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DmC |OT| No, F*ck You!


By the end of the game, Dante didn't seem like the "whatever bro" type anymore, especially given that ruling humans also meant ruling over Kat (who Dante clearly saw as an equal).
That would have made even less sense than the current mess we got.

No, he didn't have any kind of arc whatsoever.
Perhaps 'whatever bro' would have been too much, but Vergil could have sold the idea better (since society will now be in utter chaos trying to stop demons and shit) and he could have reluctantly allowed it because he didn't see a better alternative.

Yeah, making Dante not give a shit when Vergil is all "the path is clear for us to rule!" would've been totally against the themes being developed. Kat is the main representative for humanity as a whole in the story, and Dante is pretty clearly shown to care for her, so that alone would make Dante being cool with Vergil trying to rule suspect. Not to mention the tremendous punk culture influence throughout the whole game, and just general anti-authoritarian overtones.

Vergil specified that he'd have respect for humans and not enslave them. He'd just be there to provide order, which I think the world would need given how fucked things are with the ending. Disrespecting Kat isn't something he should have done, even a sociopath would be able to objectively see how useful she was and atleast feign respect to achieve his goals.
No, Vergil was fine in that he thought that there should be a ruler. I think he'd fail because he sucks, but there is not much wrong with his philosophy. What went wrong here is that Dante feels like he needs to protect humanity. He should have just said "Whatever, bro." and the next game will show how power corrupted Vergil and Dante is on a mission to take him down.

His philosophy? You mean the cliche "humans suck" diatribe? Because the game never does anything to support it; if anything it feels like they wanted to make him look like a dick by associating him with Mundus(who said pretty much the same exact things).
I think I'd be satisfied by 2 fully fleshed out campaigns with DMC3 number of weapons for each campaign. I gotta say though I'm less hyped for the Vergil DLC seeing how the game actually ended
him just making a portal and leaving
I thought Vergil would have been knocked off ala DMC3 Vergil some ledge or defeated and left in some hellish part of Limbo because in the trailer his hair was all messed up and it looked like he was recovering from a fall..

edit: Also I liked how in DMC4 exceed moves were like EX moves and I'd like to see that return in some form..


It's not, but you more or less just described the direction another DMC game would take.
Nah man my DMC5 would be way more ambitious than that especially in the game play department. I made a post about it somewhere else. It wouldn't have the angel/demon stance stuff for example and will have an upgraded style system along with a second playable character either Nero or Vergil.
*I want a real fucking Devil Trigger this time for both Vergil and Dante... none of this Quicksilver/Doppelganger stuff which are supposed to be styles not DT. I want Dante to experience a near death experience and push himself to the next level. Vergil should've had his DT experience in the Downfall DLC. I know this treads too much in the path of DMC3 but this has to happen because the DT provided in DmC is booty butt cheeks.
Would any north american developer get this right? God of War games and Dark Siders 1 all have a meter that takes forever to charge that makes you super powerful for a short period of time and lets you wreck everything. But you only use it on very rare occasions because of how long it takes to fill that damn meter. Reaper Form from Dark Siders 2 is probably the closest to DT in terms of how frequently you could use it, but still not nearly as often.
edit: Also I liked how in DMC4 exceed moves were like EX moves and I'd like to see that return in some form..
It's fun but I am sure it seemed very daunting to a lot of more casual players. If they bring it back they should probably relax the timing on the level 1 charge and make it more integral to the gameplay.


His philosophy? You mean the cliche "humans suck" diatribe? Because the game never does anything to support it; if anything it feels like they wanted to make him look like a dick by associating him with Mundus(who said pretty much the same exact things).

The problem here is that he is simply not well written as a character, but the idea that they were going for here can work.
He can think of humans as lesser while still respecting them on a basic level, especially if he sincerely means that he doesn't intend to enslave them.

Instead of saying "Humans are like children." He should have said "Dante, look around you. Humans are free from the delusion, but that only means they've awoken to the horrors around them and they won't adjust any time soon. They need some kind of leader, and there is no one more qualified for that than I am. Everyone who worked for me in the order was someone who I helped learn the truth. Like Kat. Now, all of humanity needs that kind of help, and I need to take control to give it to them."
The following post will have MAJOR SPOILERS so don't read ahead if you haven't beaten the game.

