at what point can I do the great challenges? I'm in Chapter 16 right now.
near the end of Chapter 19 they unlock and one isn't available until the very end (aka after the final boss). (ImperialDramon PM)
at what point can I do the great challenges? I'm in Chapter 16 right now.
Wait, did you go back to the Defective agency after talking to him? He mentions putting in an official request.
I'm almost in the same situation as you; I thought I missed him in Chapter 11 when I'm just a room away from the chapter boss when I realized that I haven't seen him. I exported out to find him and he's still there so if you still haven't progress a chapter then he might still be available.Well shit.
According to this I already missed him.
That fight was actually easier for me. I guess I got lucky and they keep buffing themselves while attacking me less than 10 times the whole fight. Truly a dropping the mic moment for me lol.You fought histwo SkullMeramon and one Boltmon?
I'm thinking of replacing Seraphimon and Imperialdramon with anything else
Seraphi wasn't helpful against bosses at all and I don't need Imperialdramon because I have Wargreymon and Omnimon and they are a better vaccine combo to me.
Okay cool, thanks. I doubt I'll even try to get PM but that's good to know.near the end of Chapter 19 they unlock and one isn't available until the very end (aka after the final boss). (ImperialDramon PM)
UlforceVeedramon (Vaccine Wind) (I only now heard of this guy but I'm liking his design, and is rather human shaped so Ophanimon doesn't stick out among the rest of my beast types which I ultimately prefer more)
MirageGaogamon (Data Wind)
MetalGarurumon (Data Water)
Houhoumon (Vaccine Fire, immune to Death, that's not as amazing as I think it is, isn't it?)
Lilithmon (Virus Dark, never really had interest until I heard about and read up on her insane damage output)
BlackWargreymon (Virus Fire)
Imperialdramon DM (Free Fire)
I need some help here, trying to pick ones I like while also trying to have a balanced team.
Could always switch Seraphi for Ophanimon who is a good healer.
Maybe another Lilithmon, Can never have too many Lilithmon!
edit: Does any of them have Character Reversal? if not, PlatNumemon raised from a PlatSukamon would be worth it for that.![]()
Ophani can heal full party?
another lilithmon will be devastatingbut I'm tired of grinding
nah I don't they they have that ability and I don't think I've ever used it so far
I think I'll just get Gankoomon and stop grinding for a while( until they fix dlc issues)
Get Imperialdramon if only to feel the joy of mode changing (And to have a Free type on your team).UlforceVeedramon (Vaccine Wind) (I only now heard of this guy but I'm liking his design, and is rather human shaped so Ophanimon doesn't stick out among the rest of my beast types which I ultimately prefer more...edit: wait no, I need chapter frickin 19 just to get him? The hell with these endgame only megas ffs)
MirageGaogamon (Data Wind)
MetalGarurumon (Data Water)
Houhoumon (Vaccine Fire, immune to Death, that's not as amazing as I think it is, isn't it?)
Lilithmon (Virus Dark, never really had interest until I heard about and read up on her insane damage output)
BlackWargreymon (Virus Fire)
Imperialdramon DM (Free Fire)
^^ Isn't Seraphimon the best healer in the game? Never used him myself, but he seemed to be popular because of it.
Get Imperialdramon if only to feel the joy of mode changing (And to have a Free type on your team).
You can't go wrong with any of those choices really.
UlforceVeedramon. His support skill alllows your party to go first in a fight.
Lilithmon: Phantom Pain. Nuff said. (make sure she has a Brainy personality, max ABI, 100 bonus points in INT and any INT attach items you have)
Anything that has Character Reversal (learnt from PlatinumSukamon, not sure if anyone else has it). So you can inflict bug on enemies.
Jesmon: He has a few good tools in his arsenal.
MirageGaogamon: I'm just saying this because I think he's bloody cool. That's all...
BlackWarGreyMon: Tornado... so powerful.
