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Digimon Community Thread |OT| For all the Digidestined on GAF

Maybe Ken vs Takeru mk2? :p

... of all the panders that can pander, that would be the most pandering. LET'S DO IT!

That's what I meant by Adventures pandering, it's all focused on that :p

Well... that is what it was made for. I think 02's characters will be significant in some way, probably more than some people here will appreciate. Who knows, the last two OVAs might be about them, since we would have run out of cover ideas by then, hehehehe.

Edit: Top of the page, of course. The trophy list for Western Cyber Sleuth has been released, if anyone's interested. Warning: There are spoilers for the story under the chapter completion trophies.


Daisuke and Miyako never progress as characters, it's a shame. They rub Daisuke's "greatness" in your face towards the end, even though he's done nothing to earn it. Such a bad follow-up to Taichi.

Zeroth said:
IIRC the issue is that they weren't allowed to progress. I remember reading somewhere (maybe here?!?) that Daisuke wasn't allowed to evolve much as a character, and in a manga where he guest appears and actually is developed as a character, he laments he has to go back to 02 or something.

Basically, 02 was a big executive meddling and I would be perfectly fine with Tri writing 02's end as an alternate dimension or something.

Well, Miyako is one thing.

But Daisuke actually got his best char development in the JP radio dramas, "Path to Armor Evolution" and "Doors to Summer". Doors to Summer especially was a nice showcase of just how much his unrequited affection for Hikari was getting to him, and certainly would've been a good showcase for how he was portrayed as more or less getting over her almost entirely by later on 02.

Why they never bothered to showcase that kind of char development in the show itself will forever be beyond me. But they seemed content to largely make Daisuke out as Ken's personal cheerleader/waifu and V-mon's personal power-up after awhile, anyway.
Well, Miyako is one thing.

But Daisuke actually got his best char development in the JP radio dramas, "Path to Armor Evolution" and "Doors to Summer". Doors to Summer especially was a nice showcase of just how much his unrequited affection for Hikari was getting to him, and certainly would've been a good showcase for how he was portrayed as more or less getting over her almost entirely by later on 02.

Why they never bothered to showcase that kind of char development in the show itself will forever be beyond me. But they seemed content to largely make Daisuke out as Ken's personal cheerleader/waifu and V-mon's personal power-up after awhile, anyway.

Someday I will listen to these... someday. Were they made during the show was airing or after it was over?
I still don't think they are pandering to 02 haters. People tend to forget that 02 is not nearly as hated as the internet would have you believe. It's just easy to forget because GAF has good taste. :p

I think they wanted to focus on the first cast for maximum nostalgia. If Adventure's cast didn't already consist of 8 people, which is a lot of characters to focus on, 02's cast would have been more involved.

It's obvious 02 is still important in Tri.
The D-3s being the ones to open the gate, 02 characters being shown on the screen of the agent's computer, and the little pushes to making at least some of the epilogue canon are all there. Why Takeru and Hikari don't talk about them is most likely going to addressed at some point.
I just hope the reason is good. :p

I think
Imperialdramon gets infected and starts attacking everything. Maybe Ankylomon and Aquilamon will be there too. It would be interesting to see Angemon and Tailmon fight them.

Yes, I have noticed that these characters actually get a lot of love and that quite a few people are a tad upset about how they were handled.

I don't think they pander to 02 haters either, just that they can do all the Adventure pandering they want while keeping 02 in there to an extent that at least makes sense.
But hey, they might well still address that later on, so who knows.


According to my Amazon JP account, Butterfly single was/will be sent out today along with I wish and Brave Heart (though these two are together while Butterfly is on its own for some reason).

Awesome :D Should be here either on Sat or Monday according to the delivery estimate.
According to my Amazon JP account, Butterfly single was/will be sent out today along with I wish and Brave Heart (though these two are together while Butterfly is on its own for some reason).

Awesome :D Should be here either on Sat or Monday according to the delivery estimate.

T_T I'm going Japan in December so i got my brothers friend to pre order them for me, might have to look for the digital purchases.

Also,anybody know where to go to get some Digimon stuff other than the obvious places,akihabara etc.

EDIT- Can't see that anybody has posted this, Digimon Linkz trailer:

Looks like city building with DW3 battle system:


T_T I'm going Japan in December so i got my brothers friend to pre order them for me, might have to look for the digital purchases.

