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Dishonored |OT| The belle of the ball


For PC players, is there a way to see Corvo in 3rd person? Kinda like how Mirrors edge was done? I'm on 360 i just thought it'd be interesting.





Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
So, on my second playthrough I'm trying to get the highest chaos I can to get a crap ending (since I already got the low chaos ending).

By the end of the prison escape, I had high chaos. Well, that was quick.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So, on my second playthrough I'm trying to get the highest chaos I can to get a crap ending (since I already got the low chaos ending).

By the end of the prison escape, I had high chaos. Well, that was quick.
It's cumulative! You could lower it.


i beat the game. got these trophies at the end.

  • Shadow (Silver) You completed all missions after the prologue without alerting anyone
  • Mostly Flesh and Steel (Silver) You finished the game without purchasing any supernatural powers or enhancements, besides Blink

didn't get the ghost one because i messed up in a few missions and some bodies got found.

can i still get the ghost trophy if i go back a replay those missions via the mission select? or do i need to start a new game?
Loving the consequences of high chaos. Rats and bleeders everywhere.

Dunwall doesn't deserve saving. I spare only the few good of heart and punish the rest. By the time I'm done, only the rats will remain.


Any way to improve the low res texture quality yet? At 1080p some of the textures are just blurry as hell, everything maxed on my end too.

Loving the first few hours by the way.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hahaha, nice.

I've only done a couple of missions, but it's shaping up to look like the non-lethal takedowns are far worse than just straight up killing the motherfuckers. I get a dark glee out of it.
Of course they are. You're an assassin. The sheer joyous variety of ways to kill people is baked right into the game, and you have to resist if you want to play that way.

Well, for the most part.

Judge with the heart. When bloodlust consumes you, a guilty soul will not be hard to find.


Possession II or Bend Time II? I can't decide.

Already have:
Possession I
Bend time I
Dark Vision II
Blink II
Agility II
Of course they are. You're an assassin. The sheer joyous variety of ways to kill people is baked right into the game, and you have to resist if you want to play that way.

Well, for the most part.

Judge with the heart. When bloodlust consumes you, a guilty soul will not be hard to find.

Well, right now, it seems that non-lethal ways to take down targets are sorta dropped into your laps. I wanted to kill
The Overseer and The Pendletons
, but I got a sadistic glee out of
Branding the Overseer and having the Pendleton's tongues cut out.
I've killed a few people (offed two assassins that popped up in front of me, a few of the Bottle Street Gang and a few guards), but I'm trying to stick to non-lethal as much as I can, but if it's unavoidable... well, if he dies, he dies.

I love that you can Blink right in front of a dude and just slash his throat. So simple. So badass.

I have a feeling that my kill total is going to grow exponentially high as I go along further in the game.
is my next target. This ought to be fun.


After alerting a guard and getting into a sword fight which ended in me decapitating him, I decided I'm not going to worry too much about a no-kill ghost run. Maybe for the next playthrough.

7he Talon

I've been thinking about picking this game up. Is it really as good as people make it out to be?

(Side note: I know little to nothing about this game, apart from a E3 demo I watched.)


I rented this from Redbox because the OP was really good, but I'm really not feeling it much.

The way the OP described it this game sounded much more open and fluid, and lets you choose between action and stealth. But when I actually play it, the game feels way more stealth oriented. If you get discovered you get fucked pretty hard pretty quickly, and you either have to reload your save or slog through the combat, probably wasting a valuable health potion in the process. Not to mention that the game very actively encourages stealth by telling you that more fatalities will lead to a darker ending, and listing No Kill/No Detection runs on your mission summary. I've tried playing stealthily and non-lethally, but when shit hits the fan and an area goes into lockdown I just start killing mofos rather than trying to escape or whatever.

It feels very like a very PC-oriented game design, where you're supposed to be frequently doing quicksaves and quickloads. The problem is that on the 360 the saving and loading process is not very quick at all. I'm also pretty astounded by the lack of a lot of autosave points. You'd think that acquiring a Rune or spending a Rune on some ability would trigger an AutoSave....but several times I've deftly navigated my way to a Rune, then continued onward....only to die and discover that my last save was long before I found the Rune.

I am coming from games like Mark of The Ninja (which has unforgiving stealth but a good checkpoint system and very quick load times) and Assassin's Creed (which has more forgiving stealth and a much more sprawling seamless world). Compared to titles like these, Dishonored feels very archaic. It seems like it could have been made a couple years after Thief 3, which had aspirations towards being an open-world/semi-RPG game that were ultimately hobbled by load times and a very segmented city. Modern stealth games seem very fluid and smooth, whereas this feels really kinda clunky and deliberate. For the people complaining that Splinter Cell: Blacklist isn't at all like Chaos Theory, this game would seem like a great choice.

