Does anyone here have 6 or 8 core CPU? Just wondering if D3 makes use of all the cores. I've been running a 2600k at 4.3GHz for quite a while. A 4790K might run cooler with less power, but doesn't look like I could get much faster with the LGA1150 slot.
(I've been getting CPU bound during effect spam trying to stay at 120FPS - already tried turning down the sound channels)
So awesome, congratulations! I'm trying to beat 33 with my wiz but I don't think I can without a fire SoJ and a 3rd leg gem. :<Doubt I will get any higher than this just because of how casually I am playing right now. Pretty happy about making it that high though.
GR 38 is 100% doable for me as long most elite packs don't have reflect damage (which so far both of my 38 attempts have had on the vast majority of packs). 39 I could probably do with the right mobs, not so sure about 40.
After not getting too much in terms of sets or legendaries for what I needed for my Monk build, I decided to use my blood stones at the end of the night... I got the Sunwuko shoulders and I got a Raiment helm... lol. That's... yeah, quite awesome. I still need the boots and chest for Raiment before I'm done with armor. Then I still need a goddamn Flying Dragon...
Where's your profile again?So awesome, congratulations! I'm trying to beat 33 with my wiz but I don't think I can without a fire SoJ and a 3rd leg gem. :<
Where's your profile again?
Is your main problem dying or not doing enough damage/taking too long? You should be able to sleep walk through 35 or so. I was able to get to 36 with mainly Firebird 6pc and a Maximus. String of Ears is what mostly held me back.
Ah yeah you're right. Trying to progress with that must be maddening.Also I think Ayumi has talked a lot about playing with yellow latency recently which would be around 400 MS at a minimum iirc. I find the game to be completely unplayable with anything over like 115, I don't think I'd play at all with something that high lol.
Ah yeah you're right. Trying to progress with that must be maddening.
Hey guys - was wondering if you could help me figure something out. I found this Sunkeeper:
I was pretty psyched to find one, but then I noticed something odd. It doesn't seem to have 2 random properties. The Elite, Int, and Holy dmg are all standard rolls. What happened to the 2 random rolls?
Ah yeah you're right. Trying to progress with that must be maddening.
The most annoying part is that it's only Diablo 3 I have connection issues with (I always get a 3007 error when launching, so I have to always type my password. Been troubleshooting a lot including my DNS settings but nothing works.. It sucks, because I have great internet (1Gbps) and it works amazingly on everything else.It is for sure. As someone who plays on an utterly shit connection it can be frustrating in online games when someone in my house decides they want to look at facebook or some shit. Someone just streaming a youtube video it puts me around 350 MS which makes it impossible to dodge something as simple as an arcane beam most of the time.
Either way, the lag is causing my skills to be delayed by 1-2 seconds.
Firebird especially sounds pretty bad with that kind of lag. I imagine when you toss down a blizzard most mobs move out of it completely before you can even tell.
Assuming that it rolled elite dmg as a random roll and that it just got hidden in with the default elite dmg roll
I kind of wanna compare.. just to see where I am. I guess I just wanna know what your Offensive/Defensive stats look like.
Even then, isn't there still one other roll unaccounted for?
I swear Flying Dragon has like a 0.1% drop rate for me. I have nearly 3 stats per tab maxed out and a bunch of int from the primary tab, so it gives some nice buffs to both defense and offense.
Thanks guys. I'm at 71% elite damage right now. Gonna sign in tomorrow and check/compare and think a little about this.. I hope you guys don't mind if I ask you some more questions tomorrow.Here are my unbuffed stats:
No that would be all of them. Looks like the elite damage it comes with rolled very low and then the new one just added onto it. Still, pretty strange. Do they show up separately at the enchanter?
The Oculus Ring lets you stack.. If you roll default AS at 5%, you can still reroll another stat into AS and it will stack (and show 1 less stat). Never heard about Sun Keeper stacking stats. Like Celegus said, you can check at the enchanter if you just throw it in there and see if they end up as split stats.Even then, isn't there still one other roll unaccounted for?
So unless it was enhanced into a merge, it won't work to separate them? Oh well.. His SK wasn't really worth keeping anyway, imo. Most SKs are so terrible.A Sunkeeper with double roll elite dmg can't be reroll to have two separate stats (one with less elite dmg and a second to whatever stat). I had one and it would only let me reroll up to 8% elite dmg (the second roll making it a double roll) so I just salvaged it. I hope it makes sense. It's a useless SK unless it rolled 38% elite dmg.
The base stats page doesn't really tell you too much (missing vitality, etc.).Thanks guys. I'm at 71% elite damage right now. Gonna sign in tomorrow and check/compare and think a little about this.. I hope you guys don't mind if I ask you some more questions tomorrow.
Either way, the lag is causing my skills to be delayed by 1-2 seconds. At first I thought it was my mouse (sometimes I have to click 4-5 times to enable the mouse skills for instance) but I bought a new and it was still delayed/laggy. I don't die in the GRifts, but I guess I don't do quick enough damage, thanks to the awful lag. I kinda gave up for now and stick with 30 to level up my last gem, and T6 in hope of a SoJ.
Firebird especially sounds pretty bad with that kind of lag. I imagine when you toss down a blizzard most mobs move out of it completely before you can even tell.
Had a real easy greater rift tonight and took the top spot in the clan leaderboard with a crusader+DH combo (non-season mode). I think a higher tier is achievable with some luck, and a better mix of skills.
Doubt I will get any higher than this just because of how casually I am playing right now. Pretty happy about making it that high though.
GR 38 is 100% doable for me as long most elite packs don't have reflect damage (which so far both of my 38 attempts have had on the vast majority of packs). 39 I could probably do with the right mobs, not so sure about 40.
How does one join the GAF clan?
Cute avatar!Couldn't hurt, what's the problem you're running into?
These fangs were made for chompin'
(candy (^ ^) )
Halloween avatar thread:
This build sounds super fun:
Speed farming bounties with Tiklandian Visage and the move-speed-on-fear ring. Horrify's proc coefficient triggers your conduit, bleed and poison gems, and you have a heavy 2H weapon for high DoT. Zoom around and things die.
Barb can still barely clear GR30, despite having pretty much every good piece of equipment there is other than the Cassius belt.
Yeah you do (US).Do we not need 100 paragon to get into the clan? If not I'd like to join.
What build are you running? I find up to 33 to be fairly easy with WW, Leapquake, and Raekor. 34 is where I run into trouble. WW/Leapquake lack in a few spots and Raekor is just boring at that level because of the single target problems. I've cleared 34 with Leapquake and Raekor but I find myself not really wanting to progress any further because all of the builds lack a good single target component.
I've been running an IK+WW set for clearing T6, but it didn't do so well in a GR. I tried Raekor out again in various forms, but still don't care for the playstyle and the horrible single target damage. I did the GR30 with Raekor, but haven't tried leapquake in a while. Is fire still the way to go for most builds? I have good equipment for fire, cold, and lightning.
Physical is best for WW by a long shot (I'd argue the only viable element really), Fire is the most damage for Leapquake, and Raekor just depends on what weapon you have available (With a Furnace element doesn't matter, after that just pick the element of whatever the best 2h elemental weapon you have).
Just have to ask here with your bnet ID. But I think we're full again so Raticus will have to kick someone to make room for you. But I feel like that shouldn't be a big deal anyway right now since we're in the middle of a patch so less people are playing.
That's for NA though, no idea the status on EU stuff.