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Disney gives Lindsey Lohan a digital breast reduction?

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Probably not, but it's amusing nonetheless.

Speaking of upcoming Disney movies ... I'm pleased to report that "Herbie: Fully Loaded" seems to be shaping up nicely. This Angela Robinson film supposedly had a test screening in Pasadena on February 19th. And -- in spite of the movie's temporary soundtrack as well as some still not-quite-completed CG-filled effects sequences in the film -- the audience is said to have really seemed to enjoy this upcoming Walt Disney Pictures release.

Still, as audience members handed in their survey forms at the Paseo 14 (I.E. The United Artists theater that Disney execs really seems to favor for their studio's test screenings. For example: Late last month, the Mouse ran a very successful test for "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" at this very same multiplex) and the NRG reps began tabulating the results ... rumors began to fly about this picture reportedly having some problems.

Or -- to be specific -- two problems.

As the story goes, many members of the audience were said to take issue with the size of Lindsay Lohan's breasts. Comments on the post-screening surveys supposedly suggested that this 18-year-old was showing far too much cleavage for a family-friendly film.

So -- when you're faced with comment cards like that -- what's a Disney studio executive supposed to do? Well, according to the rumors, you quietly reach out to several special effects houses and ask for their help with unloading a very specific aspect of "Herbie: Fully Loaded."

Yeah. That was the story that was bouncing around Hollywood this past weekend. That Disney was looking to give Lohan an after-the-fact breast reduction. As in: Using computer technology to shave away some of Ms. Lohan's silhouette. Or -- at the very least -- help Lindsay cover up a bit by giving the teen star a CG t-shirt in a couple of scenes.

Well, I've been making calls all weekend, folks, to try & get some confirmation on this item ... And -- to be honest -- everybody that I've spoken with who's directly associated with "Herbie: Fully Loaded" categorically denies this rumor.

Mind you, everyone agrees that it's a really great story. It's just not true.


Stupid PR job to get her and that bomb of a movie in the news. Just like they were saying that they had to reduce Beyonce's forms in Austin Powers.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Naked Shuriken said:
Stupid PR job to get her and that bomb of a movie in the news. Just like they were saying that they had to reduce Beyonce's forms in Austin Powers.

Didn't they increase someone's ass on the billboards for that movie?


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
jenov4 said:

I hadn't planned on watching this movie before, now it's even less reason too!

*rim shot*


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Where the hell are the damn pics for this thread? I need titty proof!
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