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Dirty Bomb open beta thread

A couple weeks late on that one

Yet there probably still are more keys, I gave the one I got away

I just assumed because it still gave out keys it was new. ;-;


Is it just me or is the server browser broken now? Tried to join games this morning, saw that there were players on the server but when I joined it was empty. Same happened 4 times so I exited the game. Now the same thing is happening, says it's 9 players on the server but it's actually empty. =/

Jesus its just nades everywhere now. I kinda hope when it leaves beta the stop the free rotations cause it was bad enough with everyone using vasilli last week, this week its gonna be nothing but nade spam...ugh. Only good thinkg is I didn't get to play Proxy til now and shes awesome. So many landmine kills lol

Jesus its just nades everywhere now. I kinda hope when it leaves beta the stop the free rotations cause it was bad enough with everyone using vasilli last week, this week its gonna be nothing but nade spam...ugh. Only good thinkg is I didn't get to play Proxy til now and shes awesome. So many landmine kills lol

Maybe a good reason to pick up phantom lol.

But seriously, I never have much trouble with grenade launcher spam, unless it is in the hands of a very very very good player who seems to have godlike powers to drop nades exactly where you are all the time.


This game is officially worse than Battlefield for complete fucking morons. People literally running past the objective to get back in to the TDM. I swear, this game is getting me more aggravated than Dota 2. I'm off to play Cities Skylines.



Is it just me or is the server browser broken now? Tried to join games this morning, saw that there were players on the server but when I joined it was empty. Same happened 4 times so I exited the game. Now the same thing is happening, says it's 9 players on the server but it's actually empty. =/
Yeah this happened to me too, I assume it's not a glitch but a mod on the server to trick people into joining. It's pretty common in TF2.



Jesus its just nades everywhere now. I kinda hope when it leaves beta the stop the free rotations cause it was bad enough with everyone using vasilli last week, this week its gonna be nothing but nade spam...ugh. Only good thinkg is I didn't get to play Proxy til now and shes awesome. So many landmine kills lol
My favourite moment this rotation was being offense on Underground and most of the team is standing at the top of the 3rd objective escalators with their launchers. Never actually walking down them.


This game is officially worse than Battlefield for complete fucking morons. People literally running past the objective to get back in to the TDM. I swear, this game is getting me more aggravated than Dota 2. I'm off to play Cities Skylines.


I like the F2P part if only I would have never invested 30 bucks into this game because I would have worried about the size of the community, and as a result the community would have died, buuuuuut, yes, some people are real jerks.

I don't mind the snipers and the people who die 10 times per every kill, but the people who don't defuse when they're right there, or the medics who walk right by incapped teammates, what are you doing? It's one thing to be not that great a contributor, but to actively avoid contributing is really "playing the game wrong."


I don't mind the snipers and the people who die 10 times per every kill, but the people who don't defuse when they're right there, or the medics who walk right by incapped teammates, what are you doing? It's one thing to be not that great a contributor, but to actively avoid contributing is really "playing the game wrong."

I see the same shit in Battlefield all the time, it's why I can't get excited for anything DICE put out. I'm fine with people playing their own way, but when you're not completing the objective it's a detriment to the entire team.

Hell I watched 6 people run past the objective last night, to run the same route which is heavily contested with opponents. Not one person picked up, or covered the carrier trying to bring the item to the drop off point. Not one person bothered to try one of the alternative routes I had managed to open for them.



This game is officially worse than Battlefield for complete fucking morons. People literally running past the objective to get back in to the TDM. I swear, this game is getting me more aggravated than Dota 2. I'm off to play Cities Skylines.


Level 10 minimum servers, bro. They the real shit.


This game is officially worse than Battlefield for complete fucking morons. People literally running past the objective to get back in to the TDM. I swear, this game is getting me more aggravated than Dota 2. I'm off to play Cities Skylines.


Hey man, it's not like the game explicitly shows everyone what to do at the start of each round.


This game is officially worse than Battlefield for complete fucking morons. People literally running past the objective to get back in to the TDM. I swear, this game is getting me more aggravated than Dota 2. I'm off to play Cities Skylines.

This is exactly why I always have an engi-type character with me because I really can't trust most pubs in this game.
Not sure what character I want to buy first. Stuck on either Proxy, Sparks, or Kira. I have Fragger and Bushwhacker unlocked already. Choose my poison, GAF.


Not sure what character I want to buy first. Stuck on either Proxy, Sparks, or Kira. I have Fragger and Bushwhacker unlocked already. Choose my poison, GAF.

I'm gonna be that guy that recommends a completely different merc, but everyone should have Sawbonez in their roster. Still the best and most versatile medic. Cheap too at 30k.

