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Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.


I read that this game is pretty fucking good? Also, how's co-op online?

I played the game in co-op till the end so I will reply you.
At first glance, co-op seems cool but there're flaws that annoyed me.
What annoyed me is my experience out of combat because I didn't had much freedom.

Examples :

1) There're a lot quests which trigger dual dialogs only if you're close to each other.
These dialogs can give you bonus stats.

2) Following a conversation in live is not possible for the player who didn't talk to the npc. He will need to either read the chat or the log chat (in the journal). It becames really painfull after the first zone for us and I kinda asked my mate to resume me what happened. So that didn't helped me to get into the story, imo. I would've prefered something like in Diablo 3, the other player if close can read the dialog too in live.

3) Exploration... only in cities we could separate a bit to searchthe surrounding because outside we we had to stick to each other since the battle exp is not shared if you do not particpate in combat. While in Diablo 3, if second player is on the map, he can receive exp. Some people will say, that battles without 4 characters is hard so separatiing the team is not really an option, that's true. Still, it would've been nice to share exp, imo.

The last thing is, I couldn't save the game. It's the host who can so if I wanted to try something dangerous on by own, I couldn't save and I had to ask my friend everytime to do it (o yeah and your inventory close when he do it). Not really cool when both us were trying to explore rooms full of traps, lol. I know that in Baldur's gate 2, host can give option to second player to save and even pause the game or help manage inventories.

In the end, I felt more that I had a leash to my partner and same for him, outside of battles. But thanks to battles, we had a lot of fun together.
I'm sorry for my bad english.


The only gripe I have with the game is that I was a little too lost in the first five or so hours I played. They give you zero direction of where to go or what to do, it can be extremely overwhelming, and your journal isn't very useful.

I actually had to ask a friend where I needed to go after I reached level 3 because none of the gates I exited through had enemies appropriate to my level.


The only gripe I have with the game is that I was a little too lost in the first five or so hours I played. They give you zero direction of where to go or what to do, it can be extremely overwhelming, and your journal isn't very useful.

I actually had to ask a friend where I needed to go after I reached level 3 because none of the gates I exited through had enemies appropriate to my level.

Only one gate is already open, this is where you have to go first. There are a lot of hints and indications actually.
I just read this post on Something Awful and it made me laugh.


This guy gets it.

This man is a hero.


Fuuuuuuu I misplaced one of the Dusty Parchments D:
I'm 100% sure I found them all and I remember the digits...yet can't use them since I need the last parchment.

I wish the game would simply acknowledge I've read them all.


We've slipped to the second page? Inconceivable!

Looking forward to the new AI personalities. We need a Ranger/Rogue type and maybe a Spellsword or a Cleric. Honestly, I'm just curious to see what they come up with.


which are you missing?

Also, where is the fourth chest?

ah so you NEED them. Thought you just need the digit.


which are you missing?

Also, where is the fourth chest?

ah so you NEED them. Thought you just need the digit.

Yeah apparently you need the parchments on one character. I've found the one I had lost, fortunately !
Iirc the fourth one is
near the Wizard's house in Hunter's Edge


Awesome, it looks like Giant Bomb will finally be doing a proper Quick Look of Divinity: Original Sin.

The QL will be livestreamed tomorrow by the staff at GMT 06:00. It will be archived later in the day on GB and their youtube, most likely.

If they're doing co-op it might be entertaining to watch even if you already own the game, you never know with those jokers.

Awesome news, I searched their site the other day for this but to no avail. Glad to see it's going to happen


Yeah apparently you need the parchments on one character. I've found the one I had lost, fortunately !
Iirc the fourth one is
near the Wizard's house in Hunter's Edge
Would have totally missed it. Thanks.
Some things were unclear so I vaguely guessed, but to my surprise, I got the digits right the first time.

edit: I have 3.5k hp DESPITE Glass Canon and every element heals me by 200%, while one-shotting everything on my warrior. xD U mad game?

Dario ff

I've long considered strict min-maxing/powergaming to be totally antithetical to the way I like to play games and frankly prefer it when devs just ignore those sorts of players entirely (one of the many reasons I'm looking forward to Pillars of Eternity).

I would have liked a mix of set and randomized loot here, as there is something to be said for ensuring you get something awesome when you beat a particularly tough encounter (and it would also more heavily reward facing high-level encounters early), but I look at the people who feel some burning need to reload their games till they get specific gear with specific rolls with some amusement.

