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Digimon Community Thread |OT| For all the Digidestined on GAF

I didn't realize this was 5 episodes long. When the 4th one ended I was so shocked that they were going to end it like that. I honestly would have probably been ok with it because of how powerful it was, but then I remembered seeing stuff in trailers that hadn't aired yet.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm still honestly surprised that there is not more talk on this :p Usually another topic is made for it, but I think it was just so stealthily released, that not everyone knows yet :x

Before I get to my thoughts, I just want to say that I really like how there is minimal action for the show. I remember last movie, some where complaining about little action. I think the build up and drama that leads up to the main fights, make it much more effective and awesome.

Anyhow, here's what I thought:

-Well, we knew something would happen to Patamon this movie, and he's infected... but not the only one!
-Oh Gomamon... all that talk about "partners" and you go and ask Jou if his girlfriend is a real person? :p I don't think Jou's the type for a 2D gf :p
-Geeze... I had something in my eye when they were all saying their goodbyes, without telling their partners anything. Seeing Tailmon with the photo killed it :/
-We finally see the angels and they look amazing!!
-Why didn't anyone evolve further to capture Meicoomon? Only Metalgreymon did, and he didn't even get to Wargreymon until after he was infected
-Herculeskabuterimon!!! Too bad, he was in defensive mode, this time. Hope we will see him again!
-Oh... they didn't make it to the backup and the reboot happened... That sucks... guess we will have to wait a bit for the next movie to-WAIT THERE'S A BONUS "EPISODE" THIS TIME?!?! Biggest shocker, right here for me!!
-Time to go to the Digital World!! Yes! Finally!! Too bad Mei didn't manage to come along with them :/ She's just self loathing right now...
-Is that... Ken's D3?
-That whistle... oh geeze, had something in my eye seeing Tokomon again with the whistle!
-It was an adorable reunion, and I wonder where they go from here? I'm sure they will remember, cause we still need to see Hououmon! No Seraphimon, so I wonder if Holydramon/Orphanimon will show up? Next movie is definitely a Sora/Hikari one
-Himekawa... what are you planning?
-The Kaiser.... GENNAI?!?! WHATTTTT?!?!
-Overall, tons of drama this Movie, but it's so so effective...

Is there any info or promo image for Movie 4 yet? Sucks it won't be out for a while :(


I thought this was going to be released tomorrow! Also, five episodes?

Gonna watch it this weekend, post my thoughts about it later.
the scenes when the group were in the digital world were beautiful visually. The vibrancy, colours, gorgeous backgrounds and Alphamon and Jesmon's brief fight all looked fantastic.

Yeah this is my favourite movie so far. I feel like there was less egregious use of still cuts unlike the whack ass cheerleading scene in Determination.

MESS @ the poster for Loss.
Love triangle ahoy
A good improvement from the previous two. This was the kind of pandering I was looking for with Tri. Things in this actually felt like they were constantly building up to something, instead of just meandering until the end. Everyone got their little character moment without screwing up the pacing.

Considering how this one ended, I imagine the next movie will continue in that direction.
I liked them giving Sora a bit more time here even if she's a big focus in the next one.

I hope "her movie" won't be completely overshadowed by the love triangle (as much I kind of want to see that resolved). It'd be a bit ironic after what Biyomon told her in this movie.


I'm still going with my theory that the true villain is going to be
Daemon in some form, I mean he has the power to go through the dimensional barriers at will right?
I'm still going with my theory that the true villain is going to be
Daemon in some form, I mean he has the power to go through the dimensional barriers at will right?

People are saying the part 4 preview has
Hikari being taken to the Dark Ocean. Considering that's where Daemon was last...

It hasn't been confirmed yet though.
Man that was emotional movie. Geez.

Technically Herculeskabuterimon didnt have much action time but… man was it emotional.

Pretty nasty tho, if Digimon World is rebooted and that means that ALL Dark Masters and other villain Digimons are also back.

Why were Alphamon and Jesmon fighting? Perhaps Alphamon is still infected?

I dont think there is gonna be a double twist, so I think Himekawa is most likely big bad of Tri.

I wonder if partner Digimon will recover memories one by one or all at once. Probably one by one.

