Is it true that Dishonored performes technically very well on both the PS3 and 360?
With regards to the Lady Boyle mission
Does Samuel's boat move beyond the canal gate every time? Or am I just getting discovered every time? >_>
Answer ASAP would be appreciated xo
what the hell happened
so in the mission with campbell and curnow,i went into the room, spilled the glasses, noticed and grabbed the rune on the wall, then blinked away so i could hide and watch them interact. but then, everybody started running and curnow was being chased by guards??? he ran out of the room with the guards behind him and, next thing i knew, the objective said that he had been rescued. wtf did i do to make that happen?
I set-up the Nvidia inspector and SweetFX settings and it looks better. I understand what they where doing with some of the muted colors but it's really a beautiful game this way. I wonder if a hi-res texture pack is coming?
Anyway now that I finished X-Com can't wait to get into Dishonored more.
Are people recommending hard or just normal on a first playthrough?
Does anybody have any kind of information on the budget of Dishonored?
To me this game feels like what I would call a 'medium' size budget games. Not in the range of something like Assassins Creed 3 but not some small indie game either.
I am interested in this because the middle seems to have been squeezed by the AAA games in recent years but also because even though I am enjoying the game it seems so small and limited in some ways.
Perhaps my mind has been corrupted by The Chaos God of AAA Big Budget expectations.
According to imdb it's $25 million. If that number is true it probably includes marketing too. I can't imagine this game costing that much unless it also includes marketing.
Edit: And before anyone makes a joke about how this game had no marketing. I did see a lot of ads for this game on websites. They also made a CG trailer and the Tales from Dunwall webisodes.
That's what I figured, I do well in these types of games. ThanksI started on Hard.
It's really easy.
Then again, I'm almost completely avoiding combat, so I don't think the difficulty setting even comes into play.
Um guys, I play games generally for the story. Is the story worth the buy on this one?
Eh, not really. That's the game's weakest aspect, imo.
Eh, not really. That's the game's weakest aspect, imo.
There are no maps in this game, right? I like that they don't give you a magic GPS map, but I wish there was either a map before missions so you could build a mental model of the space, or a compass to keep from too much disorientation.
A compass would be nice + a Thief-style hand-drawn map.
There are maps in many of the levels though. You just can't take them with you.
Does this game need an always online connection or can you play it completly offline too?
I love no map. So far it's made me thoroughly explore every level and memorize locations, very satisfying.
A few ways have been mentioned earlier - rats are your main worry. Put them on a bed or any other raised object rats can't reach.Not sure how but I managed to kill someone during a mission. Can you accidentally kill someone after you've knocked them out?![]()
First mission is "Dishonored" - escaping jail/sewer. Second mission is the one you are on - "High Overseer Campbell".In the first mission there is a rune near the beginning where you rescue a merchant from some thugs. It's shows that it is on the floor above but I cannot find the way there.
You can climb up a level with blink inside the house where the merchant was kept.In the first mission there is a rune near the beginning where you rescue a merchant from some thugs. It's shows that it is on the floor above but I cannot find the way there.
I love the fact that's there no easily accessible map too, it really makes you take the time to explore and learn the world of the game. It says a lot about the level design that I haven't got lost once even without any maps and objective markers.
Finished today in the morning... I'm kind of surprised because I actually liked the story and the ending when everybody was saying it was crap.
Then again I get theso...Low Chaos ending
They set up a very interesting world, with the game being but the tip of the ice berg. It's why I'm not as disinclined to see sequels to this as I would be some other new (effectively at least) IP. Just so long as they don't stick too close to the same premise and set it somewhere other than Dunwall.Yeah, interesting at first, but feels kind of rushed with no character development or real sense of progression. Gameplay, level design and atmosphere are all amazing, though.
When the game will ever end ?![]()
After I finished Lord Regent mission I though this was it, but now that I'm back inseems like the game never ends.The Hound Pits that is over taken by guards and tallboys
Yeah, I just beat it too and the ending wasn't that bad.
It's definitely not exciting. I'd consider it "bad", but it falls under "boring" rather than "stupid awful way to end a game/series". More like Bioshock and less like ME3 pre-extended cut, basically. More importantly with games set up this way I'm not really sure any ending could've been satisfying, not without going full blown crazy anyway. And that might not necessarily be "satisfying" anyway.It's not bad at all. It has resolution, and there are no loose ends. It's not a FANTASTIC ending, but it serves its purpose.
3 thugs facing away from me. Crossbow one, blink behind the second and plunge my sword in his neck. 3rd one charges me, I counter and slice through his head. No alarms no one freakin out. Just silence.
I was grinning like a mad man.
It's definitely not exciting. I'd consider it "bad", but it falls under "boring" rather than "stupid awful way to end a game/series". More like Bioshock and less like ME3 pre-extended cut, basically. More importantly with games set up this way I'm not really sure any ending could've been satisfying, not without going full blown crazy anyway. And that might not necessarily be "satisfying" anyway.