No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Yes, SweetFX using my own settings.
Would you mind sharing those settings with the rest of us?
Yes, SweetFX using my own settings.
On 360 those painterly textures look more like overly compressed jpeg artifacts, lol.The painterly textures especially add to the beautiful palette of Dishonored.
It was so annoying with the safe landing augment.THAT was my main problem with DXHR. I hated how it kept taking control from me to knock someone out or kill someone for me.
Bend Time is absolutely not needed, though it's my favorite power.I'm completely stuck ... In the hideout area before the real missions.
What powers should I buy to get the most power gaming value early in the game?
Blink 2 and agility 1 needed for any serious exploration?
How much is closed of if I don't pick possession right away?
Is time stop needed for exploration or is it just a convenience to have?
Both levels of the vision enhancement power seem useful, but can you really afford them early in the game without locking yourself out of exploration opportunities?
I plan on sneaking and nokilling my way through the game.
The achievement says nothing about using a rune - it says "purchasing Supernatural powers or Enhancements (besides blink)"yup upgrading blink counts as using a rune.
im glad i didnt upgrade mine. i had doubts about doing so. got the mostly flesh and steel trophy at the end of my first playthrough.
So is this better than DXHR?
No they don't! If they did they wouldn't be mercilessly butchered in the Dunwall universe. I hope the sequel has whale activists and having to find alternate forms of energy. One of the books does mention a whale activist.Arkane Studios sure likes whales..
Would you mind sharing those settings with the rest of us?![]()
Bend Time is absolutely not needed, though it's my favorite power.
Blink 2 is the most key. Agility as well if you plan to do any climbing.
Dark Vision 1 is useful, but far more important than anything else you mentioned I'd say you need to get the Zoom upgrade (from Piero) which just costs money rather than runes.
So is this better than DXHR?
Sure! Download link:
Thanks! So no possession does not close off exploration early in the game?
Thanks! So no possession does not close off exploration early in the game?
I'm reading elsewhere on the internets that people have tried both methods however only got the achievement when they did NOT upgrade blink.we really need confirmation on wether we can upgrade blink on the blink-only playthrough..
Thanks! So no possession does not close off exploration early in the game?
Possession is the first thing I upgraded. It's amusing to mess with.
I just wanted to pop in and say. I love this game.
I particularily like how it makes you think.
Mission 1 Sidequest spoiler:When you're getting the rat guts in the doctor's house, I searched every floor at least 4 times until I started thinking to myself: "If I was a strange doctor who do weird experiments, where would I hide my shit? Behind a painting? Maybe!"
I proceeded to check some paintings when I found the note about the bookshelf and then it was pretty obvious what I had to do
Dem spoiler tags. /
Yeah, just saw it. Fixed it. Hope nobody got spoiled bad by that![]()
Is there a way to cancel out Blink once you're holding RT?
So no one answered my question, is there any negative consequence of a body being found? I had 6 bodies found but still got ghost at the end of the first proper mission.
Yeah, the game freaks out at time. I was REALLY annoyed when in my replay the second mission (Campbell)Had something annoying happen to me during theBoyle sisters mission:
I sneaked up to the second floor to find out who was who, choked a few guards but I thought I remained undetected (maybe one of them saw me but he wasn't able to raise any alarms/alarm any other guards). So when I went downstairs again, all the other guards started attacking me. it didn't matter from where I came, as soon as I would go downstairs, was attacked. Pretty frustrating but I still managed to get the right Boyle sister to the creepy guy in the cellar without killing anyone by spamming time bend and using poison darts.
Game is really fun. I think I'm nearly finished. It did feel a bit short but that may be due me playing this all day![]()
Well, I beat it.
I really liked this game when it was like a big sandbox and it felt like there were tons of viable and unique ways to get into places. Then you get to The Twist and it turns in Chaos Theory corridor stealth.
First half is great, last half is subpar.
Had to turn on objective markers a lot in the end and check my journal a bazillion times to figure out the proper way to deal with the targets. Their original comment about players getting lost without the markers probably has more to due with the weaker level design near the end than testers being dumb.
Cool game, hope they put out editing tools so the TTLG people can go hog wild.
Do weepers count as alerts and kills?
Loved DXHR and I'm enjoying Dishonored as well, but I like the atmosphere of DX more, true cyberpunk along with the audio-visuals, so good.
Both are awesome games but DX is just clicks more with my taste.
So I basically had the creepiest thing ever happen when I was playing tonight.
Seriously, how demented does that guy look as he just stares at me!
I'm going for the clean hands achievement and was wondering if killing River Krusts does count as 'lethal' at the end of a mission, can anybody confirm this?
They don't count as lethal. Neither do rats.
i think i pretty much got the best ending i could get during my first playthrough.
are there just two endings or are there varying degrees to both the good and bad endings depending on what you do?