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Digimon Community Thread |OT| For all the Digidestined on GAF

Just read that the next part wont be until September.

Please let that not be the case, I'd actually be kinda upset.

Edit: It's true. NOOO.

Can't wait for part 6 in 2018.

Oh, next movie is
Takeru and Koushiro focused.

Really did not expect that. The poster looks so good.

I knew the next movie wouldn't be focused on Takeru and Hikari. Can't remember if I called Takeru and Sora or Takeru and Koushiro though. Would have to check way back in this thread.



didnt get evolved 0_o
Watch Patamon and Gatomon's Mega evolutions get relegated to the last two movies lol.

I really hope we get a localised (physical!!!) version of the OVAs. I'm fine with crunchyroll splitting these into episodes but I do want to see them as a whole.

Anyways, what's the Japanese word of mouth like about the movie?


Unconfirmed Member
I really hope we get a localised (physical!!!) version of the OVAs. I'm fine with crunchyroll splitting these into episodes but I do want to see them as a whole.

I'm not sure who would, since the old seasons are all still (sadly) dub-only :/ It seems profitable with how many people watch and enjoy it, so I'm still crossing my fingers.


Neo Member
My theory on why they chose the TK+Izzy pair up:

They need a giant digimon to make the posters look more epic which means either Gatomon will also remain in her form for her poster or she will get Ophanimon as an evolution. Makes sense right, lol.
My theory on why they chose the TK+Izzy pair up:

They need a giant digimon to make the posters look more epic which means either Gatomon will also remain in her form for her poster or she will get Ophanimon as an evolution. Makes sense right, lol.

Holydramon is pretty damn big. Plus going from Takeru/Hikari to Sora/Koushiro would be weird. Takeru really doesn't fit with anyone in Tri because he has almost no personality.


Is there a way to watch Digimon Adventure and 02 and Tamers in the UK anymore?

I've been watching through Adventure and 02 recently on Netflix in the UK but then today they just vanished (and I can't find mention of it getting removed today) and then I went to Crunchyroll earlier today (well, technically yesterday) and watched a few episodes fine but when I try now it's not available in my region.

My only option is to now use Proxmate (because it still works for Netflix) and watch there but it's slow to load and the quality sucks through it.

Crunchyroll Unblocker (Chrome add-on) will get you past the block on CR. Works for Digimon Tri so should work with the other seasons that are on there.

didnt get evolved 0_o

Because "

I think
Patamon is going to have a non-mega evolution focus in Confession.

Makes me wonder. Hououmon in Part 4 and Magnadramon/Holydramon and Seraphimon in Part 5?

I really don't see them making the last part focused on one character/evolution so it makes sense for all of that to be done by the end of Part 5 with Part 6 getting some screentime with all the Megas and of course solving all the mysteries that have built up over the previous parts.

Makes sense to me anyway


Man this was boring until the end fight. They really wanted to drag out the Taichi/Yamato nonsense.

And my god so many still frames.

Finally seeing Vikemon and Rosemon in action was great though.

edit - wtf, patamon getting gimped in that poster


First 3 episodes

kinda boring to be honest. That last episode though.

I know some people are not happy that there wasn't
wrap digivolve
but I thought what they did was cool too.
love the crests factored in, but yea, Ikkakumon had a really weird pose and Lilymon seemed to have lost her neck

EEEEOOOOOMOOOOOOOON. Hard to say who die more.Yamcha or Lancer from Fate series. At least Leomon pretty much wrestled the title away when it used to be almost a tie between Wizardmon and him for more deaths. Yea, didn't trust Himekawa for a second as well.
They're probably getting used to him dying too lmao.

... though him dying in the real world means he won't get reincarnated right?
Yeah he's dead for good =/. Although wizardmon and myotismon also died in the real world and became ghosts. We don't know whats happening to the universe atm so we can't be sure if they'll come back. As far as the digi destined know though, he dead, their reaction sucked.
Is there a way to watch Digimon Adventure and 02 and Tamers in the UK anymore?

I've been watching through Adventure and 02 recently on Netflix in the UK but then today they just vanished (and I can't find mention of it getting removed today) and then I went to Crunchyroll earlier today (well, technically yesterday) and watched a few episodes fine but when I try now it's not available in my region.

My only option is to now use Proxmate (because it still works for Netflix) and watch there but it's slow to load and the quality sucks through it.
Amazon prime video has them.
Just finished rewatching Digimon Adventure.

Should I watch 02 before I start Tri? >_>
You don't need to if you the major plot points but it'll help


Oh, I've just read (this is an edit) that the next film is in 6 months. Something felt weird while watching the film. The quality of the animation was definitely lower than in the first one (there were some shots that looked weird, more static images and stuff like that) and it seemed like the avoided having much fighting. I couldn't help but feel like it may have been rushed.