Also,anybody know where to go to get some Digimon stuff other than the obvious places,akihabara etc.

No idea outside the usual Akiba, Nakano Broadway, etc. If you get any Digi stuff, make sure to post it here for us :)

Speaking of, when Digimon Story: CS comes out in Feb and I replay it in English, I plan on taking a note of every place I can in the game and will try to find/take pics of the places in Japan just for the hell of it. Should be a fun attempt :). See how close they look to what's in game, etc.
No idea outside the usual Akiba, Nakano Broadway, etc. If you get any Digi stuff, make sure to post it here for us :)

Speaking of, when Digimon Story: CS comes out in Feb and I replay it in English, I plan on taking a note of every place I can in the game and will try to find/take pics of the places in Japan just for the hell of it. Should be a fun attempt :). See how close they look to what's in game, etc.
Haha, will do. The café ends mid December though so I'll miss it D=.
Gah, that would have been cool to do.

Edit - there's a monzaemon plush up for sale on p-bandai.jp, like the one etemon carries. Dunno if old.
We have so little information now, so ideas where the story for Tri could end up is hard to make. There are too many options for now.

I think it could be simple. Its been years since Digimon gate was opened and it was mentioned at the beginning that it was getting harder and harder for everyone to meet up again. Maybe the Alphamons attack for 02 gang happened very recently? Maybe thats why they didnt call 02 gang yet, all the stuff that happened within OVA 1 happened relativly fast and within two days. Of course this only works if they start to look for 02 gang at the beginning of OVA 2.

And the pandering for Adventure 1 isnt that bad, since obviously it was the better show and 02 is NOT forgotten. Actually, so far it looks like NOTHING is yet retconned from 02. And considering how stubborn Digimon creators are at some things its possible they may not retcon anything.

Actually I'll ask something nasty. Is 02 more popular than Tamers in Japan? I barely see Tamers merch to be sold, yet 02 actually has merchandise getting made. Or are they riding the wave with Adventure 1 merch? I think reception for 02 is bit better since Taiora was not that much of a thing in Japan.
Digimon Adventure tri. Earns 59 Million Yen in 10 Theaters

I couldn't tell you if that is good, bad, or whatever. For a limited release that seems good...?

Actually I'll ask something nasty. Is 02 more popular than Tamers in Japan? I barely see Tamers merch to be sold, yet 02 actually has merchandise getting made. Or are they riding the wave with Adventure 1 merch? I think reception for 02 is bit better since Taiora was not that much of a thing in Japan.

02 was the peak of the number of people watching Digimon. I couldn't say if that directly translated to popularity like it did in the West.
Dengenki Online has an article and more pictures about Next Order. Here are some shots, but there is way more at the link.




My translation skills are garbage(so take this with grains of salt), but it looks like discipline is handled at certain times rather than whenever like other World games. The picture with V-mon and Wormmon is after a battle and the options are to praise, scold, or to not say anything.

Episode 3
Heh, Izzy not going to stores because he is too scared. lol. Retail is going down, ya'll.

Izzy starts all trends.


Someone shared this on FB, the MV of Brave Heart <3

Love this evo theme.

This was a really good update to that song and the video was cute.

I hope we get the instrumental version sometime. (Unless we did already. >.>)


I feel like I want to absorb everything Next Order and Cyber Sleuth. I'm getting serious World vibes from both games and I haven't played one in ages.


I feel like I want to absorb everything Next Order and Cyber Sleuth. I'm getting serious World vibes from both games and I haven't played one in ages.

Just remember, they are both two different types of games. And while I can't say much for Next Order, Cyber Sleuth is a great JRPG with a good story and lots of Digimon to Raise.

A tip I give anyone who plans on getting it (thanks to the guys in the Import OT which is where I picked this up :) ): Look into PlatinumSukamon, 3 of them. And near the end of the game, evolve them to Etemon -> PlatinumNumemon. (evolve them because it makes using them to grind battles a lot easier. I used 2 + SaintGargomon (MegaGargomon), the latter of which had an area wide attack.

