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Diablo IV |OT| Blessed Mother... Save Us


It's happening on every platform, and is very perceptible using controllers. It's like the game is buffering the button inputs for a long time and is releasing the entire buffer before you could do another command. Some users here have said they experienced none of the issues, but, for me, it looks like they just didn't perceived the problem so far... I've seen it myself onPC, PS4 and 5, haven't tested Xbox, but some friends said it's the same. Comparing to Diablo 3 controllers, it's like stop driving an Aston Martin and start to drive a tank.

Someone did show it on record here:

Have in mind that it affects not only the attacks, but also the use of potions and dashing. So, sometimes, it does lead you to some shitty deads because the game doesn't use the potions by the time you pressed the button, and so on...

I have noticed it since the beta. And it is really bad. Needs to be fixed.


Gold Member
I will say that Diablo 3 on launch was a MUCH more enjoyable and engaging experience, despite all of the many flaws of that game in the early days, in the launch Window. The process of leveling up the classes was always fun - the abilities you unlocked were consistently interesting and made you look forward to what cool things you'd unlock on your next level-up. I don't feel that way with Diablo 4. The classes AND powers themselves are kinda "blah". Where's the eccentric and surprising madness of the Witch Doctor? The unique mystique and feel of the Demon Hunter? Where is something new and unique we didn't experience in D3? It all feels like more generic, watered down, safe versions of archetypal classes we've played before. We need something cool and experimental like the Monk to liven things up - Druid did NOT fill this void. Utterly generic and safe.
Would be cool to get to play as an actual Demon or Angel, or some other wild characters, but I agree the templates are all what you'd expect if you were summarizing the core concerts for a Diablo game, not the more unique and wild ones. Hopefully each expansion adds in 2 very eccentric classes to the mix then at least you'd have 4 of the 9 being pretty out there.


Nightmare dungeons and helltides are way more worth doing now and the teleport to dungeon feature is really handy. Basic skill buffs also make a difference, havent tried any of the aspects they buffed yet but overall a decent patch!
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They have to drop first lol, specifically a rank 3+ Sigil has to drop for you to get the quest to craft them.
Ah fair so just keep doing some tree dungeons and it should drop sooner than later, they can also appear in the cache of whispers
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Ah fair so just keep doing some tree dungeons and it should drop sooner than later, they can also appear in the cache of whispers
I got my first few from Helltides, the mobs are at a higher level than they would be in a base dungeon. So would prioritize Helltides over Dungeons for the first couple but do them as you get them (I've ran NM Dungeons and not gotten any to drop).


You can craft it at the occulist
Sooo no there are two tabs there I still cant access. Someone else said you need to do a certain number of tree runs for this shit to drop? Unless I missed something the game totally does not explain how to access nightmare dungeons. Only lvl 56 and already this endgame is starting to feel like an unrewarding slog.


Man... I've run into the ARPG wall... I just got 2 drops which sync well enough to convince me to switch it up and experiment with different imbue / spec / ultimate... but I have absolutely zero feel for doing anything other than exactly what I was doing with my poison trap / rapid fire build.

Amulet that gives rain of arrows all imbuments is pretty fun, though!

Just hit 60. Crawling my way towards WT4...
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Gold Member
So are Nightmare Sigils just a random drop in WT3? I have yet to see a single one.
Random drop in open world, they drop quite often inside NM dungeons once you start doing then. And they drop more often the higher the NM level.

Helltide usually drops a few if you do the events. And you often get some from turning in the 10 grim favours to the tree for a cache.

Once you clear a certain level NM dungeon (maybe 5 or 7), you will get a side quest from the occultist on crafting your own. If you're on xbox just use LFG and join a group doing level 5 NM and you'll be there in no time.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The level scaling can be an issue but it is far from the main one. Itemization is killing the game at around level 70 right now

if you want a progress check Nightmare Dungeons will have a fixed level so you can easily track yourself with it

I came to the same conclusion. Getting all these random drops in end game quickly sours the experience.

It's funny, because the other Blizzard team on WoW figured out years ago, about a decade in fact, that players obviously don't like that. Gear should drop for your class only, and mostly for your build. I am not going to grind away for hours and hours essentially playing the video game lottery on the off chance that I might, maybe, get a slight upgrade.

Moving onto Final Fantasy 16 and the many other good games out now until / if Blizzard addresses that.


Save the adventurer events are so annoying.

Did someone really think "Hey, everyone loves protecting NPCs, let's randomly scatter that throughout the whole game!"?
They're also balanced pretty poorly for late game. No problem killing everything but half the mobs explode and/or shit poison everywhere so the adventurers die anyways. No mastery for you!

