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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio

Hm, I expected a bit more after all this hype, not sure if it was a good idea to announce this beforehand. But it's still a nice upgrade compared to PS4 Pro, I might get this for multiplatform titles and exclusives.

What I would like to see now from Microsoft:

1. I want to see what differences we can expect with 6TF in multiplatform titles compared to PS4 Pro. Not sure yet if 4K vs 4K checkerboard is such a big difference, maybe it's better to use that power for other things.

2. I hope we get Scorpio support for most/all Xbox One exclusives, even older titles like Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break or Halo:MCC, because I think exclusives is an area where Xbox was a bit lacking, they need every bit of support they can get. This also helps to attract people who were exclusively on PS4 this gen.

3. I also hope they will have a few new exclusives for Scorpio launch.


I don't think MS is that dumb. They can just look at the PS3 launch and see that $600 is a laughable price for the mainstream.
I actually expect $499 pushing it to $599 to not set myself up for disappointment.

I don't think they're aiming this at the mainstream. They biggest tech reveal in 12 months was delivered by a tech-enthusiasts website. Phil has said this is premium and he wasn't lying.

Lol. It'll be $399. Bank on it.
I'd be willing to bet it won't come in a dollar below $499 enthusiast price point and Microsoft trying to stay in the black. They are NOT going to sell this at a loss.

All Xbox One games will be on Windows 10 for the forseeable future.
Unless they 180 it.
I actually hope they do if not I cannot justify buying one.


So weird. Who would have thought Digital Foundry, of all places, would do spec analysis of upcoming console hardware. We are truly in bizarro world.

The ram and the GPU have me the most intrigued.
Now MS just needs to announce they don't care about weaker consoles running at less FPS. Give me 60fps destiny MS!

It isn't weird at all seeing DF partner with Microsoft on this. People need to get a reality check :lol

Also, Destiny at 60fps will absolutely require a dynamic resolution if they want a lock.


Neo Member
No way this is $399 and i'm cool with that. Wish the PS4 Pro was $499 with a bigger CPU and the UHD drive. Love what Microsoft is doing here, still not sure if this will make me switch from my PS4 Pro as my main system. 60 fps everywhere will be the thing to win me over and that is still doubtful.


The question is if specs were the reason people didnt buy the X1? Sony first party content in my mind has eclipsed anything Microsoft is churning out.

I toally understand that MS needs more than a stronger hardware. BUT, I constantly heard people saying they had no reason to buy an XB1 cause it was weaker than a PS4.

I do think MS needs to work on more exclusives (it doesn't matter if it's UWP at this point though), but at least at least it seems they got their hardware right this time. That's a step forward.
I feel as though Microsoft missed the boat on this one, they should have taken a "go big or go home" approach on this one,
(by the way Spencer was talking, it seemed as it would be)
even if it came at a premium cost such as $599+. Since this just seems to be a upgraded PS4 Pro without the games, i'm not even anticapting this any longer.

In fact, i'm on PC part picker right now looking to build my first gaming PC. :)


Isn't this what everyone expected based on what they were promising? What did you realistically expect for a console that would release this year?
I expected little in terms of excitment, and that's exactly what happened, yes.

As anyone can easily determine by revisiting various threads over the past months, there were other expectations which were often much higher.

Is I7 7700k + 1080ti powerful enought to run Nier/Ghost Recon at Ultra 4k/60fps or even 30 fps?

From the benchmark Nier need 1080 for Ultra 1080p/60fps right?
That's with 8xMSAA. Which is closer to 5k resolution without MSAA (which is how it runs on console) in terms of the number of samples shaded.


Who is ntkrnl and why are people acting all weird with this poster?

Also, anyone expecting 399 is as crazy as anyone expecting zen. Like c'mon use your brains

He leaked a bunch of huge MS announcements back in early 2014 (Scalebound, Halo MCC, etc.) that were mostly accurate and then, for all intents and purposes, went away. (though I see he still posts every now and then)



If MS are thinking of unveiling Scorpio at E3, I hope they do it quickly and at the start. Even open with a short video instead of a trailer. 2 minutes. Show off the box, here's the price. Now onto games. Don't bring out any devs or anything. Talk about games.

If they want to do something longer, do it at a separate event.


The line between tech analysis and advertising is pretty blurry

Dark10x, I hope you guys are having an internal discussion about the implications of this reveal. Just for future analysis.

They most certainly will not and dont need to have an "internal discussion." It was tech analysis, pure and simple. Implying they were advertising or shilling is absurd.


For what appears to be a very high spec’d console, plus a 4K blu Ray player and for the people this machine is actually marketed towards….€499 seems like a perfectly reasonable price

This is not aimed at the casual market who will pick up the cheapest console available
Who is ntkrnl and why are people acting all weird with this poster?