Will make grinding EXP a lot easier (the Plats give more EXP thanks to their special ability and they STACK)

There is also equipable items (some you can get via quests, some via drops at the end of battle) that up your Money (which combined with GoldNumemon is good for money grinding) and EXP (which I believe also stack with the Plats I mentioned earlier)

Just some general tips for anyone here who plans on getting Cyber Sleuth.

I am tempted to start on hard mode when the English version comes out but I do get annoyed with the (minor enemy spoilers)
since they have no weakness, I imagine hard mode will just up their health a lot and make it even MORE annoying to beat them.
I am tempted to start on hard mode when the English version comes out but I do get annoyed with the (minor enemy spoilers)
since they have no weakness, I imagine hard mode will just up their health a lot and make it even MORE annoying to beat them.

*Not guaranteed to work on all
of the Eaters

Tailmon's Neko Punch always hits for exactly 150 no matter the enemy. This makes at least the early
embarrassingly easy because their gimmick tends to be high defense. I want to say a later Digimon has a similar attack, but I'm unsure.

That being said, the producer has mentioned that they are changing things like the metagame, so it's hard to say if that tip will stay relevant for Western release.


All this Adventure tri stuff makes me wish that PSP Adventure game would get a localization. :(

Up-port it to Vita and PS4 and localize it, Scamco!!
Dukemon Crimson Mode is looking pretty awesome.

I'm hoping that we start getting some more deep info on the game play systems of Next Order soon, because I have a lot of questions about how everything is going to be changed with the two Digimon mechanic.
DarkLordEdgyBlackKnightOmegamon Zwart appeared on the Next Order website with a garbled description.

I want this dude to replace Omegamon Zwart permanently if that's what he is.

Edit: And Gematsu has a better description for what I was butchering earlier.

"Unlike the series so far, an important &#8220;discipline&#8221; element lets you select commands when needed. The level of &#8220;realism&#8221; has been significantly improved. If your Digimon win a battle, they might want you to praise them, or sometimes they&#8217;ll do whatever they want in the battle. Whether you praise or scold them is up to you. By displaying your Digimon partner&#8217;s feelings directly, the player&#8217;s behavior will be tested."


*Not guaranteed to work on all
of the Eaters

Tailmon's Neko Punch always hits for exactly 150 no matter the enemy. This makes at least the early
embarrassingly easy because their gimmick tends to be high defense. I want to say a later Digimon has a similar attack, but I'm unsure.

That being said, the producer has mentioned that they are changing things like the metagame, so it's hard to say if that tip will stay relevant for Western release.

Huh, didn't know that. Though my Tailmon kept getting killed so easily before. Usually the first to get targeted :( Still will keep the tip in mind if it stays relevant at least XD

All this Adventure tri stuff makes me wish that PSP Adventure game would get a localization. :(

Up-port it to Vita and PS4 and localize it, Scamco!!

I'd prefer a remake than an up-port personally and that's mainly because the PSP limitations are very very obvious.

Of course I'd buy a remake, up-port, whatever of it since it is easily one of my favourite Digimon games. Similar gameplay (battle wise) to Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth but follows the anime story. Only real changes are to stretch out the gameplay sections (ie when the team get back to the real world, before doing the Yamato/Takeru at night section, iirc each chosen gets a solo fight against a random Digimon just to stretch out that section.)
Just remember, they are both two different types of games. And while I can't say much for Next Order, Cyber Sleuth is a great JRPG with a good story and lots of Digimon to Raise.

A tip I give anyone who plans on getting it (thanks to the guys in the Import OT which is where I picked this up :) ): Look into PlatinumSukamon, 3 of them. And near the end of the game, evolve them to Etemon -> PlatinumNumemon. (evolve them because it makes using them to grind battles a lot easier. I used 2 + SaintGargomon (MegaGargomon), the latter of which had an area wide attack.

Will make grinding EXP a lot easier (the Plats give more EXP thanks to their special ability and they STACK)

There is also equipable items (some you can get via quests, some via drops at the end of battle) that up your Money (which combined with GoldNumemon is good for money grinding) and EXP (which I believe also stack with the Plats I mentioned earlier)

Just some general tips for anyone here who plans on getting Cyber Sleuth.

I am tempted to start on hard mode when the English version comes out but I do get annoyed with the (minor enemy spoilers)
since they have no weakness, I imagine hard mode will just up their health a lot and make it even MORE annoying to beat them.

