No, PS4 got two themes too if you preordered. I entered the code, but the problem is finding where to download them.
if by code you mean the one you got physically we don't get the themes. Seems to be digital only.
No, PS4 got two themes too if you preordered. I entered the code, but the problem is finding where to download them.
Any idea on when physical Vita copies are being sent out? PlayAsia still has a placeholder date for it's release and I would honestly hope that it won't take till the beginning of next month for shipments like it showed when selecting shipping rates.
The PS Store icon doesn't change on most (all?) themes.
Damn.if by code you mean the one you got physically we don't get the themes. Seems to be digital only.
Can you say how many screens it does cover? I only use 4.
For anybody else who preordered physical disc and got the DLC code, I just plugged mine in and it worked.
Now I'm waiting for my delivery. Been a while since a Digimon game came here that I was super-excited for...
Am I supposed to get the codes in a email? I haven't received any and the game came with no book or documents in it, just the disc. I bought off amazon.
Not sure if I want vita or ps4. Can I remote play it? And is it functional? Or doesnt work well without the extra buttons?
Heard remote play was disable. Someone should be able to verify now though. Im at work
let's start
edit : is there any difference between the male the female in the story ?
i want to chose the girl because she look cute , but the boy look ok.
I don't think so.
Literally no story difference so unless you are completely torn based on visuals it should be based on preference.i am stuck at this point of the game , really don't know which one should i chose ?
i'll continue tomorrow.
This is the game I wanted as a kid. The digivoltion stuff is really addictive
Do we know the digital price for PS4 version in EU? (or how much it is in US for comparison).
Anyone from the UK know where to pick this up physical?
Looking to get a surprise for my partner. And it doesn't seem to be on Amazon, without going through an expensive (US importing) third party.
Wtf. I thought remote play was mandatory. Any other ps4 game that doesn't have remote play?
Hey guys, I just downloaded the DLC that came with the pre order. How do I get black agumon and gabumon and all those costumes?
So you should always wait until you hit the level cap before evolving, right?
Cyber Sleuth is what I imagined Digimon World was gonna be like growing up.
So you should always wait until you hit the level cap before evolving, right?
Nope, it will only affect the potential stats which can be gained more efficiently through multiple devolving and evolving. The earliest experience grind spot is during one of the side quest in chapter 4. You will know it when you see it. The experience spike is very obvious. Potential stats affect max level cap and maximum number of stats allowed to be gained through training in digifarm(formula is 50+ potential/2 so maximum of 100 allowed).
Is the game played like pokemon where you walk around towns and environments to fight? Never played or watched digimon in my life.
yesIt looks like digital PS4 buyers get themes too, is that correct?
*Sigh* of course the only video game store within walking distance of my college campus hasn't received their shipment for this week yet. Those who have played the game how is the hard difficulty so far, meant for NG+ or does it make the game about as hard as something like most SMT games.
Is the game played like pokemon where you walk around towns and environments to fight? Never played or watched digimon in my life.
I really like both desings so I'm also unsure which one to pick. My game hasn't shipped yet from Amazon so I still have time to decide.i am stuck at this point of the game , really don't know which one should i chose ?
i'll continue tomorrow.