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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT3| Tyrael Looted: {[El'druin]}

They did this because people figured out how to game the old pylon spawn system to reliably have a conduit + power for the RG.

Ugh. Of course. Fuckin nerds.

I haven't tried 74 yet. Trying to get an ancient weapon and at least one more Caldesann's Despair before I go push again.

But yeah, there's definitely RNG with rifts that can fuck you over. Like I've failed a couple 70s that should be considered farm just cause the rift or boss was bad.

The hardest thing though at high GR is knowing/deciding when to fight and when to skip/try and pull more. Sparse mobs are more dangerous than a screen full of shit generally. Some elites are just not worth the time if they're particularly dangerous and/or annoying

I hadn't thought of actually skipping an obnoxious pack. Seems legit. I'm sure there's a guide for us to look at somewhere on interwebz.


150 is the cap right now, but it could go higher of they wanted to. It was only 100 when they introduced GRs, but they added the next 50 for s4 I think, mighta been in s3

They did this because people figured out how to game the old pylon spawn system to reliably have a conduit + power for the RG.

I remember watching streams of people gaming the pylons. It was a turn off for me and made me never want to be competitive. Glad they made the change.


What did you end up rolling on that amulet?

I'd go rolling the Dex into elemental damage to suit your build.

Yeah, I was planning to re-roll Lightning for my Nat build. If I move to UE or something, I can always re-roll to Fire, so it's not a hugely inflexible roll.


D3 isn't working for me, I keep getting stuck at Retrieving Hero list.

All my other Blizzard games are working fine. Any ideas what's wrong?


Ballistics wouldn't help with lightning RoV.

Well it still has a 20% chance of firing a rocket per attack.

But anyway, I didn't know that? The homing rockets from Vengeance don't get a boost from ballistics? I'm running Dawn+Vengeance:Dark Heart in my build btw.
Crazy. I'm paragon ~425 and have only found 2 so far. Have a bunch of decent weapons to use them on, but still haven't even used one because I find so few and don't want to get stuck. Did get a couple donations last night from some awesome gaffers though! Just not sure how some people manage to find so many, but it's always been that way for me.

I went from plvl 1-630 on the PS4 and found only one, 1-490 on the PC and also found only one. Yesterday I had a lucky day I guess, adding that to my triple goblin pack, multiple gelatinous goblins and ancient Pig Sticker with every stat that I needed (LoH, CDR, AS,VIT,STR).


So I "completed" a set dungeon for Barb but I didn't get the challenge reward. It said I killed all 232 enemies and spawned a portal for me to go back but nothing happened oncenter i went back. I wasn't able to master the dungeon either, is that needed to complete the season challenge?
So I "completed" a set dungeon for Barb but I didn't get the challenge reward. It said I killed all 232 enemies and spawned a portal for me to go back but nothing happened oncenter i went back. I wasn't able to master the dungeon either, is that needed to complete the season challenge?

Yes, gotta master.


Ugh. Of course. Fuckin nerds.

Was pretty funny. People figured out that pylons generally spawned at certain percentages, would not spawn in an area already explored, and would spawn whenever you explored somewhere next. So, people would explore the whole floor and decide if it was worth attempting or not, clear the floor to like 99%, then go to the next floor and three pylons would spawn like, right near the door lol.

Just had to hope for a power+conduit and then spawn the RG


And people didn't really explore, they used TurboHD and knew where Pylons spawned and the dungeon layouts.

Competitive D3 has always been a joke. Basically it's a combination of 3rd party softwares, abusing exploits, grinding and botting. Actually pushing the rift takes some level of communication and coordination but if you don't have the aforementioned stuff going your way you won't be competitive no matter how good your technical skill is.
yeah blizzard not banning turbohud is a fucking joke
and not actually perm banning people but just banning an account and then they just have to rebuy the game to keep cheating LMAO


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
yeah blizzard not banning turbohud is a fucking joke
and not actually perm banning people but just banning an account and then they just have to rebuy the game to keep cheating LMAO

Like half the dudes I play with are on at least their 2nd d3 account due to botting bans. I think I'm literally the only one out of all of us that doesn't.


And people didn't really explore, they used TurboHD and knew where Pylons spawned and the dungeon layouts.

Competitive D3 has always been a joke. Basically it's a combination of 3rd party softwares, abusing exploits, grinding and botting. Actually pushing the rift takes some level of communication and coordination but if you don't have the aforementioned stuff going your way you won't be competitive no matter how good your technical skill is.

That's why I have more fun when I set personal goals for myself. I got really annoyed pushing on my barb this season. I'm now working on slowing finishing the journey, hitting 70 on my barb, wiz, and sader. I'll be happy with that for now. After I finish that goal, I will stick with the character I find most fun at the time and min/max the best I can.


Good thing this season is that solo play is viable. You don't have to play in groups to push GRs hard. Alkaizer barely plays in group (if at all?) and he is rank 1 in solo leaderboards.

