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Divinity: Original Sin |OT| Sandbox RPG. Co-Op friendly. Bread.

One character asked me a question. I said yes. Character asked me if I was totally sure. I said yes again. Then it happened. And I had a total M. Bluth moment of "I don't know what I expected dead dove.gif". This is in reference to
Statue with the end of game credits reveal, lol
Physically, henchmen recruitment a happen in
The End of Time
. You need two or three Starstones to do it. They get used automatically, and leave behind Inert Stones, so pick those up when you see them to help you keep count.

You only need 2 and you get those 2 very early:
Murder room in the Inn and Evelyn's stone she's using to heal someone in Thelyron's shop, so basically can run there at lvl 1 if you skip other stuff and get them right away.


You can
use multiple items
. It's really mechanics-driven, not by searching some specific items (though that also works), which is what makes me like it so much.
I had to look the solution to this puzzle up.
How do we even know what weight each of the pressure plates accepts?
Is there any solution hint for this puzzle in the game?


Spent a shit ton of time in Cyseal and having a blast. Two points really annoy me - and I can't imagine that I'm the only one who brings this up.

- Getting overruled by ... "yourself". I like the idea behind it, but sometimes it simply feels off and makes for awkward moments.

- I'm not very far into the game.
Found the book and knive and talked to the mortician
. I really really dislike how keys lie around. Am I missing something here? Are you supposed to take them, get the "Don't do that! But this time I'll let it slip" and then break in to get the evidence?

Also kinda bummed that I picked a 2h warrior/mage and mirrored the only 2(?) companions. Whelp.


I really need new gear...especially mage gear

Any ideas?

Open chests and hope you get lucky? Find someone that sells mage-type gear and hope you get lucky? The randomization is pretty lousy but the game isn't hard enough to make it a dealbreaker.

If you REALLY need a specific piece of gear, this is how you savescum: Find one of those chests that gives out 3+ good items and save before opening it. Open, look for useful stuff, reload if you don't like it.
Mage gear isn't upgraded often. Basically any staff with +1 int will last you until lvl 13-14 or so when they start dropping with 2 int
(just craft one at that point if you have 5crafting, branch+branch= staff, craft until you get a water one which is +2int, there's only 3types of crafted staves so doesn't take many branches, log+hatchet=branches if you need some)
. Robe is the same, any one int robe lasts you until they drop with 2, you want any amulet with +1 int until they drop with 2, sarong with +1-2 int and that's more or less it. Perception/Speed are ok stats otherwise but you don't necessarily need them. I had mostly garbage gear on my mage for the longest time, got lucky with a few pieces in the higher levels but doesn't make much of a difference, int is the most important stat by far and even blue items can max roll int anyway.

In the 2nd part of the game(like 2nd map and on, 12+ or so) you get a ton of gear so you'll eventually find the right stuff. You can also save before you kill bosses and reload a few times to try to get good legendaries and stuff but it's fairly unnecessary. The only slot this helps for is weapons for warriors/rogues/archers imo(and archers get a really easy to acquire strong unique bow in act2 fairly early).


I had to look the solution to this puzzle up.
How do we even know what weight each of the pressure plates accepts?
Is there any solution hint for this puzzle in the game?
Each plate
has a very distinct size which corresponds to the relative weight it accepts. And the first one you find fits with the dozens of vases next to it, so it's easy to go from there.

Not Spaceghost

just tossed the glass cannon perk on my two mages... holy shit game feels like i'm playing in god mode now.

Glass cannon to me feels like a mixed bag, until you have both come back kid and leech. Especially when you're doing the fights against level 14 enemies. They hit waayyy hard. Anything can 2 shot you unless you're running those other talent.
Open chests and hope you get lucky? Find someone that sells mage-type gear and hope you get lucky? The randomization is pretty lousy but the game isn't hard enough to make it a dealbreaker.

If you REALLY need a specific piece of gear, this is how you savescum: Find one of those chests that gives out 3+ good items and save before opening it. Open, look for useful stuff, reload if you don't like it.

Yea, haven't been much lucky with mage loot especially with 2 mages.

