Yeah, it starts out more of a detective procedural with each case being like a self-contained episode. The problem for some (not all but generally what I'm seeing) is that people find it boring and lacking Digimon. Up til the second half, Agumon and Gabumon appear to be the only major Digimon characters and there are some "filler" cases that have nothing to do with Digimon at all.
Mind you, I liked the set-up, the random cases were fun and I think it helps subvert expectations, but I can see why some might not be a fan.
Ch. 19 Spoilers:Kyoko being Alphamon the whole time sort of fixed the lack of Digimon characters in the first half for me, but that's hindsight.
While I can understand the complaints, I think it worked well in the context of the story. How Digimon were just thought of as hacking programs and the main Digimon stuff ended up being you vs other hackers. I thought the whole thing fit in the context of the world and story that was created.
Though I would really like to see where they could take it if they made a sequel. Since if the whole time thing is correct, no one apart from the main cast should in theory remember the Digital Disaster in Tokyo with the Digimon. Could make for a good set up to a direct sequel imo.
In other news, I have taken care of 3 of the RK requests now. tomorrow I'll do the last few and then beat the game and beat the final RK request
Then wait for the Demon Lords DLC to drop.