At least the ones that just fell down can't die outright and just need you to kill a bunch of monsters quickly.


Guys, can I freeze and stun enemies at the same time? I skill that freezes and skill that stun. So will my damage to frozen and damage to stuned stack?

Edit: already found out that you can.
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So are Nightmare Sigils just a random drop in WT3? I have yet to see a single one.
I got the first sigil from the whispering tree, for handing in the first or second grim favour quest. A random tier 1 sigil.

Then more dropped in that first nightmare dungeon, and since then its been a steady stream of sigils dropping in nightmare dungeons. At around the same tier the dungeon is played on. But then you can start crafting your own supply of sigils after clearing a tier early on, I think its nightmare tier 3 actually. So acquiring sigils is not an issue once you do that.


Yeah it's kinda weird, after you do that first one it's no problem to get into more. I had someone help by inviting me to complete one, after that I had like 3 sigils and the ability to craft more.



Time to level up glyphs and do some PvP.


Just start a sorcerer and I kinda feel weak. Youtubed a couple of builds but struggling to find a decent leveling one. Trying out an ice shard build but I seem to be out of mana so very quickly.


Been slowly grinding the Paragon boards, NM dungeons buff is doing great work now and finally collecting the Altars of Lilith but finding less reasons to play other than that I want to see more stuff, not putting a lot of time in until season 1 and a need a new build for that either


Just start a sorcerer and I kinda feel weak. Youtubed a couple of builds but struggling to find a decent leveling one. Trying out an ice shard build but I seem to be out of mana so very quickly.
Unless you use the icy veins builds its rough as a sorc. Im 81 and using a build of my own but its shit and I struggle through most NM dungeons unless they are 25 or lower. I dont want to use a build someone else came up with but at times its hard not to 🤣


Found a pair of 711 eyes in the dark pants which made me switch out the shadow clone with death trap, and oh boy that sound when it detonates with a rumbling low bass - B L A M - through the ground. Several times, if the eyes in the dark aspect kicks in.


At the endgame of WT3 I think - level 64 and most items close to 700. But theres no hurry so I think Ill just level out until 70 and do the capstone. Just realised how great the helltide is for farming the mysterious chest at 175 stones. 3-5 legendaries per chest in my experience, and they seem to be weighted towards the top of the item range in WT3.
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Just start a sorcerer and I kinda feel weak. Youtubed a couple of builds but struggling to find a decent leveling one. Trying out an ice shard build but I seem to be out of mana so very quickly.
Sorcerer is lacking behind but Iceshards will get good, keep working at it
once you have your double spell enchantment lvl 30 you should feel a bit better


What time is it?
Just start a sorcerer and I kinda feel weak. Youtubed a couple of builds but struggling to find a decent leveling one. Trying out an ice shard build but I seem to be out of mana so very quickly.

I'm using this.

1 Arc lash (Second enchantment)
2 Arc lash 2
3 Arc lash 3
4 Arc lash 4
5 arch lash 5
6 Enhanced arch lash
7 Teleport
8 Ice armor
9 Frost nova
10 Enhanced frost nova
11 Mystical Frost nova
12 Hydra
13 Enhanced Hydra
14 Summoned Hydra
15 Fireball ( First Enchant )
16 Glinting Arc lash
17 Enhanced Ice armor
18 Shimmering Ice armor
19 Static Discharge
20 Shocking Impact
21 Shocking Impact rank 2
22 Shocking Impact rank 3
23 Enhanced Teleport
24 Unstable Currents
25 Prime Unstable Currents
26 Coursing Currents
27 Coursing Currents Rank 2
28 Coursing Currents Rank 3
29 Electrocution
30 Convulsions
31 Convulsions rank 2
32 Convulsions rank 3
33 Shimmering Teleport
34 Vyr’s Mastery
35 Elemental Attunement
36 Elemental Attunement rank 2
37 Align the elements
38 Protection
39 Protection rank 2
40 Protection rank 3
41 Precision Magic
42 Precision Magic rank 2
43 Precision Magic rank 3
44 Lightning spear 1
45 Enhanced Lightning Spear
46 Invoked Lightning spear
47 Conjuration mastery
48 Conjuration mastery rank 2
49 Conjuration mastery rank 3
50 Inner flames
51 Devouring Blaze
52 Devouring Blaze rank 2
53 Devouring Blaze rank 3
54 Hydra Rank 2
55 Hydra Rank 3
56 Hydra Rank 4
57 Hydra Rank 5
58 Electrocution rank 2
59 Electrocution rank 3

Aspects (on rings + neck)
Rapid Aspect (Buried halls, dry steppes)
Aspect of Control (Sunken library, Kehjistan)
Aspect of might (Dark Ravine, Dry steppes)
Use Wand and focus for more attacks if possible


Just start a sorcerer and I kinda feel weak. Youtubed a couple of builds but struggling to find a decent leveling one. Trying out an ice shard build but I seem to be out of mana so very quickly.
I thought a basic fire build was pretty damn good through world tier 2. fire bolt + fire ball + fire wall + fireball enchantment with utility like frost nova/teleport/ice armor/ult. I would recommend getting fire ball enchantment in world tiers 1/2. It's really good but falls off quickly into world tier 3. Good for some most of the early leveling though.