Also on a side note but I think Blizzard is eventually going to cave in and nerf the Monk's Way of Hundred Fist Fist of Fury move. Every singe season that generator gets used in some broken build because of the proc coefficient.


Yes, gotta master.

Aw man ok. MotE Barb challenges seem pretty hard with just the 6 piece set. Looks like I'll need a few more pieces of gear.

So regarding the rewards for the season challenges...since I already own the whole 6 piece set for this class, I'd only be getting the portrait and the wood pet? What does the pet even do?

Just started playing on PC after getting to paragon 400 on PS4. A controller is fun to roll around and all but item management is way more satisfying on PC.


Aw man ok. MotE Barb challenges seem pretty hard with just the 6 piece set. Looks like I'll need a few more pieces of gear.

So regarding the rewards for the season challenges...since I already own the whole 6 piece set for this class, I'd only be getting the portrait and the wood pet? What does the pet even do?

Just started playing on PC after getting to paragon 400 on PS4. A controller is fun to roll around and all but item management is way more satisfying on PC.

Pets are mostly cosmetic except that they now run around you and pick up gold. Very useful. Which pet you use doesn't matter, so if you already have one you won't gain anything other than the cosmetic aspects of the new one.


Im plateauing around GR58 right now on my Thornsader. I need more damage since the time is getting shorter and shorter. Ive had terrible luck with my amulets and i havent got a single good one with a socket. I probably should just try a Hellfire one at this point. Need the Endless Walk neck and that shield and i should be able to do more GRs. This build is so damn fun


Forever Platinum
- I never really figured out a best method for pack fighting. That is to say, the decision of when to skip a group of whites and trying to find more elites. How big should the group of whites be to dedicated time to them? Should I be trying to drag elites to any nearby whites to try to do them all at the same time or is the time lost not worth that effort? I just don't know. I feel there is considerable room for improvement to be made there but I'll probably need a Youtube guide to exact improvements.

Rift value progression by monster.

I'm coming for that top spot.


I need to get a unity so I can better challenge above GR60. Right now I could probably do early 60s with LoN Blessed Shield but enemies are starting to hit hard lol. Kinda rough if I don't have good density for that run.


I need to get a unity so I can better challenge above GR60. Right now I could probably do early 60s with LoN Blessed Shield but enemies are starting to hit hard lol. Kinda rough if I don't have good density for that run.

I still haven't seen a unity on my sader/DH, but got one on my HC wiz, go figure.


Aw man ok. MotE Barb challenges seem pretty hard with just the 6 piece set. Looks like I'll need a few more pieces of gear.

The leapquake set dungeon is the only one I've done so far and it was fairly easy. For items outside of MotE itself all you need is your Lut boots (so you can leap 3 times) and the new Mighty weapon that causes shouts to spawn earthquakes (forget the name of it off the top of my head). The weapon is vital because it is the only way to remove the cooldown of earthquake quickly after doing your skill combo on an elite mob (dump the fury you gained from killing him on boulder -> use war cry then boulder -> use threat shout then boulder).

I wouldn't bother trying it until you can get those 2 items.
Okay real talk: How do you guys manage multiple toons with this baby-sized stash?

Every class has like 4 sets, they all have a dozen of legs at each position that can be situationally useful (like CDR farming Firebirds with Woh or Heavy area damage Firebirds with Sparker + some Rasha's parts) and by the time you account for a couple of variants (so that you aren't wishing you had one later) and make sure you have maybe one of each interesting leg available for reforging (in the event that Blizzard decides to wave its magic wand and make a set or item suddenly relevant), you can find yourself almost full with just a single class. Let alone managing stash space for 3+ toons.

So how do you guys do it? I don't think I'm hoarding. I keep maybe 2 of things that are really rare drops if their rolls are very different. Even then, after all these sets and shit...I'm struggling just to make some space for my Barb, never mind the DH I have yet to level. How the fuck are you guys doing this shit. I absolutely hate the idea of sharding things with perfect rolls just because they aren't right for any of the current builds. Like I have some set gloves that are like 700/7as/10cc/50cd but aren't right because they need to have Area Damage because reasons. I'm supposed to shard those for space? For reals?


You admit defeat and focus on one class. I still typically play other classes over the course of the season but I just give them one set (usually whatever the new hotness is) and that's it.

This. I don't even know that I'm going to bother getting far enough in season journeys to unlock the stash tab due to how goddamn much I hate doing Set Dungeons. I know I'm never going to play non-seasons, and at this point going into a season we already know what legs are going to be worthwhile. As time has gone on I actually need less and less stash space lol. Not even using the first extra tab as-is. First tab is gems/mats, second and third tabs are class sets with any dedicated associated gear they have, 4th tab is misc weapons/armor I probably will realistically never use, and 5th tab is a small amount of misc jewelry I will likewise probably never actually use.
On ps4, if my paragon level got unintentionally hacked up to level 1500 and I don't want it, what are my options for getting it back where it was? Just deleting all game data and starting over is about the only option I can think of. Sucks.
You admit defeat and focus on one class. I still typically play other classes over the course of the season but I just give them one set (usually whatever the new hotness is) and that's it.

