning single targets usually doesn't happen, but that's about the only time the build falls back to the main attack.

Have I never looked or are there no Slam builds which use Stagger? How have I not heard of this or seen another barb do this before? Is it really that bad? It doesn't seem bad.
a least u didn't kill about 4000 elite kills before PLs on my monk.... most here has waaay more lol...would have been like pl40+... only took me 60 hours on my barb to do the same. Sometimes I wish I had just waited a year or more for the expansion...

ACtually my monk and dh has a shit ton more kills than my wd lol
Sold a nice cold resist/dex belt for 5m last night (which is about my total gold right now). I really wanted to pick up Natalya's boots and ring, but 5m would mean I get a mediocre set (or just the boots if I go for a high dex roll). I sacrificed some resist for armor while trying to gear my monk for cheap, so I'm thinking boots (with resists) and weapons (about 2m each). Any other suggestions for getting ready for key/uber runs?


Also got my barb to 60 and borrowed some gear just good enough for Inferno and I'm beginning act 4. Definitely prefer the monk, though the barb was a good break.


So I got a barb to 60. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Ammostiel-1897/hero/6028305

I wanted to be a special snowflake and do something that's not WW ballerina or Skornsmash. I came up with this: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#WeUXRP!ZYd!cacYYc . With 59% CC and Battle Rage active, I can face mobs and basically spam Seismic Slam indefinitely and keep them stunned at least half as well as a frost wiz. On elites or big enough mobs I can activate Wrath and keep it alive the entire time as well. Repeatedly stunning single targets usually doesn't happen, but that's about the only time the build falls back to the main attack.

Have I never looked or are there no Slam builds which use Stagger? How have I not heard of this or seen another barb do this before? Is it really that bad? It doesn't seem bad.

I haven't tried your setup but I think the issue many would have (myself included) is that it'll play a lot slower than a WW/HOTA build. I imagine it's good for stunning elites and may make them more manageable at higher monster power, but the damage output and mobility of WW+sprinting through trash while using the hammer+smash rune on elites is hard to trade-off. I'm not a very patient player which makes WW is a godsend simply for its ability to let me pass through enemies and obstacles like doors or random destructible objects that get in my way :p

A build with seismic slam, bash, leap, and weapon throw all with stun runes and a cold SOJ could EZ mode though. Especially if you had a team of barbs who all have the same idea :p


Bought a manajuma's carving knife a couple weeks back for 34 million. Had 100% crit damage, 3% life steal, 180 int and 106 vit, 1022 dps. Been wanting to get a black damage weapon instead, plopped it up on the rmah for giggles at 20$ and it just sold. Hello 80 million, 50 million profit!
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