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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


Well, an impressive piece of hardware, so GPU reaches 6TF right ? MS will do miracles with this hardware, im hyped.


It's a $200 card overclocked by less than 3%


Keep in mind that all of these benchmarks involve the card being paired with other system components, namely the cpu, that are much more powerful than those in scorpio.

It's not what you'd want be using for true 4k on PC unless you are ok with fine tuning the majority of settings in modern games for a stable 4k30. Pairing a 480 with an i3 level intel cpu or amd cpus older than the new Ryzen series for the purpose of 4k gaming is not advised.
Not advised on PC. On console this thing is a beast....but it's still a console.

My 6700k and 1080 runs circles around the Scorpio, but it's a totally different device.
That username lol, tell me about this fake ass thunderstorm we're supposed to get today.

I tell you what I miss me some good old East Coast thunderstorms, I don't think they get any here in Denver.

sorry for the derail. I'm excited to get a xboxone again. I still need beat to gears 4 and halo 5.


They better have some amazing new IP (multiple new IP) coming in the near and distant future caused they have nothing right now and their go to's are on the decline.

2013: "the hardware is shit.

2017: Scorpio reveal "the games are shit"

The internet...


Xbone S
Xbone Elite

399 for elite w/standard controller
499 for elite w/elite controller

E3 launch


Junior Member
Will I have to invest in a 4K TV to get the most out of the Scorpio?

Didn't give it much thought before today but the specs have me seriously impressed
I literally just upgraded my PC to Kaby Lake i7....and RDR2 it's going to make me buy this thing.

Poor wallet.
Yes I will pay $400 to $500 to play a year earlier LOL.

If Red Dead Redemption 2 runs at 60 fps I will buy a Scorpio to play it day one, no kidding.
A PC version hasn't been announced yet so that's why I would get the Scorpio to play it, otherwise I would just wait for the PC version and play it on my PS4 Pro.

I have a PS4 Pro, an Xbox One and a mid-range PC.


Better than PS4 Pro but now competing with entry level gaming PC

This year, sure. Next year? No. It's the problem with trying to match up to PCs. 5 year console cycle can't keep up. Console developers need to set expectations (although noone will listen.)


So what does this mean for the PS4 Pro? Its days are numbered? (Saying that well there were in a way anyway...only a matter of time before PS5 comes..)
If Red Dead Redemption 2 runs at 60 fps I will buy a Scorpio to play it day one, no kidding.
A PC version hasn't been announced yet so that's why I would get the Scorpio to play it, otherwise I would just wait for the PC version and play it on my PS4 Pro.

I have a PS4 Pro, an Xbox One and a mid-range PC.

Rockstar will probably do what they did with GTAV, wait a year and then put it on PC.


This is a thread about the new XBox hardware. It is explicitly about hardware.

So I find it baffling to see so many posters ignoring the hardware and trying to talk about other things.

If you're not here to discuss the hardware, or your contribution is entirely dismissing the advantages of hardware (which is hilarious, by the way), then go find some other thread to troll.


regualar xbox one vs scorpio. holy shit guys. Day 1. Microsoft nailed it.
Peak performance managing to match a 1070 equipped PC with a fully optimized engine is pretty good for what will probably be a 500$ box.
The DF video compared the gpu power to an rx 480 which is closer to a 1060 than 1070. Its mid range for the current line up of graphics cards, anything better would be far too costly.
What really made me very happy was the mention of.....

Significantly shorter loading times!!!!!

Great that DF mentioned Witcher 3 at that point too because hoo boy.....the loading times are insane in Witcher 3 whenever you need to load up a save in Velen or after dying.

Is it possible that Scorpio will shorten these loading times out of the box for Witcher 3 or will that need a developer's input?


This is really impressive stuff... if you have an Xbox One console and already own a collection of games for the platform.

There is nothing in the Scorpio that as a PS4 owner would make me consider switch to microsoft, its like a PS4 Pro for the Xbox One and that it is.