All that said, I'm only a few missions in (just got done with the Golden Cat brothel). I'm curious if combat becomes more of an option once you've upgraded skills a bit.

It also seems weird that they give you a mission summary but (as far as I can tell) no overall grade. Is there any actual bonus to being more stealthy and doing more sidequests? It seems that sometimes the sidequests reward you with Runes and additional mission options (the gang leader I helped offered to give me a non-lethal way to get rid of my assassination target).

I've been thinking about picking this game up. Is it really as good as people make it out to be?

(Side note: I know little to nothing about this game, apart from a E3 demo I watched.)

I'd say a rental is at least in order (see above post). Redbox has copies of the game nationwide, if you aren't on Gamefly or near a Blockbuster.


It also seems weird that they give you a mission summary but (as far as I can tell) no overall grade. Is there any actual bonus to being more stealthy and doing more sidequests?

Achievements, runes, less chaos, more fun.

As for your other comments, the game gives you all sorts of tools to handle combat situations and it's a lot more interesting to deal with your mistakes than to resort to quickloads. I guess I disagree with your conclusion that this kind of combat is dull.


Doing a no-kill run is getting more challenging. It took me quite some time to finally find a way to do away with mission 5 non-lethally and it was most certainly not apparent like in other missions (not a real big spoiler)
mingling with the party guests and extreme patience proved worthwhile at the Boyle costume party


The Cryptarch's Bane
Achievements, runes, less chaos, more fun.

As for your other comments, the game gives you all sorts of tools to handle combat situations and it's a lot more interesting to deal with your mistakes than to resort to quickloads.
I'd have been fine with them not even including the feature until you beat the game once.


Anyone have any idea what causes this?

yeah that happened to me earlier today I was changing some stuff in the eninge.ini file... and changed this...
TEXTUREGROUP_World=(MinLODSize=1024,MaxLODSize=409 6,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_WorldNormalMap=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLOD Size=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_WorldSpecular=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLODS ize=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Character=(MinLODSize=1024,MaxLODSize =4096,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterNormalMap=(MinLODSize=256,Ma xLODSize=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterSpecular=(MinLODSize=256,Max LODSize=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Weapon=(MinLODSize=1024,MaxLODSize=40 96,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponNormalMap=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLO DSize=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponSpecular=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLOD Size=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Vehicle=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize=40 96,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleNormalMap=(MinLODSize=512,MaxL ODSize=1024,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleSpecular=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLO DSize=1024,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Cinematic=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLODSize= 4096,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Effects=(MinLODSize=128,MaxLODSize=51 2,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_EffectsNotFiltered=(MinLODSize=1,MaxL ODSize=4096,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter =linear)
TEXTUREGROUP_Skybox=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize=409 6,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_UI=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize=1024,LO DBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Lightmap=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize=4 096,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Shadowmap=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize= 4096,LODBias=0,NumStreamedMips=3)
TEXTUREGROUP_RenderTarget=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize =4096,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_MobileFlattened=(MinLODSize=8,MaxLODS ize=512,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_ProcBuilding_Face=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLO DSize=2048LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=l inear)
TEXTUREGROUP_ProcBuilding_LightMap=(MinLODSize=1,M axLODSize=1024,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFil ter=linear)
TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Heightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLO DSize=4096,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter= linear)
TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Weightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLO DSize=4096,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter= linear)
look here and change what you need... if you didn't change anything not sure... I just reverted back the the original and it was fixed.. the other shadow options didn't mess anything else up.
here 's the link


just activated infinite mana for infinite blink (FUCK WAITING FOR IT TO RECHARGE TO BLINK AGAIN) with a trainer for my second playthrough aw yeah


The way the OP described it this game sounded much more open and fluid, and lets you choose between action and stealth. But when I actually play it, the game feels way more stealth oriented. If you get discovered you get fucked pretty hard pretty quickly, and you either have to reload your save or slog through the combat, probably wasting a valuable health potion in the process. Not to mention that the game very actively encourages stealth by telling you that more fatalities will lead to a darker ending, and listing No Kill/No Detection runs on your mission summary. I've tried playing stealthily and non-lethally, but when shit hits the fan and an area goes into lockdown I just start killing mofos rather than trying to escape or whatever.


