Deaf Spacker
The game can be be hard for those of us new to cRPGs, but I'd encourage you to stick with it. As someone who has never been able to get into the genre before, I love this game.
A few of things that will help:
1) make sure you have FOUR party members before you leave the town. One is in the tavern and one is on the second floor of the Mayor's House
2) If at all possible get the spider summons spell. It's a geomancy spell so you'll need one point in that. If none of your characters have a point in it, one of the characters you'll find (Jahan) does. You can buy the spell from the witch merchant on the second floor of the in. Throw this spider out in front of you to initiate combat and use it to tank/ soak up damage. Repeat when it dies.
3) Use the environoment as part of your strategy. You can often aproach a battle from several angles. Find the best one. Create choke points. Hide behind cover. Throw down oil and fire and create a firewall enemies have to come through to reach you. Sneak up on them and toss explosing barrels out before the fight even starts, etc.
Here are a complete location of skill vendors that I can remember in Cyreal:
WItch / 2nd Floor of Inn / Witchcraft and Scoundrel Skills
Aureus / 1st Floor Leionaire HQ / Man at Arms Skills
Wizard / 2nd Floor Legionaire HQ / Geomancer and Pyrokentic Skills
Trader / Marketplace Blue Tent / Marksmen Skills
Trader / Marketplace / Aereothurge skills
Thank you so much, that's incredibly helpful. I fully intend to stick with it as I love games like this.