1.*I don't really care what story angle they use or what gimmick they use to replace the whole "They Live" plot line but they really need to delve more into the Angel side of the lore and the whole rest of the demon kings stuff. There are more powerful demons and entity out there including Sparda who I want to see play a bigger role. I want NT to actually address what the amulets actually do.

2.*Vergil has to come back of course (rule of Vergil etc) but he needs to have new motivations and have a darker character....I want Vergil to be menacing/threatening again and be on Dante's level in terms of power level.

3.*I want a real fucking Devil Trigger this time for both Vergil and Dante... none of this Quicksilver/Doppelganger stuff which are supposed to be styles not DT. I want Dante to experience a near death experience and push himself to the next level. Vergil should've had his DT experience in the Downfall DLC. I know this treads too much in the path of DMC3 but this has to happen because the DT provided in DmC is booty butt cheeks.

4.*They are obviously going to keep the platforming in favor of puzzle, I just want to see more variety and tools added to the platforming. Give me a wall run for starters and add on top of this like temporary flight/gliding etc. Tone down the ratio as well of platforming to combat.

5.* And please delete those god awful color coated enemies from the game. I never want to see that type of enemy in an action game ever again.

6.*More humanoid, middle sized bosses less gimmicky huge size bosses. I want an actual challenge to the bosses this time around along with more complexities to them. Please no cutscene interruptions during bosses. I am fine with one or two of them for when you have to fight different stages of a boss but not when it's the same boss but you bringing it down to 1/4th health and a pseudo QTE pops up where you have to pull its eye or some shit.

7.*I don't mind the return of the Demon/Angel weapon stance stuff but I want more Demon/Angel weapons and I want to see more regular type weapons as well aside from Rebellion. One of the dodge buttons should be replaced by a Lock on. They can keep the universal lock on button to O and a universal dodge button... but give me my ability to lock on. This way we can have Stinger back to R1 + Forward + /\ like it fucking should be. This way a person can play like a scrub if they want and mash buttons to do cool combos but the better players will have access to better moves with more precision and we can actually see how much health enemies have for once.

8.*Bring back Taunts. Easy as fuck to implement, there should be no excuse for this.

9.*60FPS standard on consoles. So Capcom/NT can excuse themselves from the embarrassment of the "feel of 60FPS".

10.*Long shot but I want more open environment design. I feel as a sequel to DmC it's too early for this as they just got their formula down that worked but this is going to be the 5th game in the series and technically it's running on the same formula since DMC1. They have to shake things in this department and they really have to design the whole game around the Devil Hunting mission structure of acquiring missions.

11.*The mission ranking system should incorporate in damage taken as a parameter.

12.*I want more god damn modes in my DMC already. I want Mission Mode, I want customizable arenas, I want replay mode/video uploading feature and a fully featured training mode. I also wouldn't mind co-op option in these modes and Bloody Palace. And please none of this BP DLC bull shit.

13.*The final thing I have to say is that whatever I didn't say here FEATURE wise I want back in DmC and not removed. I want there to be loading screen tips, I want there to be a "Try" function on buying moves, I want secret missions to be available via the menu, I want to see all those various concept arts, I want the rumble/flash function on pause combos, I want "just" charge mechanic, I want Inverse Rainstorm etc. If they can improve any of these then all the better but I don't want any of this to be removed just so they can say "we are making it more like the OG games".

14*Finally they really need to hire some new writers for the story and characters. Please no more juvenile cursing or sex scenes just to be edgy. More serious tone is fine but this try hard shit needs to go. Oh and stylish action cutscenes please... I want Dante to be styling on fools again and getting into an epic duel with Vergil or something.