Also, anyone expecting 399 is as crazy as anyone expecting zen. Like c'mon use your brains

The guy was responsible for basically leaking all of microsofts 2014/15 plans. Dont know why he left, maybe he got banned.


Richard seems pretty sure it'll be $499 - I'm reckoning MS will try and bring that down a bit but they're definitely aiming for the premium/hardcore so maybe not. They're also gonna still want to sell the S too, which by their own admission is going to be the console which sells more. Brexit means this is going to be £500 though doesn't it. Fs

They could also try and sweeten the deal with their services. A month of Live, EA Access and Game Pass. Maybe even more.


If I'm not mistaken they also used 4K assets in the Scorpio build

4k assets are more like textures. In a way the stuff you see written on the cars are more clear and sharp because of it (also other stuff). This isn't gpu taxing. I'm talking about settings like improved shadows, draw distance, af etc.


sounds like everything I'd want in a current gen console.

it's a shame that it Xbox has no exclusive content worth making the dive for. Going to be upgrading my PC soon and anything worthwhile Microsoft puts out I'll just be picking up on that.


Looks awesome. But i live in a Tier 2 country (Europe) so....i can buy this in 2018/19? They let me wait more than a year to buy an Xbox One.


The question is if specs were the reason people didnt buy the X1? Sony first party content in my mind has eclipsed anything Microsoft is churning out.

Many customers (beyond GAF) only know a few things (sorry to generalize but this is how I see it among my colleagues and friends):

- the console is powerful, the console is not powerful
- the console is new, the console is not new
- the console has the games he/she wants to play

People who are concerned about specs are likely techies who exist on GAF or a PC gamer :D


Fafracer forever
DopeyFish said:
PS4 Pro to Scorpio is a larger gap than Xbox One to PS4
And still we've had entire generations with bigger power-gaps that amounted to almost nothing. If these incremental upgrades are sending any message it's that they can get people excited about increasingly smaller things.

Though on a more relevant note - it's an interesting time where Microsoft hardware of all things is the most console-like reveal in recent history with all the old-school tweaks to performance and features.


Neo Member
That video is just marketing stunt. Waste of everybody's time. Look at specs. PS4, PS4 Pro, and New Xbox. Sure, New Xbox will be the most powerful console. But people pushed back on upgrading from PS4 to Pro, who is in their mind will upgrade from Ps4 Pro to New Xbox?!

I get that it's the most powerful console, but in terms of what we see so far upgrade from PS4 Pro to new Xbox is just a waste of money.

I imagined your voice breaking a few times while reading that out to yourself.

'S'OK, 's'OK... Shhh...


$500 for sure, which seems reasonable. International pricing though (UK is fucked thanks Brexit) is what I'm worried about.


It's definitely a legitimate leap but by no means does this get me excited. For one, everyone with a gaming PC doesn't need this. Two, MS games are coming to PC. Three, I already have an Xbox One anyway. There's legit no reason for me to buy this even at $399. I'm happy for the hardcore enthusiasts but I'll pass.
Sony is a dead company walking

I can't believe they're still planning to even release more games and shit

But maybe they didn't know everything about Scorpio and they'll announce the end of PlayStation later today

They're probably too scared to even get on stage at E3.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Olde Time Trivia: Richard used to have secret camera settings for taking screenshots with a 35mm SLR (literally on a tripod, under a black dropcloth) before it was possible to get digital shots from C64, Genesis etc. So the shots he took for Mean Machines, were slightly different than the ones in CVG.
Maybe I'm delusional, but I can see Microsoft selling this for $399 and making the One S $249. The Scorpio removes a lot of the negative stigma associated with the Xbox One, so Microsoft should take a hit and gain back a lot of customers lost, especially 360 owners who upgraded to PS4 instead of Xbox One.

The One S is already easily available for $249 and less. By the time Scorpio launches it will probably be officially dropped to $199.


The video says it cuts the rendering pipeline workload down by 50%. That's without the other customisations.

... of unoptimized DX12 code. This sounds like nice for UWP apps, but doesn't mean it runs optimized Xbox One code 50% faster.


They deliver what they promised with more refinement and thoughts on how to do mid gen upgrade.
Pretty cool shit, well done MS.
Games are going to look incredible and run like butter. They designed the entire system around this sort of optimization.
They're going to look the same as they do now and run just as bad, but at 4K. How is that exciting? Just FYI - Forza Apex runs at 4K on PC on very modest hardware.


"Features system-wide downsampling for games which render above 1080p. This improves the image quality for people using 1080p displays."

Whudda thunk that'd be a good idea?
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