Paragon ~615 or so, haven't seen a single Ancient Yangs or Manticore of any type and I've been spending all of my mats for a good while now in reforging as well as upgrading rares. Never had this kind of bad luck >_>
Is enforcer gem multiplicative now? I've seen some dh's use it for maras. I have a rank 70 trapped and a 67 stricken and a 66 esoteric. Would taeguk or zeis or even enforcer be better to replace stricken? I took esoteric off for one rift and got one shitted by elite affixes from off screen so much so will probably keep. Just pushing to get 70, not too interested in going farther. Rank 1 dh is gr83 with a 3400 manticore, perfect ancient rolls and level 80 augments on everything so no point bothering with that lol.
Paragon ~615 or so, haven't seen a single Ancient Yangs or Manticore of any type and I've been spending all of my mats for a good while now in reforging as well as upgrading rares. Never had this kind of bad luck >_>
Nope, looks like thread one is still being updated and it has it listed in the same value as elemental damage:
I know WDs were passing it up due to having less relative value on top of the 100% from Mask of Jeram. Maybe it works out to be a bigger relative boost for that DH build?
I wish it was easier to farm items for alts. I guess I can make a 2h xbow level 1 with that gem. Just wish I could momentarily change my mage drops to that of a DH or something lol
What if you could empower a normal rift with a royal gem of whatever color, and the drops are geared towards that stat? That could work. C'mon season 6.
What if you could empower a normal rift with a royal gem of whatever color, and the drops are geared towards that stat? That could work. C'mon season 6.
Royal would be too expensive, you already need so many damn gems to augment with.
I wish it was easier to farm items for alts. I guess I can make a 2h xbow level 1 with that gem. Just wish I could momentarily change my mage drops to that of a DH or something lol
Guys, i just logged into the game and it prompts me to create a new character, if i go back it gets me to the login screen
I have been playing for a week and have 1 lvl 70 and a seasonal at lvl 60, they are nowhere to be found
Wtf is going on
Litterally just restarted the client and they are now showingDid you accidentally change your region somehow maybe?
Not if you're a wizard. :lolIts so easy to get on the HC leaderboards lol. I'm up to rank like 776 with only a 64
Not if you're a wizard. :lol
Oh. The lowest wizard on the NA leaderboard is 62. On the EU leaderboard it's 68. Stay losing, NA.In HC? I am a wiz in HC. Softcore I imagine it's pretty fierce though.
Oh. The lowest wizard on the NA leaderboard is 62. On the EU leaderboard it's 68. Stay losing, NA.
I don't know. I had a few scares and that was on 58. I had 1k health, slow time up, esoteric, aquila and unity and a molten explosion still did more than half my health.Haha still 68 isn't bad. I don't even have an ancient weapon/source which would bump me up a bit, and if I just farm 64s, that's gonna be another like 5-7 levels on my gems right there. 70 I think is at least pretty achievable without too much trouble, especially for wiz.
I don't know. I had a few scares and that was on 58. I had 1k health, slow time up, esoteric, aquila and unity and a molten explosion still did more than half my health.
The one downside of wizards is that they don't have ways to heal up beyond globes and potions. You have to remind yourself to teleport, slow time and spam spectral blade whenever you can to stay healthy.
Noob question: I have non-seasonal characters who completed story mode multiple times, but on my seasonal I only did bounties in adventure mode. I noted I didn't kill Izual which is part of the progression chapters. But when I switch my seasonal guy to story mode and go to select the quest right before Izual, my quest list is empty. Do I really have to complete the story mode on the seasonal character in order to unlock the quests?
Noob question: I have non-seasonal characters who completed story mode multiple times, but on my seasonal I only did bounties in adventure mode. I noted I didn't kill Izual which is part of the progression chapters. But when I switch my seasonal guy to story mode and go to select the quest right before Izual, my quest list is empty. Do I really have to complete the story mode on the seasonal character in order to unlock the quests?
If you mean the season journey, you don't have to do story mode for that. If you mean something else, I have no clue as I just go straight on adventure mode in season.
You can just go there in adventure mode and kill him, no need to do story.
Awwwwww yiss
Finally beat The Thrill conquest to finish the Conqueror season journey. Last season I don't think I ever beat Slayer. Dat sexy gold portrait border. Dat +1 stash tab. Wooooot.
I haven't played Diablo 3 since the month or so it came out and was thinking of playing the expansion. Is the $20 price the best deal? (seems so)
It's been as low as $15. If you don't mind supporting gamestop they have it for $16 right now but $20 is well worth it IMO
Done with the season 5 Journey
Now to push or not to push for higher GRs? My group has a hard time with 80+ with double barb mage and monk
trying to get the 50m gold streak and its proving to be difficult for me. i tried doing the ruins of corvus but apparently thats not workin for me.
i think im just going to wear gold gear until i find a gilded baron, but i dont know the best way to farm for it. should each nephalem rift have at least one goblin in it, so i should just keep going until i at least find one?
trying to get the 50m gold streak and its proving to be difficult for me. i tried doing the ruins of corvus but apparently thats not workin for me.
i think im just going to wear gold gear until i find a gilded baron, but i dont know the best way to farm for it. should each nephalem rift have at least one goblin in it, so i should just keep going until i at least find one?
I hate playing zdps :-( I'll try to out together the setNeed a WD or DH for dmg amp + globe bitch.
One of the barbs needs to switch. Should still be possible to push without it as long as someone is picking up globes but without dmg amp it'll be tough
It isn't fun or pretty, but I found that farming the TX bounty caches to be the quickest way to do it. It is 100% guaranteed if you open enough boxes. I calculated the exact amount needed earlier in this thread. Completely gear/paragon-level/whatever independent.
I ran into a gilded baron like everyone said it didn't get me anywhere close to enough (~20M), so I did the bounty route and picked up tons more gear and levels which helped overall. YMMV depending on what you need to farm.
grats bro!
I hate playing zdps :-( I'll try to out together the set
Should have been the wizard!