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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


So it looks like they deliver on the hardware, above expectations to this more knowledge about this stuff. Price is King so I'm not interested in on they price this. It will be very important. This console will be such a significant leap over the Xbox One S, which couldn't even hit 1080p on a handful of big games.

And speaking of games, I think that they would absolutely need to deliver here this E3. There's no fucking question. They are clearly behind on the exclusive output and this does matter more for the long term.


Can’t stump the diablos
It's really weird to see Digital Foundry doing this.

So weird. Who would have thought Digital Foundry, of all places, would do spec analysis of upcoming console hardware. We are truly in bizarro world.

The ram and the GPU have me the most intrigued.
Now MS just needs to announce they don't care about weaker consoles running at less FPS. Give me 60fps destiny MS!


Now all the pressure is even more so on E3.

They HAVE to show it with great games games and games. Not just for Scorpio but for the brand and its future. As underwhelming as this spec reveal was, if they can show some visually great games then they'll get everyone on board.
Why are people worried about the CPU when it has DX12 running in hardware?

Because with or without an API like that, the CPU will bottleneck that GPU.

They HAVE to show it with deals, deals, deals, and deals. Not just for Scorpio but for the brand and its future. As underwhelming as this spec reveal was, if they can show some visually great exclusive game deals then they'll get everyone on board.


That's what they'll show, and everybody knows that.

Mr Git

Richard seems pretty sure it'll be $499 - I'm reckoning MS will try and bring that down a bit but they're definitely aiming for the premium/hardcore so maybe not. They're also gonna still want to sell the S too, which by their own admission is going to be the console which sells more. Brexit means this is going to be £500 though doesn't it. Fs


Can someone gif that assembled console mock up from this timestamp, please?



Tinfoil hat time:

MS asked Digital Foundry to work in a "this thing will be expensive" comment so that they can "shock" people with 399 at E3.
They need it to hit 399, I've said it consistently that if it doesn't launch at 399 than they are just bringing it out DOA.


Meh, expected. The downplaying of course. The box sounds ace and if they can deliver what DF thinks they can then I'm just as excited as they were. I don't think I'll buy one as I game on PC but the specs and optimizations sound awesome for a console. I do still need a UHD player though. Hmm. Maybe if it ever dips under $399.


Important to note that Forza 6 4k demo is not only running it at 60fps, but at a GPU load range of anything between 50-70%. That's crazy for something that was ported in 2 days with almost no optimisation other than art assets. There's so much headway for those devs to play with, assuming other game engines scale similarly.

In the eurogamer video it's also mentioned that with ultra settings applied the load hit 88% on 4K/60. And this is FM6 tech in a 2day port, impressive.
Maybe I'm delusional, but I can see Microsoft selling this for $399 and making the One S $249. The Scorpio removes a lot of the negative stigma associated with the Xbox One, so Microsoft should take a hit and gain back a lot of customers lost, especially 360 owners who upgraded to PS4 instead of Xbox One.


Jelly Belly
Haha. I am joking. I don't actually love Phil Spencer.

I am 100% a day 1 purchaser though. This is a beast of a console that will enhance my entire existing library as well.

I held off on the PS4pro and stuck with my PS4 to wait for Scorpio. Now I know it will deliver I am very happy to buy.

I had a suspicion it would be much more, as I posted yesterday, but just because it isn't doesn't make this any less of a great reveal. Like the article says, 'it has the PS4Pro licked' in terms of hardware and performance.

They have just taken multi-plat performance lead for the next 2 or 3 years.

Can't wait for E3 !

Hahaha Thanx for the response bro. Would be a little crazy to love Phil for this :p
Yeah, its a great console what it seems :) happy for all you xbox gamers


To be fair the forza 6 engine is very fast and seems to scale very well. Even the gtx 970 (~3.5tflops) and the r9 390 (~5tflops) were already able to boost forza on PC to 2560x1440 on pc ultra settings, only the addition of 8xMSAA was able to bring performance down in some cases. And to be clear: 8xMSAA is ludicrous insane and extremely gpu heavy!



Just bringing things a bit into perspective because the 66% GPU usage on a 4k render with xbox one settings is impressive, but the engine plays a big role here too.


Watched the video. All I gathered was that it has a lot of secret sauce.
Seriously. Engineers really went crazy with the system. If anyone can explain, the cooling system is like a heat sink/"water cooled" hybrid? A lot of work seemed to be made towards using power incredibly efficiently, as also seen by what they did with the cpu.
Most disappointing thing that I did not expect, and it's not the evolved Jaguar CPU, it's that the GPU isn't based on Vega. It's Polaris (with some semi-custom stuff) much like PS4 Pro.

Yes, it's got 4 more CUs and much higher clockspeed, giving it 6TF vs PS4 Pro's 4.2TF.
I wouldn't trust Vega in that small hardware yet.

Vega even downclocked is gonna be power hungry.

Also financially it didn't make sense to do that.
Who is ntkrnl and why are people acting all weird with this poster?

Also, anyone expecting 399 is as crazy as anyone expecting zen. Like c'mon use your brains
Forza6 will be a 2 year old game by the time Scorpio launches. And Forza7 will be out. I am just confused why they even bother hyping improvements to F6. Especially when there is already a PC version of F6.

"Man... F6 does not look good enough on xbox one" Is not something ANYONE was saying when buying a ps4 over an xbox.

Focus on NEW games MS if you wany any chance at my money.
Like whilst 8GB available for games is fantastic, and I have no doubt that the exclusive games will utilise that.