Also, the loot in King Boreas's rooms is way to low level

Special C

Game has started kicking my butt in hard mode. I'm level 4 and can't seem to find any more level 4 content so I'm having to fight level 5 dudes. The only area with level 4 left is
the light house and that keeper dude is brutal. May have to burn a bunch of consumables to beat him
Started this game last night and spent awhile tweaking graphics and stuff to get it to run at a solid 60fps. I am playing on an older machine with a HD6850. The way the camera moves if there is a studder in the framerate it really really bothers me.

I loved what I played so far and will be starting over tonight for my real game.


Around level 16 or so you get enough blood stones to open a portal that gives you the ability to rebuild your character for 1000 gold.

The downside is that you lose all trained skills so you gotta hunt down spell books all over. Some spells like whirlwind don't even have more than one spell book.

Whirlwind has only one skill book? That explains everything. Booty. I just respecced a second time to so one of my characters is 2h but I couldn't find that one. Oh well. Lonewolf has made my chars ridiculous thanks to all of the skill points. My spellcasting is effective and the chars take/deal melee damage insanely well, lol.


Glass cannon to me feels like a mixed bag, until you have both come back kid and leech. Especially when you're doing the fights against level 14 enemies. They hit waayyy hard. Anything can 2 shot you unless you're running those other talent.

I didn't worry about comeback kid or leech after I took Glass Cannon for both my mages. I just pumped up my +Con a bit more. My mages don't get into melee range much. Summons and my tank take care of that and anything that gets too close will get teleported back.

Actually just finished the game at level 22. I felt a bit overleveled, but it didn't detract from my enjoyment of the game. Easily one of my favorite games of the last few years.
This game is so damn good

Just done the
pirates vs crabs sidequest, and killed the source spider

Fallen into my typical rpg trap of never, ever using consumables except for healing potions


Fallen into my typical rpg trap of never, ever using consumables except for healing potions

Haha yeah, one of my characters got overburdened the other day pretty much only carrying scrolls, special arrows, and potions.

I think the borked up inventory system is partially to blame here. I might actually want to use element resistance potions from time-to-time but I'm definitely not going to try and keep up with balancing them around and trying to keep track of who still has stock of which...
Does anyone else have an issue with the frame rate dropping to ~ 30 fps at random intervals?

I have everything maxed and for the most part it runs at 60 fps but for some strange reason it will drop down to and hover around 30 fps for a little while, then rocket back up to 60. The mouse becomes a little sluggish when this happens.

It seems to be completely random so I have no idea what could be causing it. It almost feels like a memory leak.
Does anyone else have an issue with the frame rate dropping to ~ 30 fps at random intervals?

I have everything maxed and for the most part it runs at 60 fps but for some strange reason it will drop down to and hover around 30 fps for a little while, then rocket back up to 60. The mouse becomes a little sluggish when this happens.

It seems to be completely random so I have no idea what could be causing it. It almost feels like a memory leak.

I don't know I play in 6-8hours sessions and haven't experienced something like that. Does sound weird but a memory leak would just get worse over time I think.
I somehow managed to not know this game was coming out or even that it existed up until a few days ago. It just passed me by completely.

What an awesome surprise though to find out that there's a new DA:O style isometric rpg fantasy out, and oh by the way, it's seriously good. It's deep and complex and nice to look at and the writing's good. This is like the best flat out gaming surprise I've had in a while.
I don't know I play in 6-8hours sessions and haven't experienced something like that. Does sound weird but a memory leak would just get worse over time I think.

While DOS' performance isn't always what I'd expect, I don't think it's a memory leak either.

I'm playing a game with a memory leak now (Marvel Heroes) and you really notice it after a while. The game begins running just fine, even smooth sometimes, but slowly grows progressively more laggy and unresponsive over time. After a few hours, it will begin to feel like the game's going to lock up on you after big events like boss kills where lots of items drop, or when many enemies are attacking at the same time. It's like the game slowly gets coated in an ever-thickening layer of molasses.

So, I'd say a memory leak is an unnerving sluggishness that creeps its way into your game, and I've never experienced that in Divinity: Original Sin. I'm more inclined to think it's some optimisation problems in certain areas of the game - or even my setup - that leads to frame drops like that.

I somehow managed to not know this game was coming out or even that it existed up until a few days ago. It just passed me by completely.

What an awesome surprise though to find out that there's a new DA:O style isometric rpg fantasy out, and oh by the way, it's seriously good. It's deep and complex and nice to look at and the writing's good. This is like the best flat out gaming surprise I've had in a while.