Does the extra exp. not affect the flow of the game too much? Or does the game expect some level of grinding anyway?


Does the extra exp. not affect the flow of the game too much? Or does the game expect some level of grinding anyway?

In a way, it can. (honestly the main game, at least the JP version is easy. the hardest quests are the DLC Demon Lords quests and I haven't even beat them all yet)

On the other hand, if you want to raise lots of Digimon, it's so helpful. You'll be De-Digivolving and Digivolving a lot when you're trying to get Megas so the extra EXP is very very useful.

Most of my grinding was near the end but it's still useful near the start if you want to see what Digimon you can get early on. The only limit there is your memory limit (higher level Digimon takes up more party memory which decides how many Digimon you can keep on yourself at any one time. you find more memory upgrades as you go through the game)
OwTheEdgemon here looks like that Tim Burton design that one of the artists made while ago


I think they got inspiration from that. Its name is Executor? I wonder if this means that it is one-off digimon that wont be used ever again.

Looking more into Cyber Sleuth since its coming soon, man does it have great roster. I mainly played Digimon World 1 and 3, so the roster is absolutely great, even with the recolors and some missing Digimons and incomplete lines. Its so good. Except for the train digimon. Seriously whyyyy
Looks like we might be getting everyone with their Champion partners.

Except for the train digimon. Seriously whyyyy

Because he was in that Tamers movie that wasn't very good, I guess? It's weird Locomon isn't in too, though. Early promo showed GrandLocomon as one of the first Digimon as an enemy. Maybe he used to be more important?

Edit: Bamco US's Digimon Livestream on Tuesday will have prizes and digital code giveaways for Digimon and Sword Art Online: Lost Song.
Regarding tri:

What do you guys think about the fact that the 8 digidestined doesn't talk about Daisuke, Miyako, Ken and Iori? The only plausible excuse I can think of is something like when they were defeated, their "data" was erased from people's memories or something like that.
Regarding tri:

What do you guys think about the fact that the 8 digidestined doesn't talk about Daisuke, Miyako, Ken and Iori? The only plausible excuse I can think of is something like when they were defeated, their "data" was erased from people's memories or something like that.

I noticed that for Tri Reunions' description, the 02 group is referred to as Hikari's rather than Daisuke's. I doubt that it's significant (except to show Takeru wasn't next in line, lol), but I always thought it was strange considering they are not afraid to show the 02 characters exist.


Unconfirmed Member
Omg that Garurumon figure... Well, crap... I told myself I'd get all the Digimon GEM figures... (when I refuse to buy the large, pricey statues, too!) Still behind on my D-Arts/SH Figuarts. Still pissed on the Amazon deal. Bluefin needs to work with Rightstuf.
Looks like we might be getting everyone with their Champion partners.

Because he was in that Tamers movie that wasn't very good, I guess? It's weird Locomon isn't in too, though. Early promo showed GrandLocomon as one of the first Digimon as an enemy. Maybe he used to be more important?

Edit: Bamco US's Digimon Livestream on Tuesday will have prizes and digital code giveaways for Digimon and Sword Art Online: Lost Song.

That looks slick. Now you got me craving for Greymon and Angemon statues.


Regarding tri:

What do you guys think about the fact that the 8 digidestined doesn't talk about Daisuke, Miyako, Ken and Iori? The only plausible excuse I can think of is something like when they were defeated, their "data" was erased from people's memories or something like that.

Been saying this since the first 5 minutes were shown but it's probably a set up for a later (most likely the second based on the poster) OVA. There is a reason no one is talking about them and I find it a little funny how some seem to be freaking out over it as if everything needs to be revealed now when we still have 5 OVAs left.
Question regarding Cyber Sleuth

Ive read that the game decided to go original Pokemon Red & Blue route by combining Magic attacks power and defence in the same stat, Intelligence. Does this mean that some Digimon are way better than others because of high Intelligence and ones with low Intelligence are bad?

Or is the game so easy this doesnt matter :p
Been saying this since the first 5 minutes were shown but it's probably a set up for a later (most likely the second based on the poster) OVA. There is a reason no one is talking about them and I find it a little funny how some seem to be freaking out over it as if everything needs to be revealed now when we still have 5 OVAs left.

