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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio

To clarify, they are looking to push all games in native 4k right? Not checkerboard? And this thing has enough power to do so?

I have a PC with a 7700k, 32gb ram, 1080 Ti and it doesn't even run every game at ultra 4k60 locked.

It's not a direct comparison because console hardware power is never 1:1 with a PC with the same raw power, but some games will definitely will be 4k native.

4k60 is a stretch. It depends more on the game. Something like Forza, sure. The Witcher 3 at ultra settings? No


Microsoft can release all the hardware they want but without a reason to buy Microsoft's hardware over the competition then it's nothing.

Multiplats at 4K resolution. Expect to see a heavy EA presence in MS's marketing. Madden, FIFA, Battlefront, etc. all in 4K.


Well it sounds like it's pretty much exactly what I was expecting. Peak performance managing to match a 1070 equipped PC with a fully optimized engine is pretty good for what will probably be a 500$ box.

I still feel the norm will be closer to 4K 30 fps for most game engines because third parties have to optimize for many more setups. Either way , short of buying a gaming PC , Scorpio will give you the best visuals for a couple years.
One S dropping to $199, Scorpio for $399. Seems most consumer friendly. All familiar numbers.

I agree, but with the exception that One S won't hit $199 MSRP. I think we'll get an official drop for the One S to $249/$299 come E3, with some "limited time" deals during the holidays that dip lower or just bundle more games.
I agree.

It did however apparently hold 60 locked at 4k Ultra better than a GTX 1070....that's incredibly impressive no matter how anyone cuts it.

I'm curious what were the Scorpio settings compared to PC? Is the mentioned 1070 set to ultra and the Scorpio set to high--things like that because a lot of GPUs could handle the game at higher fps than 4k60fps. Depends on the graphic settings too


I don't see any reason MS shouldn't be pursuing GAAS for their 1st party. The single player focused titles they have attempted this gen failed, and while units are down on titles like Halo and Gears we don't know how far down actual revenue streams are due to increased digital spend.

Despite what GAF and other forums think about the idea of GAAS they are what the larger broader demo enjoy. After all a game like GR Wildlands which was lambasted largely by forums and wasn't super well reviewed by enthusiast press is the best selling title of 2017

But that's the thing Ghost recon, Rainbow six are co-op/multiplayer games always have been minus first couple rainbow six games.

Those are games that you can continually ad stuff too because the majority of it is online. Halo, gears, forza are games that are mainly campaign/career/ story driven with co-op aspects and multiplayer. They have now shifted to where the majority of focus is online and such MS has implemented with req packs, and the card packs/crates in gears.
Then to add salt you turn a franchise known for it's amazing single player campaign like Fable and turn it into a moba/f2p style game that didn't even know what kind of payscale they wanted.

It isn't working, and not putting faith into possible great IP's for the long run doesn't help either. Cutting and running on their single player efforts doesn't do them any good. Now they are currating games based on XBox live activity and multiplayer trends when the trends are set by what the players do to their games wither they play single player, co-op, or online multiplayer.
Xbox has taken that data and based their whole game outlook on it so far, and people are rejecting it not embracing it. If they embraced what their heritage is as a console and as a part of a giant software company known back in the early days for pc gaming they would be in a better position.

Games as a service only works for certain games and is never determined based on trends, after a series of games has been established. F2P models in retail games only sours the pot.

Which is why so many online games this gen have failed and only a handful succeeded for new IP's. GTA V's focus was never online when they launched campaign's for the game and launched it, hell wasn't even ready or that great to play in the beginning when it launched.
But as people played with it and gave feed back it took on a life of it's own. ANd rockstar adapted to what people were doing and embraced the free form nature of the community.
XBox is doing the opposite they are taking preexisting franchises and shoving new pay/ life extending models into them to try and create a community, not letting the community form organically.
So is 6TF Good?

On a pc is 6TF good?

It's a $200 card overclocked by less than 3%


Keep in mind that all of these benchmarks involve the card being paired with other system components, namely the cpu, that are much more powerful than those in scorpio.

