Non issue? Right now I have to level my guys to 30 to evolve them and the next evolution is at 55. I'm guessing that de-evolving takes them back to lv 1, so that's about half an hour of pure grinding - I'd rather reload my save, lol.
Sigh, another one. What's with those viruses changing into data during their lv 26-30 evolution. :|
Pretty much with how many tools they give the player to level, unless you are someone that needs to rush through things this by far is the easiest and fastest game when it comes to evolving ones creatures.
Though I personally favor the overly excessive system DQM had.
To reach the better digimon you need to learn how to use the de-evolving system anyways from what it looks like with all the info the book has.
I still wish there was a bit more to capturing over just fighting a bunch of times as it kinda takes away from the feeling of "accomplishment / excitement" when you do capture something. Granted it adds to more time spent in the title for high-lv / rare monsters and such.
Though this way it makes it easier for the whole loading for exp system since you can just keep dumping all the stuff you max out and no longer need to mess with for evolving for bonus exp.
I most likely look at this game pretty differently after all the wonderfully traumatizing experiences I went through in DQM lol. Game is crazier than pokemon seriously in some ways. D: Fantastic title though had about 90 hours in DQMJ2 you would not believe how many times Ive fucked shit up that takes a ton of time to do / generations of monsters in DQM D: