Embargos up today right? Where are all the reviews!!! (I will buy either way)
it's up either late tonight or early tomorrow
Embargos up today right? Where are all the reviews!!! (I will buy either way)
it's up either late tonight or early tomorrow
Shacknews posted their review:
Shacknews posted their review:
You get someone in the right position who goes "but bosses are a staple of video games! People won't buy this without boss fights!", and then they end up being forced in.
This doesn't really remind me of Bioshock. The game plays out much differently, as you are given quite a bit of freedom and it is much more open. Not even the setting is similar, really.
Shacknews posted their review:
minor flaws aside, by the time the end credits rolled, I was emotionally exhausted and simultaneously stunned that a game could change the way I have always played. Dishonored is that rare RPG that takes the best of suspense novels and action movies and crafts them into the interactive experience. There is no need for number crunching or debates over ideal character builds. It is role-playing at its story-driven finest and Arkane has created an RPG formula worth emulating.
Shacknews posted their review:
Bosses were a great feature of the original game. I highly doubt they were forced into HR, they were just poorly implemented.
Made some Avatars for the taking:
Whats with the embargo breaking?
I cringed every time they called it a RPG, especially after saying how it has nothing that makes games RPGs.
This is the real deal ladies and gents.
The development of the Boss fights were farmed out for Deus Ex which is why they felt so utterly out of place.
They may have been programmed outside of Eidos, but it was still designed and approved by them. They would have weak regardless.
The game gives the player lots of choice/freedom and it has a skill system.
What is your definition of an RPG?
They were saying it's a RPG because of its story, which is even more ridiculous really. But just because it has an upgradeable ability system doesn't make it a RPG, every game has that now.
They were saying it's a RPG because of its story, which is even more ridiculous really. But just because it has an upgradeable ability system doesn't make it a RPG, every game has that now.
Dang you people changing your avis. I have no idea who anyone is anymore.
They were saying it's a RPG because of its story, which is even more ridiculous really. But just because it has an upgradeable ability system doesn't make it a RPG, every game has that now.
another good review.
wow. can't wait. why do we have to wait until friday.
So people who have the game, have you played the Thief series? How does the level design in this compare to something like that?
Shacknews posted their review:
Dang you people changing your avis. I have no idea who anyone is anymore.
I have been thinking about what makes a game an RPG ever since I beat System Shock 2 the other day. A lot of people hold that game in high regard as one of the RPG greats, but I found the game to be a little lackluster in the choice department.
This game however seems to encourage actual role play, you can completely forgo the ability system entirely.
System Shock is a little hazy for me in the memory department but I'll use something like Deus Ex which I think is more RPG than a game like this. That had a CRPG-like skill system and picking a focus on a few meant you had to give a gameplay element up, like lockpicking higher level doors or being able to swimlol). In this game it seems like Blink will be the only skill you really need, and everything else is given to you automatically but you can use other optional skill upgrades to make them a bit better.
So, so excited for Tuesday, the reviews have me relieved. Still a bit weary of the various reports on length, but it'll be a blast all the same.
So, so excited for Tuesday, the reviews have me relieved. Still a bit weary of the various reports on length, but it'll be a blast all the same.
I played for 4 hours and only have completed the first actual mission. I am very heavy stealth and very heavy "ohh whats that over there", though.
There is also a talking heart that whispers things about people when you aim it at them. I have to do this to everyone I see, as she says some crazy shit.
Any words on the ps3 version?
Never heard of this game until today. Now I am going to preorder it.
Some guy in this thread has it and has been playing it. Says it's fine (unlike Skyrim).
Not sure how I would explain that. Thief missions are a deliberate affair, awarding patience and are exploration heavily. Dishonored follows this very closely, but of course they play out rather different as Geralt can not do what Corvo can.
As to the par of them, I've played the first one in its entirety and it was very impressive.
This game is UE3, not the Skyrim engine. It'll run about as well as any UE3 game runs nowadays on a PS3.
But that would mean that it doesn't run very well on ps3