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Disney Epic Mickey |OT|


Sounds like a Spector game, kinda dodgy controls but the overall experience is worth the trouble?
Hmmm can't make my mind up about getting this or fable 3.


JimboJones said:
Sounds like a Spector game, kinda dodgy controls but the overall experience is worth the trouble?
Hmmm can't make my mind up about getting this or fable 3.
This is a better game than the mess that is Fable 3, sure it has it's misgivings (camera, control issues et al), but it is a solid game and in my opinion highly recommendable to any platform fan.


Epic Mickey get. Impulse buy but it was supposed to be a Christmas gift for me and it was roughly the same price online as I got it in store.

For a start, it's not a platform game. Not in any way, shape or form so get that notion completely out of your head.

Controls are fine, jumping feels good, IR is decent. Those reviews saying that Mickey shoots ink at his feet, jesus, they are pointing at his feet.

Camera has a C-button center which works well and you will end up using that the most. You can use the d-pad to manually turn the camera and it's perfectly functional - BUT - you cannot invert the axis of either horizontal or vertical. So if you like pressing down to tilt the camera up - you will have to get used to pressing up to make the camera go up.

Combat, is okay, functional, nothing special. You can spin attack or jump on them or shoot paint.

Puzzle solving is rudimentary, environments are designed in an okay fashion, nothing special. The game levels are constructed so you use the paint or thinner to make your way through them - but only on the areas the game specifies. Using the brush is like using a paint hose, but it feels good and is quick and painless to use.

The first 2D level was simple fun and reminded me of old snes games. It was nothing special either.

So, from the first 50 minutes or so - gameplay wise - it's pretty functional and simple. Nothing to get excited about.

That's half the story. The other half is the beautiful world they have constructed. Everything is lavished with loving care and if you like N64 like platformers or the atmosphere of Mickey Mouse games you will love this. The cutscenes are either stylised and really lovingly animated, or graphics that look too good to be realtime yet not good enough to be CGI. It looks realtime with a few post effects added, very special.

The in game character models are perfectly rounded and sumptuously animated. The music adds to the mystical, dark cartoon world. The lighting is superb, colours are rich, colourful and deep. They even have things like little notes played each time Mickey's feet touch the floor when creeping. You feel almost immersed neck deep in the environment and you just want to explore - despite knowing full well that the rewards for exploration are most probably just a chest or barrel with a collectible in.

So far, so good, I hope you guys put more merit in the words than the score, but tentatively I would agree with the 8.0 mark so far. Although bear in mind I am very early in the game.
watching a bunch of YouTube on this (obviously avoiding spoilers) to just get a feel for how the general proceedings are. Anyone else feel the lack of actual performances/voice work hurts this?
You would think given the budget, they would have further went all out and had voices instead of all the reading.


AgentOtaku said:
watching a bunch of YouTube on this (obviously avoiding spoilers) to just get a feel for how the general proceedings are. Anyone else feel the lack of actual performances/voice work hurts this?
You would think given the budget, they would have further went all out and had voices instead of all the reading.

I would have loved full voice acting.

Played more Epic Mickey.

Gets much better.

Firstly, the manual camera is only a pain if you like to invert the axis, you can't here so you have to get used to it. That said the c-button centering works very well for the most part. In the parts where they fix the camera I have actually found it helpful, more often than not.

Yeah the reviews were right on the paint shooting out at Mickey's feet. This is because, logically you would think that where you point with the cursor, the paint should go there. In this game the paint shoots out in relation to Mickey's position in the environment and depending on the angle of the camera. It's a bit unwieldy and should have been checked by playtesting but wasn't. You can alter the camera angle to get the precise shot, but that said, I have found that if you use c-button centering it sorts the problem out and you will very rarely have problems using the automatic cameras natural angle and position - when shooting paint.

