In my contiuning trend of getting awesome items I wanted for other classes but never got while actually playing them, this dropped for me when I was playing with SerpentMage (who is also super cool and gave me a rad cold SoJ and Utrayu for my DH)
I'm running Crusader right now and my cooldown is still not where I want it to be so I'm definietely not going to use it at the moment, but in terms of giving this to other characters I'm wondering if it would actually be better to roll the Slash % off for Vit or AR as opposed to a primary stat for whatever class I gave it to? Not having any Vit or AR would be a super bummer, and given that it already rolled great IAS/CHD wondering if it'd be better off just losing the primary stat for Vit anyway.

I'm running Crusader right now and my cooldown is still not where I want it to be so I'm definietely not going to use it at the moment, but in terms of giving this to other characters I'm wondering if it would actually be better to roll the Slash % off for Vit or AR as opposed to a primary stat for whatever class I gave it to? Not having any Vit or AR would be a super bummer, and given that it already rolled great IAS/CHD wondering if it'd be better off just losing the primary stat for Vit anyway.