You could almost say it's... a miraculous surprise.

Welcome to DOSGAF, captain in a palm.
I think this is the first game where I actually prefer to turn my Auto Motion Plus ( Samsung TV's post processing that creates smooth frame transitions ) on during gameplay. The screen doesnt move very quickly or often so the auto motion plus actually makes the picture incredibly smooth.

I have the game at 30fps but it looks super smooth, FAAARR smoother then it does when I have the auto motion plus turned off and there is no worry about input lag or anything like that in this title.

Man, whenever TV tech catches up and they are able to eliminate input lag even with these effects turned on, its going to be fantastic. This game gives me a glimpse into that realm.


This game is so damn good

Just done the
pirates vs crabs sidequest, and killed the source spider

Fallen into my typical rpg trap of never, ever using consumables except for healing potions

Use them, especially the elemental potions. Once you get over 100% resistance for one, you start absorbing it. So it's really handy in fights where you're getting hammered with that type of damage or you need to use that as much as possible but are in harm's way. The Fire spell Explode is a big one. It sucks without the fire resistance but when you have it, it becomes a must use spell every turn because it's so cheap, lol.


Whew. Spent way too many hours on my first full run through. I eventually decided on two lone wolves, warrior and mage. Wandered to and fro for many hours trying to find stuff, but enjoying every minute. Completed a bunch of things out of order, but found the game handled it very well. I recall at least 1 spot with 4 pressure plates, obviously intended to be solved with a party of 4, but the game took it with grace and just autosolved it for me. Biggest delay was in northern
where I was supposed to repair
a rift
. I left that undone for a long time, because I wasn't sure exactly what needed to be done, and anytime you enter you get pressured by baddies.

Only thing I found breakable was in the penultimate fight. I took the path where I decide that
Leandra is irredeemable
. That makes the fight harder, but I handled it by killing
Leandra separately
, but this meant that
Astarte never appeared
. Then, after the battle, I spent a half hour
destroying the Godbox
thinking that might accomplish something. Had to roll back. Eventually found that the battle became easy when I
teleported Leandra to the furthest reaches of the room at the start so that she wouldn't be involved in the battle
. That way,
Astarte appears
and I don't have to deal with
a stream of death knights with my death bane spells on cool down and useless Astarte dying if she ever takes 3 hits

Don't know how many times I'm going to replay this. With lone wolf, my mage had level 5 on 4 schools of magic. (I need 9 hotbars!) So I saw much of that experience. But I never used any arrows, never any backstabs, and I still wanted a more focused mage experience as well. Looks like I need at least 2 more runthroughs once I'm recovered.

All this from a game I got for free because Sub Zero is so generous.


I think this is the first game where I actually prefer to turn my Auto Motion Plus ( Samsung TV's post processing that creates smooth frame transitions ) on during gameplay. The screen doesnt move very quickly or often so the auto motion plus actually makes the picture incredibly smooth.

You're a horrible person.

My friend refuses to turn that off on his TV.
You're a horrible person.

My friend refuses to turn that off on his TV.

When it doesn't get in the way of the actual game by adding too much input lag its amazing. Creates a very smooth 60+fps looking picture but usually, on my TV anyway ( 2 years old now ), it creates a ton of lag during games like left 4 dead 2 or whatever.

Actually thinking about it I kept it on with Child of Light also. Wonder if there will be a day when the input lag is minimal. Won't even have to worry about my PC being able to hit 60fps, ill just let my TV handle that.


Use them, especially the elemental potions. Once you get over 100% resistance for one, you start absorbing it. So it's really handy in fights where you're getting hammered with that type of damage or you need to use that as much as possible but are in harm's way. The Fire spell Explode is a big one. It sucks without the fire resistance but when you have it, it becomes a must use spell every turn because it's so cheap, lol.
I didn't know that, it seems pretty cool. will try
not that I need it since on normal the game is pretty easy once you get good spells.


Having never really played a CRPG before, I didn't quite know what to expect with this game. But after hearing all the praise from various reviewers and forum goers, I had to pick it up. And I'm so glad I did. Admittedly, the game takes a few hours to get going (I just could not care less about the lore when I first started playing), but when you get random quests starting in the middle of conversation or walking around the world, it really highlights the strong sense of exploration in the game. Throw in the pretty graphics and the awesome music and this game just has me hooked.

