spoiler fail :-[
oh well, I suppose I had my reasons to suspect that
Nah I know, no hard feelings. Just wrong place at the wrong timeSorry, I fixed it as fast as I could.
<giant pic>
Ummm.... it begins. Just a matter of time until we start seeing Corvo cosplay.
What the hell is that guy saying whenever you first enter Dark Vision?
It's cumulative! You could lower it.So, on my second playthrough I'm trying to get the highest chaos I can to get a crap ending (since I already got the low chaos ending).
By the end of the prison escape, I had high chaos. Well, that was quick.
actually I admit that would be a pretty cool tattoo.I LEWV DIS GAME TEW MUCH
Of course they are. You're an assassin. The sheer joyous variety of ways to kill people is baked right into the game, and you have to resist if you want to play that way.Hahaha, nice.
I've only done a couple of missions, but it's shaping up to look like the non-lethal takedowns are far worse than just straight up killing the motherfuckers. I get a dark glee out of it.
Of course they are. You're an assassin. The sheer joyous variety of ways to kill people is baked right into the game, and you have to resist if you want to play that way.
Well, for the most part.
Judge with the heart. When bloodlust consumes you, a guilty soul will not be hard to find.
I've been thinking about picking this game up. Is it really as good as people make it out to be?
(Side note: I know little to nothing about this game, apart from a E3 demo I watched.)
It also seems weird that they give you a mission summary but (as far as I can tell) no overall grade. Is there any actual bonus to being more stealthy and doing more sidequests?
I'd have been fine with them not even including the feature until you beat the game once.Achievements, runes, less chaos, more fun.
As for your other comments, the game gives you all sorts of tools to handle combat situations and it's a lot more interesting to deal with your mistakes than to resort to quickloads.
Anyone have any idea what causes this?
look here and change what you need... if you didn't change anything not sure... I just reverted back the the original and it was fixed.. the other shadow options didn't mess anything else up.TEXTUREGROUP_World=(MinLODSize=1024,MaxLODSize=409 6,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_WorldNormalMap=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLOD Size=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_WorldSpecular=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLODS ize=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Character=(MinLODSize=1024,MaxLODSize =4096,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterNormalMap=(MinLODSize=256,Ma xLODSize=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_CharacterSpecular=(MinLODSize=256,Max LODSize=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Weapon=(MinLODSize=1024,MaxLODSize=40 96,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponNormalMap=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLO DSize=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_WeaponSpecular=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLOD Size=2048,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Vehicle=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize=40 96,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleNormalMap=(MinLODSize=512,MaxL ODSize=1024,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_VehicleSpecular=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLO DSize=1024,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Cinematic=(MinLODSize=256,MaxLODSize= 4096,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Effects=(MinLODSize=128,MaxLODSize=51 2,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_EffectsNotFiltered=(MinLODSize=1,MaxL ODSize=4096,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter =linear)
TEXTUREGROUP_Skybox=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize=409 6,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_UI=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize=1024,LO DBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Lightmap=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize=4 096,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_Shadowmap=(MinLODSize=512,MaxLODSize= 4096,LODBias=0,NumStreamedMips=3)
TEXTUREGROUP_RenderTarget=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLODSize =4096,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_MobileFlattened=(MinLODSize=8,MaxLODS ize=512,LODBias=0)
TEXTUREGROUP_ProcBuilding_Face=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLO DSize=2048LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter=l inear)
TEXTUREGROUP_ProcBuilding_LightMap=(MinLODSize=1,M axLODSize=1024,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFil ter=linear)
TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Heightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLO DSize=4096,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter= linear)
TEXTUREGROUP_Terrain_Weightmap=(MinLODSize=1,MaxLO DSize=4096,LODBias=0,MinMagFilter=aniso,MipFilter= linear)
I think it's interesting that you feel this way because I actually think the total opposite. Dishonored has exceeded my expectations in terms of the viability of an offensive approach. I'm used to stealth games where it's basically a game-over if you get detected, so being able to rip things to shreds with all kinds of abilities and swordplay is refreshing.The way the OP described it this game sounded much more open and fluid, and lets you choose between action and stealth. But when I actually play it, the game feels way more stealth oriented. If you get discovered you get fucked pretty hard pretty quickly, and you either have to reload your save or slog through the combat, probably wasting a valuable health potion in the process. Not to mention that the game very actively encourages stealth by telling you that more fatalities will lead to a darker ending, and listing No Kill/No Detection runs on your mission summary. I've tried playing stealthily and non-lethally, but when shit hits the fan and an area goes into lockdown I just start killing mofos rather than trying to escape or whatever.
All that said, I'm only a few missions in (just got done with the Golden Cat brothel). I'm curious if combat becomes more of an option once you've upgraded skills a bit.
As for your other comments, the game gives you all sorts of tools to handle combat situations and it's a lot more interesting to deal with your mistakes than to resort to quickloads. I guess I disagree with your conclusion that this kind of combat is dull.
When I replay a mission do I get to use the powers I've collected in subsequent missions?
just activated infinite mana for infinite blink (FUCK WAITING FOR IT TO RECHARGE TO BLINK AGAIN) with a trainer for my second playthrough aw yeah
He's cheating.Wait what
A few questions. I've only finished the first real mission so no spoilers if they would be pertinent to the answers.
Does the prison ranking count toward the overall chaos rating? Most of the trophies exclude the prison when going for no kill/ghost runs so I didn't know if chaos counted or not. I had high chaos on that one but low on the first assassination mission. Also, when the chaos tutorial popped up it said that high numbers of deaths have an impact on the city but despite getting a lot of kills I still had low chaos at the end. I assume the ranking at the end of a mission is the only thing that really matters, right?
Could someone explain to me how exactly I completed one of the side missions in the first assassination mission? I got the completed message without doing anything.It was the optional objective to save one of the female loyalists' uncle. I went into the room they were meeting in through the window and then a bunch of overseers immediately ran out. I thought I got spotted but they completely ignored me. Him and the High Overseer never even came in the room. There was also something about poisoning a bottle but I wanted to do the nonlethal elimination. Did I take out the guard that was supposed to poison it or something?
Campbell was planning to kill Curnow. You saved him by accident by alerting the overseers somehow; Campbell was planning to poison him or kill him himself.
I knew the details but thought I had to do something else. Maybe they found a body or something. It just seemed really weird timing the way it played out.
SureNot sure how but I managed to kill someone during a mission. Can you accidentally kill someone after you've knocked them out?![]()
how to fight rat packs?
how to fight rat packs?
It IS funny how useful they are for rats versus people. Especially if you're trying to be stealthy.Grenades. Splat.
Drown them, hit them or possibly throw them down a big fall. Fairly realistic.Not sure how but I managed to kill someone during a mission. Can you accidentally kill someone after you've knocked them out?![]()