So guys who have played like 40+ hours or so, what would you say is the strongest team comp in your opinion? I'd go with something similar to:
1 melee guy (shield, knockdowns, heals, armor buffs)
1 ranged guy (dps, summons (summons are important because they can deal mag or phy damage depending on situations but also it's a class that works well as a secondary class))
1 mage (shield, debuffs like oil etc., magic aoe damage against big groups of low magic armor enemies)
Then either 1 more melee guy (2h dps, knockdowns, armor buffs) or 1 more ranged guy (dps, armor buffs). But basically more physical dps and more armor buffs
And then get teleport to as many guys as you can.
Basically the most important stuff for at least tactical difficulty has been teleport, knockdowns, armor buffs and maxing physical dps (physical dps just outdamages magical dps. I think a big reason is that lucky charm + thievery is so good that you get "above your level" weapons really often/easily and your weapons are always one step ahead of your magic skills in pure damage).
Healing isn't that important in this game. What's important is regening your armors. I have Fane as my main but as a mage though. I think he has died like twice in the whole game.
For the Alexander fight a good tip is to fight in that small "hallway" that is near the statue. The fight is actually fairly easy that way because it seems to break enemy AI and you can just spam shit in that small area where enemies come from.
I just hit level 12, my group is:
Custom Inquisitor: Lots of self-heals, knockdowns, sword/board with massive armour and HP, close to indestructable. Going to start using summons more as well. Decent DPS.
Sebille: Pure Rogue, massive damage and movement but can get killed quick if not careful. Sever Tendons is a little OP at times, cloak and dagger behind that annoying range mob, sever tendon and backstab and watch him run away dying in the process. Might be a slight AI exploit.
Lohse - Polymorph/Hunter with bow. Rarely caught in one place and pretty hardy, 2nd dps, good controller.
Red: Enchanter, buffs and stuns. Has highest initiative so starts with favourable wind, soothing cold and teleport the most annoying melee far far away! Throws a few heals and armour buffs as well, mostly on Sebille Rain and electricity is good too.