So far all posters have final battles in them, so Machinedramon vs Phoenixmon is probably final battle in part 4. Also kek love triangle again hohoho. Does anybody expect TaichixSora tho? I dont think they would ever retcon that.

Im guessing part 5 will be about Takeru and Hikari and maybe saving 02 gang? Of course Im almost certain that Omegamon could get new form on last film if Seraphimon and Holydramon are in part 5.

Oh, is it ok to show poster for part 4?

Meiko's digivice had an X on it, hopefully this isn't the X-program storyline again.
The reboot idea was pretty good imo, this is the best movie so far tbh. We got the ultimate evolution sequences as well this time around! They just jumped to them in the other movie. Kari's whistle making a comback was nostalgic.
There was a ton of content in it. Dark Gennai at the end, wth! The Alphamon + Jesmon fight wasn't really necessary but cool none the less, wasn't Hackmon working with Gennai(or am i just imagining this)? Alphamon was the one who defeated the 02 kids, Himekawa had Kens D3 (which no one acknlowedged -wth?) , she's working with Dark Gennai, so I assume Hackmon is their enemy...
We also know everybody remembers the 02 kids, but it's still weird how they've been ignoring everyone besides Ken. No mention of Idea etc from the first movie either. Maybe the Dark Ocean & Quantum ocean are the same thing, Quantum could be the human dubbing of the place. This movie did alot of things right, but we're now left with a ton more questions aaaaaand we have to wait until February for the next one T_T.
Also, machindramon in the part 4 poster, he's been an enemy in 2 Digimon World games already T_T . Also, with the reboot, are they going to have to fight Devimon,Myotismon+Dark masters again? I mean it won't be difficult since they can still apparently go Mega /Super-ultimate


that sucks, poster gave it away but patamon really did not get the chance for ultimate. They didn't really do anything interesting with him and Takeru either, he was in the spotlight just because it was his "turn" this episode and everyone got infected anyway.
Tentomon was getting fucking wrecked. That was hard to watch.

Give that Digimon the Crest of Friendship.
that sucks, poster gave it away but patamon really did not get the chance for ultimate. They didn't really do anything interesting with him and Takeru either, he was in the spotlight just because it was his "turn" this episode and everyone got infected anyway.

I don't know, Takeru
keeping his idealism was a big point in the movie. It had to be him that would be tested by Meiko's confession. And I would be surprised if there wasn't more focus on his development later. Seraphimon's got to be on a poster/in a movie.

That being said, you're right that his struggle not being unique in the end sort of undermined it a bit. If it had only happened to Patamon, his forgiveness would have had more weight.


Seeing Sora, Matt, and Tai all on the next poster makes me wonder if Hikari will be with Takeru on the next one. We'll probably have both of their megas on that one.


Unconfirmed Member
Seeing Sora, Matt, and Tai all on the next poster makes me wonder if Hikari will be with Takeru on the next one. We'll probably have both of their megas on that one.

That's my assumption. I wonder if the final poster will have a new Omegamon form or something? Maybe they will all fuse together and become their own Susanoomon.
Mugendramon can digivolve from Skullgreymon.

Yeah he also also a dark master, they did bring up the dark digivolution though, so maybe. Also him +kimeramon is what created millenniumon (I really want some fleshing out of the ryo timeliness =()

That's my assumption. I wonder if the final poster will have a new Omegamon form or something? Maybe they will all fuse together and become their own Susanoomon.

This would be a pretty good hype filled ending, I have a feeling they don't want to make it as simple as that though.
The ova was pretty great, the best so far. However, lots of things need to be explained. I was kinda disappointed with the HerculesKabuterimon fight.


I'm starting to wonder if Gennai had been manipulating the Digidestined since the first series. Imperialdramon appeared in the previous film with him ominously watching, and in Adventure 02, Gennai just sort of pops up and allows Paildramon to digivolve to said form, with little foreshadowing or explanation.

Add to cases like telling the kids about the crests, the now prophecies (It wasn't just for WarGreymon/MetalGarurumon), he seems to want powerful evolutions beyond a simple act of helping them. He might have even 'forced' Omegamon to finally happen by originally releasing that virus on the internet back in the old movie.

Obviously he could also just be infected/possessed, and acting out of line because of it.