Feels good to have more 5 OVAs incoming. xD


Question regarding Cyber Sleuth

Ive read that the game decided to go original Pokemon Red & Blue route by combining Magic attacks power and defence in the same stat, Intelligence. Does this mean that some Digimon are way better than others because of high Intelligence and ones with low Intelligence are bad?

Or is the game so easy this doesnt matter :p

It's easy enough that you should just go with what you like (I did until near the end of the game)... that said.

near the end of the game with some of the tougher fights. Lilithmon with max int + her special attack = awesome. Combine her with UlforceVeedramon (who's special ability allows you to always go first which is very good in some of the end-game fights where the enemy can go multiple times in a row) and you have a recipe for success :D
That looks slick. Now you got me craving for Greymon and Angemon statues.

No Greymon yet, buuuut...


Question regarding Cyber Sleuth

Ive read that the game decided to go original Pokemon Red & Blue route by combining Magic attacks power and defence in the same stat, Intelligence. Does this mean that some Digimon are way better than others because of high Intelligence and ones with low Intelligence are bad?

Or is the game so easy this doesnt matter :p

Outside of late game and online, you probably won't care (hard mode and rebalancing could change that). Late game, it is generally a good idea to avoid low INT. However, it isn't quite as crippling to Digimon as it is to Pokemon in Red/Blue. In fact, the worst stats you can have seem to be completely balanced ones (poor Imperialdramon PM). I also won plenty of the tough fights with Jesmon, who has low INT (but an awesome move).

If you want a better picture, last time I checked Seraphimon (high INT) and UlforceV-dramon (high SPD with a ridiculously OP ability) dominate the small competitive scene.


Just finished watching tri.

It's so confusing where they've put the show chronologically. Didn't digimon appear en masse all over the world during 02? You'd think ALOT of people would know or be suspicious about it. Unless it was just small showings? I can't exactly remember since it's been so long. It also kinda seems like all the Oikawa stuff was retconned.

Also kinda find Taichi's PTSD thing dumb. The first time it happens sure it's understandable but they repeated it way too much. Yamato is totally right on this one.
Just finished watching tri.

It's so confusing where they've put the show chronologically. Didn't digimon appear en masse all over the world during 02? You'd think ALOT of people would know or be suspicious about it. Unless it was just small showings? I can't exactly remember since it's been so long. It also kinda seems like all the Oikawa stuff was retconned.

Also kinda find Taichi's PTSD thing dumb. The first time it happens sure it's understandable but they repeated it way too much. Yamato is totally right on this one.

Yes, Digimon already appeared over the world, even in Adventure 01 in Odaiba. But I think they weren't explained, since no Digidestined, Gennai or government gave an official public speech iirc. I guess the people just remember them as "monsters". I assume the government identified later that the Digidestined were involved the cases and started to monitor then. I could be wrong though, since it was a long time I watched the old series.

The good thing about Taichi new behaviour is that Yamato finally becomes a worthy leader, showing his development as a character. I used to dislike him but now I'm totally on his side. lol
Just finished watching tri.

It's so confusing where they've put the show chronologically. Didn't digimon appear en masse all over the world during 02? You'd think ALOT of people would know or be suspicious about it. Unless it was just small showings? I can't exactly remember since it's been so long. It also kinda seems like all the Oikawa stuff was retconned.

Also kinda find Taichi's PTSD thing dumb. The first time it happens sure it's understandable but they repeated it way too much. Yamato is totally right on this one.

Ever since 02, they've been pretty inconsistent about how much people know about Digimon and the Digital World. It's like they wanted to keep the mystery of it while struggling with the fact that tons of people have already seen it with their own eyes. I also want to say the feelings towards Digimon used to be more favorable, but I think that was just Diaboromon Strikes Back.

And I agree about Taichi. It didn't help that they were obviously trying to save money by having him flashback so much.
No Greymon yet, buuuut...


Outside of late game and online, you probably won't care (hard mode and rebalancing could change that). Late game, it is generally a good idea to avoid low INT. However, it isn't quite as crippling to Digimon as it is to Pokemon in Red/Blue. In fact, the worst stats you can have seem to be completely balanced ones (poor Imperialdramon PM). I also won plenty of the tough fights with Jesmon, who has low INT (but an awesome move).

If you want a better picture, last time I checked Seraphimon (high INT) and UlforceV-dramon (high SPD with a ridiculously OP ability) dominate the small competitive scene.