All that said, I'm only a few missions in (just got done with the Golden Cat brothel). I'm curious if combat becomes more of an option once you've upgraded skills a bit.
I think it's interesting that you feel this way because I actually think the total opposite. Dishonored has exceeded my expectations in terms of the viability of an offensive approach. I'm used to stealth games where it's basically a game-over if you get detected, so being able to rip things to shreds with all kinds of abilities and swordplay is refreshing.

Upgrades do help with the combat, I guess, but this is something I noticed even early on without much of anything.

I do agree that stealth is encouraged with the chaos stuff, mission complete checkboxes, and achievements, though.


As for your other comments, the game gives you all sorts of tools to handle combat situations and it's a lot more interesting to deal with your mistakes than to resort to quickloads. I guess I disagree with your conclusion that this kind of combat is dull.

Well, the game doesn't seem to want me to kill anybody, and once you're discovered your options are pretty much limited to killing dudes (and wasting health potions) or running away and waiting for the alarm to die down.

That's kind of my major problem with stealth games like this though. I don't want to run away and wait for the alarm to die down and then try again from square one. That takes forever, as compared to just letting them cut you down and loading your last QuickSave. On top of that, if you run away you still have the detection noted in your mission summary, so it's not as if there's any reward to fleeing.

I think the combat is not really great enough to play it like a straight action game, or even like a stealthy action game. I think it's mainly the economy/RPG elements that hurt this as well - I don't feel like I should be spending my hard earned money on health potions all the time. I want to play it stealthily only because then I can spend my money on actual character upgrades rather than just patching my damage up or buying more ammo to murder dudes at range. Perhaps there's a point (as in Assassin's Creed 2) where money doesn't become an issue at all. But at this moment it feels like the game heavily favors stealth.....and the stealth is just really unforgiving due to how hard enemies hit and how long it takes to load saves or wait for alarms to die down.


I'd be in the dick
A few questions. I've only finished the first real mission so no spoilers if they would be pertinent to the answers.

Does the prison ranking count toward the overall chaos rating? Most of the trophies exclude the prison when going for no kill/ghost runs so I didn't know if chaos counted or not. I had high chaos on that one but low on the first assassination mission. Also, when the chaos tutorial popped up it said that high numbers of deaths have an impact on the city but despite getting a lot of kills I still had low chaos at the end. I assume the ranking at the end of a mission is the only thing that really matters, right?

Could someone explain to me how exactly I completed one of the side missions in the first assassination mission? I got the completed message without doing anything.
It was the optional objective to save one of the female loyalists' uncle. I went into the room they were meeting in through the window and then a bunch of overseers immediately ran out. I thought I got spotted but they completely ignored me. Him and the High Overseer never even came in the room. There was also something about poisoning a bottle but I wanted to do the nonlethal elimination. Did I take out the guard that was supposed to poison it or something?


The Cryptarch's Bane
A few questions. I've only finished the first real mission so no spoilers if they would be pertinent to the answers.

Does the prison ranking count toward the overall chaos rating? Most of the trophies exclude the prison when going for no kill/ghost runs so I didn't know if chaos counted or not. I had high chaos on that one but low on the first assassination mission. Also, when the chaos tutorial popped up it said that high numbers of deaths have an impact on the city but despite getting a lot of kills I still had low chaos at the end. I assume the ranking at the end of a mission is the only thing that really matters, right?

Could someone explain to me how exactly I completed one of the side missions in the first assassination mission? I got the completed message without doing anything.
It was the optional objective to save one of the female loyalists' uncle. I went into the room they were meeting in through the window and then a bunch of overseers immediately ran out. I thought I got spotted but they completely ignored me. Him and the High Overseer never even came in the room. There was also something about poisoning a bottle but I wanted to do the nonlethal elimination. Did I take out the guard that was supposed to poison it or something?
Campbell was planning to kill Curnow. You saved him by accident by alerting the overseers somehow; Campbell was planning to poison him or kill him himself.


I'd be in the dick
Campbell was planning to kill Curnow. You saved him by accident by alerting the overseers somehow; Campbell was planning to poison him or kill him himself.

I knew the details but thought I had to do something else. Maybe they found a body or something. It just seemed really weird timing the way it played out.


I knew the details but thought I had to do something else. Maybe they found a body or something. It just seemed really weird timing the way it played out.

They way you described them reacting is exactly what happened when they found a body I had earlier failed to hide.


