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DiRT Rally is available on Steam Early Access

Xcell Miguel

Gold Member
I'm getting a 4GB update, in the downloading files I can se they've added Germany, updated Pikes Peak, and added some cars (looks like there's the R5 Turbo).


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I'm getting a 4GB update, in the downloading files I can se they've added Germany, updated Pikes Peak, and added some cars (looks like there's the R5 Turbo).

Woah, seriously? That was unexpected, we just got Pikes Peak!

Damn it, I just started work, this is going to be a very long day now.....


Woah, are they planning to release Germany so soon? Not that I'm complaining...
It's probably the location I'm most excited about in this game. =B Too bad it's f*cked for now.

I think it was set up with repairs every other stage which maybe doesn't suit pikes peak...

Also, don't say it was luck, you drove really well ��. I managed to put a good time in on the first stage, but couldn't get near you on the rest. I was still way off the pace with or without the penalty at the end.

I guess the problem is that people are using the Quattro instead of the 405, haha! Seriously, at least with a Xbox pad, that car is undrivable.

EDIT: found at /r/dirtgame







@dirtgame: Problem with the latest patch - Please don't download it until we say its sorted (it could break your save)

I'm suspicious of the fact that I haven't seen anybody complaining about losing their saves.

I suspect someone at Codies accidentally released the Germany update and their posts about losing saves were to scare people in order to minimise how much it got leaked.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I guess the problem is that people are using the Quattro instead of the 405, haha! Seriously, at least with a Xbox pad, that car is undrivable.

I honestly prefer the Audi to both Peugeots for Pikes Peak, it just feels like it drives better to me. I use a G27 wheel for reference.

Wait, so there are new CLASSES of cars as well? Didn't expect so much from the Germany update!

Woah, look at all of those new cars! I haven't even driven all of the original cars yet!!!!!!!

Any pics of Germany yet? Man I may need to call off sick this afternoon from work.....


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Update: We've got to the bottom of the problem, just checking how different versions of the game will behave. Info/patch notes to follow

Hopefully we can download it safely soon :)


Download now!


Unfortunately, seems like Germany wasn't meant to be included at all.

This was essentially our development build containing parts of our Germany update, which is a bit of a problem because we haven’t finished that yet and chunks of the game were missing and would appear broken.

Now on to the correct Patch notes for DiRT Rally V0.4.1
Save Game Fix - Fixed an issue which prevented the game from saving mid event
Achievement Fix – Hillclimb achievements now unlock correctly, these will award from now on but we will retroactively award the Going Up In The World achievement in a future pack
Track Environment update – J.McG’s Invisible Towing Services have now removed the invisible Burger Van that sometimes rolled into the middle of the road on Pikes Peak and their permit has been revoked (they tasted like thin air anyway)
Online Events – Daily challenges now feature the full fat fully upgraded versions of the cars.
Audio Fix – Sent the co-driver on another recce of the Col De Turini and asked him to redo his notes


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I suspect someone at Codies accidentally released the Germany update and their posts about losing saves were to scare people in order to minimise how much it got leaked.

Looks like you were right. :p

Also glad for the eventual update. I just hope they work on controller support a bit more.


What the hell, I just did the first stage of the new event at the league and set 2:50 at my first run. I was pretty happy with it, but I decided to try to push a little more at the second run on the same stage. Then I made a mistake and went off the track. I'd abandon the second run, but someone mentioned here that he was punished by doing that, so I did all the rest of the track just because. I entered in the f*ck-this-shit-mode and ran off the track two more times til the end, finishing at 3:48, and earned the "Take Your Pick" (Win a Hillclimb Stage where both of your Run times are faster than any other) achievement, since both of my times were faster than the only guy who had set times before me. Did I had to pick what time to use on the table? I'm asking this because the game saved my 3:48 time instead of the 2:50, and now I'm mad, bwahaha!


Oh, well, I tried to recover some of the time I've lost due that bug, but that lead me to more mistakes. ;(


Neo Member
Hey all, on the off chance any of you got caught with a corrupt save yesterday it would be useful for us to get hold of your save file as it could really help us out in the future.

If you've not overwritten your save yet could you please do the following

Go to where Steam is installed on your PC

usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\<USER NUMBER>

You'll then see a folder called 310560

Right click on it and select "compress to 310560.zip"

Email that zipped folder to dirtgame@codemasters.com

Please use the subject line "v04.1 corrupt save"

And hit send.

Again we're sorry to everybody that it happened to, we're hard at work today putting something in place so it doesn't again and thanks for being so understanding.

(I always knew you guys were cool)


What the hell, I just did the first stage of the new event at the league and set 2:50 at my first run. I was pretty happy with it, but I decided to try to push a little more at the second run on the same stage. Then I made a mistake and went off the track. I'd abandon the second run, but someone mentioned here that he was punished by doing that, so I did all the rest of the track just because. I entered in the f*ck-this-shit-mode and ran off the track two more times til the end, finishing at 3:48, and earned the "Take Your Pick" (Win a Hillclimb Stage where both of your Run times are faster than any other) achievement, since both of my times were faster than the only guy who had set times before me. Did I had to pick what time to use on the table? I'm asking this because the game saved my 3:48 time instead of the 2:50, and now I'm mad, bwahaha!