Oh and the sections you play up to the circus is just a flat tutorial, so my impressions that it wasn't a platform game were wrong, it is a platform game and has some decent stuff. It's not Mario Galaxy, but it plays like an N64 platformer with IR and obviously better visuals. If you liked Rare made N64 platformers back in the day then this will bring a smile to your face. So the game has gone up a couple of notches in my estimation, perhaps 8.3 inching ever upwards?

I also saw evidence of how doing things differently could make the game a different experience. I saved all of these creatures and because of that they all ganged up together and helped me pass a section I would have otherwise had to playthrough. Also a gremlin asked for some of my cash (e-tickets?) to do a job for me. I said no and did it myself.

Also there are quests (objectives really) and they are logged and you can do them, they are simple and mildly entertaining. There are also different ways of doing things. I jumped through a series of revolving fan blades and did what they wanted. Then later on in the level I looked back over from a panoramic view and saw something. I dissolved a wall, went up the back route and bypassed the fans by going overhead and achieved the same objective in a different way.

Also I missed finding Small Petes ship log, so there is stuff to come back to and try again.

There is potential here to explore the levels too and some non-linear design. It's not amazingly varied or open, but its nice to have options in how you deal with the obstacles in the levels.
Boooo still not got my game, Mymemory says it was despatched Wednesday and now complete but I haven't seen it yet.

Ah well still a great price at £21.99


I'm enjoying the game thus far. I do find the camera and controls annoying at times, but they're no deal breakers by any means (hopefully they won't be later on). My favourite aspects of the game are the cutscenes and the exploration.


Curufinwe said:
Shocking oversight.

Honestly though after faffing about with the manual camera trying to get used to the inverted controls, it's easier and better to just hit the c button centering. All you really need to remember to do is press down on the d - pad to make the camera hover up to give you a birds eye view for some jumps.

Having played 3D games from their inception most people should be used to getting by with a camera like this. Sure things have improved and maybe there is an expectation of a better automatic camera these days, but anyone who with experience of playing 3D platformers should be able to use it fairly well.

It's importance has perhaps been overstated in some reviews.

That said the game design is like an N64 platformer, a design that does feel old school compared to what Nintendo did with Super Mario Galaxy and even what Sonic Team did fusing the 3D and 2D sections of Sonic Colours.

But it's solid and good. Nothing amazing but really solid and of course Epic Mickey has bags of real estate and production values up the wazoo and the disney atmosphere and music, which elevates it.

And the paint mechanic, whilst simple, is fun to use. Almost De Blob like, in how you want to fill in and finish what the developers left unfinished.

I'm about 3 hours in now, it's pretty decent. Looks glorious in the 2D house interiors, some of the 2D levels are fun too. Wish the whole game was just 2D levels with more fleshed out design and mechanics.

Got to Mean street, lots of fetch questing here, one character wants something from another who wants something from another. It's basic fetch questing but the happy music and visuals make it easy enough to enjoy. I painted up the town and the characters got these happy mickey icons which was cool. Painting the town can get obsessive and they hide some things right at the top of the screen so you have to search them out and paint in first person which is satisfying.

Now I'm into the game, I would give anyone who gave it a 6/10 a weird raised eyebrow look. Had my first boss fight which was cool. It's a good game, lower your AAA expectations and you'll find a solid and enjoyable platform/adventure game.

Oh yeah the cinematics are beautiful and the story, tinged with sadness, is nice and affecting.

Also, just reading the 1up B review of Epic Mickey, like IGN, these guys didn't work out that you can hold C to lock on? WTH?

"The camera tends to work against you in battle as well. When you're fighting multiple enemies, since you can't lock-on to anything, "


I don't understand something.
The NPC tells you that if you put the Wiimote in a vertical way the little "fairies" or whatever that floats around Mickey will show you the path.

But... i'm not sure this is working.
I don't see anything different if i do so.

edit. As for the game it feels right, it's definitely a N64-like 3d platform game (lolwut @ that Gaffer who said this is not a platform game), the jump feels better than the Kingdom Hearts one, etc.)