How nice of Crunchyroll to not even announce that this was posted...or if they did, I didn't get a notification at all. Only realized it was up when I started to see reviews!

Anyways...best movie so far easily. They really stepped it up with characterization in this one, and focusing more on the Digimon's thoughts/feelings instead of keeping them crammed inside the TV space.

The fight against Meicoomon was pretty hype- lots of good solid action, probably the best fight thus far.

I'm glad that they finally made an effort to have some acknowledgement of the 01 kids asking/inquiring about the 02 cast, even if it was primarily focused on Ken (but I guess that makes sense since they saw the Digimon Emperor).

I don't understand what they're implying about the D3s, or maybe they should've been way more specific on what happened? They can only open the digital gate by using a D3, we know that from 02, but why couldn't they simply use TK's or Kari's? In Reunion TK made a comment about it 'malfunctioning' or something, but that's so vague. Then Izzy asks TK if his D3 'reverted' during the reboot, but TK says it didn't...so I guess they're saying TK and Kari's D3s are for broken for some reason? Maybe due to the infection? Speaking of which...

WHY did no one ask WHY Himekawa has Ken's black D3 and D-terminal?When she suddenly pops up with it to open the gate, they're basically like "/shrug, cool ok". Really? AT LEAST have TK or Kari ask why in the fuck she has that, and have her say "I'll explain later" or something. Christ. I get that this series isn't revolving around the 02 cast, but you can't just blatantly have 01 ignore or not care about their well-being.

Gennai popping up at the end as the Digimon Emp was out of left field. Didn't really expect that. Wouldn't be surprised if Himekawa ends up being Arukenimon or something, which might've been foreshadowed through her having the D3, since Arukenimon was heavily involved in Ken's black D3. (Also, Mr. Oikawa, Himekawa...coincidence? Probably).

back to the Digital World? HELL YEA!


Okay this one is best of the bunch and I am glad that they are finally going to the
Digital World, though gutted that Mei missed out and confused to why they opted to go in their school uniform? :|

I was also amazed to how both
Tentomon and Agumon were able fight off the infection, with Agumon being the last to succumb to it, and kinda glad as they are my two favorite Digimon on the show.

Also holy shit
Genni could be a bad guy the whole time?

Anyway I can't wait for the next part...whenever it may be.

Also I still have a pet peeve over the subbing using the dub naming for Tailmon and Togemon attack, it gets confusing tough I am glad that they didn't do it for Omegamon.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh I thought Meicoomon was a "guy" but it has tits and I think I saw a "her."

Also fuck Meicoomon

I figured that Meicoomon was female, but she was always a little androgynous. I mean, Miyako had Hawkmon, so not all partner genders have to be the same. ...but yes, the evolution sure confirmed it.

Also, I love ho Herculeskabuterimon's roar is stock sound from Jurassic Park's t-rex :p Reminds me when I watch the Hoopa Pokemon movie, and Primal Groudon had Godzilla sounds, and Primal Groudon had Mothra sounds :p


Also, I love ho Herculeskabuterimon's roar is stock sound from Jurassic Park's t-rex :p

Noticed people mention this. Doesn't sound too odd for me, probably because I assume Kabuterimon upwards takes cues from sci-fi horror, and I think those kinds of creatures tend to be given some sort of (goofy) roar.

It's a slight bummer that he wasn't given any proper opportunity to use his electrical abilities. Then again it's not like that'll be the last time we see those forms right?
On that note, it's still a little weird that they mega-evolve without any proper reasoning to it. Presumably we're suppose to believe the characters have an epiphany of some sort that unlocks it but it's...not really elaborated on. Koushiro/Izzy just sort of turns up with an idea and AlturKabuterimon decides on a whim to mega-evolve. (This does apply to Izzy's affinity with knowledge but he's turned up with solutions numerous times before this)


Noticed people mention this. Doesn't sound too odd for me, probably because I assume Kabuterimon upwards takes cues from sci-fi horror, and I think those kinds of creatures tend to be given some sort of (goofy) roar.