Good idea. We'll see what happens, then.

dreams bruh gotta make some mules.
I have a couple of mules worth of space, but that's not nearly enough. Once I get the Reborn toon's stuff from the mail, those will likely be near full. I'll delete the redundant Wiz and Barb gear I have in non-seasonal but I'm not sure what my space will look like after that. Even then, that space won't be available to my seasonals.

I guess we'll see what happens. I just...having such limited stashes just seems fundamentally flawed. Not going to beat that dead horse but...fuck man.

I'm a hoarder and I can't stand this baby sized shit, had to cube everything and I'm still having problems.

I'm glad I'm not alone.

I don't think I'm a hoarder but I don't like cutting off my options for stuff with good rolls. But if people are confident that no new builds are going to be "discovered" at this point, I'll just start sharding stuff that isn't legit perfectly rolled for some other builds or something.


you can't put a price on sparks
Okay real talk: How do you guys manage multiple toons with this baby-sized stash?

my inventory management is basically:

stash - 2 classes per tab for 3 tabs
last tab is for miscellaenous "multi-class" usable items.
i have mule characters for classes that keep a bunch of gear for that specific class. I only bother keeping one set per class and they're wearing it.


Okay real talk: How do you guys manage multiple toons with this baby-sized stash?
Multiple chars per class per build (at least the ones that are annoying to switch between). Each char holds its own "spare" gear when logging out

My log out procedure is:
1) unsocket all legendary gems,
2) return all mats to stash tab
3) pick up all class items from stash
4) leave game

I have a stash tab open for dumping gear when entering game then I pick up the legendary gems I need and play.

It's a pain in the ass.


Pets are mostly cosmetic except that they now run around you and pick up gold. Very useful. Which pet you use doesn't matter, so if you already have one you won't gain anything other than the cosmetic aspects of the new one.
Got it! Thank you :) I don't have a pet yet so it'll be nice to have a lil guy running around.

The leapquake set dungeon is the only one I've done so far and it was fairly easy. For items outside of MotE itself all you need is your Lut boots (so you can leap 3 times) and the new Mighty weapon that causes shouts to spawn earthquakes (forget the name of it off the top of my head). The weapon is vital because it is the only way to remove the cooldown of earthquake quickly after doing your skill combo on an elite mob (dump the fury you gained from killing him on boulder -> use war cry then boulder -> use threat shout then boulder).

I wouldn't bother trying it until you can get those 2 items.

OK sweet thanks for the info. I figured I needed Lut Socks as I had it on PS4. I'll stay on the lookout for a weapon.

One more question, what are some good places to start for cubing items?


Got the shield for the Invoker build. Shit gets real after using it

Really real?

I still haven't gotten a good Shield to use with mine yet.
Still using a Yellow until I can find a good one to actually use.

Other than that, I'm just missing good Rings and an Amulet.

Also made an awesome Ancient Pig Sticker, but I need a Gift to complete it before I can really use it. :\


Good idea. We'll see what happens, then.

I have a couple of mules worth of space, but that's not nearly enough. Once I get the Reborn toon's stuff from the mail, those will likely be near full. I'll delete the redundant Wiz and Barb gear I have in non-seasonal but I'm not sure what my space will look like after that. Even then, that space won't be available to my seasonals.

I guess we'll see what happens. I just...having such limited stashes just seems fundamentally flawed. Not going to beat that dead horse but...fuck man.

I'm glad I'm not alone.

I don't think I'm a hoarder but I don't like cutting off my options for stuff with good rolls. But if people are confident that no new builds are going to be "discovered" at this point, I'll just start sharding stuff that isn't legit perfectly rolled for some other builds or something.

no doubt stash system is total bullshit. pretty much the only workaround is making mules and throwing shit in their inventory and equipping them with stuff though


Fashion tip for you wizards out there.

Transmog your chest piece to "plate mail" (one of the standard armor skins) and dye it black when using Delsere's. +1000 bad ass points achieved. It even colour coordinates perfectly.


Pretty sure I'm in the NA one, and I haven't noticed a ton of people, but I haven't really been too focused on it and I play like midnight-8am on Thursday and Friday lol.

NA or EU? Can't talk about NA, but EU is pretty active right now, yeah. Just ask Dunfisch, Nokterrian and the others. Heck, even I'm playing again.

Only Yoshichan and Gegz are MIA. Losers.

NA :/ all I found was a NeoGAF overflow clan with 60 something members in it


NA :/ all I found was a NeoGAF overflow clan with 60 something members in it

The NA clan has max cap of members, it's named "NeoGAF Official Clan".
edit: Hmm I can't find it in the clan search, I think raticus might have made it private. Anyway you only need to post your ID in the thread to get an invite.
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