Microsoft would have had my interest if this was a new generation altogether, not a buffed up Xbox One. I'm not even sure why they're doubling down on a generation in which they're so behind, they would be better off just starting their next generation earlier.
Much better mid-gen refresh than the Pro I feel. Seems far more efficient and (hopefully) better at smoothing out the obvious bottlenecks. Price will be interesting.
people shifting from the actual reason for these articles - tech analysis/reveal - and are moving to "what about the games, where are they huh!? huh!? huh!? show them to me? yeah! That's what i thought! hah!" ..

can't appreciate a move for the industry where a company really wants to create a console that gamers would want/like? lol wouldn't this breed more competition so that the competitor tries to one up them?

After everything i read on the tech specs for Scorpio, i am really surprised on the amount of customization they put into this. And also, that hovis effect. Has it ever been used for other purposes? This is the first time i've heard of it.


We're not hearing shit from Sony until it's PS5 time. A more expensive version of a product they're handily outselling isn't making anyone sweat.
Correction. This holiday, when Scorpio release, Sony is going to slam them with a price drop on the Pro. Absolutely this will happen.

I don't think people realize what is happening. This now has turned into a bloodbath for E3. I know everyone is hoping for GAMES GAMES GAMES at E3 for Scorpio, but it's all going to boil down to one thing at this point: SCORPIO PRICE

They went with custom Jaguar. Even so, the tech reviews look impressive. But what MS E3 is now hinged on is this price reveal. There are 2 outcomes in my view.

"Scorpio this holiday, for $399!" Cheers, standing ovation


"Scorpio this holiday, for $499-$599-$699!!!" Crickets and a funny face again from Phil spencer

Scorpio specs are indeed impressive, but we've been told over and over this thing is a 'premium priced' console.
There will be several advantages. Locked framerate, no screen tearing, shorter load times, just to name a few.

Oh shit. Loading times is indeed part of it? I wasn't yet sure if it needed a dev. Amazing. So that should mean Witcher 3 won't have those insane loading times anymore, hopefully a big improvement.

But as for resolution upgrades for those games, that needs a patch from devs, right?
Is it, though?

I mean, would this machine be able to run something like Ghost Recon Wildlands at 4K 60fps on ultra settings? I highly doubt it. So if it can't run actual limits to the settings of modern games in 4K, the sky isn't really the limit.

I think this machine is sounding awesome, and it will probably be the most power for the price, but you're overselling it. It doesn't compete with a high end PC.

I hear you there's obviously walls to be hit, 60fps+4k+ultra settings in an open world is ridiculous.

..for the millionth time sir, WE are NOT comparing it to a PC. Most of us console gamers literally give zero @$!# to pc gaming. I prefer XBL/PSN investment..fo life.
The King is back..for good. No competition left, all multi-plats, Scorp exclusives/1st p. and beyond will get crushed with performance.

Lol, no

They need to show us some exclusive content first, because a slight resolution/framerate differential on multiplatform titles is no reason to jump ship to the Scorpio. I don't care about Forza, Halo or Quantum Break, so it will all come down to pure graphics superiority for the multiplatform games I buy and I think the PS4 Pro and Scorpio games will be identical in this aspect, as far as polygons pushed, textures rendered and assets used are concerned.

Incidentally, when was Microsoft the "king" - ever?
Does the OS really need 4gb? Seems excessive doesn't it?

I guess they'll end up freeing ram throughout the years, but still...a 4gb overhead is insane.


people shifting from the actual reason for these articles - tech analysis/reveal - and are moving to "what about the games, where are they huh!? huh!? huh!? show them to me? yeah! That's what i thought! hah!" ..

can't appreciate a move for the industry where a company really wants to create a console that gamers would want/like? lol wouldn't this breed more competition so that the competitor tries to one up them?

After everything i read on the tech specs for Scorpio, i am really surprised on the amount of customization they put into this. And also, that hovis effect. Has it ever been used for other purposes? This is the first time i've heard of it.

This is a weird frame. Every company is always trying to create a console that gamers want and like. Because, you know, they want to sell them. Don't confuse what your preferences are (more power, more price) for "what gamers want".
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