I'm using this.

1 Arc lash (Second enchantment)
2 Arc lash 2
3 Arc lash 3
4 Arc lash 4
5 arch lash 5
6 Enhanced arch lash
7 Teleport
8 Ice armor
9 Frost nova
10 Enhanced frost nova
11 Mystical Frost nova
12 Hydra
13 Enhanced Hydra
14 Summoned Hydra
15 Fireball ( First Enchant )
16 Glinting Arc lash
17 Enhanced Ice armor
18 Shimmering Ice armor
19 Static Discharge
20 Shocking Impact
21 Shocking Impact rank 2
22 Shocking Impact rank 3
23 Enhanced Teleport
24 Unstable Currents
25 Prime Unstable Currents
26 Coursing Currents
27 Coursing Currents Rank 2
28 Coursing Currents Rank 3
29 Electrocution
30 Convulsions
31 Convulsions rank 2
32 Convulsions rank 3
33 Shimmering Teleport
34 Vyr’s Mastery
35 Elemental Attunement
36 Elemental Attunement rank 2
37 Align the elements
38 Protection
39 Protection rank 2
40 Protection rank 3
41 Precision Magic
42 Precision Magic rank 2
43 Precision Magic rank 3
44 Lightning spear 1
45 Enhanced Lightning Spear
46 Invoked Lightning spear
47 Conjuration mastery
48 Conjuration mastery rank 2
49 Conjuration mastery rank 3
50 Inner flames
51 Devouring Blaze
52 Devouring Blaze rank 2
53 Devouring Blaze rank 3
54 Hydra Rank 2
55 Hydra Rank 3
56 Hydra Rank 4
57 Hydra Rank 5
58 Electrocution rank 2
59 Electrocution rank 3

Aspects (on rings + neck)
Rapid Aspect (Buried halls, dry steppes)
Aspect of Control (Sunken library, Kehjistan)
Aspect of might (Dark Ravine, Dry steppes)
Use Wand and focus for more attacks if possible

I've been playing around with this for the last hour or so. Better than the ice shard build I was using, and it's a lot more fun. Really like the Hydra ability. Thanks for the recommendation.

I thought a basic fire build was pretty damn good through world tier 2. fire bolt + fire ball + fire wall + fireball enchantment with utility like frost nova/teleport/ice armor/ult. I would recommend getting fire ball enchantment in world tiers 1/2. It's really good but falls off quickly into world tier 3. Good for some most of the early leveling though.

I'll look into this one also. Thanks!


Unless you use the icy veins builds its rough as a sorc. Im 81 and using a build of my own but its shit and I struggle through most NM dungeons unless they are 25 or lower. I dont want to use a build someone else came up with but at times its hard not to 🤣
This is me but with a Rogue only difference my dps and defenses are great. I feel good not seeing my build anywhere and mostly not seeing it all over youtube. I think they’re a few good builds in every class yet to be discovered.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Just start a sorcerer and I kinda feel weak. Youtubed a couple of builds but struggling to find a decent leveling one. Trying out an ice shard build but I seem to be out of mana so very quickly.

Sorc is weakest class.

For early leveling/campaign spam chain lighting.

50+ it’s tricky, ice shards will run out of mana (slot in frost bolt for mana return and replace blaze passive with glass cannon).

Firewall I haven’t played but it requires that you snapshot the damage.

Blizzard forget it, it’s aspect dependent - it’s more like a 80+ build.

Arc lash was nerfed but might be interesting for 50-70.


No Silksong? = Delivering the pain.
I run blizzorb like a classic d2 sorceress and I can clear level 60 nightmare dungeons pretty much no problem at level 90. I mean I basically farmed level 35-50 nm dungeons from level 75-90 with the same build. I think a lot of the sorc dialogue is too focused on meta YouTubers and not enough experimentation.

Like frozen orb for example. Everyone out here saying it’s shit when I have WAY more aoe damage than when I tried ice shards out. And easy vulnerable application without relying on frost nova. And more ranged damage so it’s safer. This is just one example I think of people not giving skills a chance and making a build around it and experimenting and seeing what works.

