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Dishonored |OT| The belle of the ball


Got the game on launch day, but I have only been able to play for about 3-4 hours into it. I just cleared the first mission, doing most of the optional tasks and collecting all of the runes and such along the way.

One thing I'm wondering, for those of you who have possibly already beaten the game. Does the game eventually offer an easy way to warp back to any mission for replays? I hope it does. Running through the first missions again with all of my powers upgraded would be a lot of fun.
Surprised to see comments about poor AI, sounds like Very Hard is the best way to play. Don't ever feel like I don't get caught when I should have. And once enemies see you move up to escape, they will look upward to try and find you as well.


Unconfirmed Member
I've played through the second level twice so far. The first I was basically killing however I wanted and didn't really care about being stealthy and I missed a few things like
the grannie stuff and the doctor's lab to get the infected rat, going to the brewery to infect the elixir, etc

I never actually got to do any of that when I initially played, because I didn't do the first part. I'm surprised how different the game felt from trying to be stealthy to just going in all action. It's pretty awesome. I've been taking my time as well -- getting all the runes and bone charms.


True that. But sometimes I just want to be the angel of death, dispensing brutal justice, you know?

I didn't know that happened.
I spilt the drinks and sat on the light. Then when Campbell said "I guess I'll have to do this the old fashioned way" I pulled out my dart gun and put him to sleep. Cunrnow took out his sword, panicked, and ran out of the room. Jumped down, picked up his body as an alarm went off, sealing the building. Blinked across the rafters to the interrogation room and branded that fucker for life.
I did similar, though I tried other ways first.
First I switched the drinks, but then when I saw I still got hit with lethal (not to mention Curnow looked like he was screwed anyway) I looked at my objectives, then poked around the archives until I got the necessary information, made the preparations, and went back and did the same up to picking up his body. First time I just carried over ignoring everyone, sat him in the chair, and branded him right in front of the guards. Deciding I PROBABLY didn't want it done like that I repeated what I was doing... but tranquilized the one guard that saw me. Funny I could stroll down the hall and get him branded while they're running like headless chickens downstairs.
Silly question, but is there any way to drop or unequip weapons?

I've just started and I don't want the gun.
Hold the USE key/button for a few seconds, and you'll sheath. That's as close as you can get, not that you would really WANT to toss away the only sword/pistol you'll stick with through the game anyway.


Hey anyone confirm that if you open the art dealers vault yourself are you able to get the rune and give the combination to Slackjaw?


One thing I'm wondering, for those of you who have possibly already beaten the game. Does the game eventually offer an easy way to warp back to any mission for replays? I hope it does. Running through the first missions again with all of my powers upgraded would be a lot of fun.

Yes, there is a mission select option. I'm not sure how it handles powers, though.

Hey anyone confirm that if you open the art dealers vault yourself are you able to get the rune and give the combination to Slackjaw?



Hey anyone confirm that if you open the art dealers vault yourself are you able to get the rune and give the combination to Slackjaw?
Yes, but
the mission summary makes note of it as a significant event. I have no idea what the repercussions will be, but ultimately ran with it. And grabbed the painting too because fuck it, if it's going binary let's at least grab the other collectible.


Just got the game yesterday , i played for about 3 hours (still on first mission)

I can't find the word to describe how good this game is !

I feel like playing a new Thief game (Thief being one of my favorite series on PC) you have the immersion with lore by reading all the books scattered around, you can explore lot of places and you have "side quest," the grim and dark atmosphere is incredible .

And the freedom you get on mission.

Oh and i liked the fact that you get no map (well so far i dont have any) .

This is gonna be a long day at work ....
Welp, have to replay most of the first mission. After completing several side missions and a good portion of the main mission, I tossed a guy down the stairs and noticed that it didn't show the "unconscious" subtext next to his body when I walked past it at a later time. Upon closer inspection, there was a pool of blood that had formed beneath him. Common sense should have prevailed but it finally dawned on me that I had killed him by tossing his unconscious body down the stairs. I guess that means the unconscious body that I accidentally swiped at with my sword earlier in the mission was probably dead too? I checked. Yep. What about the guy that fell in the water? Yep. He's dead too. FUCCCCCCK.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
Highest difficulty a good place to start for stealth game veterans?


Hey gaffers :)

anyone knows which version is better (graphic and performance)
PS3 or Xbox

Since i have both systems i would like to choose the better one (if there is one of course)


Soooooo in the first mission
in Campbell's secrect chamber when you play the audiolog does he admit to raping Emily twice a week when he says "inspect the facilitiy" in "" ? Because if so that fucker will loose his head in my next playthrough.