It's not what you'd want be using for true 4k on PC unless you are ok with fine tuning the majority of settings in modern games for a stable 4k30. Pairing a 480 with an i3 level intel cpu or amd cpus older than the new Ryzen series for the purpose of 4k gaming is not advised.


The King is back..for good. No competition left, all multi-plats, Scorp exclusives/1st p. and beyond will get crushed with performance.

I read this alot but is it true? No it's Fox News and alternative facts.
Quantum break was a new IP and XB1 players did not buy it do to it being 720p with a 1080p frame buffer.
Recore was a new IP as well.
Sea of thieves was one as well.
Ryse was a new IP.

So to say that we have not had any new IP is wrong, but i get it your MAD that MS has and can give us Halo 7 / Forza / GOW at a nice pace all are 1 BILLION franchises and now that all games will look better on XB1X you have no where to go but " you have no new IP", i say to that how's that Killzone / ISS / Driveclub "the FORZA KILLER" / GT working out for you?

But it's ok for a UC4 / 5 / 6 /7 right?

Whew it's getting warm in here


While the scorpio specs are drool worthy, ms's problem is games, not hardware.

Very excited to see it though.
I have a PC with a 7700k, 32gb ram, 1080 Ti and it doesn't even run every game at ultra 4k60 locked.

It's not a direct comparison because console hardware power is never 1:1 with a PC with the same raw power, but some games will definitely will be 4k native.

4k60 is a stretch. It depends more on the game. Something like Forza, sure. The Witcher 3 at ultra settings? No

AA, AF, FOV, extra settings?
4K 60FPS Ultra on PC is no standardized term

but yeah. not every game will run 4k/60fps on the Xbox Scorpio


Scorpio is designed to run Xbox One games at native 4K, with at least the same framerate of the Xbox One version.

That doesn't mean every Xbox One game will be patched to run at native 4K, but given that one of the most technically advanced Xbox One games, Forza 6, is already doing this as a demo, it's pretty safe to say Scorpio can do native 4K Xbox One games.

I'd struggle to call Forza 6 one of the most technically advanced games on the platform given its one of the few games that runs at 1080p 60fps on a standard XB1.

But hey, if Scorpio ends up running many AAA games at native 4K, that would be incredible.


Lol... Sony's turn to not do anything. They were already ahead, still are, and will continue to be ahead for the forseeable future.

But gens don't last forever. They now know MS is gunning for them on the hardware power front big time. Probably too late for MS this gen but I think when it's time for new boxes to be rolled out both sides will really dig deep to gain that advantage. They both delivered boxes that were just good enough at the start of this gen and had other priorities in mind. Hardware power is hopefully firmly on the agenda again where it belongs.


Multiplats at 4K resolution. Expect to see a heavy EA presence in MS's marketing. Madden, FIFA, Battlefront, etc. all in 4K.
That ain't even close to enough. Understand the majority of people don't have 4K TV's and a lot don't really care. Visual fidelity is great and all but at the end of the day it is games that sell systems and that's something that Microsoft doesn't have at the moment.
So Microsoft have created a console more powerful than the Xbox One, goody.

However, it won't have any exclusive games as the games are cross platform to the One and the PC. A gaming PC is likely more powerful and offers more flexibility in terms of mods and cheating etc etc.

So you buy a Scorpio to play the next Halo or Gears or Forza (tired, unoriginal IP, churned out every couple years) with some extra frames and better AA...

...what am I missing here?...

It's your glasses, they might be a tad too dark.

Third-party games "should in theory" be better on the Xbox Scorpio over the PS4 Pro and I believe Xbox consoles are usually the preferred console for eSports, so that should also help also. Native 4K on every game (this I need to see to believe) is better than what the PS4 Pro offers. Either way, there are people that like Xbox consoles only or like more than one. It will also be a lot easier for people that aren't too versed on building PCs to just buy an Xbox Scorpio instead of PC components and put them together to achieve the equivalent to it.
I put the whole thing together, why not. Minimum size it's going to be, outlined in blue. Seems compact à la One S.


