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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth |OT| The Prodigious Mon Returns (Courtesy of a Petition)


Trying something, I removed everyone, converted new digimons and put all of them in the farm, will report if it fix my issue or not.
Edit : 20 mins after answering a new quiz, no response :/
Noticed it also affect the NPCs.
Even NPCs? Have you tried rebooting the system you are playing on?


I had a contract on the whiteboard, where I pushed my mons a bit. I'm running around with Angemon, Wisemon and Ankylomon at lvl 40, pushing CAM to 100 while I one-hit my way through chapter 4. Can't fit more of them in my party, otherwise I had Were Garurumon, Rapidmon and Andromon on my team :( Will I be able to get a better contract soon? The progression seems so incredible slow...
Chapter 15 Spoilers:
WTF is this BanchoLeomon? Get him down to half health and then he starts chain spamming his special attack which now magically instakills?


Chapter 15 Spoilers:
WTF is this BanchoLeomon? Get him down to half health and then he starts chain spamming his special attack which now magically instakills?

Doesn't instant kill just hits really freaking hard.

EDIT: I think I might give up on the tactican USB, I've reset close to 60 times now and still no USB.
Is there any way to increase a mon's stats aside from level ups? I end up maxing one out and they're still short about 10 SPD. Makes no sense since I'm over 10 levels above that mon's requirement.
Getting quite annoyed by the side quests late game. I'm in Chapter 17 and I still get random sidequests like "find this ghost!" or "find my cat"...
considering the main story of Tokyo being under attack it's pretty inappropriate
What is the best evolution path for Lilithmon? I don't mean the quickest, but the path that will give her the skills needed to be a powerhouse.

I currently have a LadyDevimon with 100 ABI, evolved from a Renamon. I am happy to de-evolve as far as possible to follow the recommended path.


Is there any way to increase a mon's stats aside from level ups? I end up maxing one out and they're still short about 10 SPD. Makes no sense since I'm over 10 levels above that mon's requirement.

U need to do the training in the digi farm and use restraints. But not sure if possible when character is maxed.
Doesn't instant kill just hits really freaking hard.

EDIT: I think I might give up on the tactican USB, I've reset close to 60 times now and still no USB.

Nah, he's hitting my Digimon for exactly their max HP, ignoring type charts and all. I think he just keeps going until you get down to one Digimon then goes back to his normal pattern, or at least that's how I ended up winning.


I keep a Wormmon so I can use the hacking ability Function Call Lvl. 2 whenever. Any stronger Digimon that let you have this ability?
I just hit chapter 3 as iI haven't much time to play and switched it to hard. It now feels like a normally balanced game. I just started Kowloon level 3 as I type this. I hope I don't get surprised by my decision later on.

I'm questing with:

Tyrannomon lvl 14
Gargomon lvl 17
Gaomon lvl 20

Reserve :
Kyubimon lvl 19


Alright I'm losing it....still not a single tactician USB and I have 3 farms on it with full developer know hows and several builders in each....
When's the best time to de-digivolve, is there any benefit to doing it sooner or later? I have a party of Ultimates ~lvl 40 but none have the ABI to become Megas so am I screwed?


When's the best time to de-digivolve, is there any benefit to doing it sooner or later? I have a party of Ultimates ~lvl 40 but none have the ABI to become Megas so am I screwed?

i usually de-digivolve around 45-50 when getting abi for mega digivolving. usually gain about 10 abi. Plat Sukamons make doing this fast.


For getting those EXP-Boosting USBs, what's the ideal way of doing it?

I was using the 1000 option in the farm with 4 of the Developer Know How items for about 40-60 resets and I didn't get them once. Just want to make sure I'm unlucky and not that I'm doing it wrong.


Make sure you save before you get the text from Mirei if you're save scumming. Even with 5 developer know hows it's all luck.


No longer canonical
Hey Digimon fans. I've been thinking of watching (subbed) and getting into Digimon. Can I at my age(22) or is it more of a you had to be there thing?


Hey Digimon fans. I've been thinking of watching (subbed) and getting into Digimon. Can I at my age(22) or is it more of a you had to be there thing?

I watched tamers relatively recently and still loved it. It's written by the same person who wrote serial experiments lain, if you've heard of it, which is a huge mindfuck anime. It starts off a little slow, but is really great in my opinion.
Hey Digimon fans. I've been thinking of watching (subbed) and getting into Digimon. Can I at my age(22) or is it more of a you had to be there thing?
Do you like anime? Do you like collectible monster shows?
A LOT of the first season is "monster of the week" style as each of the kids has to unlock new digivolutions and the world gets built slowly.
It IS a show for kids so keep that in mind. Season 3 is very much totally different though and isn't directly connected to the previous seasons so maybe start there? It's my personal favorite.


Hey Digimon fans. I've been thinking of watching (subbed) and getting into Digimon. Can I at my age(22) or is it more of a you had to be there thing?

Season 3 (Tamers) is legit amazing. I'm not sure how much of my love for the first season is nostalgia, but I can sit down and watch a few episodes and still be entertained.
Hey Digimon fans. I've been thinking of watching (subbed) and getting into Digimon. Can I at my age(22) or is it more of a you had to be there thing?

I never really got into digimon as a kid but I bought this game and I'm enjoying it. Started to watch the latest digimon TV show on netflix though and I think it's crap.

Ultimately if it's good, you will enjoy it, fan or not, and I think Cyber Sleuth is a good game, so I'd recommend it anyone that's a fan of JRPGs.
I'm not liking how Def/Int penetrating moves are basically the only useful offensive moves in the second half of hard mode. I liked all the switching back and forth you could do in the early game too.

I'm just fighting a random sidequest Ogremon and he takes like 5% of his total health from like a 275ATK super-effective special, while a defense penetrating attack does like 50% health even from a not-effective Digimon.


When you kill a PlatinumNumemon with 3 PlatinumNumemons and 4 Tactician USBs



Heeee, my little brother calls Eaters "Naughty Nautilus"-es

I would like to thank Splatoon for teaching him that phrase.


I really like how the more I play this the more the story feels like one of the Digimon anime stories.

Especially in Ch. 17 when
Crusadermon reveals Yuugo/Yuuko/Arata/Nokia/you were the 5 kids in the original EDEN test. Feels like a throwback to the original 8 Digidestined being the ones to see Digimon that one night when they were all kids.


When you kill a PlatinumNumemon with 3 PlatinumNumemons and 4 Tactician USBs

Which area has the platnumemons?

Just cleared through Great Challenges 3-7..3 was rough given my reliance on Virus types, eventually managed to get Kentaurosmon down and cut those asshole's attacks from 7-8 in a row to 2..Really don't like how when you main team dies it auto summons a new 3..but puts all of them at the bottom of the queue..They got 5 attacks in a row, killing the last 2, then 7 more before my I got my next attack..As soon as 3 dies, close application and reload.

Challenges 4-7 were a joke, died a couple of times to 7 though, 1st time
I didn't know Omni went nuts and hit everyone for 30k-100k with every attack, next I overestimated the shield guy's HP and accidentally killed him with a crit.


For farm training, is time the only difference between the options? (Meaning leisure and intensive yields the same results but the only difference is time)

I'm not sure if I want to drop those CAM points
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