Picked up the game today, but for some reason, it's not what I was expecting, like no excitement or some crap, hahah. Give it a final go tomorrow before returning it.


killing Campbell
was a tough one, as the recorder in his lair to me implied
he is a paedophile who molested the Empress' daughter
. Either that or I assume the worst of everyone.

I actually don't think that's the case. Slightly later spoiler
Once you learn that Emily is at a whore house, inspecting the facilities probably just means he goes and visit the whores rather than rapes her. I think it was just misleading wording.


I really hate to say it, but what this game needs is to remove quick save. It makes the game too easy...too trivial. I never have to act fast or think on my feet because the quick load button is always there if I fail. I'm not strong enough to stop myself from using it.

It would be nice if they had a game mode where quick save is disabled...maybe add a few achievements for going through without it.
Really fumbled through the early stages of the game, Still getting used to when I can be seen and when I'm hidden. At least the experience doesn't collapse if I get spotted, but I do wind up feeling like a clumsy dolt. Hope I get better at it. :p


I really hate to say it, but what this game needs is to remove quick save. It makes the game too easy...too trivial. I never have to act fast or think on my feet because the quick load button is always there if I fail. I'm not strong enough to stop myself from using it.

It would be nice if they had a game mode where quick save is disabled...maybe add a few achievements for going through without it.
Before my settings righted themselves and I could only use one or the other I got used to just going through the menus for loading. It FEELS like that didn't properly dissuade me, but then maybe it had a subtle influence to just not bother unless I really wanted it, IE if an enemy spots me see if I can just get away instead. It may not have the tools of Metal Gear for that, but it has BLINK.


It's not possible to totally disable object highlighting, is it? Like in Deus Ex: HR.

As far as I can tell, the "Focus Highlight" option only removes the orange glow when you're pointing at an object, which doesn't really help much when it's already blatantly glowing. Kinda mucks up the immersion a bit to have random stuff just shimmering.

Fun stuffs though. I've managed, with great difficulty, to tear myself away from XCOM enough to put some more time into Dishonored, and it's a blast so far. I'm playing on Very Hard, though it's still early days.
I hereby nominate Blinking for 'Best Game Mechanic of 2012'. I just got into a sword fight with four guys (on Hard mode), Blunk behind each one of them in turn and killed them all in the space of about two seconds. It's such a great way of alleviating some of the traditional problems with stealth gameplay, and even first-person gaming in general when you think about struggling to jump on boxes in other games, but when you start to master it and use it by reflex it's the coolest thing in the whole world. Blinking behind someone's back the moment they turn around, or reaching a hiding spot instantly, or making a sick double-jump/Blink to the roof of a building when you're being chased is so much fun.

I really like this game's approach to your powers. There are far fewer than in something like Bioshock, and they only have one upgrade level each, but when you start playing with them properly they're all so incredibly useful. Weapons, too: there are only two, and you can bind a specific weapon and ammo combination to a hotkey so you never need to worry about managing that stuff. It all just feels so smartly designed.


Seems closer to Bioshock than Deus Ex so far. I approve.

but ugh texture res

yeah I'm getting a Bioshock+Half Life 2 and little Deus Ex... seems like the books....repeat a little to much...are they really releasing a texture pack.... I'll wait for my second palythrough on very hard til then if so.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
heres a question, im finding my fair share of combination locks but no combinations, im assuming they are all in books and such spread about but honestly ive never enjoyed picking up the literature in games, am i missing anything substantial?
Started this last night, and I like it so far. The world is absolutely gorgeous, I'm enthralled with the gameplay, but I do find the character designs a bit off-putting. They remind of the puppets from Genesis' "Land of Confusion" video. And to all developers: going forward, please, please reference Dishonored when you are implementing your hud options, especially on console. This is how it's done.


MyEpitomeCliché;43081215 said:
And to all developers: going forward, please, please reference Dishonored when you are implementing your hud options, especially on console. This is how it's done.

I agree except for object highlighting. :p

But giving you tons of options there is quite nice.

I set crosshair opacity to 10 and it's almost invisible during general play yet still works fine when I actually need to aim at something.


just ordered the game, should be getting it on saturday. cant wait :)

how long is the game btw? going to try and sell it back when i beat it.


yeah I'm getting a Bioshock+Half Life 2 and little Deus Ex... seems like the books....repeat a little to much...are they really releasing a texture pack.... I'll wait for my second palythrough on very hard til then if so.

