-Well, we knew something would happen to Patamon this movie, and he's infected... but not the only one!
-Oh Gomamon... all that talk about "partners" and you go and ask Jou if his girlfriend is a real person?

I don't think Jou's the type for a 2D gf
-Geeze... I had something in my eye when they were all saying their goodbyes, without telling their partners anything. Seeing Tailmon with the photo killed it :/
-We finally see the angels and they look amazing!!
-Why didn't anyone evolve further to capture Meicoomon? Only Metalgreymon did, and he didn't even get to Wargreymon until after he was infected
-Herculeskabuterimon!!! Too bad, he was in defensive mode, this time. Hope we will see him again!
-Oh... they didn't make it to the backup and the reboot happened... That sucks... guess we will have to wait a bit for the next movie to-WAIT THERE'S A BONUS "EPISODE" THIS TIME?!?! Biggest shocker, right here for me!!
-Time to go to the Digital World!! Yes! Finally!! Too bad Mei didn't manage to come along with them :/ She's just self loathing right now...
-Is that... Ken's D3?
-That whistle... oh geeze, had something in my eye seeing Tokomon again with the whistle!
-It was an adorable reunion, and I wonder where they go from here? I'm sure they will remember, cause we still need to see Hououmon! No Seraphimon, so I wonder if Holydramon/Orphanimon will show up? Next movie is definitely a Sora/Hikari one
-Himekawa... what are you planning?
-The Kaiser.... GENNAI?!?! WHATTTTT?!?!
-Overall, tons of drama this Movie, but it's so so effective...