Out of those three? I'd pick Kira but that's just purely out of personal preference.
I'm gonna be that guy that recommends a completely different merc, but everyone should have Sawbonez in their roster. Still the best and most versatile medic. Cheap too at 30k.

Out of those three? I'd pick Kira but that's just purely out of personal preference.

Actually, Sawbonez was the best choice. I love playing medic but Sparks just wasn't cutting it for me. Machine Pistol is awful in most cases.


I have 45 hours in this. It's a great, fun game.

Bought the starter pack when it was on sale a little while ago, worth it. I want them to implement a casual party system, not just ranked.


Not sure what character I want to buy first. Stuck on either Proxy, Sparks, or Kira. I have Fragger and Bushwhacker unlocked already. Choose my poison, GAF.

Proxy is really good, I loved scout in TF2 as well, I'm big on speedy chars. Plus she does objectives super fast, and I'm an objective monkey.
Proxy is really good, I loved scout in TF2 as well, I'm big on speedy chars. Plus she does objectives super fast, and I'm an objective monkey.

Proxy is my next character. My loadout right now is Fragger, Sawbones, and Proxy. Once Proxy rotates out I'll have to pick her up. I have a Cobalt Sparks card that is going to go to waste now though. :,<


I have an Arty card from the beta but it seems like Skyhammer and uhh, whats-her-name have better versions of targeted AoE.
i believe proxy is getting a speed nerf?


Why?? Proxy always felt like one of the most balanced characters. If anyone needs a nerf of some sort, it's Fragger. Every good team in competitive is running at least one or two. He does just about everything you would ever need with grenades that are more effective by far.

I seem to be having more of a problem with Nader than Fragger. That chick...

She's just more annoying because of the quantity. Honestly, you are probably letting yourself get caught in bad positions (hallways, choke points, etc) against her. I say that because that was the exact issue I was having up until recently (and still have. Obviously sometimes you'll get caught in a shitty position that you can't easily back out of or just derp). Of course, it doesn't help that you occasionally have games where 4 of the people on each team are playing as her. Fragger is just deadly in every situation- good primary, strong special, high health. Nader's only real annoying strength is the lack of real downside to martyrdom. Part of the damn game mechanics is using your melee weapon to kill opponents. Nader preys on a fundamental pillar of the game and the issue is only exacerbated by the fact that it's fairly easy to run out of ammo when you are loading a whole clip into a squirming body.

On the topic, the merc rotation should be randomized for each player rather than for the entire player base. That would fix the issue of having lobbies full of Nader.

Not that anyone asked but my personal list of nerfs/buffs goes something like...

Most in need of nerfs
1. Vassili - Fundamentally goes against the game mechanics with the instakill headshot. Makes medics worthless and demands a counter sniper in competitive.
2. Fragger - Just too good all around. Used on every decent competitive team yadayada
3. Kek 10 - By far the best gun in the game.

Most in need of buffs
1. Arty - Does nothing better than Kira or Skyhammer. Strictly worse honestly.
2. Sparks' primary - The machine pistol is near worthless. Sparks is the worst medic choice for non-competitive games. In competitive games Sparks has a secret ability - The Revive gun tap spam. Absurdly good at destroying turrets, generators, healing, etc. Give Sparks SMGs with the same types as the current Aura and Fletcher, and then give them full access to all the SMGs in the game. A small boost that makes her more viable in the average game while hopefully not making her OP in Competitive.
3. Fletcher - He's just in a weird spot right now. No real reason to use him, but unlike Arty he does see some degree of play.


Why?? Proxy always felt like one of the most balanced characters. If anyone needs a nerf of some sort, it's Fragger. Every good team in competitive is running at least one or two. He does just about everything you would ever need with grenades that are more effective by far.

I seem to be having more of a problem with Nader than Fragger. That chick...
There might be technical reasons for reducing the speed of characters like Aura like the net code might not be handling it too well leading to advantages due to warping. But I don't really know what speed or revive nerfs people are talking about.
I seem to be having more of a problem with Nader than Fragger. That chick...

The only problem I can think of with Nader is if you play an 8v8 and a team decides to try to set up a non stop nade barrage by going all Nader. But for balance they think about 5v5 and honestly you can counter Nader by being more mobile, splitting up and staying in the open. Then she is just a medium health character with a second tier SMG.


The only problem I can think of with Nader is if you play an 8v8 and a team decides to try to set up a non stop nade barrage by going all Nader. But for balance they think about 5v5 and honestly you can counter Nader by being more mobile, splitting up and staying in the open. Then she is just a medium health character with a second tier SMG.
Unless you come across those super pro Naders where the grenade will hit every single time.


Does those missions with combat XP or something work for anyone? I get way less than I should get. Also the game just crashed after ranked game and I didn't get anything. At this rate I'll probably uninstall this game again soon.


