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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


i'm not a PC gamer savy guy so: does this mean scorpio is close to the top of the line?
By the time it is out high-end (single-GPU) gaming PCs will probably be ~ 3 times as fast.

You could easily make an argument that Xbox 360 was comparatively more high-end at its release, in fact.

Are you surprised by some tech Talk regarding the Scorpio?? like something catches your eye??
Not really, no.

I figured you would enjoy the inclusion of FreeSync + HDMI 2.1 Variable Refresh and forced 16x AF across all games.
Well, on the one hand, fucking finally. On the other, do I really want to congratulate anyone for finally accomplishing in 2017 what I expected to happen in 2006? (Referring to the AF)

Overall, console technology was far more exciting last gen. Not necessarily better, but way more exciting.


Agreed, they will need exclusives to sell this.

People aren;t going to flock away from their PS4 consoles to this if their friends are staying put, the price will be an overriding factor on adoption rate, low adoption rate will not be good.

And that's what O'm afraid of for XBOX. If this thing is over $399 it's over.

It has to be 399-450 as the most to entice people.
It's about what I expected. I own a PS4 pro and have the base Xbox one, but the X1 has to be my least used console I've ever owned. So for me it's a pass. The money to value incentive isn't there for me. I don't see my self switching multiplats to Xbox

For Xbox one only users or who main Xbox one this will be a good pickup.
Look up any of my posts. Don't lump me in with a minority expecting something that was never promised. Cut the shit, guy.

i'm not wasting my time looking up your posts. i didn't say you did. i am saying that for months a lot of people were saying this is gonna be a next gen console and not just an "Xbox One Pro".
Agreed, they will need exclusives to sell this.

People aren;t going to flock away from their PS4 consoles to this if their friends are staying put, the price will be an overriding factor on adoption rate, low adoption rate will not be good.

Whilst more games is good for everyone, do we really think this is going to sell loads anyway?


  • 36 CU vs 40
  • 2.1Ghz vs 2.3
  • 8GB GDDR5 v 12
  • 1 year after the Pro's launch.

I know they have some kind of dedicated chip that handles Direct x12 functions, but i just dont see it going over $399 with those specs. RAM is the only thing that got a major upgrade but again, Sony had 8GB GDDR5 RAM 4 years ago in a $399 box. It's not that hard to believe that 12GB can be included in a $399 box along with a jaguar CPU and a 480x that retailed for $200 last year.

Now if it had a zen CPU or a Nvidia GPU then we might be looking at $499. Right now, it's basically the PS4 Pro with higher clocks and better cooling tech.

Yeah but you've got the UHD drive, latest HDMI (unless I'm miss-reading it) plus the large Chip size (more expensive to manufacture) and the funky cooling system.

I could see each little extra pushing the BOM up piece by piece to where $399 would require MS to be at cost or even taking a small loss.

I mean it could be $399 but taken as a whole I can see why people are estimating $449 and $499 too.


Spec sheets and talk in this thread sound good, but it still seems like consistent 4K/60 on a home console is a gen off (e.g. PS5, X2, etc). Is this valid?

Well, Forza 6 running at 4K60 w/ at 65% GPU says no...?

Not everything is as well optimized as Forza, though.


Really floored about this console.

Ms indeed had lots of tricks under its sleeve.

And running Forza 6 at 4k60fps with improved assets using with only 55-65% of gpu utilization and that's on a 2 day port without any optmization is amazing.

It proves they have some smart cookies behind the design of this thing. It's a high performance Ferrari of a console.
RX480 vs. GTX1070

This system won't be cheap. The performance should be good for the cost. It will perform better than PS4 Pro by a reasonably decent margin.

As I said before:
Don't cite GPUBoss as a source of info...

Scorpio is using an update jaguar CPU which is no where near what an i5-i7 can do on PC. the GPU is 6TF. my GPU (1070) that I bought in june last year is 6.5TF at stock speeds.

it's pretty damn impressive for a console to be honest but nowhere near a top of the line PC. We now have Titan X + 1080 Ti's which are much more powerful than a 1070.

It's still pretty much a mid-range AMD GPU from 2016, it's basically in line with the PS4's GPU in 2013. Then there's the AMD/NVIDIA architecture differences so the Scorpio's 6TF GPU doesn't necessarily mean it's almost on par with a 1070.


I want to know how the performance is when all the cars start driving. The GPU use will go higher and framerate will then go below 60.

How about watching the videos?

The highest it got with "PC Ultra level settings at 4K" was 70% GPU usage with 24 cars on screen in motion.