I still don't know what to make of the overarching narrative yet, but the characters and quests feel well written enough that I'm willing to let the main story take a back seat (at least for the time being).18 hours in and I'm still exploring the first map, so still got some ways to go (which is good because I don't want the game to end any time soon).


I still don't know what to make of the overarching narrative yet, but the characters and quests feel well written enough that I'm willing to let the main story take a back seat (at least for the time being).18 hours in and I'm still exploring the first map, so still got some ways to go (which is good because I don't want the game to end any time soon).

This is the right attitude. I just "solved" the murder and boy is the main line totally throwaway. The smaller quests maintain some charm though.

Also, catastrophically, I spent all most all of my Hiberheim time without snow shoes. I was so pissed at how often by people were just falling over on the main map... Finally got a set after I finished everything but King Boreas. ;_;
Finally beat the game. I was so overpowered at the end that I beat the final boss fairly easily. Total hours logged 94.

But he dropped golden legendary loot, multiple pieces, and I couldn't pick them up before the game ended, arrgh.


At the end my ranger was wielding this.


Oh rock of ages, do not crumble, love is breathing still. Oh lady moon shine down, a little people magic if you will.
Can anybody give me some sort of hint? It's a first, but i'm really stuck.
Found my way into an Immaculate Church,
and followed some dude named Mangoth into a library. I've found four switches, a compass that points North to what is actually Southwest, and I can see books behind a wall that (or so I figure) will dissapear when I click the switches in the right order. However, so far, I haven't got any luck in finding that combo.
Can anybody give me some sort of hint? It's a first, but i'm really stuck.
Found my way into an Immaculate Church,
and followed some dude named Mangoth into a library. I've found four switches, a compass that points North to what is actually Southwest, and I can see books behind a wall that (or so I figure) will dissapear when I click the switches in the right order. However, so far, I haven't got any luck in finding that combo.

You're on the right track. There is a book in that area that tells you the correct order


Can anybody give me some sort of hint? It's a first, but i'm really stuck.
Found my way into an Immaculate Church,
and followed some dude named Mangoth into a library. I've found four switches, a compass that points North to what is actually Southwest, and I can see books behind a wall that (or so I figure) will dissapear when I click the switches in the right order. However, so far, I haven't got any luck in finding that combo.

One of the books in that library

is written by someone called E. N. S. West


Oh rock of ages, do not crumble, love is breathing still. Oh lady moon shine down, a little people magic if you will.
Finding that book in my inventory is quite the challenge, it's a bit full :D
Thank's for the help, guy's. :)
Quite a clever puzzle, in retrospect. Now to find that spell...
I don't know I play in 6-8hours sessions and haven't experienced something like that. Does sound weird but a memory leak would just get worse over time I think.

You are right. This problem can and does happen even after only half an hour of play. It comes and goes, and is not consistent. It's really annoying because I know my PC can run it at 60 fps, just as it does a lot of other games. I just find it really strange that it drops to EXACTLY 30 fps, not 28, 29, 31, or 32, just 30. It's almost like something is forcing the fps drop and 30 is where it's told to drop to.

That sounds more like slow disk reads to me. I've had the game running for 8 hours straight and never run into any degradation over time.

I have the game installed on an SSD. Would slow disk reads still be an issue? Never had any dramas like this before.
Finally beat the game. I was so overpowered at the end that I beat the final boss fairly easily. Total hours logged 94.

But he dropped golden legendary loot, multiple pieces, and I couldn't pick them up before the game ended, arrgh.

At the end my ranger was wielding this.

At the end I was wielding this, found literally in the Last Chest:

Great game even though there were some quirks that annoyed me over time. Spent 110hours but restarted around lvl 14 so that's like 1playthrough and a half plus the 20hours or whatever I spent making new chars to figure out my starting setup.


At the end I was wielding this, found literally in the Last Chest:

Great game even though there were some quirks that annoyed me over time. Spent 110hours but restarted around lvl 14 so that's like 1playthrough and a half plus the 20hours or whatever I spent making new chars to figure out my starting setup.
I think I'm near the end but just level 17, not sure if you get a lot of exp during the last 2-3 missions or if I missed a lot of fights.
What advice would you give to having two lone-wolf characters?

Or maybe I will reroll with 1 lone wolf, since I like playing ranger and with 2 LWs you probably want a meele + mage.
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