But for 3rd parties, are they going to utilise it when their biggest install base by a huge margin is the PS4? Not likely.

I agree. I can see it for First and 3rd party exclusives though if they snag any down the line.
I am sure the exclusives coming out soon will destroy Sony.
Sony is a dead company walking

I can't believe they're still planning to even release more games and shit

But maybe they didn't know everything about Scorpio and they'll announce the end of PlayStation later today
I hope in one of the upcoming videos or articles they will talk about what games will be looking better or a complete list. Because from what i understand is that games with dynamic resolution will go to their maximum resolution. But all other games with a 720p, 900p or 1080p resolution requires the developer, right? I hope to hear what existing games will benefit.


Can't wait, impressed by the reveal video I just watched.

edit: And I swear, every gaming FB page, reddit or youtube video I watch the comments are just cancer these days. Thankful I have GAF where it's not a bunch of people defending racism/bigotry or just being cancerous. Ashamed of what "gamers" act like these days.


I'm curious to see how the secret sauce is going to affect things lol

They clearly did their utmost to work around that issue. I guess it paid off since I'm still kind of excited.


The question is if specs were the reason people didnt buy the X1? Sony first party content in my mind has eclipsed anything Microsoft is churning out.

This exactly - I didn't skip the One because of specs, I moved from the 360 to PS4 because of games. If they get they get some amazing exclusives, I'm buying if not, I'm skipping.

It's like the Wii U - def less powerful, but I got one when the the games I wanted were there.


From actually reading the article, to me it suggests that some draw calls aren't issued by the CPU instead they are generated directly in the command processor. Effectively it is a co-processor.

That's pretty cool. I thought Nvidia was planning ARM cores in their GPUs to do that but hasn't so far.
the GPU isn't based on Vega. It's Polaris (with some semi-custom stuff) much like PS4 Pro.
What are the semi custom stuff?:

Sony had these Vega ones:
-Vega new scheduler.
-FP16 Vega double rate.

plus the propietary:
-ID buffer for checkerboard rendering and other effects.

I am still trying to understand why Richard is so surprised, being a tech versed journalist, when at least, he hast not talked about any out of this world GPU modifications. He is surprised by the shader core clocks?. You will see the new Polaris RX 580 clocks increase with the new silicons revisions...is something natural being more than a year after the RX 480 launch.
He is also hallucinating about the cost of the silicon when it is only 360 vs 350 mm2 vs PS4 PRO APU...


Let me know when a mario kart game is on the same level, spec wise, as a forza game then we'll talk.

Your not reading my post right, I am saying racing game genre is NOT a good benchmark for gaming power.

Wake me up and lets talk when a console can do Witcher 3 at 60 FPS, thats all I want, looks like we will have to wait until next gen to get 60 FPS gaming on AAA open world games.

Scorpio looks good, but Sony could of dumped at Vortex cooler on the Pro and upped the specs last year, I have 2 Ps4 pro and 1080 vs 4K is nice but I want more frame rate power.

Good job MS but it looks like ZEN is just too big a beast for consoles in 2017


It might not be 'Jaguar' but it's clearly a derivative of it. 8 Zen cores would be far too large, and you can't just scale them down... CPU architectures don't work like that.

It is a derivative of Jaguar and that's perfectly fine.
Just like for the Pro there was no other alternative.
People expecting Zen were out of their minds


It really seems that in MS worked their butts off to make the most balanced piece of hardware around, obviously Jaguar stands out as being the bottleneck as usual but at least they offset the problem by customizing it a bit more rather than just pumping more megahertz at the problem.
It surely feels a better machine and project than PS4 Pro and i'm not speaking only in terms of power.

Nice words aside everything went as expected, now we only have to see how developers and customers are going to react when this thing will be released.


To be fair the forza 6 engine is very fast and seems to scale very well. Even the gtx 970 (~3.5tflops) and the r9 390 (~5tflops) were already able to boost forza on PC to 2560x1440 on pc ultra settings, only the addition of 8xMSAA was able to bring performance down in some cases. And to be clear: 8xMSAA is ludicrous insane and extremely gpu heavy!



Just bringing things a bit into perspective because the 66% GPU usage on a 4k render with xbox one is impressive, but the engine plays a big role here too.
If I'm not mistaken they also used 4K assets in the Scorpio build


No one knows until we actually see it in action.

That's not helpful at all. I'm asking what they are talking about. I don't understand the baseline idea behind it.

Just means the CPU isn't being used as much for anything where it has to the tell the GPU to-do things.

This cuts a lot of the actual workload down from the CPU so you can squeeze more into it.

In-terms of games, they can fix more CPU specific tasks on there. It most probably won't result in 30fps games being 60fps, but will remove any dips from 30fps.

Hope that helps :)

Thank you. Yes, it helped.
Running a game build for XBox One at 4K and 60FPS on an advancement of the same architecture with a GPU that's nearly four times faster isn't that astonishing of feat.

If this outperforms my 6700k+1070 PC with all their fancy optimisations I will be pissed lol.
It won't.
Won't be a dollar over $399. As I've been saying since last June.
I've been saying the same for just as long but I think MS could price it at $449.99 if they think they can get away with it. I think they've been talking up on it being more expensive so when they reveal the price it'll be some shockingly huge news they'll be able to net some great PR from.
gpu, uhd Blu ray,fancy for console cooling system and custom chip set. It's not going to be 399 and 499 is wishful thinking. There is a reason they keep using the term ENTHUSIAST when talking about the price point.either way it looks impressive on paper. One good exclusive that I can't play on my PC and I'm in

lol come on now...
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