It's a slight bummer that he wasn't given any proper opportunity to use his electrical abilities. Then again it's not like that'll be the last time we see those forms right?
On that note, it's still a little weird that they mega-evolve without any proper reasoning to it. Presumably we're suppose to believe the characters have an epiphany of some sort that unlocks it but it's...not really elaborated on. Koushiro/Izzy just sort of turns up with an idea and AlturKabuterimon decides on a whim to mega-evolve. (This does apply to Izzy's affinity with knowledge but he's turned up with solutions numerous times before this)
Not really an epiphany. More like they realized they're shit but are able to get pass it. Tends to be a crest-related kinda situation.


Not really an epiphany. More like they realized they're shit but are able to get pass it. Tends to be a crest-related kinda situation.

I think it tends to be due to their longevity too. The original 8 digimon have been around quite a while, and the ease at which they're able to tap into their mega forms now is probably due to their experience.

if it really does turn out to be that Gennai was evil all along, that would be the plot-twist of the century. To say that everything in 01 and 02 was a master plan of his to accomplish some unknown goal would be insane.


Just watched up to the second movie, goddammit Leomon, not like this. This was easily the most unsettling of his deaths.

Cant wait until Crunchyroll unlocks the new movie for free users. The impressions are making me excited.


if it really does turn out to be that Gennai was evil all along, that would be the plot-twist of the century. To say that everything in 01 and 02 was a master plan of his to accomplish some unknown goal would be insane.

That would put Digimon 1 and 02 higher on my best of anime lists (as in, Digimon 1 on Top 10 and 02 on Top 80)
Huckmon has briefly been in all 3 parts so far (and evolved at the end of the last one) but we still have almost nothing about him. If Daemon is the true villain like some people think (including myself now), my guess is Daemon was able to corrupt him and he made sure the reboot was going to happen. Alphamon finally realized that and that's why they were fighting at the end of 3.


i don't think Himekawa is evil,i think she is working with Gennai to bring the kids back to the digital world and unite them maybe because they are the only one that can help the digital world.
they show us the evil smile so we think she is evil,but i am sure she is not.

maybe she and that Gennai is from the original digidestined before season 1 and barley managed to seal Apocalymon.
But does
Gennai need to have a specific body? He changed before so it's not impossible that someone is impersonating him, or there's a "Dark Gennai" due to the color of his robe


Cyber Sleuth has put me in a Digimon mood. I don't know if I'm ready to finish the slow, uninspired slog known as Digimon Frontier (I'm at like episode 31 or so) but I guess I'll check out Digimon Tri, even though the impressions from some of my Digimon fans friends has been quite mixed.


Unconfirmed Member
Cyber Sleuth has put me in a Digimon mood. I don't know if I'm ready to finish the slow, uninspired slog known as Digimon Frontier (I'm at like episode 31 or so) but I guess I'll check out Digimon Tri, even though the impressions from some of my Digimon fans friends has been quite mixed.

Personally, I haven't heard anyone saying anything too poorly about Tri. The main complaints I've heard, involve the animation, and whether or not there is "little action" among the character building etc.
Cyber Sleuth has put me in a Digimon mood. I don't know if I'm ready to finish the slow, uninspired slog known as Digimon Frontier (I'm at like episode 31 or so) but I guess I'll check out Digimon Tri, even though the impressions from some of my Digimon fans friends has been quite mixed.

The last arc of Frontier starts around episode 35 and is maybe the worst arc of any series so I wouldn't blame you for not finishing it.


Cyber Sleuth has put me in a Digimon mood. I don't know if I'm ready to finish the slow, uninspired slog known as Digimon Frontier (I'm at like episode 31 or so) but I guess I'll check out Digimon Tri, even though the impressions from some of my Digimon fans friends has been quite mixed.

I think Tri started off slow, VERY slow, which is the reason for the mixed reviews. Determination, in particular, offers literally nothing new to the story aside from what happens at the very end.

Confession though, or at least the second half of it, fast-forwards the story quite a bit. There were scenes spread throughout that were very reminiscent of how Digimon was when I was a kid, and it had me smiling the bulk of the time (with some mixed tears during the sad portions).

One scene in particular
towards the end, when they decide to head back to the Digital World, made me almost want to jump up and start cheering. When all 8 hold up their digivices, the crests illuminate behind each of them, and the main theme kicks in at JUST the right time...O.M.G. That right there was the best point of Tri for me, without a doubt, and if they're staying in the Digital World throughout the next few 3 movies, then I'm all aboard the hype train.
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