It seems there were some problems and the scope was somewhat reduced. That could explain the weird pacing. Maybe the original storyboard had more fighting scenes but those were removed because its harder to cheapen those without making them look awful.

Cross posting from the Cyber Sleuth OT

Just saw this:


A cutscene from Digimon World Decode. It involves Mirei. :)

CS players can connect the dots I'm sure :)

Isn't Mirei in New Order too? She seems to be one of the recurring elements in the latest Digimon games. I think she first appeared in Digimon World Re:Digitize as an ally. She had Angewomon and LadyDevimon as her buddies in that game IIRC. There are some let's play on Youtube.

Playing through Cyber Sleuth right now. I was at Chapter 7 when my Memory Card corrupted and I've been forced to start again from scratch. It really is a great game.
Isn't Mirei in New Order too? She seems to be one of the recurring elements in the latest Digimon games. I think she first appeared in Digimon World Re:Digitize as an ally. She had Angewomon and LadyDevimon as her buddies in that game IIRC. There are some let's play on Youtube.

Playing through Cyber Sleuth right now. I was at Chapter 7 when my Memory Card corrupted and I've been forced to start again from scratch. It really is a great game.

Yeah, Mirei first appeared in Re:Digitize. She was one of the main group of characters in that game. And she is returning in Next Order, too. I think they're treating her as sort of the recurring thread that ties all the games together. I'll be interested to see how substantial her role is in the game since we haven't seen that much of her yet.


Yeah, I wasn't super impressed with this one. I enjoyed the last (or only, maybe?) battle but it felt so rushed. Like, Joe just showed up and was like, "I'm here!" and then Gomamon suddenly can digivolve to mega? And then same with Mimi? It just felt like them being like, okay we need an excuse to show their mega forms.

And the first 3 parts moved really slow. I do like the slower character driven parts, but I felt like so much of even that was too slow or didn't really do much for the plot.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, but the pacing with this and the first one has been really all over the place.


I'd prefer two episodes be non-action, then the other two be focused on action.

Or even 3 being focus on the non-action then things hit the fan on the end of the 3rd and the last episode be entirely focused on the action.

Having things hit the fan on the last bit of the 4th was okay here for me but I hope that doesn't end up as the norm.


Watched the new episodes. Don't really post in this thread a lot so I feel like I'm intruding, but I honestly don't have any other fans to share my thoughts with. :p

I continue to wish for a longer series so things have room to breathe. I like seeing the interactions between the different characters, but the pacing takes a hit for it. Also doesn't help that I still don't care for the new character, and she takes up a lot of screen time. :/

More specifically
I liked how they handled Joe's arc. It's resolution felt kind of rushed, but then again, his partner's life was on the line. I liked his talk with Mimi.

Also liked Mimi's storyline. My boyfriend (who hasn't seen the original shows) finds Mimi really annoying but I think the episode showcased her strengths. The Daters thing fell a bit flat considering that the outfits weren't actually scandalous - more silly than sexy. :p Maybe that passes for scandalous in Japan? I dunno. Mei continues to embody an archetype really dislike. I do like that all the girls get along well and are there for each other.

Was pleasantly surprised that the fan service wasn't one sided, especially now that they're including more of the fan service female designs. With the ending of the hot springs episode, my boyfriend was wondering if Digimon was actually aimed more towards girls.

(Also might have screamed a bit when Takeru was the one who caught Hikari. It's like I'm 9 again.)

Really concerned about Ken. I don't want him to have stayed evil, but hard to tell with those reactions. And confused since I thought we saw him go down in the opening scenes of the first episode?


Really concerned about Ken. I don't want him to have stayed evil, but hard to tell with those reactions. And confused since I thought we saw him go down in the opening scenes of the first episode?

I posted my theory about it above and I'm sticking with it.
Ken is a data clone. Since he 'disappeared' by turning into data. It wasn't the real Ken and I'm sticking with that til we hear otherwise.

Also there is a lot left unexplained. It'd be best if everyone doesn't go into each part of Tri thinking "Everything will be resolved now and we'll have answers" because chances are, they are using the hook of having unexplained shit as motivation to keep watching. Thus it stands to reason that we'll find out by part 6 where everything should come together for one climatic finale against whoever the main antagonist is.
I posted my theory about it above and I'm sticking with it.
Ken is a data clone. Since he 'disappeared' by turning into data. It wasn't the real Ken and I'm sticking with that til we hear otherwise.