1. Yeah, I thought the absence of angels was quite odd given their existence in this version of the lore. Seems like a missed opportunity. I do hope they pick this up if Capcom uses NT for another.
2. Rule of Vergil is new to me, lol. Anyway, he indeed should be more of a threat and I hope VD gives us a hint of that.
3. I kinda missed how DT altered some of the properties of certain techniques or give you entirely new moves. They should rectify that. I don't mind that DT launches everything on the screen, but that should be a high cost upgrade and even then it shouldn't hold any enemy in the sky past the initial burst.
4. I was quite sad to see new platforming abilities halt after those angel boost circles were introduced. they should flesh it out more if they plan to use it anywhere near as much. If they do a mission similar to 15 it should be pretty wild in the sequel.
5. I wouldn't mind it if they just had a shield that you only needed to break once. And I think the problem was exacerbated given how low damaging angel weapons are and how "unfun" it is to do combos with just the demonic weapons.
6. Better bosses. That is all. Did quite like Bob Barbas and Vergil though.
7. Yeah, I need dat lock on. Double analogue stick motions me me a sad nephilim. :(
8. Taunting into demon dodge into angel dodge. I can see the shenanigans already. xD
9. If DmC2 ends up on next gen, which at this point is plausible. PC players already have far more than "the feel".
10. That would be really interesting. I wonder has that ever even been considered though. I could imagine different parts of the town serving as individual hubs you'd return to for various missions, and the plot-heavy/special missions could have areas exclusive to them. Would be cool.
11. Yep. My Dante got smacked around a bit too much for all those S, SS, and SSS's I was receiving. xD
12. What would mission mode be? The secret missions but accessible from the start? I could see customizable arena's and go for some co-op. Dante and Vergil, you assume?
13. Keep what did work. I like how you think.
14. I would be down with Alex Garland actually writing DmC2 as opposed to just supervising again.


Mission mode is like on NG2. There's a certain challenge you have to overcome in terms of enemy lay outs. Think of it like an expanded version of the Ivory secret mission in DmC where they just give you a really hard enemy encounter. In NG they restrict you weapons in some cases. This is also an excuse to throw in multiple bosses in one room or bosses with enemies.

The nature of BP is that you can't make it TOO hard otherwise it just makes it a frustrating experience. Anyone can clear individual stages of BP but doing it in a row is the hard part. It's a test of consistency, patience and stamina. Whereas Mission mode just gives you a short wave but the combination of enemies/bosses are so tough just beating them is an accomplishment..
Mission mode is like on NG2. There's a certain challenge you have to overcome in terms of enemy lay outs. Think of it like an expanded version of the Ivory secret mission in DmC where they just give you a really hard enemy encounter. In NG they restrict you weapons in some cases. This is also an excuse to throw in multiple bosses in one room or bosses with enemies.

The nature of BP is that you can't make it TOO hard otherwise it just makes it a frustrating experience. Anyone can clear individual stages of BP but doing it in a row is the hard part. It's a test of consistency, patience and stamina. Whereas Mission mode just gives you a short wave but the combination of enemies/bosses are so tough just beating them is an accomplishment..

Oh, I follow. They'd need to build up a better assortment of foes to make full use of it though. I'm not overly fond of the current line-up.

On a side note, I still haven't finished Sigma 2's missions. Can't find people online anymore. :(
After a 3rd playthrough, the game has become incredibly boring. He doesn't have anywhere near the replay value of the better games in the series. Definitely rental or bargin bin for anyone on the fence.


*I don't really care what story angle they use or what gimmick they use to replace the whole "They Live" plot line but they really need to delve more into the Angel side of the lore and the whole rest of the demon kings stuff. There are more powerful demons and entity out there including Sparda who I want to see play a bigger role. I want NT to actually address what the amulets actually do.

*It's a long shot but I want more environment aesthetics like DMC1. Mostly gothic stuff. I want DmC2 to move away from the punk style and more to this gothic style that is what made people love DMC so much back in the day. I want cathedrals and castles instead of cities and factories. I also want to see more heaven/angel inspired environments along with environments based in a demonic world/hell.

I agree on most of the technical points, but these two kind of seem like they would make it a bit too much like the previous games. The more grounded modern punk vibe is mostly what sets it apart as their own take on the series.
Just like this series


Damn. And it seems 6 out of the 9 in the top 9 post count for this thread dislike the game.

It's unfortunate that people who enjoyed this game don't seem particularly interested in discussing it, as a whole. They'll just post one comment about how awesome the game is, and usually leave a parting shot about the fanbase or the old games, which'll just mean 3 more posts from Dahbomb attempting to correct the misunderstanding (which is usually fruitless since the dude never visits the thread again).

I guess it's kind of hard for a new DMC fan to chime in his opinions in the midst of all these hardcore DMC fans. I guess that might explain the sort of, hit and run posts we've been seeing, you know the : "game is awesome, I like it - what's the big deal" - and never show up again type of posts.
The problem here is that he is simply not well written as a character, but the idea that they were going for here can work.
He can think of humans as lesser while still respecting them on a basic level, especially if he sincerely means that he doesn't intend to enslave them.