God damn, even the internals are sexy. Microsoft's hardware team are wizards.

It wasn't too long ago that they were still using fucking power bricks. They have come a lonnng way.
Sounds nice under the hood. Wish my ps4 pro had system wide downsampling. Because I'm broke and can't afford a real 4k tv for a bit.

More interested in games though. Forza is fine for me once and a while. Not a fan of Halo. And gears seems to have died. I definitely hope Ms has a explosive E3 this year with announcements to go along with this thing. Or I'll just stick to pro.
But gens don't last forever. They now know MS is gunning for them on the hardware power front big time. Probably too late for MS this gen but I think when it's time for new boxes to be rolled out both sides will really dig deep to gain that advantage. They both delivered boxes that were just good enough at the start of this gen and had other priorities in mind. Hardware power is hopefully firmly on the agenda again where it belongs.

the only thing i'm uncertain about is I thought scorpio was supposed to be a hardcore/enthusiast product. how is mS gunning for sony is they're not coming after them with a product for the mass market?


Didn't Sony recently state the PS4 Pro was doing well despite hardware shortages recently?

They didn't give any numbers and until they do, it probably means the number are not impressive. If they were impressive, you can be sure we would have seen a PR statement about it. All we have is Japan sales and they are not great. But again it's expected.
I'm curious what were the Scorpio settings compared to PC? Is the mentioned 1070 set to ultra and the Scorpio set to high--things like that because a lot of GPUs could handle the game at higher fps than 4k60fps. Depends on the graphic settings too
They said they cranked forza tech to ultra and it was still holding 4k60 (think they said 80% gpu?)
I'm in the position of being invested in PlayStation at this point so for me I'm not interested in purchasing but yea...impressive. This looks good. Very good. Just bring games to e3. Lots of them. A very confident reveal so props to MS. Competition benefits all of us and I can't help but get excited at the announcement of hardware for my hobby. Great times to be a gamer

I wish more people had thoughts like this. I am more biased towards MS, but I would never ever wish Sony or even Nintendo fail. I want them to push each other to the ends of the earth.

As for the Scorpio, it all sounds pretty damn impressive. Day one, but I was day one before they even announced anything.


So now Microsoft will host the most powerful console on the market, that is good, because this breeds competition, which is ultimately good for gamers and game design.

However, it still comes down to the software lineup. I need to see the best of what 1st party can do with the tech boost, as well as exclusives taking advantage of the hardware.
Because this will certainly be a premium product for a premium price point, I need to see some other other shit from Microsoft. Not just Halo or Forza in 4k.

Software makes the hardware.


I get why some people are excited over a new machine with faster/better specs but at the end of the day where are the games to back it up?

Unless Microsoft has some amazing content to support the Scorpio, I just can't get excited for this thing. Hell my current Xbox One is literally gathering dust because I haven't found any use for it after the disappointing game Halo 5. Maybe E3 will change my opinion but the hype for me on this announcement is no where to be found.


But gens don't last forever. They now know MS is gunning for them on the hardware power front big time. Probably too late for MS this gen but I think when it's time for new boxes to be rolled out both sides will really dig deep to gain that advantage. They both delivered boxes that were just good enough at the start of this gen and had other priorities in mind. Hardware power is hopefully firmly on the agenda again where it belongs.
Doesn't matter nearly as much as games. Games and the future promise of games are what sells consoles and Microsoft just doesn't have it.


Multiplats at 4K resolution. Expect to see a heavy EA presence in MS's marketing. Madden, FIFA, Battlefront, etc. all in 4K.

People have been playing multiplats at 4K for years. It's gonna take more than that, just like PS4's power advantage was only a fraction of the reason for its success.


Been PS4 exclusive this gen but I'll be all over this if/when the price is right. The improvements to existing catalog and 360 games sealed the deal. Will be nice to finally have a UHD drive too.

This is what I wished the Pro would have been.


