I bought the PS3 LE version so long ago and haven't touched it or opened it, and now I can't even sell it but i'd rather have the Vita one so shit really sux lol.
I wouldn't turn it down.
I bought the PS3 LE version so long ago and haven't touched it or opened it, and now I can't even sell it but i'd rather have the Vita one so shit really sux lol.
Disgaea is much better portable so this one. Besides, it includes all of the DLC from the PS3 version adding even more to the game.
when disgaea goes handheld, it's pretty much the definitive version of the game, not unlike persona 4 golden.
Quick question. I usually love SRPGs. Especially on handhelds. I've finished all handheld Fire Emblem games released in the US multiple times. I've finished Tactics Ogre on GBA multiple times as well as FFTA, FF:TA2 and I'm currently 30 hours into FFT on Vita. I'm almost finished with Jeanne D'Arc and have played parts of Disgaea 1 and Valkyria Chronicles 2.
So why can't I get into Disgaea? And given that I had trouble with 1 should I skip it for 4? Is there a "best" game for those of us who don't want to grind forever or embrace the level of complexity that Disgaea offers? I already own 1, 2 and 3 on PSP/Vita. Probably aspirational of me to purchase these, I suppose, but I hope to get to one of them someday. With 4 on the horizon I'm debating buying it as well, but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
D3V/D4V have a lot of streamlining and antifrustration features but there's still a lot of RNG dependence , DD2 almost completely removes the dependence on the RNG but some of the shortcuts from D3/D4 are missing, so there's much more grinding on average but you're a lot less likely to be the statistical outlier who can never get "critical thing" to spawn.
I got out of D4 around the time the initial dupe method got fixed, mind spoilering/pm'ing me the details?
Hmm. This sounds interesting to me. I used to like SRPGs back in the 32-bit days, but I tried to get into the FFTA games and found them to be ridiculously complex. Way too much going on. Never really known much about this series until this release.Disgaea has a lot of differences compared to FFT, so it doesn't surprise me that you can be into one and not the other. Disgaea is actually "simpler" than FFT , FFTA , FFTA2 , Tactics Ogre during the actual game (it's only during the post game that you really start getting into the complexity) so there's also less attachment to any given character.
You can basically ignore all the complexity of Disgaea for the main story beyond the tutorials the game takes you through.
If you want to do the PostGame content though (and its where the real "meat" of the series is) then depending on what annoys you the most then (D3V or D4V) or DD2 are the best games to try (and Disgaea 2 (especially the PSP version) is the worst by a looooong way).
D3V/D4V have a lot of streamlining and antifrustration features but there's still a lot of RNG dependence , DD2 almost completely removes the dependence on the RNG but some of the shortcuts from D3/D4 are missing, so there's much more grinding on average but you're a lot less likely to be the statistical outlier who can never get "critical thing" to spawn.
Basically instead of double killing Item Generals/Kings/Gods/Gods 2 you can kill them infinitely , just Gency out after each kill.
This means you can theoretically max (to the equipment limit) any of the "normal" (HP/SP/ATK/DEF/INT/RES/HIT/SPD) stat at all on any piece of equipment (in practice it's nowhere near worth the time investment required to max a 0 though (since it has to be done purely through the single stat Innocent bonus), negative growth is better than 0 for this purpose, so Axes are fine).
Oh wow, is it true that the older sprites were removed from the Vita version?
I didnt really like disgaea 3 vita, but I saw this is getting a demo tomorrow. Anyone know if the demo lets you keep progress or give some kind of bonus in the full game?
What do you mean by "older sprites"?
You can since levels are always the same unlike FFT. I sometimes wind up overgrinding because I enjoy the battle system more than the plot sometimes (specially in the case of Disgaea 2). If I remember right, the final battle in most Disgaea games are around level 50. Since you can get to level 999 (9999) in the games, you can easily beat the story without grinding. The extra content is where you have to get massive levels to beat.Is there any way I could play through this game's storyline normally like I'm playing final fantasy tactics, using all unique characters, without overpowered grinding?
(and then maybe when I'm done enjoying the game normally, THEN go into overpowered grinding?)
Is there any way I could play through this game's storyline normally like I'm playing final fantasy tactics, using all unique characters, without overpowered grinding?
(and then maybe when I'm done enjoying the game normally, THEN go into overpowered grinding?)
Is there any way I could play through this game's storyline normally like I'm playing final fantasy tactics, using all unique characters, without overpowered grinding?
(and then maybe when I'm done enjoying the game normally, THEN go into overpowered grinding?)
Speaking of 9999, Disgaea 4 has many features to make getting it a breeze.
Here is a video where the guy gets from 1 to 9999 in 2 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ba8tjSwxKg
Why would you only use unique characters? There's no sensible reason not to use a full team of 10 for story missions and it'll be a while before you get 10 uniques, and generics aren't complicated or anything, just make one of each class/weapon you like or something, or make a bunch of Mages of different elements, they're very versatile. Also unless I'm remembering wrong, playing using only uniques in FFT is suicide at the beginning as well.
Xtreme Grinding is very much NOT necessary to beat the game normally. You might not be able to beat it in a single go through per level as if it were Yggdra Union/Shining force/whatever, but grinding should be minimal unless you want to min/max, change classes/reincarnate (D2 eliminates the need of resetting levels but not D4 unless it's new to Vita). The main story of the game plays very much like a standard tactical RPG, it's mostly only the postgame/side content that lets you break out into insanity.
The PS3 version let players choose between HD sprites and the older sprites similar in Disgaea 3.What do you mean by "older sprites"?
The PS3 version let players choose between HD sprites and the older sprites similar in Disgaea 3.
I'm not too sure myself.Is it confirmed that this option is missing from the Vita version?
Speaking of 9999, Disgaea 4 has many features to make getting it a breeze.
Here is a video where the guy gets from 1 to 9999 in 2 minutes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ba8tjSwxKg
From what I remember hearing of the Japanese Demo, it's basically Trial + Unlock setup, so no extra bonus but progress is kept. Take with a grain of salt though, it's been months.
I'd recommend just focusing on 3-5 strong characters to fight with and level up, and having several other characters to use as fodder. It takes too long to level up 10 characters together.
I would certainly use generics to fill out a party, but I was wondering more since there are all these DLC characters, if they would be available to use in order to create a full team of uniques throughout the main game. Or do the DLC characters need to be unlocked through some late/post game content?
Thanks for the advice. This will be my first game in the series. I've been watching trailers and video on youtube, and this looks up my ally! Can't believe I never played this series before.
Stupid question, but I beat Demon Gaze last month. I noticed a lot of the avatar in that game, are also character from this game. Do they share the same world/lore? Or is it just the same dev putting content across games?
I would certainly use generics to fill out a party, but I was wondering more since there are all these DLC characters, if they would be available to use in order to create a full team of uniques throughout the main game. Or do the DLC characters need to be unlocked through some late/post game content?
Beat D4 on PS3 but did not dive into any of the post-game content, specifically because of the Vita version coming out.
Now, Disgaea D2 on Vita, plz NIS plz PLZ
No, but creature merging is new for Disgaea 4. The Stats being with equipment is not new, but it took longer than 2 minutes to go from 1 to 9999 in older games.Are you trolling? Considering it takes double digit hours to get to that point, along with the fact that similar mechanics exist in pretty much every Disgaea.
Nice!It's here and the sticker that came with it is the best of the whole set I have so far.
This should be out on PSN by tomorrow evening right?
what's 'trial + unlock setup'? iow, what kind of progress can i actually make that'd be worth saving? won't be getting my hard copy day 1, so i'd download this if it was worth it. thanks...