There's enough tactical freedom and depth in the game that you can get by using whatever tools you have at your disposal at any given time. Holding some deep concern about what gear you're wearing or precisely where you've placed every individual skill and attribute point is really giving the game short shrift in that area. Will certain pieces of gear or skillbooks make battles easier? Of course; if they didn't, they'd be worthless. But they aren't required. Play smart and be creative and you can get by, even if it's tougher than it might otherwise be. There hasn't been a single battle yet where I've felt remotely disadvantaged based on what my party makeup was currently like - all the while building my party up with whatever the game chooses to give me - and I've been playing on Hard and consistently facing most enemies including bosses at lower levels than them.

Some players should have more faith in their own tactical abilities and whatever combination of skills they may have to get them by instead of considering it an abject failure if some combat encounters are actually lengthy and difficult. It doesn't always have to be a cakewalk. Just go with the flow; you might surprise yourself.
Very well put. I'm really surprised how this game's design made me just say "screw efficiency" within the first hours, especially considering I'm a big fan of Blizzard games, which make you push for power-gaming a lot*. I think it encapsulates the feeling of some of my old PnP RPG sessions very well just with how reactive the enviroment is and the wide arsenal of tools the AI has to keep you on your toes.

This feeling has been fading a bit more since I've started getting into the second map, probably due to having much more skills/spells at my disposal, so we'll see how it holds up for the rest of the game.

*: Talking about single player or PVE content, not competitive multiplayer.


the holder of the trombone
Yeah I don't think this game is hard enough where you absolutely need to min-max. I've been a little sloppy on where I've put my points in early on but it's still more than enough to dominate most fights that aren't boss fights.


I can't help but min/max. It's like a drug. I've started over a bunch because of this. I like that drunk playthrough idea, but I'm assuming you would need to do a lot of crafting.
Yeah I don't think this game is hard enough where you absolutely need to min-max. I've been a little sloppy on where I've put my points in early on but it's still more than enough to dominate most fights that aren't boss fights.

I'd say the early game is a battle of knowledge - how to take advantage of interactive systems and such - and it seems (only just began the second area) that it is transitioning into more of a battle of understanding - that is, how to exploit their weaknesses and cover your own.


Took the chance to finish the final boss again, hoping it won't it bug out and it seemed to work out fine. So note to others, don't let your final blow be an AoE attack that hits one of the members of your party or you could regret it! :p

I then took the opportunity to see what silly stuff I could do at the end. Ruining the endgame/boss character spoilers:
I trotted into the End of Time and slaughtered all the imps, Zixzax, Icara and Zandalor. Zixzax revived himself though after the battle lol. Couldn't hit the Weaver of Time lady. Entered the First Garden and Leandra actually commented about me killing Zandalor but not much else seemed to have changed. I didn't try finishing the game though to see what else would happen.

I also fooled around with the second last "fight" to see how broken it is. Once again, I used feather fall to throw the Death Princes up the stairs and away from me. Grabbed Trite but he caught me into his dialogue but still had my wizard free. I decided to poison the ground and feather fall Leandra repeatedly into it until she died. No need to jump into battle her! Killed Trite normally alone and turned to Astarte. I killed her and it popped a unique game over screen. I would believe any encounter that has people standing around as "friendlies" and no dialogue to trigger could be exploited in the same way.

So seriously, how do I recover from Soulsap? :lol:
This is frightening.

Edit: Hmm apparently it's a bug. It's hilarious and horrible at the same time

I guess I can't continue playing then until it's fixed...D:
Yeah, I fought some monster that hit me with Enfeeble on two straight attempts. Reloaded until they stopped doing that and I went after that guy immediately!


The end-game spells are
rather dissapointing to be honest. Storm is UTTER CRAP and never works during the actual fight. All it does, is zapping me once the fight is over... great. Hail barely hits anything, despite having a narrower field. Only Chain Lightning seems to be worth it. =/


Just started this and have barely scratched the surface but enjoying it so far. Seems fairly straight forward at the moment but feels like I could get distracted or overwhelmed with the amount of content the further it goes.

Looking forward to playing more.


The end-game spells are
rather dissapointing to be honest. Storm is UTTER CRAP and never works during the actual fight. All it does, is zapping me once the fight is over... great. Hail barely hits anything, despite having a narrower field. Only Chain Lightning seems to be worth it. =/

Not all
Rain of fire deals radius damage, and doesn't need the accuracy Hail storm requires (even though it has one shot bosses end game with it when the moons aligned). Earthquake is nice but you will hit your team because there is no avoiding it and it has a decent chance to knock them down.