Why?? Proxy always felt like one of the most balanced characters. If anyone needs a nerf of some sort, it's Fragger. Every good team in competitive is running at least one or two. He does just about everything you would ever need with grenades that are more effective by far.

i'm only relaying what someone had told me

splash damage supposdly mentioned a few of the upcoming changes during their last stream


This game perfectly suites my style of FPS multiplayer shooter. I go for objectives, I sprint, I kill a lot/die a lot quickly, it's all super satisfying.


Nader's only real annoying strength is the lack of real downside to martyrdom. Part of the damn game mechanics is using your melee weapon to kill opponents. Nader preys on a fundamental pillar of the game and the issue is only exacerbated by the fact that it's fairly easy to run out of ammo when you are loading a whole clip into a squirming body.

Martyrdom is literally the worst thing in this game and it's even more annoying now when she is on rotation.

I hated it when CoD introduced it and I will hate it in everything else. In CoD you couldn't decide when to drop it at least..


Martyrdom is literally the worst thing in this game and it's even more annoying now when she is on rotation.

I hated it when CoD introduced it and I will hate it in everything else. In CoD you couldn't decide when to drop it at least..

It's so fucking easy to avoid. The worst thing about it is that you waste ammo on gibbing her if you can't bait it out. That's it.

It's one's own damn fault almost every time one gets killed by Matyrdom.


I got tons of kills with martyrdom. Dudes just love to run at you with their knives (sometimes even multiple people at the same time). Then I am told to learn how to play lol. It's super easy to avoid. I don't know what the big deal is.
Martyrdom is literally the worst thing in this game and it's even more annoying now when she is on rotation.

I hated it when CoD introduced it and I will hate it in everything else. In CoD you couldn't decide when to drop it at least..

It isn't even close to being like COD. In this game you can actually move or jump out of the way very easily, prevent martyrdom by gibbing, and Nader has risk/reward where the risk of not being effective and sacrificing the chance to be revived just to get a kill that may not even gib.

Martyrdom is something I was concerned about way back when they first introduced Nader in testing. But that is because CoD did it so poorly and DB does it at least in a way that rewards good timing or punishes players with little to no situational awareness or understanding/reaction. Even the kill radius is not very high so jumping once generally gets you out of harms way.

You say it is better in COD because you can't pick when you drop it. But IMO that is worse because the perk therefore has no reliance on player input whatsoever. Getting a kill where you do absolutely nothing but die has to be one of the cheapest things ever introduced in a fps ever. In DB, it is more player input dependent, more opponent screw up/unaware dependent, etc.. You even know who has the martyrdom, as opposed to COD where any random person can have it and you'll often be caught unaware.


I got tons of kills with martyrdom. Dudes just love to run at you with their knives (sometimes even multiple people at the same time). Then I am told to learn how to play lol. It's super easy to avoid. I don't know what the big deal is.

Because people auto pilot to a down body to finish it off, only to run up to a martyrdom...


Yes, it is easy to avoid if you were actually the one downing that person if you were paying attention to it being a Nader. If you run up and try to knife when that happens it's all on you, that I won't argue with.

I just hate those moments where someone else has downed a Nader, you round a corner or something and see a body on the floor close to you. Of course the first thing you would do is to finish the person of with the knife, but by the time you have had any time to react to it being a Nader it's already too late because it's not always easy to tell what merc it is when they are on the ground. The timer is too short to be able to react in that situation and it's basically impossible to make an easy escape by "moving or jumping out of the way" because you can't make it far enough to avoid a death in that situation even with the fastest characters.

So they got a cheap kill, if they die and can't be revived doesn't really matter because they would've died anyway at that point.

And now with Nader being on rotation you can have half the enemy team using her in these lower level games, that shit happens a lot and there isn't really anything you could do about it. And if you do react in time and finish them off with bullets, then you have the other problem with players not giving you ammo instead. That becomes less of an issue when you can join higher level servers at least.

In CoD you are not basically trained to finish off players with the knife, so most of the time you are at a safe distance to not die from the grenade anyway and if you do run straight over the body of someone you just killed it's on you just like in this game.

I get that it can't be like in CoD either because that would mean you can't ever be revived, so best solution is just to get rid of that shit IMO.

Martyrdom adds a bunch of bullshit deaths you can't prevent no matter how careful you are and I will hate it no matter how it's done really.
Yes, it is easy to avoid if you were actually the one downing that person if you were paying attention to it being a Nader. If you run up and try to knife when that happens it's all on you, that I won't argue with.

