Just beat Medium Inferno Diablo for the first time with my monk. She's got 120K DPS from a two handed rare with a crazy emerald slotted in, a 35% chance to critical at 450% damage and a near 50% chance to dodge and a 60% damage mitigation. She is walking devastation to any and all things. Reached Paragon 3 by the end.
I must've gotten lucky with drops and just found the right groove with my skills and runes, but it was a cake walk. I think at some point just before Bastion's keep in Hell things got very easy and since that point I was one-or-two shotting everything, all the way through to the end. Inferno Diablo lasted a few seconds.
So I guess at this point I'm looking to bump up monster power, craft the really crazy shit, hunt down more legendaries, and break down the ones I don't need for brimstones? This is all kindof new to me, but even with the ease its been a blast so far.