The end-game spells are
rather dissapointing to be honest. Storm is UTTER CRAP and never works during the actual fight. All it does, is zapping me once the fight is over... great. Hail barely hits anything, despite having a narrower field. Only Chain Lightning seems to be worth it. =/
Only tried fire and ice. Saw storm and knew it would be pretty bad. Fire seemed to be reasonably reliable. I found Ice to be subpar too. Random chance over such a large area may have been a poor decision unless you're fighting an enemy that's actually as big as the spell radius.


Not all
Rain of fire deals radius damage, and doesn't need the accuracy Hail storm requires (even though it has one shot bosses end game with it when the moons aligned). Earthquake is nice but you will hit your team because there is no avoiding it and it has a decent chance to knock them down.
Yeah Rain of Fire is kind of nice, but still a joke compared to Chain Lightning (and has no CC attached). I didn't go into fire beyond level 1, so I can't make properly use of it tho. Still, chain lightning + lightning strike + frost breath are 100% reliable AoE's that are better to use imo. Sad that there are no end level warrior + ranger skills. Or at least I didn't saw anything beyond level 14 or so.


The end-game spells are
rather dissapointing to be honest. Storm is UTTER CRAP and never works during the actual fight. All it does, is zapping me once the fight is over... great. Hail barely hits anything, despite having a narrower field. Only Chain Lightning seems to be worth it. =/

Fire + poison spells were awesome for us.
"Oh, you're staying in the fire ? Thanks man, I'm going to bomb you with my poison dear boss".


Yeah Rain of Fire is kind of nice, but still a joke compared to Chain Lightning (and has no CC attached). I didn't go into fire beyond level 1, so I can't make properly use of it tho. Still, chain lightning + lightning strike + frost breath are 100% reliable AoE's that are better to use imo. Sad that there are no end level warrior + ranger skills. Or at least I didn't saw anything beyond level 14 or so.

Yeah I end battles in one round, there is a rare case with someone living due to a bad spread but they are burning and poisoned (150 damage a round). I open with poison breath or the spore attack, the I make it rain. This normally kills all with the combo going off, but it creates a problem if they live it's a "dirty" detonation which means smoke for target skills like lightning. My follow up attacks (same turn <3 glass cannon) is fireball or bolder drop(creates another combo and knock down and neither require a target). If some how it lives by some mircale (other than immune to one of those spell types) it will crawl to me and then I use death fist(?) from the final circle of witch craft for a 1k+ base (touch attack)

Again that's all assume they aren't resistant to earth(not a big deal), fire, and poison and a lot of things seem less resistant to water and air sadly but it could be that I'm playing on hard I dunno. As far as melee all you need is a 2hander (preferably with void damage seeing it's the least resisted sucks on wasting points up to then though), Oath of Desecration(witch craft tier 1), Rage(MA tier 4?) and finally pick a target and hit it with Flurry(MatA tier 4?) and enjoy the big numbers
Any other physical edition backers still waiting for their goods? I'm in the U.S., and know it is shipping from Belgium, so I'm not quite worrying... yet. =)


I am completely awful at this game. Level 4 and I can't even come close to getting past the 10 zombies on the way to the cave for the fab five quest. I'm considering restarting, I feel like I fucked up the leveling.


I am completely awful at this game. Level 4 and I can't even come close to getting past the 10 zombies on the way to the cave for the fab five quest. I'm considering restarting, I feel like I fucked up the leveling.
Crowd control is probably the most important thing. Get rain and a lightening spell or, at a minimum, get a few summon spells to soak up and deal some damage. You're probably trying to brute force a bit which just ends badly in this game.


Soul Sapped... WHAT THE...? Is it supposed to
remove all and every skill / spell PERMANENTLY from my character? o_O
. If it's intended then that's the single most stupid thing that was ever put into a videogame.
I am completely awful at this game. Level 4 and I can't even come close to getting past the 10 zombies on the way to the cave for the fab five quest. I'm considering restarting, I feel like I fucked up the leveling.

One of the best spells early on is Firefly. Lets you draw a line of fire around the battlefield to contain enemies or control where they can move. If you've got only Jahan for magic just give him a point in pyro so you have access to a few fire spells.


Something interesting I noticed with some restarts tonight: the loot in the beginning of the game almost certainly skews towards your first (left hand) character's class selection, if not both of them.

In several runs from the start of the game to Cyseal, fighter/knight got axes/swords and mail, rogues got daggers and leather armor, the ranger got some bows. Loot seemed like it was definitely coming out respective to class. Dunno if that persists throughout the game, but it would explain why my first playthrough's knight/witch combo saw hardly a dagger the whole way through.