Apparently only the time from the second run counts in online events. This bug(?) earned me a nice 15:00 in the Daily. On the other hand, you can safely abandon the first run since it's just a glorified practice run. At least that's what it seems like from my experience.
Congrats on your win in the last event, btw. I seem to have 2nd place on lock in hillclimb league events. Still much better than my results in rally events (360 pad/no assists, fwiw). :)


Junior Member
I discovered the wonders of the handbrake on wet tarmac, but I still can't remember 2 or 3 hairpins that catch me going too fast :/


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Again we're sorry to everybody that it happened to, we're hard at work today putting something in place so it doesn't again and thanks for being so understanding.

(I always knew you guys were cool)

Are you a cop? You gotta tell me if you are, man! ;)


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Apparently only the time from the second run counts in online events. This bug(?) earned me a nice 15:00 in the Daily. On the other hand, you can safely abandon the first run since it's just a glorified practice run. At least that's what it seems like from my experience.
Congrats on your win in the last event, btw. I seem to have 2nd place on lock in hillclimb league events. Still much better than my results in rally events (360 pad/no assists, fwiw). :)

I'm going to run the new league event tonight, so enjoy second place while you can!

Who am I kidding, your times are always better than mine, lol! I didn't catch where I ended up in the last one but I think I finished in fifth overall? Let's see if I can finish higher this time....


I ran the first two sectors, but these pikes peak league events take too long for me to knock out in a sitting. Having to run 3-4min sectors 6 times and then an 10-12min full course twice is killer.


Oh, just noticed that now we have high quality rain. When was it implemented? In the last update? Looks nice!
Have they fixed the wheel FFB/rotation yet? I remember Betta lines had a detailed analysis of it and codemasters gave him special shoutout for bringing it to their attention. I assume they will be working on it.

Nevermind I just saw his post in this thread on it


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
That cockpit view in the Ford Fiesta. I can't even see the right side of the road given the default Field of View. AWFUL.
Hey, guys.

Syroc's on vacation the rest of the month and I'll be responsible for setting up the league seasons until he returns.

For the last two weeks, I haven't had internet access on my desktop and haven't been able to participate. That's fixed and I'll finally be able to race at Pikes Peak and such.

Anyway, I'll have the new season up later today. Since I'm not familiar with the new courses and car classes available, do you guys have any requests?

P.S. Congrats, Robaperas.


Hey, guys.

Syroc's on vacation the rest of the month and I'll be responsible for setting up the league seasons until he returns.

For the last two weeks, I haven't had internet access on my desktop and haven't been able to participate. That's fixed and I'll finally be able to race at Pikes Peak and such.

Anyway, I'll have the new season up later today. Since I'm not familiar with the new courses and car classes available, do you guys have any requests?

P.S. Congrats, Robaperas.
Anything but the cars from the 60's, pleeeease! They're so boring to drive, heh.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I love rally games but never really went full sim mode. Rallisport challenge 1 & 2 for example were probably my favorites.

Can i even expect to be good at this game with a 360 controller??


I love rally games but never really went full sim mode. Rallisport challenge 1 & 2 for example were probably my favorites.

Can i even expect to be good at this game with a 360 controller??

Many people (me included) are playing with a Xbox 360 pad just fine, but Dirt Rally is very different from Rallisport Challenge. RSC was full arcade, while Dirt Rally is a sim. I'd put Dirt Rally on a Forza Motorsport level of simulation. It demands a lot from the player, but not so much to become impossible to play for 99% of the people, especially if they don't own a wheel. It's in a sweet spot for me.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I love rally games but never really went full sim mode. Rallisport challenge 1 & 2 for example were probably my favorites.

Can i even expect to be good at this game with a 360 controller??

Yeah, some of the GAF league's best drivers are using the 360 pad.

Many people (me included) are playing with a Xbox 360 pad just fine, but Dirt Rally is very different from Rallisport Challenge. RSC was full arcade, while Dirt Rally is a sim. I'd put Dirt Rally on a Forza Motorsport level of simulation. It demands a lot from the player, but not so much to become impossible to play for 99% of the people, especially if they don't own a wheel. It's in a sweet spot for me.

Yep. DiRT Rally is the Dark Souls of rally racers. Easy to play, hard to master, but so very rewarding to keep trying at it.


The more i drive the 70's cars, the more i like them compared to any other class in the game. Looking forward to the Opel Kadett and the Renault 5 Turbo on the 80's RWD class which is also amazing.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
The more i drive the 70's cars, the more i like them compared to any other class in the game. Looking forward to the Opel Kadett and the Renault 5 Turbo on the 80's RWD class which is also amazing.

There's just the right amount of grip-slipping/drifts while still being in control of the 70's cars, it feels like to me. But yeah, I don't care for the 60's cars and the Group B seems too powerful to me. So it's like '70/'80/2010's for me.

You think that's a bug they're displaying? Nope, Codemasters wants you to do the last two stages of the weekly TWICE. #Brutal

Good luck if you've beaten your car half to death to attempt to make a fast time. Thankfully I resolved to drive as carefully as possible to finish the weekly for once and didn't have too much an issue. Though I'm probably bottom of the barrel for it. Now to drive slowly for the Monthly.


Junior Member
You think that's a bug they're displaying? Nope, Codemasters wants you to do the last two stages of the weekly TWICE. #Brutal

Good luck if you've beaten your car half to death to attempt to make a fast time. Thankfully I resolved to drive as carefully as possible to finish the weekly for once and didn't have too much an issue. Though I'm probably bottom of the barrel for it. Now to drive slowly for the Monthly.

Yeah, after all it's all about consistency.

Shaving some rocks...


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
First EA game i've bought


Dying to finally try it tho

Welcome to the fold, it's a very addictive racing game. It might already be my favorite racer of all time, and it's still in EA for crying out loud...
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