I don't think it'll be more than 399. They very much do like that you all expect 499, that way they can surprise you and you're more prime to impulse buy. It worked for the PS4 in 2013.


lol don't even start. so many people for months have been thinking this is gonna be a next gen console. you all backtracking now?

Only morons said that...this is a second tier of consoles for this gen...higher quality visuals with the same gen games underpinning


Yeah, I had increasing skepticism that Scorpio is necessarily a locked-in factor for the next generation of Xbox software, whenever that cycle kicks off.

Some have been talking about that as if it was a confirmed thing, but MS's comments on Scorpio specifically and what its intended to be where very specific and defined to the Xbox One generation, as far as I could see.

Maybe Scorpio can feature as a baseline for the next-gen Xbox cycle, if dev trends push away from the CPU in a big way, but otherwise I just can't see Microsoft tying their next cycle of software to this base in 2020 or whenever, if developers are demanding more, and the competition is providing it. MS is definitely keeping all options open here anyway.

Yeah, im now thinking hard either Scorpio is a reaction to PS4Pro, in that, MS heard news of it and needed to follow suit. Or MS wanted Scorpio to be X1.5 , blur the lines between cycles, but pulled out after they saw how Sony made it very clear about PS4Pro positioning.

MS didn't seem too courageous with the Scorpio specs and direction in the end.


With the clocks so high on this GPU I'm really curious to see what kind of cooling solution they've concocted. Could be a disaster if they can't keep this thing cool... do they mention this in any of the DF videos?


Really floored about this console.

Ms indeed had lots of tricks under its sleeve.

And running Forza 6 at 4k60fps with improved assets using with only 55-65% of gpu utilization and that's on a 2 day port without any optmization is amazing.

Very good reveal by DF.

Naysayers will fling shit. And it will be countered before E3.

At E3, at the latest, we will visually see the power of the console.
And in the end, the funnier thing we know (or we don´t know per the article) is that we could end up with:

-Scorpio being 6TFLOPS at fp16 math.
-PS4 PRO being 8,4TFLOPS at fp16 math.

nah man. please don't spread lies
PS4 PRO is 4,2TFLOPS at fp16 math
Scorpio is 12TFLOPS at fp16 math

3 times as powerful


Can someone break down what all this means for the average consumer? Is this more of a new console or an iterative version of the Xbox One? Does this support bluetooth 5?


It's essentially what Sony did for the Pro except Microsoft FIXED all the complaints:

- Has a 4k Blu-ray drive
- ALL Games will supersample if using 1080p
- Forced 16x AF eliminates the crappy texture filtering
- It applies these fixes to older games and even Xbox 360 games
- 12GB RAM with 4GB reserved for OS, meaning games get a nice 8GB to play with

If they can get it out for the same price as a Ps4 Pro, Microsoft can eat that loss for a while to get this machine out there.

Is 4GB really needed for these OSs? How much does the One S / Pro use?
Only morons said that...this is a second tier of consoles for this gen...higher quality visuals with the same gen games underpinning

this place must be full of morons then. pretty much any topic about scorpio had people saying it'll be next gen. sounds like everyone is backtracking because they don't wanna admit they were wrong.
Pretty awesome for Xbox people or gamers that need it all. With my Pro my Pc and my switch I just can't swallow another console and 12 months of live just for Xbox exclusives (this is their weakest pillar right now for me)

Bingo. Me to a T.

This thing could be 100% more powerful than Scorpio and still be underwhelming simply because the software isn't there. Meanwhile, Sony is hitting on all cylinders with their first-party software and third-party exclusives and have some great exclusives around the corner too.

I wish Microsoft success in this business because competition is good. Although a spec bump was sorely needed for Xbox One, imo it should still be way down the list of things Microsoft should be focusing on to improve their market share in this space.


Oh god. First it was "PS4 has no games" and now its suddenly "Xbox has no games"
Both comments are/were stupid.

With both the PS3 and PS4, Sony took a good amount of time to shift into gear when it came to providing content. So it is valid.

Conversely, Microsoft plop out a great launch window of support (usually) and then sit back onto their core sliver of titles. So it is valid.


This just makes me realise again and again how far ahead Sony is compared to Microsoft. The Pro will do just fine against this.
Agreed, they will need exclusives to sell this.

People aren;t going to flock away from their PS4 consoles to this if their friends are staying put, the price will be an overriding factor on adoption rate, low adoption rate will not be good.

hell, i haven't even flocked away from my og ps4 for a ps4 pro yet! :) ...
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