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Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth |OT| The Prodigious Mon Returns (Courtesy of a Petition)


To elaborate on what Stuart here said

Thanks for the elaboration. It's late and my minds a bit of a mess so I didn't include all the details I could have hehe. Just the basics that I could type off without even thinking about it.

1. I think I'm on chapter 7. I'm
looking for Sakura, whom I think Kimiken kidnapped.

Does bandai namco ever do direct sequels though? Aside from the titles and some shared characters, it seems to me that digimon games have little to do with each other.

The next place I can recommend would be the Asakusa Digital Shift (where it looks all data like. Like in the Shinjuku Subway earlier on). Don't go past the DigiLab access point and you can just grind away in there for a bit. (the one half way into the area iirc).

And while I would love a direct sequel to this, it doesn't really need to be a direct sequel, just a Digimon Story title with the same style of gameplay/systems we have in this.

Though Digimon World: Next Order feels like a direct sequel (based on the marketing so far) of Digimon World 1. It remixes some of the music from DW1 (such as File City Day and Night time music) and it even includes the protagonist (though they just call him mysterious guy or something but he's got the same design, he just looks older in his art work, see below). Now if it's a direct sequel or not is to be determined since the game isn't out yet until March in Japan.

DW1 protag in Next order:

And this is him in Digimon World 1:



god I'm getting so annoyed at this last battle of the Legendary cup. Does Character Reversal just not work on any of them?

I feel your pain man. I've tried and died 14 times now. Seems absolutely impossible without some of the data type Royal Knights


Where is the best late-game place to grind? I've already finished all of the Great Challenges and everything.

I feel your pain man. I've tried and died 14 times now. Seems absolutely impossible without some of the data type Royal Knights

Someone earlier also recommended Plesiomon to me as well. I'm giving that a try next (once I get him to lv. 99)


Where is the best late-game place to grind? I've already finished all of the Great Challenges and everything.

Someone earlier also recommended Plesiomon to me as well. I'm giving that a try next (once I get him to lv. 99)

I've had really good returns with the Memory mirror dungeon. 2 platnumemons with 3 tactical usbs each nets me about 50k exp on average with very very short turn ttk/arounds on battles. Just make sure you bring a character with light/lightning aoe attacks. Another option is the one mirror dungeon with Stingmon, Black Gatomon, that one dark tree digimon, and the big red frog like digimon. They net less exp per battle but melt even faster so it almost evens out.


Someone earlier also recommended Plesiomon to me as well. I'm giving that a try next (once I get him to lv. 99)

Unfortunately Plesiomon's ability doesnt seem to do much in the way of damage despite being a def peircing attack thanks to it being AOE. I've never managed to out damage the healing they give themselves on their next turn and I can never seem to damage 1 of them enough to kill them in a single turn. Its absolutely maddening. But I am playing on hard. So if you're on normal you might have better luck.


Where is the best late-game place to grind? I've already finished all of the Great Challenges and everything.

Floor 40, near the elevators/access point in the final dungeon.

I spent several hours next to the access point, using function call 2 and I went from 170 Digimon registered to 207+ in my field guide. (and I have about 227 or something "Digimon Found")

So so so quick to level, I just use PlatinumNumemon exclusively with battle animations off + 9 tact USBs.

Character Reversal on Ravemon, besides that, just throw shit at them. Always prioritize Piedmon first because of his DOT attacks.

Battles are done quickly and levels shoot up so quickly. I can't recommend any other place at end game.

With this set up, you'll be getting 130k+ and if you're lucky enough to find PlatNumemon, 600k EXP.

Also Function Call 2 (aka always have a free type rookie or above in your party) means you have almost no down time between enemies.


Don't think anyone responded when I asked before. I wanna get the plat for this game, but I missed some of the missable medals at e beginning, and already gave some medals to the medal man. Will he keep the medals I already gave him in a ng+?
Just beat it.

41 hr 33 min.

Good length for a RPG. The ending went in a strange direction.

The final cutscene with
MC and Kyoko was a nice way to end the game.


Don't think anyone responded when I asked before. I wanna get the plat for this game, but I missed some of the missable medals at e beginning, and already gave some medals to the medal man. Will he keep the medals I already gave him in a ng+?

I think all your unlocked medals carry over to NG+ I remember reading that earlier itt


Does PlatinumNumemon give more you more experience than PlatinumSukamon?

No but it's a Mega with 3 equip slots for more Tact USBs and can kill things easier than PlatSukamon.

Don't need PlatNumemon til later in the game but by late game, you should get him.


Thanks for the elaboration. It's late and my minds a bit of a mess so I didn't include all the details I could have hehe. Just the basics that I could type off without even thinking about it.

The next place I can recommend would be the Asakusa Digital Shift (where it looks all data like. Like in the Shinjuku Subway earlier on). Don't go past the DigiLab access point and you can just grind away in there for a bit. (the one half way into the area iirc).

And while I would love a direct sequel to this, it doesn't really need to be a direct sequel, just a Digimon Story title with the same style of gameplay/systems we have in this.

