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Disney’s Frozen [OT] – They Pulled Another Tangled!


Disney never failing to impress! I need that soundtrack asap if not purely for For the First Time in Forever.


I actually did not like this as much as Tangled.

The musical sequences were just not very memorable to me--and some of the rhymes were actually pretty annoying or tropey in a way that I did not like. (I think it's a difference of taste. While some people would find it clever, I thought it was uhm.. cliche or cringe-worthy). Let It Go was my favourite song in the movie overall, but Do you Want to Build a Snowman was also cute and sad (just maybe too many non-melodic elements wedged in).

I also felt like a big disappointment was that I really did not click with Anna's design, especially costume-wise. And the scenery.. I don't know. It was bland. I felt there was something lacking in the snow and ice crystal stuff. Like I expected something much more spectacular and sparkly and magical, but it just.. fell short. (I also don't like Olaf or the trolls much and their songs sucked lol)

However, I really liked the twist in the movie and the sister bond did evoke emotions in me, which I appreciated. I wish they also could have have more time with Elsa as well.

I guess this movie would be a 7.7-8/10 for me while Tangled was a 8.5. Perhaps it was the lack of colour that really did it in. lol
Disney never failing to impress! I need that soundtrack asap if not purely for For the First Time in Forever.

LOL. That's exactly how I feel, Gaston.

I feel like I'm the only one who didn't actually like the opening short. I knew what they were going for, and I can't deny that it was technically gorgeous (and recognized it as the oblique farewall to 'old school Disney' that it was), but it just felt like it was wearing out its' welcome. Felt two or three minutes too long.

I actually agree, I felt it was a few minutes too long too. What they were doing was accomplished earlier in the short and it dragged a bit. It was still awesome though.
Just watched this tonight. I loved Anna and ended up loving Olaf. I was worried I would hate him into oblivion.

The two biggest mistakes this movie makes are

1)that it has no pageantry in the setting and no room to breathe between set pieces. Norway and it's intricacies get lost amidst the rushing from one scene to the next and Norway ends up as a drive through add on to the story.

2) the ending is resolved too quickly with no struggle.

I liked it but didn't love it. I really loved olaf's song.
I love Anna's design, and her main contuse was just felt weird how it was like
There it is, thrown in the corner of our little store.
I especially love the Disney World version of the costume, even down to the cute A on the back of her boots!
Just saw this with family. I never saw Tangled so I can't compare -- and in fact I don't think I've seen a Disney animated movie since Hunchback -- but this was just a gorgeous and heartwarming film that actually made me remember what Disney animation is supposed to be. The dynamic between the sisters works really well (though Elsa's character could be fleshed out a little more) and they're animated beautifully. Olaf was great (never saw the trailer so I had no expectations going in), and the musical numbers were great showpieces both for the animation and the emotions (though personally I would prefer orchestral arrangements than more poppy songs). Loved the subverting of tropes.

It really didn't need the villain who has all of five minutes (I rolled my eyes at his introductory line about "looking for resources to exploit"--I know Disney movies aren't subtle but come on). And I agree the ending felt rushed. Still, I can see why people are saying Disney is having a resurgence.
Heh......it's amusing to see pretty much everyone doing a complete 180 on Olaf. Saw it coming a mile away.

Hopefully after Tangled and now Frozen people won't be so harsh to judge before they see a Disney movie.


Just got back from it. It had a number of slow scenes, but it was good overall with catchy songs and nice bits of humor.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Pretty standard Disney fairy tale with nice song. Beginning felt like it rushed itself too much to get to the breakdown. Its was fun but nothing amazing, outside of the ice and crystal animation.

Also was geniunely surprised Olaf was decent. Touche, Disney.


I have a question, how much focus is there on the 'comedy' moments?

Worried from trailers (especially English ones), that they're trying too hard to be funny.
Heh......it's amusing to see pretty much everyone doing a complete 180 on Olaf. Saw it coming a mile away.

Hopefully after Tangled and now Frozen people won't be so harsh to judge before they see a Disney movie.

It was great to see him take over the theatre with laughter. I agree, way too many were quick to dismiss him. Such a fun character, my 4 year old niece wants an Olaf plushie now :D

Still won't compare this and Tangled, both are great. I'm going to see this either Monday or Wednesday again, and I can't wait.


I have a question, how much focus is there on the 'comedy' moments?

Worried from trailers (especially English ones), that they're trying too hard to be funny.

I haven't seen the movie, but that was absolutely the case with the horrible Tangled trailers, too.
The film was much better.
I just watched this tonight, didn't like it that much. I was not a fan of Tangled either. Yes, I am dead inside. :p

I just cannot get into these movies because they all have very similar themes. Too much slapstick (the snowman just would not shut up) and too much singing (yes, I am one of those people). Too many movies with the similar theme of being a misfit and then the happily ever after ending, just too much of the same for me. I just do not like animated films like this because they are too normal. Though putting everything else aside, the animation was topnotch as always.

Give me more Pixar (not like Brave, which felt less like your classic Pixar films) and Studio Ghibli or even How to Train Your Dragon please. I want animation with good stories and more subtle human elements and with less reliance on haha jokes and singing.