The first 2 I would say are must haves, the Character Reversal is optional but allows you to use Virus types in a lot more fights than you otherwise would be able to. (like Lilithmon and her awesome phantom pain)
The rest are just two I think are useful and one who I just think looks cool XD.
^^ Isn't Seraphimon the best healer in the game? Never used him myself, but he seemed to be popular because of it.
My copy finally arrived! Two questions remain though
1. Has the EU DLC been fixed?
2. Will I need an EU account to enter my DLC code (Australian PS4 and copy from OzGameShop)
Not for people who already redeemed their codes, no idea about people who haven't yet.
and yes you will. EU code for EU store needs EU account![]()
So does Platinum Sukamon digivolve into Platinum Numemon or does another digivolve into it?
So does Platinum Sukamon digivolve into Platinum Numemon or does another digivolve into it?
If he is, it's probably his defense because I'm pretty sure Ophanimon is just as good, she could revive everyone and fully heal them without too much trouble.
ah here:
Perfect Revive: Revive all fallen party members with full HP.
Final Aura: Restores a lot of HP for all party members.
She may or may not have status restoring powers depending on if any of her previous evolutions had any. But it's easy enough to just have her throw some Multi-Recovery DXs onto everyone anyway.
How this doesn't result in MetalEtemon is boggling my mind.PlatSuk > Etemon > PlatNum
Well, I'm not dissing the fabulous pink dragon, I'm just relaying infoI have one of those fabulous pink dragon
, don't shoot me down lol.before I devolve and evolve it to Ophanimon >
Serious talk, that pink dragon is a beast with its HP. She'll never die lol.
At the farm menu, press right on the d-pad or push right on the analog stick.The cursor will then go to one of the digimon in your farm. Select one and press "X" to feed him food. Press "Square" to change the food items. Be warn that the digimon might refuse to eat the food so save before feeding them expensive foods.
The farm not only levels up your digimon but it also give your digimon permanent stats bonus if you choose the command to train. The bonus stats that goes up depends on your leader personality.
Durable = HP
Lively = SP
Fighter = ATK
Defender = DEF
Brainy = INT
Nimble = SPD
Builder = Increases chance to gain better items during develop
Searcher = Increases chance to gain generic quests and items during investigation
The digimon own personality also affect what stats they gain during training. For example, a brainy digimon who is training with a brainy leader will gain INT faster.
The bonus stats has a CAP and is calculated by, (Digimon's ABI/2)+50 with 100 being the MAX amount a digimon can have.
You can also reduce a digimon bonus stats in one area to reduce its total bonus stats so that you can specifically gain stats in other area. You reduce said stats using stat restraint chips. For example, a digimon have 50 bonus stats on both ATK and INT but you want all 100 bonus stats to go to INT. Use the ATK restraint chips to reduce its bonus ATK and then train him on INT until max.
Stats increasing equipments doesn't count towards evolution. Only the digimon base+bonus stats count.
There's no difference between leveling in the farm or on the field. Even level 99 digimon can still train in the farm to gain bonus stats.
How this doesn't result in MetalEtemon is boggling my mind.
And a flying shit monster is a mega? Now I've seen everything
Well, PlatinumNumemon is just one of the mega evolution for Etemon. He also has MetalEtemon as one of his evolution choices.How this doesn't result in MetalEtemon is boggling my mind.
And a flying shit monster is a mega? Now I've seen everything
Oh duh, right I forgot about the branching evolutions.It does also result to Metaletemon.
Yes, she can both heal and revive the party. I forget the exact moves she has due to not having her in my EN game but in my JP game, she was my dedicated healer and occasional attacker.