Though Digimon World: Next Order feels like a direct sequel (based on the marketing so far) of Digimon World 1. It remixes some of the music from DW1 (such as File City Day and Night time music) and it even includes the protagonist (though they just call him mysterious guy or something but he's got the same design, he just looks older in his art work, see below). Now if it's a direct sequel or not is to be determined since the game isn't out yet until March in Japan.

DW1 protag in Next order:

And this is him in Digimon World 1:

Its more than likely a direct sequel, hell the preorder bonus is the soundtrack to the original game which came out 17 years ago.... I've been waiting for this game since i was disapointed with digimon world 2.
This translation is so bad. It can't even keep the names of digimon straight. I was wondering who Lord Knightmon was that Kyoko was talking about, and of course that's Crusadermon's alternate name that up to this point had never been used.

That has nothing to do with the translation of the game, that's localization from years ago. Most of us know them by those names so changing them to the Japanese names would only cause confusion.


Unconfirmed Member
Got those 3 Harugumons in my DigiFarm. 19, 18, and 17 and they need to be level 20 to become PlatinumSukamon. All three have max levels of about 24 or so. This gunna be gud.


I see I need 40 of ABI to digivolve my Myotismon into, what I think, is the digievolution from the anime (i want to have that one), but my Myotismon has only 19, is there a way to give it more?

I read it might need to devolve, but at level 43 I'm really trying to avoid that.


I see I need 40 of ABI to digivolve my Myotismon into, what I think, is the digievolution from the anime (i want to have that one), but my Myotismon has only 19, is there a way to give it more?

I read it might need to digivolve, but at level 43 I'm really trying to avoid that.

Just get all the skills you need, I think all Ultimates get all their skills at Level 45, so de-evolve then. Unless you have Abi increasing items, I got 3 miracle meats in Chapter 6 I think? Each adds 10 abi


Fantastic gameplay, gorgeous visuals, basic to borderline unacceptable translations.

The major plot line stuff are fine for the most part, the digiline is probably the worst offender.

In my experience the translation is fine in that it never actively impedes me from understanding what I should be doing in the game in any way. The only things that ever happen are totally inconsequential and most of the time just end up making me laugh.


Just get all the skills you need, I think all Ultimates get all their skills at Level 45, so de-evolve then. Unless you have Abi increasing items, I got 3 miracle meats in Chapter 6 I think? Each adds 10 abi

I haven't ask yet, but devolving makes me lose stats?

May be I have to devolve it since I don't have any of those, a real shame since I will need to raise it again to level 50 all the way


I haven't ask yet, but devolving makes me lose stats?

May be I have to devolve it since I don't have any of those, a real shame since I will need to raise it again to level 50 all the way

I don't think you will lose stats, since the leveling stats are preset in stone anyways.

Yeah.... I can feel you, I'm having the same problem as well. My MagnaAngemon needs to be devolved to get all those Abi but MA requires a base SP of 100 to evolve.

Level 1 Angemon has a base SP count of 58.


remember me
That has nothing to do with the translation of the game, that's localization from years ago. Most of us know them by those names so changing them to the Japanese names would only cause confusion.

Translation, localization, same difference (yes I know the difference). It's just shit poor editing to use one name in one instance and a different one in another. It should be consistent throughout. There is absolutely no defending this script. It is full of typos for another thing. It's the worst one I've played since possibly the PS1 days.


Translation, localization, same difference (yes I know the difference). It's just shit poor editing to use one name in one instance and a different one in another. It should be consistent throughout. There is absolutely no defending this script. It is full of typos for another thing.

Oh, wait, they use the JP name in the script? For some reason I thought you were talking about hearing their Japanese names during voiced portions.

I missed it, but I'm not surprised, I think a few other things don't use pre-established localizations.


johnsmith said:
It's seriously the worst one I've played since possibly the PS1 days.

Then you've been pretty lucky, it's not amazing but people are wildly over-stating the problems with it. Though I suppose hyperbole is par for the course.
The story is so slooooooooow.

That's my major complain.
It picks up after the first 20 hours not really joking. First 10 chapters had bad story.

Anyways I just beat Grand Challenge #7
Some tips...
- Start with Vaccine to kill Gallant
- Damage Alpha/Omni the same amount
- Last turn kill both

Time to challenge the Royal Knights quest on HM. Oh boy this is gonna be fun..
#4 and #7 are legit tough on Normal so good luck. Got one more left myself.
Each farm can only handle a single task at a time. Training takes a fixed amount of time depending on how much CAM you are willing to lose while Building/Searching takes between 45 and 20 minutes dependent on how many builder/searcher digimons you have in the farm. The results of all of these tasks can be improved with Farm Goods that you can purchase from the Digi Lab.
I don't think I want to risk losing CAM since it's so difficult to obtain in the first place. Would it be okay to just let the digimon roam around doing their thing without having to assign anything to them?
Thanks for the elaboration. It's late and my minds a bit of a mess so I didn't include all the details I could have hehe. Just the basics that I could type off without even thinking about it.

The next place I can recommend would be the Asakusa Digital Shift (where it looks all data like. Like in the Shinjuku Subway earlier on). Don't go past the DigiLab access point and you can just grind away in there for a bit. (the one half way into the area iirc).
are the digital shifts those wormhole like tunnels? If you're talking about when the real world areas get digitized, I'm not sure how to revisit them once the missions are over...