Maybe I just really don't like princess and prince characters. :/
Besides Aladdin I cannot recall liking any of them.


I took my gf to see this last night. She's REALLY into Disney and all kinds of animated films. I can only appreciate them for the art, nothing else. Anyway she liked it, except she felt there were too many songs and that Anna (sp?) was too plucky and a bit annoying.
We both agree that it was smart to use the love between sisters, at the end, instead of the cliché man's kiss
Olaf was actually funny. Not annoying or over bearing. He was legitimately funny and on point.

For me, I was dissatisfied with the art. Since the overall visual theme is ice and winter, I wanted a bit more detail. Something more grandiose. I wanted over the top and for the artists to have gone ape shit with the wintery effects.
The ice palace could have been more epic
. Environmental design is really important for me, especially in films. The art was, for lack of better terms, too simple, too modest and a bit sterile.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
2) the ending is resolved too quickly with no struggle.
The struggle was always the sisters'. The "villains" were just window dressing. It actually took me through the second time seeing it that the villains were just a tool to get the sisters to beat their real demons.

So un-Disney-like for a Disney movie. But in an amazing way. When people talk about it moving Disney forward... They are really back in the lead again for mainstream animated storytelling between their last three movies. Something 10 years ago I would have never thought (chalking Emperor's New Groove and Lilo and Stitch up to one off flukes).

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Finally watched it. Avoiding the OT until I watched it.

Really loved it. One of the best princess movies out there. I love how they even suckerpunch you on some aspects that you'd expect on a princess movie. And them plot twists!

But what I love most is how it's focus really on sisters. Even
true love
is wonderfully done. And that final sequence where
the blizzard stops is wonderful because it shows that Elsa realizes how much she loves her sister, even prior to "melting" her

With that said I only have two gripes.
1 - The pacing early on was rather... weird. Two songs overlap each other (the door song which is a grow-up montage followed by Open The Doors). It kinda ruined the pacing a bit but otherwise is good.

2 - Just a nitpick, but at the finale.
The way they handled how she finally controlled her powers. Like, Elsa's suddenly "d'oh! love! of course!"
I mean sure,
the blizzard stopping is a sign, but I thought they needed more work on that

Apparently there are people angry at how people speak in this movie. "They speak modern-like" apparently. Which is weird because there's no such thing as "medieval fantasy English".

Oh yeah and the Mickey short >>>>>>> Paperman. Just superb. You want good animation short with no bullshit about plot? There, bam. Mickey does it.
Heh......it's amusing to see pretty much everyone doing a complete 180 on Olaf. Saw it coming a mile away.

Hopefully after Tangled and now Frozen people won't be so harsh to judge before they see a Disney movie.

What we've learned is that whoever cuts Disney's trailers needs to be fired

The struggle was always the sisters'. The "villains" were just window dressing. It actually took me through the second time seeing it that the villains were just a tool to get the sisters to beat their real demons.

So un-Disney-like for a Disney movie. But in an amazing way. When people talk about it moving Disney forward... They are really back in the lead again for mainstream animated storytelling between their last three movies. Something 10 years ago I would have never thought (chalking Emperor's New Groove and Lilo and Stitch up to one off flukes).

I'm talking about Elsa's struggle that we experience through the whole movie.
my gf made a good point that her realization moment of being able to melt the snow should have been a discovery out of accident. As it was in the movie it was 'oh yeah, love.' Everything's hunky dory. After the long ordeal we've been through it is a cheap ending. I'm not even talking about the antagonist.
Film is on track to be Disney's biggest financial success since The Lion King. Marketing may well have worked out.

That's a scary thought.
It succeeded in spite of it. I almost didn't see Frozen because the trailers were that bad.

....but I remembered I almost didn't see Tangled either for the same reason and ended up loving it.

Word of mouth and glowing reviews sold this movie

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
tbqh they were only damaged due to the DtV sequels, and even then they were handled by the cartoon studio rather than their movie animation studio.

Their only real flunk were Dinosaur and Home on the Range.


tbqh they were only damaged due to the DtV sequels, and even then they were handled by the cartoon studio rather than their movie animation studio.

Their only real flunk were Dinosaur and Home on the Range.

Yeah, but the layman might not know the difference. That, and WDAS often have to suffer for the many sins of the parent company. Such as the Disney Princess marketing. WDAS has now been irretrievably linked to princesses, many assuming that those sorts of films are all they do and that they are all alike. My fear is that this mentality may even have seeped into the studio itself, there have been 4 new princesses since 09, 5 if Merida is counted.

The Disney Princess marketing also makes the characters look really bad.

And it's this sort of thing that leads to these so called 'Disney Princess' films receiving increased scrutiny. Fortunately, the controversy didn't spread here but for months, there were many, many accusations of the film being sexist and racist.

Surprised that you didn't count Chicken Little amongst the failures.