DNA digivolution will used up both required digimons so your Stingmon will be gone after DNA.Alright, let's see then:
- Agumon - Greymon - MetalGreymon - Wargreymon (Vaccine Fire, Pierce)
- Guilemon - Growlmon - WarGrowlmon - RustTyranomon (Virus Electric)
- Tentamon - Stingmon (for Paildramon as well) - Okuwamon - GranKuwagamon (Virus Plant, Pierce)
- Betamon - Seadramon - MegaSeadramon - Plesiomon (Data Water, Pierce)
- Salamon - Gatomon - Angewoman - Ophanimon (Vaccine Light)
- Patamon - ExVeemon - Paildramon - Imperialdramon (Free Fire/Neutral)
- Lopmon - BlackGatomon - Lady Devimon - Lilithmon (Virus Dark)
- Veemon - Veedramon - AeroVeedramon - UlforceVeedramon (Vaccine Wind)
- Agumon - GeoGreymon - RizeGreymon - Examon (Data Wind)
- Armadillomon - Ankylomon - SkullGreymon - Titamon (Virus Earth, Pierce)
- Gabumon - Garurumon - WereGarurumon - MetalGarurumon (Data Water, I can't not have him and have WarGreymon)
Now that's a solid team if I ever seen one! 3 Vaccine, 3 Data, 4 Virus, 1 Free. And each element is on there I believe.
So I only need my Tentamon to digivolve into a Stingmon to satisfy the requirements for my ExVeemon to turn into Paildramon? I don't have to sacrifice my Eater-Eater do I?
And of course a couple of PlatPoops for XP farming but not going to end up in my main party at the end of the game
DNA digivolution will used up both required digimons so your Stingmon will be gone after DNA.
Kuwagamon can also become Okuwamon and it digivolve into Okuwamon easier since it will reach Okuwamon's requirement naturally earlier.
Her health is so painfully low though...
I fought that boss 3 times. The first I lost cause of sleep, the second I won but forgot Victory Uchida and finally finished the chapter after the third going. Not being able to skip dialogues and cutscenes hurts. And yeah, not getting any reward sucks.Ugh screw the boss at the end of chapter 11. Took forever to get it down, and then switched in 2 PlatinumSukamon for the exp. The fight would have ended except forDigimon missed and I got sleep spammed for the next 15 turns until they wiped out my team. I finally finished them off but it turns out you get no exp for the fight anyways so I wasted a ton of time switching my PlatinumSukamon in. -_-'Fei's
Load her with HP bonus points + attach items? If she's a dedicated healer, she doesn't need much else than HP/SP.
Speaking bonus stats
I know that farm doesn't increas stats if the bonus hit the equation limit(ABI/2+50)
but does that mean stats food like carrots and bananas won't give bonuses when feeding digimons?
Where do you get the stat decreasing chips anyway? I got a lot as drops, but I've been grinding and dont have any I actually need.
You can buy them from the shop at EDEN entrance.Where do you get the stat decreasing chips anyway? I got a lot as drops, but I've been grinding and dont have any I actually need.
Speaking bonus stats
I know that farm doesn't increas stats if the bonus hit the equation limit(ABI/2+50)
but does that mean stats food like carrots and bananas won't give bonuses when feeding digimons?
You can buy them from the shop at EDEN entrance.
Edit: Unrelated, Lopmon is so cute. The three little horns is just perfect.
So I am at the Valhalla server dungeon in Chapter 10 and I just unlocked the data plate that is saying Pattern Red ERROR!
Well I am trying to copy the Red or Blue datas and the game is just not letting me.
The biggest digimon mystery.But how did their ears get so fluffy though?
I'm nearing the end of my first play through now, with a highly over leveled team of 6.
Once I'm done with this run I'm going to try and see what I can make happen in terms of a hard mode, as little grinding as possible, run.
I'm nearing the end of my first play through now, with a highly over leveled team of 6.
Once I'm done with this run I'm going to try and see what I can make happen in terms of a hard mode, as little grinding as possible, run.
You'll already have a MUCH better time than first timers, knowing wich Digimon teams and setup to bring to each boss fight is alone a game changer...
Wich i'm starting to think is what developers expected from players going into HM, no way they inteded that mode for first timers lol
Does anyone know if Character Reverse works on all bosses throughout the game? This would be good to know for planning my hard mode team.