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Did you enter the DESTROY ALL HUMANS 2 contest and NOT get a copy? See post #1490

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
Woo-hoo! I got my e-mail. I've just responded to get the Xbox version, non-backwards compatibility be damned. And get this...I'm actually gonna play the game! I rather enjoyed the original.

Special thanks to Ecrofirt, THQ, Cheaters at IFCA, Yuukichan's Papa, all NeoGAF staff, AND YOU!


Got my email today too!!! I submitted my pics early early this past sunday night/monday morning at like 3:00am and I got the email from THQ at about 2pm this afternoon, though I'm just now checking it. Last night before going to bed, I did shoot them an email stating that I hadn't recieved an e-mail, whether or not it sped up the process of me getting the notice I don't know, but if you havn't recieved your email yet it wouldnt' hurt sending THQ an email asking them about it--I also threw in my username and forum as well.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
SuperSonic1305 said:
I got the email and I didn't even get the first one they sent out.

neither did i... i think the first email was only to catch cheaters or if there was confusion in your submissions.


I got the email also, so woohoo for that. I put the PS2 version in the email subject, but in the email body after my address, I put a note that said if the Xbox version is compatible with the 360, I'd rather have that version.

Thanks a lot everyone, and enjoy the game. I highly doubt that we'll see another contest like this anytime soon. :lol


So trade it in towards a console you do own, what are they gonna do, you won the contest like they instructed, that is your game.


The game looks good so I'll probably play through it, and then probably trade in to add to the $35 I've already put down on Gears.


demi said:
So trade it in towards a console you do own, what are they gonna do, you won the contest like they instructed, that is your game.

I don't even own any of the current gen console. *sob* :(


all good things
Awesome awesome. Number 2 for GAF, number 3 overall.

I was wondering if they would give something sweet to the number 1 contributer but doesnt seem like they did so im glad I stopped at 987 :lol


we might as well turn this into the official Destroy all Humans thread and get a 1000post jump on the RE4/Oblivion threads..

IGN review up:


Closing Comments
Destroy All Humans! 2 is a good example of what to do with a sequel. Pandemic has built on what worked in the first game and expanded it to make an amusing and enjoyable experience. While the profane approach to story telling may not be for everybody, those with an open sense of humor will find a lot to laugh at and some compelling gameplay. The voice acting is top notch and the action oriented approach works quite well. It's not a perfect game, but Destroy All Humans! 2 is a nice way to help close out the current generation of systems.

8.5 Presentation
A hilarious retelling of the late '60s with some great layout and features.
7.0 Graphics
A well animated world with heavy fog and pop-in issues.
9.0 Sound
Excellent voice acting and nice sound effects.
8.0 Gameplay
The action focused gameplay works quite well.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
There's a lot to see with plenty of motivation to dive deep.
Impressive OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)


Just a big shout out to Ecrofirt and the rest of our top-notch spammers (Az987, nataku, 360punk, Pimpbaa, VibratingDonkey, crestfallen, davepoobond, joshschw, thismeanswarmate, and all you other guys that submitted) for some excellent work here!
And kudos to THQ for supporting PAL-countries after all, very sporty of them. :)


Just got the email and requested the PS2 version.

Thanks to eveyone who helped GAF win. :)

Too bad they don't update the list one last time after they remove the cheaters entries... would be interesting to see. :lol


you can't put a price on sparks
junkwaffle said:


it was worth uploading 250 pictures to get a free game and to see that picture.


Getting the PS2 version, then trading it in for in-store credit, plus 20% trade in special...

$48 in-store credit just like that!!:D


works for Gamestop (lol)
Diatribe said:
Getting the PS2 version, then trading it in for in-store credit, plus 20% trade in special...

$48 in-store credit just like that!!:D

I'd like to know which store is doing this...cause the game is retailing for $39.99


Cool. I'll get another $48 put towards Gears of War. Kick ass. Well, that, or pay for part of a year of XBL- my free month's run out.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Diatribe said:
Oh, sorry, it's when you either have 'Gears of war' 'Twilight Princess' or FF XII (which applies to me) pre-ordered.

Well, it's EB, look here: http://www.ebgames.com/gs/trade-ins/trade-ins.asp

So just from Destroy All Humans 2 alone, the trade in credit value should be $48? (by trading in for one of the games)

That seems a pretty damn good deal but it seems silly of Gamestop to give out more credit than the MSRP of the game


Oh- that wouldn't work. It's for a trade-in, which this wouldn't be. Just the returning of a game for store credit. Sorry- wrong idea.


I don't know why you never joined. It's beyond me. Anyway, I never played the first one, so I feel no great regret about getting credit for this. GOW>DAH2.

Also, 1000 posts, guys. Awesome.


Beezy said:
Good shit. I got FFXII preordered. After I have my fun with this game, I'll trade it in to add to my preorder. :D

I strongly doubt that GS/EB will give you the full $40 for the game though.

Edit: 1000th reply!

I had 1000th post. Ha ha!


EDIT: Why do you doubt that they'll accept an unopened game for store credit?
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