You know what I am excited (and hopeful) about? Seeing Tangled, WiR, and Frozen in Kingdom Hearts. Frozen will be a fun world to play in!
BTW The store in the movie... toatlly Zelda type, even the seller and background music. We were really surprised when we thought all the same thing while watching it. Dont know if its done in purpose though.
After Tangled and Frozen they need to do a hero movie, ala Aladdin or Hercules, although Ralph could be the hero movie of this era.
EDIT lol, seems the next movie is called Big Hero 6.

why is everyone white, blonde, and blue eyes? You'd think they'd try for a little bit more...diversity

Because its based in Nordic culture. The went out with background characters giving them more diversity though, so thats that.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
The songs are more memorable than Tangled in my opinion.

I kinda liked this movie more than Tangled though.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I'm talking about Elsa's struggle that we experience through the whole movie.
my gf made a good point that her realization moment of being able to melt the snow should have been a discovery out of accident. As it was in the movie it was 'oh yeah, love.' Everything's hunky dory. After the long ordeal we've been through it is a cheap ending. I'm not even talking about the antagonist.
Ummm... It was accident. Purely and 100%. Not quite sure what you're saying here. There was no "Oh hey this is how I do it!!" More like "So that happened. Who knew?"

I mean I agree with you on how it should have been.. Just not sure how we're not agreeing that's how it was.
Their kingdom seemed heavily based on Nordic countries. I'm assuming they're not very diverse, even in modern times.
To such a startling degree that there is even a small bit of racism still left in those countries unfortunately, yes. A bunch of blonde haired blue eyed people surrounded by water and Russia. (My heritage is 25% Swedish and 25% Norwegian)
Ummm... It was accident. Purely and 100%. Not quite sure what you're saying here. There was no "Oh hey this is how I do it!!" More like "So that happened. Who knew?"

I mean I agree with you on how it should have been.. Just not sure how we're not agreeing that's how it was.

To such a startling degree that there is even a small bit of racism still left in those countries unfortunately, yes. A bunch of blonde haired blue eyed people surrounded by water and Russia. (My heritage is 25% Swedish and 25% Norwegian)

Yeah I didn't get that but I'll be watching it again so I'll look for it to play that way next time.
I saw this today.

And what a wonderful, wonderful surprise it was.

The reviews that say it could have well been a Disney Renaissance film were on point.

Came in not knowing what to expect.

I found myself holding my breath when "Do You Want to Build a Snowman?" started.

For me, that was a strong, strong signal the film would be great.

That part going back-to-back with "For the First Time in Forever" almost had me tearing up.

How several scenes transitioned into a song number was so seamless I felt like watching a Broadway.

The "Let It Go" segment, for me, will go down to be an iconic Disney film moment. It's up there with Little Mermaid's "Part of Your World," "A Whole New World" and "Colors of the Wind."

And this film had so many beautiful, beautiful moments. And funny ones too.

Olaf (?), from the trailers, seemed really annoying. By the end of the film, he was actually endearing. And his "In Summer" segment was pretty great.

Yeah, looking back, I felt giddy for most part of the film. I'm 23. It's how I felt as a kid watching Disney films.
I just watched this a yesterday.

Mickey short:
From a technical and visual stand point. I thought it was fantastic. But when it came to story presentation, it just failed. Maybe I'm being too harsh and have been spoiled by Pixar shorts.

I went in looking forward to come out blown away with songs stuck in my head as with previous Disney animated movies. Unfortunately, it did not happen. Not saying it was terrible. It was just alright, definitely a step up from Tangled. But in no way musically memorable nor fulfilling as Beauty and the Beast or The Lion King (as critics keep comparing). It definitely had some heart in it. But I guess the overall execution of the story didn't feel... complete.
Again, I think I might be too harsh on it after holding Up and Wall-E as the cream of animated movies of the past 10 years.
Back to Frozen. The animation looked great and the most stand out song, IMO, was First Time In Forever. Better than Wreck It Ralph though? I don't think so, Tim.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
With that said, the singing voices are more... distracting? It's fine with Anna but it's kinda audible when the voice changes to a singer's voice in Elsa.

Cat Party

It's funny. I'm rarely moved by Pixar movies. They are so heavy handed to me. But the recent run of Disney movies has really brought the feels hard. The struggles the characters go through in Frozen, Tangled, Wreck it Ralph, etc., are much more relatable.

So of course, I thought Frozen was incredible. Anna was maybe a little too much like Rapunzel, where her only character flaw was naiveté, but that allowed the story to be more about Elsa.
The songs are more memorable than Tangled in my opinion

Really can't agree, with the exception of "Let it go" which was absolutely exceptional. Even then I'd put Let it Go right there with "See the Light"

Also, thanks to this thread, I knew to
Look out for Rapunzel at the coronation!
otherwise would have missed her "D
Wait, the cast sung the songs this time? I always thought they have a separate voice actors for singers, as in the case since Aladdin.

Idina's no surprise, especially as they already had her in Enchanted recently. She's got normal speaking voice and one volume of singing which is BOOM Wicked voice. lol

I was just surprised that Kristen Bell did the singing, didn't know she had it in her, but it was very pleasant
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