Also there is a lot left unexplained. It'd be best if everyone doesn't go into each part of Tri thinking "Everything will be resolved now and we'll have answers" because chances are, they are using the hook of having unexplained shit as motivation to keep watching. Thus it stands to reason that we'll find out by part 6 where everything should come together for one climatic finale against whoever the main antagonist is.

The problem is that part 2 answered nothing that people were asking after the first one.


The problem is that part 2 answered nothing that people were asking after the first one.


Like I said, people shouldn't go into each part thinking things will be answered. At least until part 6.

Part 3 for example will probably bring up more questions without answering anything. We probably won't even see
in it just like we didn't see
in part 2.

Everything should be answered by the final part. Until then, the unanswered questions are a nice hook.
And Meicoomon ripping Leomon to shreds like that. That's just an added hook to keep people wanting part 3 :p XD.

Like I said, people shouldn't go into each part thinking things will be answered. At least until part 6.

Part 3 for example will probably bring up more questions without answering anything. We probably won't even see
in it just like we didn't see
in part 2.

Everything should be answered by the final part. Until then, the unanswered questions are a nice hook.
And Meicoomon ripping Leomon to shreds like that. That's just an added hook to keep people wanting part 3 :p XD.

I feel like I gained nothing from watching it since nothing was answered is the issue. Why watch part 3 if nothing is answered until the last one?


I posted my theory about it above and I'm sticking with it.
Ken is a data clone. Since he 'disappeared' by turning into data. It wasn't the real Ken and I'm sticking with that til we hear otherwise.

Also there is a lot left unexplained. It'd be best if everyone doesn't go into each part of Tri thinking "Everything will be resolved now and we'll have answers" because chances are, they are using the hook of having unexplained shit as motivation to keep watching. Thus it stands to reason that we'll find out by part 6 where everything should come together for one climatic finale against whoever the main antagonist is.

I'm with you on that one. If the 02 kids
were beaten at the beginning of Tri 01, he could have been clonned.

We still know nothing about the grey dinosaur digimon with the cape and googles that follows the kids everywhere.

I think they really need to step up and start answering questions in the next film. There is a limit in how much teasing you can do to an audience before you start solving conflicts.

Seeing the manservice felt a bit weird at first, but I didn't have a real problem. It was really funny to see a
situation and Mimi
singing "I wish" to act as a decoy
gave me a good laugh.

I feel this film will probably gain some points once the whole thing is released by 2025. It's like a "calm before the storm" type of thing. After the ending of this OVA the CC don't have any option but move forward.

And I can't understand how
nobody remembers the sky everywhere in Earth reflecting the Digital World
. I'm thinking they might be in
an alternative (and manufactured by somebody) dimension where things happened in a different way and there were never thousands of Chosen Children.

And what if
the real partner of Meiko is the grey dinosaur Digimon that follows the Chosen Children everywhere?



Fans of Digimon Story: CS will know who that Digimon is but his backstory (just like Alphamon's may be) may be different. (as in, there may be no Royal Knight connections)

I think Hackmon (The digimon you're talking about) may be keeping an eye on the chosen. He's had plenty of opportunities for surprise attacks before any of the chosen can even call on their Digimon. He could have even got Meicoomon without much issue if he wanted to. Only Leomon sensed him and he quickly got away from the window.

With Hackmon having some slight more screen time, I won't be surprised if he gets a speaking role in the next part. But we'll see.

Mimi singing "I Wish" got a big laugh from me though yeah. Just too funny.

It's hard to gauge how the next part will go. But with Meicoomon gone, that will most likely be a focus. Right now, all we have is the teaser with Patamon and Takeru on the end of the recent PVs. Once we get a proper PV, we might be able to have a guess at how things will proceed in the next part.

As for the whole Digital Sky thing. Government probably tried to cover it up. Only those close in Odaiba may remember (since the chosen went from there back to the Digital World after dealing with Vamdemon) and even then, people have short memory spans and their minds like to rationalize what they can't understand. While outside of Odaiba, each country's gov will have tried to cover it up the best they can to 'not cause panic'

That said, it could (and most likely is) some sort of alternative dimension. Remember the start of part 1 and the PVs that talked about "The world has chosen a future which shouldn't have been chosen".

I hope they tell us how much it is altered by since it seems like they aren't friends with Ken yet Hikari and Takeru have their D3 Digivices implying some of 02 did happen in this altered dimension.
I saw people on internet speculating about Ken's motivation:

In the last fight he just holds Meicoomon and watches from a distance Gomamon and Togemon fighting Imperialdramon. When they finally achieved the mega evolution and defeat Imperialdramon, he smiles, release Meicoomon and go away. People are saying that he might've done that to force the mega evolutions, for some reason we don't know yet.
Oh man, what'd Artisan get banned for this time?