Still, i think all the hype hurt this game a lot.
After all, this is no Nintendo game, it feels like a Ubisoft (Rayman?) game, something like that.

It's good.
Just not great.
At least for now!

1. Is any of the unlockable art in the game of the original Steampunk concept of the game that we saw when it was first leaked back in July '09?

2. Which of the original cartoons do you unlock?

3. I've heard of this one level, that's so "dark" that even Spector is shocked it made it in, is this anything like the original Steampunk look?

No spoilers of course. :)


Hero of Legend said:

1. Is any of the unlockable art in the game of the original Steampunk concept of the game that we saw when it was first leaked back in July '09?

2. Which of the original cartoons do you unlock?

3. I've heard of this one level, that's so "dark" that even Spector is shocked it made it in, is this anything like the original Steampunk look?

No spoilers of course. :)

1.- Don't think so. The ones I've seen are in the style of this

"Oh What a Knight!" (which for some reason uses the music from the 2D level) and "The Mad Doctor".

3.- IMO not really. It's close throughout, I guess, but some of the levels are actually tamer than the ride they're based on.


Its sort of interesting how when this game was first announced a lot of the complaints were over visuals/presentation. People wanted hd graphics, liked the steampunk art style more, or were dissapointed with the initial wii screen shots. Now when Epic Mickey is out, the graphics and presentation are thought of as the stronger points of the game.


Peff said:
"Oh What a Knight!" (which for some reason uses the music from the 2D level) and "The Mad Doctor".

how odd, you'd think they'd use Steamboat willy and a Oswald cartoon of all the cartoons to include


Peff said:

Thank you very much! This is my new wallpaper. :D


Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
apana said:
Its sort of interesting how when this game was first announced a lot of the complaints were over visuals/presentation. People wanted hd graphics, liked the steampunk art style more, or were dissapointed with the initial wii screen shots. Now when Epic Mickey is out, the graphics and presentation are thought of as the stronger points of the game.
I wouldn't say that. They're nice, but they're very dark and green-slimey. They look cool, don't get me wrong, but I didn't get the "wow!" effect from them like I did from, say, Kirby's Epic Yarn, Donkey Kong or Galaxy 2.

Everything about the big world they were trying to create, this includes the 2D levels and paint/thinner mechanic, could have been enhanced with superior hardware. It doesn't seem like this design was built around the Wii's limitations like a Galaxy or a Kirby. It seems like a game that was built in the minds of the designers first and foremost and then scaled back to fit the Wii's limitations, not something designed FOR the Wii's limitations.
Peff said:
"Oh What a Knight!" (which for some reason uses the music from the 2D level) and "The Mad Doctor".


Well, thats because that is its music. You may be confusing sound ala Steamboat Willie, with music that played at the same time as the cartoon (as was with all the cartoons of that time) but was added by other means, as it didnt came from the cartoon itself. In future versions of those cartoons they usually added a sound channel with the music they had.


gamingeek said:
Firstly, the manual camera is only a pain if you like to invert the axis, you can't here so you have to get used to it.
Please tell me this is not true, thats unacceptable, i mean come on!


Rez said:
The camera is god awful. How could it have shipped without the option to speed it up or invert the x-axis (or uninvert, actually, but it's hard to define that with a camera so...).

I hate that the C button doesn't always centre it. If it was a Zelda-like camera centre button that would be fine, but for some reason it often refuses to work and forces me to slowly move the camera around. It isn't like the camera couldn't "fit" behind me, that I'd understand if not enjoy, because I CAN place it there manually.

The pointer also seems to lack the fluidity of a Nintendo game, but that could all be in the fancy tails and blurs Nintendo put on their pointers, the functionality is probably identical.
So i'm not the only one that says the pointer is sluggish, yeah?