I just hate those moments where someone else has downed a Nader, you round a corner or something and see a body on the floor close to you. Of course the first thing you would do is to finish the person of with the knife, but by the time you have had any time to react to it being a Nader it's already too late because it's not always easy to tell what merc it is when they are on the ground. The timer is too short to be able to react in that situation and it's basically impossible to make an easy escape by "moving or jumping out of the way" because you can't make it far enough to avoid a death in that situation even with the fastest characters.

So they got a cheap kill, if they die and can't be revived doesn't really matter because they would've died anyway at that point.

And now with Nader being on rotation you can have half the enemy team using her in these lower level games, that shit happens a lot and there isn't really anything you could do about it. And if you do react in time and finish them off with bullets, then you have the other problem with players not giving you ammo instead. That becomes less of an issue when you can join higher level servers at least.

In CoD you are not basically trained to finish off players with the knife, so most of the time you are at a safe distance to not die from the grenade anyway and if you do run straight over the body of someone you just killed it's on you just like in this game.

I get that it can't be like in CoD either because that would mean you can't ever be revived, so best solution is just to get rid of that shit IMO.

Martyrdom adds a bunch of bullshit deaths you can't prevent no matter how careful you are and I will hate it no matter how it's done really.

I don't have a problem identifying Nader on the ground, even though I am playing on minimum video settings with an edited config file to make it look even worse.

Problems you are identifying just aren't problems and are user error related in my opinion. I almost never die to nader and when I play nader (quite a lot), I almost never get kills against good players. Most of the time's I get kills, in fact almost every time, with martyrdom it was preventable by the opponent I played against. Either their tactic to kill me (knifing nader before downing is sure to buy an immediate martyrdom ticket to hell) made matyrdom effective or they carelessly (or thoughtlessly) walked over me.

When someone runs around the corner and I am already downed, it is my reaction time versus theirs. It is not automatic compared to a proximity mine. I don't see a problem there, because if they react faster than I do or are just cautious in the first place, then nader's martyrdom is ineffective. If you're reaction is to knife gib every body, perhaps that is the wrong approach to take. Sometimes knifing is approrpriate because if you react fast enough they'll be gibbed before they hit the button. If you've just turned the corner, you use that corner as cover for the explosion and take no damage. There are plenty of ways to negate martyrdom making the ability very weak against good players.

I definitely think every death can be prevented related to martyrdom. Just a long jump in any direction generally lets you survive or at least not be gibbed. I think you're overstating it's strength, which is at least being exacerbated by the fact that it was a terrible mechanic in an otherwise (at least largely) good game being COD. At least to me, the most relate-able aspect of the two things are it's name.

You might be pointing out or asking why even include an ability like martyrdom? I think the ability is a good inclusion because it does promote (albeit small) strategy towards playing nader. The decision whether to martyrdom or not is a snap decision that isn't as mindless as people might think. The timing as well, is not mindless. The ability also promotes (or punishes lack of) situational awareness. In a FPS, I think that aspect is very important to have. You approach different opponent's differently and if you just didn't have to even think about how you approach a map based on your opponent's mercs, then the game is slightly less deep strategically. In short, I think skills like matyrdom help promote that type of "grand" strategy thinking, still it is in a small way but these type of things add up.

This is a long ass post, but in short, martyrdom punishes mistakes and has strengths and weaknesses like any other ability. It is far from being OP, so why remove it - just because sometimes the ability actually has an impact? I don't think calling it bullshit death's is appropriate since they are almost always related to either the nader playing towards a strength or the opponent making a mistake.
I like the new execution map and it is based on the fourth part of camden (now called trainyard) that was removed a long long time ago.

It is still astounding how much people ADS in close range fights though. Not sure how they can get this across better.


What's up with many people leaving ranked games? So it ended up being 2vs5 and they spawn camped us. Then game said I would get penalty for leaving the game. Like what? I left anyways and game crashed. Maybe that was my penalty.

Also I tried proxy couple rounds and she is fun.


What's up with many people leaving ranked games? So it ended up being 2vs5 and they spawn camped us. Then game said I would get penalty for leaving the game. Like what? I left anyways and game crashed. Maybe that was my penalty.

Also I tried proxy couple rounds and she is fun.

Haven't tried rank in awhile but the whole mode seems broken in general.

Long wait times and imbalanced teams makes the gamemode pretty negligible.


Haven't tried rank in awhile but the whole mode seems broken in general.

Long wait times and imbalanced teams makes the gamemode pretty negligible.

Yeah, it doesn't even give any feedback how you are doing. Well it does show that rank thingy but that seems useless.
Haven't tried rank in awhile but the whole mode seems broken in general.

Long wait times and imbalanced teams makes the gamemode pretty negligible.

Long wait times? I generally wait less than a minute to find a group. Sometimes people don't accept so it takes a minute longer.

The imbalanced teams is an issue, but I think solved by adding more people to the system. They probably aren't finished tweaking the algorithm also.
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