And while I would love a direct sequel to this, it doesn't really need to be a direct sequel, just a Digimon Story title with the same style of gameplay/systems we have in this.

Though Digimon World: Next Order feels like a direct sequel (based on the marketing so far) of Digimon World 1. It remixes some of the music from DW1 (such as File City Day and Night time music) and it even includes the protagonist (though they just call him mysterious guy or something but he's got the same design, he just looks older in his art work, see below). Now if it's a direct sequel or not is to be determined since the game isn't out yet until March in Japan.

DW1 protag in Next order:

And this is him in Digimon World 1:
Oh, that is neat! That's cool that they did that. I'm very much looking forwarded to next order getting ported and locali


I think the first 10 Chapters are fine, they are basically you being a detective and solving weird shit (and some non-weird shit). The main story slowly unfolds while you're being Mr/Miss Assistant detective.

It's like the first 15 - 20 episodes of some of the anime series where it's pretty formulaic with the Digimon of the week format. Main story starts going later and well yeah.

It's basically an anime Digimon story in game form to me.

are the digital shifts those wormhole like tunnels? If you're talking about when the real world areas get digitized, I'm not sure how to revisit them once the missions are over...

Yes and like I said, the Asakusa one opens up in Chapter 8, grind there before completing it. If you already have then welp. Just look for the next best place with Champions or Ultimates to grind on.

near the end of the game, you will be able to access most of them either via the Mirror Dungeon in the DigiLab or by going directly to the area.


Yeah, I beat him without UltraVeemon so I am proud.
Edit: Thought there was a challenge #8. Guess not, ha ha.

There is... after you beat the final boss.

It picks up after the first 20 hours not really joking. First 10 chapters had bad story.

Anyways I just beat Grand Challenge #7
Some tips...
- Start with Vaccine to kill Gallant
- Damage Alpha/Omni the same amount
- Last turn kill both

I can verify that this is the best way to do it though I actually used Ulforce and 2 Plats, used Plats to inflict Bug on the Vaccine types, switched in 2 Lilithmons for
and then waited til I had 2 Lilithmon turns in a row and had them both target one of the other 2.... 2 one hit KOs for the Win. (this was after losing to
Omegamon once after killing Alpha/Gallant
Yes and like I said, the Asakusa one opens up in Chapter 8, grind there before completing it. If you already have then welp. Just look for the next best place with Champions or Ultimates to grind on.

near the end of the game, you will be able to access most of them either via the Mirror Dungeon in the DigiLab or by going directly to the area.
Na, I just checked my trophies again and I have not made it to chapter 8 yet. That's interesting though, for all the missions I was on I just went straight through the dungeons to get through the boss, I never thought to not get through them to do some grinding


Unconfirmed Member
Got my 3 PlatSukas finally! Just stuck those suckers in the DigiFarm until all 3 hit level 20. I'm ready for my XP train!

(and I have 10 Digis that are Builders too, all I need now is a Developer Know-How or two)


Got a case from Mirei that awards a Developer Know-How! Speak of the Devil!(mon). Now I can get 2! Tactician USBs here I come!
There is... after you beat the final boss.

You can fight the challenge boss before the final boss. In Chapter 20 after the first fight you can go back to Tokyo with the help of an NPC and fight the last boss.

Also after finally beating the game on Hard Mode with a full Digidex... I really enjoyed this game, moreso than Pokemon games and equivalent to some of the mainline SMT games which it seems to borrow so heavily from. The story really picks up in the latter half, though all the side quests were all really, really bad. I've always wondered why JRPGs tend to make really uninteresting side quests but I digress.

Kudos for making hard mode actually HARD, unlike alot of JRPGs where it's kind of throwaway. I died to multiple story bosses and the final boss itself had me one move away from death the whole time, unlike the cakewalk most RPGs become in the end-game. The challenge bosses themselves were really hard and required alot of reworking of strategies to succeed against.

Despite the relative drought of JRPGs these years, it's great to play something like this once in a while to remind me why I love the genre in teh first place.


Unconfirmed Member
Can you rename the Digifarms? By chance?

Alright, I got my (only) slot in the Digifarm loaded with a Developer Know-How and I got all 10 Mons in there as builders, with 1k yen selected development. I'll save just before one minute left to go and see if that works.
I just realized you can zoom the camera out.
lol, i realized that pretty late in the game too. it also is not everywhere.

btw, this is one of the games where you know can't trust the metacritic score. i'd so far as saying it is one of the best Ps4 games out right now but metacritic won't tell you that.
Really enjoying this game, just hit chapter 11.

Very addictive, much more engaging battle and collection system than Pokemon, for me. The ABI system can be a pain at times, but I can see why it exists.
lol, i realized that pretty late in the game too. it also is not everywhere.

btw, this is one of the games where you know can't trust the metacritic score. i'd so far as saying it is one of the best Ps4 games out right now but metacritic won't tell you that.

I agree. It is definitely one of the best Vita games by far. If you like JRPG games, I consider it a must play title.
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