I basically experimented with making blizzard work since the beginning of the game because I didn’t want to do the same boring meta build as everyone else. Lo and behold blizzard actually slaps and someone makes a video and now everyone is on the train. Too much following. Not enough experimenting.

That’s not to say there aren’t issues with the class, because there are. Defenses most obvious. Everything one shots into the 60-70 nightmare dungeon range, though I have some ideas about how to tweak my build for higher tier pushing.
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I run blizzorb like a classic d2 sorceress and I can clear level 60 nightmare dungeons pretty much no problem at level 90. I mean I basically farmed level 35-50 nm dungeons from level 75-90 with the same build. I think a lot of the sorc dialogue is too focused on meta YouTubers and not enough experimentation.

Like frozen orb for example. Everyone out here saying it’s shit when I have WAY more aoe damage than when I tried ice shards out. And easy vulnerable application without relying on frost nova. And more ranged damage so it’s safer. This is just one example I think of people not giving skills a chance and making a build around it and experimenting and seeing what works.

I basically experimented with making blizzard work since the beginning of the game because I didn’t want to do the same boring meta build as everyone else. Lo and behold blizzard actually slaps and someone makes a video and now everyone is on the train. Too much following. Not enough experimenting.

That’s not to say there aren’t issues with the class, because there are. Defenses most obvious. Everything one shots into the 60-70 nightmare dungeon range, though I have some ideas about how to tweak my build for higher tier pushing.

any build can farm 35-50 nm dungeons....

high tier pushing is when people start looking at the disparity between Sorc and other classes. you have 0 room for mistakes. the way you're forced to play is an absolute slog of waiting for cooldowns each pull and then killing off stragglers copmletely off screen. gear swapping and skills swapping is mandatory at times. once you get into 80+ you just won't do enough damage with orb even if you have the mob immobilized, stunned and frozen with vulnerable. shards barely kills certain elites in the frozen timeframe. the required way to play to barely eek out in 90+ is what people are discussing surrounding Sorc.

also, ice spikes has always been a build. it's just not as good as shards. it got attention because of the way it kills Uber Lilith.
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This weekend in about 2hrs and almost 20 tries I finally beat the tier 4 capstone boss.
So I attended my first t4 world boss fight. As I was going to position, the boss was down and completed in literally like 4 seconds.

My question is how do people even do this? What kind of build is getting stacked to be able to do this?


I feel like my rogue made me struggle, with one unique dropped throughout it's 72 levels. I decided to level up a Druid cause I want to be a bear... I've had 6 uniques 3 dupes and 2 I needed , insatiable fury and Vasily's, all in 2 days.. I think Druid makes me feel lucky.

bear playing GIF
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Little Mac

Gold Member
Currently level 94 My interest in playing is dying tbh. Tomorrow's dev stream is going to decide alot for me going forward. Hope they bring alot of changes and quality of life improvements to Season 1. The fact that they haven't fixed resistances yet and they are pretty much meaningless is killing my Sorc's ability at pushing higher tier Nightmare Dungeons (Because int is Sorc's main stat and their defense is tied to the All Resistances stat that is boosted from it). Despite my bitching, the game has alot of promise.


Gold Member
Currently level 94 My interest in playing is dying tbh. Tomorrow's dev stream is going to decide alot for me going forward. Hope they bring alot of changes and quality of life improvements to Season 1. The fact that they haven't fixed resistances yet and they are pretty much meaningless is killing my Sorc's ability at pushing higher tier Nightmare Dungeons (Because int is Sorc's main stat and their defense is tied to the All Resistances stat that is boosted from it). Despite my bitching, the game has alot of promise.

Yeah, I'm only 74 or so and I got a couple other classes to 40-50 and I think I am going to wait on season 1 to play again. The game is great and will improve over time so I'm still very impressed on its beginnings.


Man, i haven't even finished the campaign yet. although i'm very close to finishing it. Currently on a lvl 48 Necromancer.
Finally hit 100 last night on my ranged Rogue. I went from rapid fire to barrage and ended up finishing on penetrating shot but honestly it's pretty weak single target so won't have much of a chance at Lilith. Still using a bunch of items that are level 68/69 and honestly feels like the character stopped progressing around level 75-80 or so. Damage hasn't really ramped up all that much, enough to finish nightmare dungeons mid 50's but not much point pushing any higher. The levelling grind feels a lot worse than it really ought to be due to not finding any cool upgrades along the way. I think the XP feels good now after the nightmare dungeon buffs but it still feels like a grind due to no gear upgrades in those higher levels. Feels like there should have been world tier 5 with better items around level 80. Not in a hurry to play any more to be honest but am keen to see what changes will come with season 1.
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