Instead of saying "Humans are like children." He should have said "Dante, look around you. Humans are free from the delusion, but that only means they've awoken to the horrors around them and they won't adjust any time soon. They need some kind of leader, and there is no one more qualified for that than I am. Everyone who worked for me in the order was someone who I helped learn the truth. Like Kat. Now, all of humanity needs that kind of help, and I need to take control to give it to them."

But that's the thing. I don't very much believe they were trying to make him righteous.

Vergil gets very little characterization until mission 12, but most of what little is there puts him forth as a sociopath with entitlement issues. In the very scene where he turns, he pretty much dismisses every human that put their lives into working under him.

It seems to me like him being a dick is exactly what they were going for, and even then the execution feels off. I agree with Riposte, that him going full douchebag should have been held back for another game. Then again, if that happened this game would have no good bosses, instead of one.
*Long shot but I want more open environment design. I feel as a sequel to DmC it's too early for this as they just got their formula down that worked but this is going to be the 5th game in the series and technically it's running on the same formula since DMC1. They have to shake things in this department and they really have to design the whole game around the Devil Hunting mission structure of acquiring missions.

Having a game running at 60 fps with large, open environments is going to be tough to do. Especially when visual fidelity is ranked by comparison of what's out there - which is mostly consisted of games running at 30 fps which generally look better. And when screenshots sells games and 60 fps cannot be expressed through video since it's all encoded at 30 fps, it automatically becomes an uphill climb.

Even on GAF when screens of 60 fps games show up people comment on how "ugly that grass texture" is. You would think GAFFers would know why that would be a problem moreso than your average gamer. I remember there was a MGS:R thread with screens posted up, and there was just comments up the ass about how ugly the game looked. Sure, compared to God of War "4" which is 30 frames it would look bad in screens.

DMC4 looked great at 60 fps because it was chopped up into small, static environments with load times in between them.

Next-gen can bring a lot, but everything is based off comparison. When DMC5 hits PS4 at 60 fps with large environments, and God of War 5 comes out with large environments at 30 fps, one game will look like shit comparitively to the other. And unfortunately since primary market is based off screens, it's difficult for a developer to get approval for that design mentality. You think the feel of 60 excuse is bad, imagine a legit one from Capcom : "Attaining that graphical fidelity we set out out to hit in the beginning of development with these large environments is simply not possible. Something had to give." This time around, it's actually a reasonable excuse, as opposed to the "we got levels that break up and shit, feel of 60, and it won't hurt your eyes" nonsense we got from Capcom this time aorund.

Honestly just give me DMC1 with DMC3's combat system in a fucking castle. And not that constant grey bullshit we saw in DMC3's "castle, aka the Temen-Ni-Gru" or that train wreck of level design of the Castle in DMC4.


But that's the thing. I don't very much believe they were trying to make him righteous.

Vergil gets very little characterization until mission 12, but most of what little is there puts him forth as a sociopath with entitlement issues. In the very scene where he turns, he pretty much dismisses every human that put their lives into working under him.

It seems to me like him being a dick is exactly what they were going for, and even then the execution feels off. I agree with Riposte, that him going full douchebag should have been held back for another game. Then again, if that happened this game would have no good bosses, instead of one.

I disagree about mission 12. He didn't show any indication of caring for the people under him personally, but they were cut for time and he had to prioritize and destroying that data was probably more important. Dante didn't do much different, except he prioritized Kat over everyone else and didn't really seem concerned with everyone else dying.

Anyway, we don't seem to be disagreeing, because 'full douchebag' here means that he is only a selfish sociopath. As I said, I'd have had him genuinely want to be a benevolent ruler as opposed to Mundus' malevolence and in the sequel he'd be all corrupt and the fullest of douchebags. Either way, all 3 of us agree that he should have done it then, it's just that rather than have vergil fundamentally change his character from not wanting to rule, I want dante to not arbitrarily change his character because the guy didn't have any real character development. He just wanted to get in Kat's pants and has adopted all her beliefs in order to do it.

Honestly, do we really need spoilers here? It seems everyone who is cares has beat the game by now.

Yet still somehow manages to be infinitely less abysmal than the previous games in the series.