What time is it?
Not sure how but I managed to kill someone during a mission. Can you accidentally kill someone after you've knocked them out? :(


The Cryptarch's Bane
Not sure how but I managed to kill someone during a mission. Can you accidentally kill someone after you've knocked them out? :(
Sure :( Dropping them from too high and snapping their neck, letting them drown in water, accidentally stabbing them five times...

Took over an hour but I got downsampling working on my new ATI card. Wonky solution but really looks great, ultimately worth it (right click->open in new tab for full size):


What time is it?
The only thing I can think of is that I knocked out some guys on the stairs and they tend to roll down them after you let them go. Is there a way to tell during a mission your lethality? Oh well, my non-lethal run will have to be an almost non-lethal run.


So I'm roughly 7.4 hours into this so far and I haven't even cleared the first real mission. To say I like the game would be to make a colossal understatement, I could be doing anything in particular in this world and still enjoy myself (and I have, down to tearing apart a dim sewer for over an hour looking for safe combinations). I've tried to get a little taste of everything: stealth, out and out combat, clambering up the sides of buildings and stealing across the rooftops, setting "clever" traps that have about a 50/50 chance of backfiring on me or being not as fatal as I'd hoped, etc.

Some additional thoughts:

  • Love the setting. Despite a lot of sensibilities elsewhere seen in games like Half-Life 2 and Bioshock, Dishonored's setting really strives and succeeds to be unique and memorable. Dunwall's entrenched maritime and whaling tradition washes into everything from literature, journals, politics, energy, and even to the machining of each piece of equipment you employ in the field. Happy to see it also inform the stylings of various staples, such as the batteries that power gates to keep rats (and the player) out.
  • Plague is well-trodden ground, but I'm thrilled with how they brought it into the game. Distracting rats with corpses (or covering them up by this means), whilst maccabre, is an ingenious conceit that makes the plague a foreground element in the player's experience, and not merely background detail thrown in for flavor.
  • I'm not very stealth-literate as a player, but I must say I'm enjoying myself trying to sneak through as much as I can, though inevitably bad things happen and I find myself hiding or destroying a pile of bodies after a fight I had meant to avoid (or walk away from with one stealth kill, but I flubbed it). In any case, such failures have been the root of some fascinatingly messy ad hoc engagements, and the game seems flexible enough to accommodate an imperfect sneak such as myself. Between my arms, my other arms, blink, dark vision and other powers, I have enough to get by even when things go horribly wrong.
  • Blink, ahhhh, blink. This may be one of my favourite elements of the game right now, if only for the fact it plays into my already firmly established "go everywhere, see everything, climb everything" tendencies. Zipping around on rooftops and perching far above the streets to watch all movements below, like some kind of gargoyle Batman... that's its own reward.
  • Love how extensive even straightforward maps can be. My mind boggles at the sort of player who would rush through this game and set it down after 6 hours, having missed so much of this world and what it has to offer. Nothing short of tragic.
  • Have gotten a kick out of some of the NPC interactions: guards and civilians crushing rats underfoot, thugs getting into drunken brawls with each other, and civilians (quite logically) freaking the fuck out when I pass them by with a freshly bloodied corpse hanging over my shoulder.
  • I'd like to marry whoever it was that made this possible: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=102407205
  • Speaking traps, my most clever variation thus far has been to seed a ton of razor, uh, mines around a wall of light's battery station, before pulling the plug and retreating to a safe distance to watch the fireworks. It had the intended effects, that of dropping the wall and bringing out the guards to investigate, but my razor placement was much less than ideal. I scored no fatal hits on any of the mines, and they proceeded to chase me back the way I came. I very nearly died, but put the first two to death and the last to flight. Hearing him hollering for help and generally making a ruckus, I pursued and quickly tracked him down again. First guard I've decapitated, though much like a lot of surprising moments in this game, it was entirely unintentional.
  • Oh, and I have to say I don't miss any of the objectives markers or the like, much prefer to find my own way and build a map of the world in my head.
has anyone used the following items in the game.

void channel
white rat feast
gutter feast

they came with the limited edition I bought and I'm unsure as to whether they will make the game too easy or if they are overpowered.

should I delete the dlc and start without those items available?


Not sure how but I managed to kill someone during a mission. Can you accidentally kill someone after you've knocked them out? :(
Drown them, hit them or possibly throw them down a big fall. Fairly realistic.

+ Great Deus Ex and Bioshock vibes
+ Brilliant music
+ Lovely art style
+ Interesting story
+ Awesome locations
+ Lots of choices and options
+ Awesome powers
+ Fun combat

- Enemies sometimes don't see you if you walk in front of them but from slightly further away. It makes the game less annoying but more unrealistic
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