Really was enjoying the game through the first half, now that I am almost done with it the balance of the normal difficulty has become a joke. :(


Soul Sapped... WHAT THE...? Is it supposed to
remove all and every skill / spell PERMANENTLY from my character? o_O
. If it's intended then that's the single most stupid thing that was ever put into a videogame.

Another reason why magic is OP
It's a touch spell and they are CC'd from the start...unless you have low Initiative. Was hit with that and found an empty spellbook and i instantly reloaded. Moral of that story was, don't play with your food.


Because the next time you play your experience will be different. This time you encountered a paucity of sinew in your adventure leading you to rely on bows you found as treasure.

What makes it a strong design decision is that none of the randomized elements can ever prevent you from completing the game. You just feel a compulsion to have total freedom/access to every detail as you feel the impulse to do it. If you don't obsess over crafting a bow and just play the game it definitively wouldn't matter. Check the various shops after you level and remember which ones sell crafting goods.

This game doesn't reward obsessive compulsive style gameplay. It intentionally subverts those playstyles in an attempt to get you to think differently about tactics and your decisions in the game world.

In the kindest words: The game isn't broken, you're trying to play it incorrectly.
By wanting to craft something? I mean, I invested in the skills, and yes the end result still relies on stock, but wanting to craft a bow is not playing the game incorrectly.

And I could complete just about any old IE game with 1/10th of the loot those games offer. It's not about completing the game. It's the way in which resources are artificially managed - scattershot. I'm with the idea that randomized loot is not bad if it has certain thresholds, i.e. always a certain item level or class or type in a set number of boxes. As it stands now, you can go from finding a legendary to finding thread and a low level item of some kind in all but a few chests. I don't scum often, but I do if it gives me complete crap because yeah, loot is part of the glory (or income if I want to sell). If it wasn't, there'd be no loot. Unless you can remove all those orange-tinted trinkets laying around then we're going to have this conversation over and over again.

Games like Torchlight are more or less loot games. I understand all the randomization necessary, and even that title seemed to have stricter thresholds on loot than D:OS.


So can I only repair items in the barter window with an NPC? I trained my main character 1 level in blacksmithing. Same goes for identifying.
I bought the game but I have no friends. Hopefully its good solo!


I planned to play this coop.

My buddy I play with is pretty much a "lore? story? pfft... There will be blood!"

We tried playing 1 night and I couldn't stand it lol. He wanted to blow through everything, not talk to everyone, not check books, barrels, etc. He went off to fight while I was reading a book lol. I figured it was for the best he was too busy to play....

So he is back to playing WoW, and I am doing it solo now. I am really enjoying it. :)


I have plenty of sinew. I'm sure many people do. The old wow loot whargarbl adage still holds true: Random numbers are random.

It's highly entropic and imperfect. That's the purpose. Shiny flawless perfection has no character or believability and leads to a clinical experience.
I'm not too sure about this honestly; after 30 or so hours I've only had 4 sinew, but have had 30 animal hides, teeth, hair etc. I think sinew has not been added to a few spawnlists.
The only way to find sinew is to check every NPCs inventory and hope some spawns before you hit level 10 where it changes into Strong Sinew and is completely useless (hopefully fixed soon).

Sinew is part of a dozen recipes but it's rarer than elemental essence for me. Maybe I should have invested in more lucky charm, but I still feel sinew drops are weighted funny.
Should you use points for crafting on Mage dude orrrr just hire a henchmen and make em a crafter?

How does hiring henchmen go anyway? I'm still stuck in the first town :x

Should I even bother with companions? Ol girl's
racist against magic users (Lady, you DO know my character's a Witch ... right?)
and the other dude is j
ust bleh and annoying with his Debbie downer shit (I'll cut deals with whoever I damn well please SIR!)
. But having them around to talk to gives me chances to add points to my character's personality traits, right?


Not all
Rain of fire deals radius damage, and doesn't need the accuracy Hail storm requires (even though it has one shot bosses end game with it when the moons aligned). Earthquake is nice but you will hit your team because there is no avoiding it and it has a decent chance to knock them down.

is there an actual ran of fire spell or do you mean meteor strike?


Wtf at
king's tomb.

Managed to kill the guardians but then got murdered by lightning.

you don't have to kill the guardians, there is a dictionary to talk to them in the wizards house.

lightning is easy to avoid.
you can see the path with high perception, otherweise you need to stop when it gets cold I think. or the other way round.


the holder of the trombone
you don't have to kill the guardians, there is a dictionary to talk to them in the wizards house.

lightning is easy to avoid.
you can see the path with high perception, otherweise you need to stop when it gets cold I think. or the other way round.

That's good to know. Thanks.
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