Is that missable? I forgot to do any side quest before starting ch 4
Have a look on the request board next time you don't have a quest active and see. (I don't think it is but just incase, have a look)
Is that missable? I forgot to do any side quest before starting ch 4
get him to 100 ABI to make your life a little easier. you'll need all of it anyway to digivolve him down the lineWhats the easiest way that everyone has found to get lucemon? So far im trying to get his ABI up to 80 which requires a lot of de-digivolve and digivolving. Tips for his other requirements would be appreciated as well.
Whats the easiest way that everyone has found to get lucemon? So far im trying to get his ABI up to 80 which requires a lot of de-digivolve and digivolving. Tips for his other requirements would be appreciated as well.
Is there a good spot for XP farming on ch7?
Also what's this "losing at specific spot on gold colosseum" thing I hear about? XP/digicap grind?
get him to 100 ABI to make your life a little easier. you'll need all of it anyway to digivolve him down the line
For easiest, I'd say use 3x platinumsukamon trick in a high EXP area to level up quickly. It's really the only shortcut.
Just gotta do training. IIRC he needs lots of INT, so make your Koromon Brainy (or find a Patch), level him as high as you can get him, then keep Training him.
Lose to Flamedramon and you can repeat the Gold Cup again and again. for lots of EXP
Haven't even completed chapter 4 yyyuuuusssssss
On my way toward my ultimate team
You just posted it.Still disturbing to look at
who evolves into Lucemon?
Tokomon evolves into Lucemon, but the prereqs are a complete painStill disturbing to look at
who evolves into Lucemon?
he has different modes or is he always on his bike?
Still disturbing to look at
it should go something like thisOK so I should just keep devolving and then evolving Poyomon at max level to Tokomon over and over?
I have a brainy dorugamon in the farm now but once I get his ABI high enough, then I gotta focus on his INT. Doesnt seem like you can do both at the same time.
In the guide, there is list of things by level. Stuff listed under Mega, Ultimate or Super Ultimate are typically cool digimon at the very end of their evo line. You can cross reference it with this if you want photos to see what looks cool. Some of the top of the line guys are locked behind quests at the very end of the game, though. These are mostly guys under the 'royal knights' line. Those tend to look like cool armored humanoids.
IceDevimon is a relatively early digimon with a skill that basically ignores defense. He destroys some bosses that could otherwise be a bit tricky. He looks like this.
Oh hey, I almost had that digimon. I think it was my Renamon, I was trying a couple evolutions and got that one then reset and got a Kyubimon that I thought looked cool so kept that one instead. Did I make a mistake?
I'm leveling a Stingmon and ExVeedramon right now and they both have an evolution that requires me to be 100% CAM friends with the other one. Is this a unique evolution for these two that I should work towards?
Paildramon is a badass and that's what those two make
He's completely neutral and works for any situation. He also digivolves into imperialdramon and then even again into his paladin form who is just.....yes combination of damage and healing as the paladin name suggests
Make sure you have ABI over 82 before fusing. Otherwise you might get screwed over and not be able to ma level him
Wow Crusadermon is fucking lame to fight against. So cheap that I decided to make one of her and put her on my team lol
Doesn't this hold true for all monster rpgs lol
naw, it's not needed most of the time. The Lucemon line is the only really particular one that requires 100, I think. Some others are 80+
naw, it's not needed most of the time. The Lucemon line is the only particular one that requires 100, I think. Some others are 80+Should you basically get all digimon to 100 ABI? I swear ABI is really the only negative grind. I don't mind messing with stats
I stand corrected!Imperialdramon Paladin Mode also requires 100 ABI
How do I get more CAM percentage on my Digimon? Sunflowmon is still at 17%, but I need her at 50% >.>
You do have to level your mons up first, yes. The ABI gain rises even more if at max level, but it's not essential.How come I evolved Sunflowamon to Angewomon then de-digivolved to increase ABI and it's not a single point higher? What gives? Will it raise upon evolving or do I need to devolve further?
UGH ABI is the most annoying thing in this game by far.
How do I get more CAM percentage on my Digimon? Sunflowmon is still at 17%, but I need her at 50% >.>
the bike only appears while moving, it disappears when standing still. He doesn't have it in battle besides his victory posehe has different modes or is he always on his bike?
Who are you working on gettin?
How do I get more CAM percentage on my Digimon? Sunflowmon is still at 17%, but I need her at 50% >.>
No, those bonus stats stays permanently.They can be lowered with items later in the game though.Does the result of farm training reset when you Digivolve it?
No, those bonus stats stays permanently.They can be lowered with items later in the game though.
So does anyone else use 2 platinumsukamon in there team, cause if your not, you should
So does anyone else use 2 platinumsukamon in there team, cause if your not, you should
So does anyone else use 2 platinumsukamon in there team, cause if your not, you should
Chapter 10
.That Omnimon cutscene was so badass. Wish the trailers for the game hadn't already spoiled it though. Also, I'm getting tired of these unwinnable fights crap
Guess I'm one of those weird ones that don't use them early on. Don't really see the need for them when my Digimons levels fine without them. End game grind, sure but right now, not really.So does anyone else use 2 platinumsukamon in there team, cause if your not, you should
Yeah I just found out about this, stupidly completed the Haguromon quest, but in chapter 11 now and found an area where with 2 plats, I get 3.2-4.8k exp per fight, if I get lucky and fight a platinumsukamon, 15k exp. Normally I wouldn't want to exploit mechanics like this, but I think I'm comfortable with it thanks to ABI.
its much more about using them to grind ABI. Levels come pretty easy and natural just playing the game, using the platinumsukamon just for that is kinda overkillGuess I'm one of those weird ones that don't use them early on. Don't really see the need for them when my Digimons levels fine without them. End game grind, sure but right now, not really.
Can you spoiler tag where in ch11 this is so I can make note of it when I'm there?
Guess I'm one of those weird ones that don't use them early on. Don't really see the need for them when my Digimons levels fine without them. End game grind, sure but right now, not really.
Just use her in fights is all, CAM is very easy to level up.
its much more about using them to grind ABI. Levels come pretty easy and natural just playing the game, using the platinumsukamon just for that is kinda overkill
Oh, my bad. I just assumed bringing them all the time through the story dungeons etc. I agree that grinding with them is better especially to get those ABI.oh I didn't use them until after chapter 10. But they're pretty much essential if you want higher form or DNA digivolved digimons, cause even with them I had to grind a lot
No, because I don't suck. I use two PlatinumNumemon instead![]()