Now that's what I'm talking about. Still looking forward to a possible Greymon statue now that Digimon Tri is on.
Outside of late game and online, you probably won't care (hard mode and rebalancing could change that). Late game, it is generally a good idea to avoid low INT. However, it isn't quite as crippling to Digimon as it is to Pokemon in Red/Blue. In fact, the worst stats you can have seem to be completely balanced ones (poor Imperialdramon PM). I also won plenty of the tough fights with Jesmon, who has low INT (but an awesome move).

If you want a better picture, last time I checked Seraphimon (high INT) and UlforceV-dramon (high SPD with a ridiculously OP ability) dominate the small competitive scene.

Really? Imperialdramon PM is bad one? Geez. But its nice to hear that high INT wont be as dominant as Special in Pokemon Gen1. Now abilities look weird. A lot of them are kinda bland, increase power of something By 15% or so, yet there exists some OP abilities like make all attacks have 30% chance to put enemy sleep.

Belphemon Sleep mode looks neat, I think I may use it on my team.
Really? Imperialdramon PM is bad one? Geez. But its nice to hear that high INT wont be as dominant as Special in Pokemon Gen1. Now abilities look weird. A lot of them are kinda bland, increase power of something By 15% or so, yet there exists some OP abilities like make all attacks have 30% chance to put enemy sleep.

Belphemon Sleep mode looks neat, I think I may use it on my team.

He's not bad per se, he's still a Super Ultimate Digimon, but his stats put him at a disadvantage in competitive battling. Being a jack-of-all trades isn't a good thing, at least in the Japanese version. Having a couple of favored stats is preferable. Might come with being 3-on-3?

Some of the 15% increase things may look bland, but they can also be amazing. It makes BlackWarGreymon a beast in combat having a 15% attack increase on top of his already high attack stat, for example.
He's not bad per se, he's still a Super Ultimate Digimon, but his stats put him at a disadvantage in competitive battling. Being a jack-of-all trades isn't a good thing, at least in the Japanese version. Having a couple of favored stats is preferable. Might come with being 3-on-3?

Some of the 15% increase things may look bland, but they can also be amazing. It makes BlackWarGreymon a beast in combat having a 15% attack increase on top of his already high attack stat, for example.

Having Ulforce V-dramon and BlackWarGreymon in your party is just absurd. Go first in every battle, buff up, and then BlackWarGreymon just absolutely wrecks the enemies.
About a week late and nothing new to say, but Tri Reunion was fantastic. Went in with some kinda low expectations (as I usually do with anything that's entirely fanservice based, especially when I don't think these characters need to be revisited at all) and loved it.
Having Ulforce V-dramon and BlackWarGreymon in your party is just absurd. Go first in every battle, buff up, and then BlackWarGreymon just absolutely wrecks the enemies.

UlforceV-dramon is probably going to be nerfed so hard for the Western release. The combinations you can do with him and some other Digimon is ridiculous.

Surely they had to realize giving such a big turn advantage like that would break things?

About a week late and nothing new to say, but Tri Reunion was fantastic. Went in with some kinda low expectations (as I usually do with anything that's entirely fanservice based, especially when I don't think these characters need to be revisited at all) and loved it.

There are things I hope they improve upon for the future OVAs (namely Taichi's development and the animation), but it definitely felt like a good start in my eyes.


UlforceV-dramon is probably going to be nerfed so hard for the Western release. The combinations you can do with him and some other Digimon is ridiculous.

Surely they had to realize giving such a big turn advantage like that would break things?

I hope they don't, he's too fun :p.

Besides, it's useful considering the amount of bosses that can go two times in a row later in the game. >.> gives you time to prepare defense and stuff lol.
I hope they don't, he's too fun :p.

Besides, it's useful considering the amount of bosses that can go two times in a row later in the game. >.> gives you time to prepare defense and stuff lol.

As someone who couldn't care less about multiplayer online, I agree. I'm all about gaming the system and he really helped with some of the Demon Lords.


So the rest of my Tri CDs have arrived. Out of all 3 of them, 2 cases are cracked and one has a nick at the joint but the discs are in perfect condition and work so I'm happy enough :). Imported them to iTunes now as well. :D

The discs look nice :D
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