I don't think it's in the fancy tails and blurs, try moving the pointer in the dashboard or in Mario Galaxy 2 and then at the Epic Mickey "press A" menu...
It doesn't nearly feel as good.

I hate when this kind of stuff happens because i don't know if i'm the only one with this issue or if it is a game problem!
I got the game today, and despite wanting so very much to like it, I'm just not feeling it. I've just got to the Asia Boat Ride.

I wouldn't call it a bad game, but so far it just seems unremarkable in every way. The only thing that appeals to me is the Disney fanservice, but that alone isn't enough to hold my interest throughout the entire game when I find the gameplay to be average. There are also definite camera issues, which is often quite irritating.

Also, I've noticed that so far there's next to no real structure to the game. I've just been following Oswald for a couple of hours or so, with no indication of whether this is a prologue, first level, or if the whole game is set up like this (linear, and not divided into stages/chapters/levels/etc). I don't have any clear objective besides following Oswald, and outside of the opening cutscene, there's been zero story.

Does the game pick up at all?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Ben2749 said:
I got the game today, and despite wanting so very much to like it, I'm just not feeling it. I've just got to the Asia Boat Ride.

I wouldn't call it a bad game, but so far it just seems unremarkable in every way. The only thing that appeals to me is the Disney fanservice, but that alone isn't enough to hold my interest throughout the entire game when I find the gameplay to be average. There are also definite camera issues, which is often quite irritating.

Also, I've noticed that so far there's next to no real structure to the game. I've just been following Oswald for a couple of hours or so, with no indication of whether this is a prologue, first level, or if the whole game is set up like this (linear, and not divided into stages/chapters/levels/etc). I don't have any clear objective besides following Oswald, and outside of the opening cutscene, there's been zero story.

Does the game pick up at all?
To be fair, if you've been playing for hours at that level, then chances are you've been walking in circles for a long time. Most people will get to the level in ~45 minutes.
Rez said:
To be fair, if you've been playing for hours at that level, then chances are you've been walking in circles for a long time. Most people will get to the level in ~45 minutes.

It's not that. I just take my time in games, and I'm the sort of person who looks over nearly every square inch to make sure I don't miss anything.

If I see a path in front of me, and it's obvious that's the way I need to go to advance, then it's the last place I go, as I check everywhere else first.


Ben2749 said:
It's not that. I just take my time in games, and I'm the sort of person who looks over nearly every square inch to make sure I don't miss anything.

If I see a path in front of me, and it's obvious that's the way I need to go to advance, then it's the last place I go, as I check everywhere else first.
This is exactly how I play games. Sadly, because of this habit, watching other people play drives me insane. Actually angers me watching people walk past obvious secrets and bonus stuff.
so i just watched the Giantbomb quick look for this game, and i have to say i really liked what i saw. The game seems to have great production values along with great music and a nice art style. But i have two question the first one being does the game ever get difficult?; i understand that its a game for everyone, but i dont want to be bored by the platforming. And i would also like to know if you can have more than one quest at a time? Because in the video the game would refer to objectives as quest, and it would be really neat to be able to hop to the various worlds you've been to completing side quests.

Nose Master

Eat Children is pretty spot on, but I'd go further. This game is the pinnacle of lazy, licensed garbage. The platforming feels like it fell out of first-gen PS1 title. The cut-scenes look like a parody of cheap, outsourced animation. The environments are hideous. Just because it's a dark motif isn't an excuse to have the game look so boring.
Mickeyjunk mountain, which everyone will reply with, is a prime example of wasted potential. There's only 10ish actual pieces of memorabilia littered about, the rest of the area is mounds of dirt and generic boxes.

The only redeeming factor is the paint/thinner gimmick, which is ruined by the engine of the game being sloppy as hell.

Oh, and "combat" is a chore.


I think its out november 30th for NA, and was Nov. 25th for Europe. I can't find a japanese release date which is strange.
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