Holy shit the French version is fantastic
Kind of weird with the "na na"s in the background at the end. It's a solitary number.
Holy shit the French version is fantastic
Ideally, a sequel should only exist if there are still loose ends to be wrapped up in the story, this is not the case for Tangled. Neither does the setting really merit further exploration, beautiful as it is, Tangled is basically set in generic fantasyland. The one special element is Rapunzel's magical hair, which has been lost at the end of the film.
For movies such as The Incredibles, Cars, Wreck-it-Ralph, Rise of the Guardians etc, you could argue that the premise is unique enough that it would be worth doing a sequel to explore the world further, I don't see how what more can be done with the world of Tangled. The lore of the film serves the story well enough but is not nearly interesting enough to deserve further stories based on it.
None of this is a knock on Tangled's quality, just why I don't feel it especially doesn't need a follow-up.
Frozen is a world where more stories could be told I think.
Wow, you sat in the front row? Good to hear that was good though
The Olaf scene you loved was itwe laughed really loud at the part. lolI don't have a skull...or bones!and the puddle joke during the song.
Frozen is a world where more stories could be told I think.
I was listening to the Frozen soundtrack and really tried to give the Demi Lovato version a go but it's just awful compared to the original.
Hate that it's on the OST, luckily via the magic of Google Music I can remove it.
YES! Exactly that part, the first bits made me laugh and then the song made me laugh hard and THEN the puddle joke made me cry laughing. So good. I want to see it again, not something that often happens for me with films.
EDIT: And the Big Summer Blowout scene set me off too, that winter range. Hoo-hoo!
I'm guessing it's not the movie version, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9bLnTA_AsY is probably the right one.Kind of weird with the "na na"s in the background at the end. It's a solitary number.
I'm guessing it's not the movie version, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9bLnTA_AsY is probably the right one.
Saw it last night; wonderful movie.
My question which I don't know if it's been addressed in this thread:Still love the movie and really all that is fine by me, but it did puzzle me and I'm still thinking about that.So Hans turned out to be a bad guy in the end which was out of no where for me. But when he was leading that group of men to Elsa's palace he stopped Elsa from killing that one guy by talking her down. Why do that if he wanted to vilify her anyway? What better reason to have her killed than have everyone witness her murdering someone else? He had no idea what happened to Anna or that her sister did anything to her that he could blame her.
Him saving Elsa like that just made him being a bad guy even more weird for me. What was the motivation there?
More soon
When not on phone
Does anyone knowwhy Kristoff stayed back and apparently wasn't allowed passed the gates towards the end? Is it the whole "peasant/non-royal/uninvited people not allowed in here" thing, or did he just back off passed his 'obligation'?
More soon
When not on phone
Yeah I'm listening to it atm.. There's no emotion or power to it, it's really lifeless. She's just singing words off a piece of paper, like reading them, besides the chorus where she sings louder. It's like an amateur cover you'd find on YouTube.
The actual performance really put emotion into the words and the things that were sang about.
Ya, pretty much anytime someone mentions it I have it stuck in my head for the next 2 days.
We where the on ones left in the theater no one here stays for the credits.PUT YER PHONE AWAY lol
English with dutch subtitles with I do not need but are fine anyway.Do they dub the movies over there in Holland? Or is it subtitled?
So yeah..Im obsessed with Let It Go. I love it way way too much.
We where the on ones left in the theater no one here stays for the credits.
Just listened to this track myself and I really think it's something special.Listening to some of the deleted songs, specifically life is too short, I'm happy with how things turned out in the movie although the reprise would have been a nice song to have in the 2nd half of the movie.
I gotta say First time in forever is quickly growing on me as well. Its a beautiful song.
I know!!!
I was kinda meh after my first watch, then picked up the soundtracked, really liked it, and upon my second watch LOVED it.
Where she poses to the styles of the paintings is so cool!
My favourite in the film.that reprise. Good lord what a scene.
There's something most of us agree, and that's the songs in Frozen tend to grow on you even more over time. A trait also shared with many of Disney's cherished songs.
The world of colour Let it Go sounds incredible, why the fuck didn't we get that one?!
i finally rewatched Tangled, so here comes the comparison:
-Firstly, I think Tangled is the better fairytale. It's a classic Disney film fit for the modern era. Frozen is a bit unconventional, but in a good way. I really enjoy them both, but Frozen's deviation from the aforementioned formula is why I like it just a bit more
-Frozen has better songs, but Mother Knows Best and I See the Light are classic stuff. Let it Go from Frozen is my favorite of the bunch.
-Maximus has so much personality it's ridiculous. It'll be hard for a sidekick to surpass him.
-The oil on canvas look is the best part for me. Every shot is visual eye-candy. The ice and snow effects from Frozen are characters of their own though, which gives it a bit more life than the (already lively) backgrounds in Tangled.
-I think Frozen's OST (not counting songs) is much better, especially the melody from "Sorcery" that appears throughout other pieces.
-Tangled is funnier; Frozen is 'cuter'.
-Frozen is more rewatchable and slightly more enjoyable for me.
Agreeing with another comment, both films represent a return to form for Disney and I hope they continue. WDAS has made more enjoyable films than Pixar in recent years, and it doesn't look like Pixar will be back on its hot streak for a while. Keep them coming!
I'll have to disagree with posts I've seen around the internet about Disney going back to 2D animation. When CGI is done well like these two films using the painted-feeling, it's so much more visually impressive and inspiring to look at. There are also subtle emotions and shots that you just can't get close enough to with 2D.
I'm going to finally see the film today.
Hopefully I haven't hyped it up too much...
Frozen's breakout star:
After rewatching Tangled yesterday i noticed that while Tangled feels like a fairytale cartoon, then Frozen feels more like a serious dramatic movie. They even used a unique camera lens look (cinemascope or something, like in 1950's) for Frozen, so maybe that's why. This way both movies feel unique, while still sharing similarities in style.
Tangled is indeed funnier and more light-hearted, while Frozen has a bit more realistic, theatric look to it. The more i see it, the more i love it. I need to rewatch Frozen asap.
Let it Go still makes me tear up a bit everytime.