God damn, even the internals are sexy. Microsoft's hardware team are wizards.

It wasn't too long ago that they were still using fucking power bricks. They have come a lonnng way.

No i want the case to be just see through haha. That would be pretty epic.


So now Microsoft will host the most powerful console on the market, that is good, because this breeds competition, which is ultimately good for gamers and game design.

However, it still comes down to the software lineup. I need to the best of what 1st party can do with the tech boost, as well as exclusives taking advantage of the hardware.

Software makes the hardware.

E3 my friend
I get why some people are excited over a new machine with faster/better specs but at the end of the day where are the games to back it up?

Unless Microsoft has some amazing content to support the Scorpio, I just can't get excited for this thing. Hell my current Xbox One is literally gathering dust because I haven't found any use for it after the disappointing game Halo 5. Maybe E3 will change my opinion but the hype for me on this announcement is no where to be found.

Superior versions of multiplat games will be a huge advantage. First party is just icing on the cake.
People have been playing multiplats at 4K for years. It's gonna take more than that, just like PS4's power advantage was only a fraction of the reason for its success.

Yes, but there are a lot more players on consoles than on high end PCs. Scorpio will give you 4K resolution and you still get to play with your same friends.


the only thing i'm uncertain about is I thought scorpio was supposed to be a hardcore/enthusiast product. how is mS gunning for sony is they're not coming after them with a product for the mass market?

I said gunning for them on hardware power not affordability. They don't want to be the weakest console of the twins anymore. So it stands to reason that they won't want to be the weakest console again if/when new boxes launch and probably neither will Sony.


Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I definitely prefer GAAS over single player focused titles. To clarify, I definitely enjoy a healthy mix of both! It's just that games like Gears 4 and Halo 5 give me solid reasons to revisit titles. Infamous Second Son, Uncharted 4, etc... are games that I loved to bits, but have been out of my mind since I beat them.

Bu those are single player focused developed games? Unless you love replaying the campaigns which I do sometimes your not meant to come back as often you do to multiplayer games. Now you can add content to keep people interested like Uncharted 4 has done. But still creating games based on already established franchises and turning them into Games as a service is doing a disservice to what made them liked to begin with. That's like if uncharted concentrated more on making a amazing giant online experience and had like a 4 hour campaign or one that had a shitty story, and lack luster gameplay.

But naughty dog knows what their strengths are which is character's and story. Which is why their games are talked about and praised so highly.
They better have some amazing new IP (multiple new IP) coming in the near and distant future caused they have nothing right now and their go to's are on the decline.

Hell, I think they've cancelled more IPs than they've announced in the several months.


I really hope that developers choose not to bring their games to 4k and use the power for other things.

It's seriously not the time for 4k consoles imo.


Until we see Crackdown 3 :)

We are still getting something with Crackdown 3 though ain't we? For online play.

I think it's a safe assumption the reason we have not seen Crackdown 3 yet is because Scorpio isn't ready. I'm sure this will be one of their big e3 showcase games.

While I'm sure this cloud based rending will be part of the physics engine of the game what I am talking about is the people living in fantasy land claiming that the cloud gave the XB1 infinite graphical capabilities.

Crackdown will use the cloud on both consoles I'm sure, but it's still going to limited by the XB1 hardware on what resolution and frame rates it runs on that console.

I really hope that developers choose not to bring their games to 4k and use the power for other things.

It's seriously not the time for 4k consoles imo.
Go into any store these days in the A/V department and what are you going to see? 4k 4k 4k everywhere. Don't see how you could possibly think it's not.


Just a little bit. Tech wise/performance this thing is insane, plus it's a console. Sky's the limit for this mashine.

Is it, though?

I mean, would this machine be able to run something like Ghost Recon Wildlands at 4K 60fps on ultra settings? I highly doubt it. So if it can't run actual limits to the settings of modern games in 4K, the sky isn't really the limit.

I think this machine is sounding awesome, and it will probably be the most power for the price, but you're overselling it. It doesn't compete with a high end PC.
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