I too am getting very little Deus Ex. It's giving me a perfect Thief and BioShock had a baby vibe. Was hoping it would beat out the amazing Dragon's Dogma for my GotY and it did so easily. It's the perfect thing to tide me over until I can finally get my hands on a new Thief game, whenever that will be :(.

Although, it will be hard going back to rope and moss arrows after blink lol.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
The Deus Ex comparisons are a little off putting in my opinion, because they go about as far as the style of hub like level design and that's about it. Even then, Deus Ex isn't the only title to use such level design.

Otherwise the game really isn't very Deus Ex'y. There's no number crunching, and the skill system is much smaller. Deliberately, mind you. It's not an RPG as most people think of an RPG. Like Thief, it's got a far greater emphasis on hostile zones. The choice of play simply comes down to how you wish to manage those hostile zones: stealth, action, lethal, or non-lethal.

I can see where the parallels between this and Deus Ex are drawn, but I do think they're also pretty distant titles. Dishonored has more in common with Thief and BioShock than it does Deus Ex.


I was originally going to try for a complete stealth/approach on my first playthrough.

4 hours in, every staircase has a pile of dead guys in it lol


Oh man so I finally got to play last night, game is fantastic, it feels so polished.

I'm still on the first mission and just got through ransacking Dr Givani's place and poisoning the distillery. The Dr's place gave me huge thief vibes.

The only thing I can complain about so far is blink can be a little janky to do onto small ledges or pipes. Oh and while I'm not sure what the consequences actually are, I don't like the idea that I'm punished for killing guys. I've always liked to kill bad guys and hide their bodies.


I got to play for a little while last night and man do I suck. First I kept screwing up attacking, what with left click controlling the right hand and right click controlling the left hand.

Anyways I died like 4 times during the prison escape....


The Deus Ex comparisons are a little off putting in my opinion, because they go about as far as the style of hub like level design and that's about it. Even then, Deus Ex isn't the only title to use such level design.

Otherwise the game really isn't very Deus Ex'y. There's no number crunching, and the skill system is much smaller. Deliberately, mind you. It's not an RPG as most people think of an RPG. Like Thief, it's got a far greater emphasis on hostile zones. The choice of play simply comes down to how you wish to manage those hostile zones: stealth, action, lethal, or non-lethal.

I can see where the parallels between this and Deus Ex are drawn, but I do think they're also pretty distant titles. Dishonored has more in common with Thief and BioShock than it does Deus Ex.

Game is 0% DX. It's 60% Bioshock and 40% Thief.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I was originally going to try for a complete stealth/approach on my first playthrough.

4 hours in, every staircase has a pile of dead guys in it lol

I went complete stealth for the first mission, then when i realised i collected no charms or runes (outside of quest given ones) i went back and killed everyone in my way. I found this approach hilariously fun.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Game is 0% DX. It's 60% Bioshock and 40% Thief.

Well, the instance of side quests and some decision make probably strikes chords with Deus Ex. Something both BioShock and Thief had little to none of. That and the somewhat open ended nature of the assassinations, specifically choosing the non-lethal rout. BioShock had none of that, and Thief was focused entirely on stealth.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I got to play for a little while last night and man do I suck. First I kept screwing up attacking, what with left click controlling the right hand and right click controlling the left hand.

Anyways I died like 4 times during the prison escape....

Everytime i go into the game i have to change this, for some reaosn it never saves my controller settings and it always irks me.

Crouch is ctrl not c
Menu wheel is mouse 3
Block is middle mouse
Blade is right mouse
Alt is left mouse
Quicksave is alwasy f6, none of this f5 nonsense


The game feels very little like Bioshock to me, at least so far. It encourages stealth while still emphasizing diversity in play styles, and it's far more open-ended as far as its quest system and level navigation.


I'm loving the game, but for a stealth title, some of the stealth elements suck. Like, when you're in sneak mode behind something and can't see shit aside from using the wonky lean mechanic.

No, I do not have the see-through-walls power, nor will I.

It's weird, because you can go one moment from a very fluid blink-fest of badassery to a clunky ducking mechanism.


Okay, so I'm in the Distillery District for the first proper mission.

I've entered a building that is full of enemies but as soon as I enter it, the waypoint tells me to go back outside. Is there anything of note here or is it just something else to explore just for fun?

Note I am going for a no alert / no kill run first. Would it be in my best interest to explore this area?
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