Edit: Oh, posting unmarked Walking Dead spoilers.
never again man, never again. twice in less than a month, getting banned really sucks. anyways,

so, what's everybody talking about? did the next set of episodes for tri get released?


I saw people on internet speculating about Ken's motivation:

In the last fight he just holds Meicoomon and watches from a distance Gomamon and Togemon fighting Imperialdramon. When they finally achieved the mega evolution and defeat Imperialdramon, he smiles, release Meicoomon and go away. People are saying that he might've done that to force the mega evolutions, for some reason we don't know yet.

I thought that was fairly obvious.
He's most likely the one who sent the strange email. The Mega evolutions were clearly catalysed by Joe and Mimi's struggles in episodes 6 through 8, which matches up with the email's message. If Himekawa is the villain, her being surprised at Ken's appearance suggests he's aligned with the DigiDestined - I can't see them introducing two independent villains this early on.


I posted my theory about it above and I'm sticking with it.
Ken is a data clone. Since he 'disappeared' by turning into data. It wasn't the real Ken and I'm sticking with that til we hear otherwise.

Also there is a lot left unexplained. It'd be best if everyone doesn't go into each part of Tri thinking "Everything will be resolved now and we'll have answers" because chances are, they are using the hook of having unexplained shit as motivation to keep watching. Thus it stands to reason that we'll find out by part 6 where everything should come together for one climatic finale against whoever the main antagonist is.
Have we seen cloned humans before? It's been so long since I watched Digimon. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for. I don't want Ken to be evil, but I also don't want him to be dead. :( Floating somewhere in a coma while his clone does stuff might be a compromise.

I'm not expecting answers each part. I'm more than okay with watching character development while waiting for plot reveals.


Have we seen cloned humans before? It's been so long since I watched Digimon. I'm not sure what I'm hoping for. I don't want Ken to be evil, but I also don't want him to be dead. :( Floating somewhere in a coma while his clone does stuff might be a compromise.

I'm not expecting answers each part. I'm more than okay with watching character development while waiting for plot reveals.

By the end of all of this, everything will be 'normal' I'm sure. 02 cast alive and well, etc.

And Sora had a clone for a small bit in Season 1 near the end of the Etemon arc. Datamon cloned her. So technically yeah we have.


Yeah, Mirei first appeared in Re:Digitize. She was one of the main group of characters in that game. And she is returning in Next Order, too. I think they're treating her as sort of the recurring thread that ties all the games together. I'll be interested to see how substantial her role is in the game since we haven't seen that much of her yet.

Makes me wonder how they will handle that if more Digimon games get a western localization as we didn't get Digimon Re:Digitize.
I saw the time, on the mobile website all it says is digimon tri, nothing about it being a making of so I thought I'd include the disclaimer just in case it wasnt correct.


I saw the time, on the mobile website all it says is digimon tri, nothing about it being a making of so I thought I'd include the disclaimer just in case it wasnt correct.

The video makes it obvious. Talks about the secrets of hand writing (yes, weird engrish) and stuff with images of the Digimon being drawn.

Also they just say "boys and Digimon" and "School boys"

Poor girls :(
Has anyone recombined the crunchyroll episodes back into whole 80+ minute OVAs yet?

I just really wanna see Saikai and Ketsui as they were meant to be viewed.


just wrapped it. about the same as the first but with some caveats. I liked it better but many of the same problems.

spoiler talk
I wonder if they'll bother trying to contact the other three digidestined. didn't they get #rekt at the start of the first tri?

also female boss smirk. I saw that. what's up. dark spores and shit maybe? I dunno. Ken you still getting spored? We gonna go to that dark ocean?

it's interesting to be speculating about digimon again after all these years. But i really want an english dub to come in and muddy the waters. How am I gonna know how to feel if you don't replace the music with bombastic crazy nuts orchestral shit and ska/punk?

i'm serious btw i love that shit


Nope the digimon VA's stayed the same... I noticed he sounded alot like naruto in this movie though lol.
because she is , the voice actress of gomamon is Junko Takeuchi , the same one as naruto
however, in the first 3 part of the second movie his voice was way off.
but in the final part his voice return normal.
because she is , the voice actress of gomamon is Junko Takeuchi , the same one as naruto
however, in the first 3 part of the second movie his voice was way off.
but in the final part his voice return normal.

Yeah I know, my point was gomamon doesn't sound like naruto normally, but he did.


Yeah I know, my point was gomamon doesn't sound like naruto normally, but he did.

gomamon was always sounds like naruto in the 01 and 02
and in the first tri movie also sounds like naruto.

i think something happened to the actress when they were making this movie and tried to replace her to do some parts.

to be precise, naruto voice is close to ikkakumon than gomamon .
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