As long as DMC3 exists, this statement is wrong.


I have asked all the people I know who bought DMC4 but didn't buy DmC.

Everyone said that they didn't like new Dante/preferred old Dante. Some wanted to see the story of Nero continue. Of the people who played the demo, they didn't like the "fuck you" cutscene and felt while the game play was solid it didn't feel as smooth as before.

I ask them about specific differences like hard lock on, framerate issues, the gravity of the game but they couldn't comment on it. Most also said that since they could easily beat SOS the game play felt dumbed down. Only a couple people pointed out that the style rank didn't drop like previous games.

Most people don't think it's a bad game at all from the demo but they are hard pressed to put down 60 bucks on it. A lot of people really just rejected the game based off the initial reveal and forgot all about it as there was no real hype around it.

It's funny how some people still cling onto the argument that the change in character is not the reason many people did not give the game a chance. Yeah sure some will have reasons other than that but look at any DmC thread lately and you have an army of people screaming the character change had nothing to do with them hating the game, whilst wielding avatars with R.I.P Dante.

I just want to point something out though Dahbomb. I'm a bit shocked that you are so surprised about the popularity of DmC here on GAF. I say this because in the trailer threads, gameplay video threads etc on here a lot of people hung onto your words. They basically hid behind your analysis of the combat and used it as a veil to hide their hate of the character and world NT created. Not to say that you were wrong in picking apart trailers etc but some of the stuff that was banded around was just wrong or unfair for a game that was so far off release.

This is not some sly dig at you or anything, so don't take it that way. Just pointing out how some of your posts, unintentionally, have contributed the lack of popularity of DmC around GAF.


Yet still somehow manages to be infinitely less abysmal than the previous games in the series.

It just boggles my mind that Ninja Theory pride themselves on their cutscene presentation, actor performances, overall plot, and what have you, when their writing is so fucking terrible.

Why have 20 x 5 minute long cutscenes that presumably were expensive to have actors, voice recordings, motion capture, animation staff, camera staff, etc., when you end up with lines like "Me a god? Vs. you? A piece of shit?"

Even a goddamn fade-away exterior shot at
the villain's evil lair is used with an accompanying "NOOOOO" by the villain
. That automatically should make you wonder how the fuck anyone approved that particular completely laughable sequence.
This is not some sly dig at you or anything, so don't take it that way. Just pointing out how some of your posts, unintentionally, have contributed the lack of popularity of DmC around GAF.

Dahbomb has, on multiple times expressed the notion that this is a great game. He even wrote a review for it and gave it a 4/5.
Why have 20 x 5 minute long cutscenes that presumably were expensive to have actors, voice recordings, motion capture, animation staff, camera staff, etc., when you end up with lines like "Me a god? Vs. you? A piece of shit?"

A few questions: Considering the nature of Mundus' character, obviously a guy with a complete superiority complex far above any other character or concept in the game, with absolutely no respect for humans, or for Dante and his parents.

How would you rewrite that line, or sequence in the same timespan of that cutscene... We're talking about seconds here. While providing the same basic thematic concept.

Also, what kind of games do you think have good writing? Especially action games if you can narrow it down.


I stand firmly by every bit of analysis I made on the game. It was an honest interpretation of the game and most of it still holds true even after beating the game on DMD mode.

If people were turned off by the game due to my initial analysis on the game then so be it. I also put out a review for the game which I felt was a fair representation of the game after playing it and gave it a solid 8/10. If people saw my analysis, played the demo, read my review + professional reviews and then passed on the game then good on them for making an informed decision.

I have never discouraged anyone from posting or talking about a DmC/DMC game on GAF. I enjoy all sorts of DMC/DmC discussion. I personally have made more pro DmC posts than most people here.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle

For whatever its worth, although I am still far from finishing, I can tell that I will enjoy this game much more than DMC4.

It's *probably* on par with DMC3 for me in terms of enjoyment... alright, maybe a slight edge to DMC3, but not that much. It's honestly surprisingly refreshing and enjoyable to play DmC after DMC4, but that's just me.
Yet still somehow manages to be infinitely less abysmal than the previous games in the series.

Even if this were true, how is this at all a defense of the writing in this game?

I think it's perfectly fair to give NT a lot of slack for the level of gameplay delivered, since it's not what they're known for, but to see how they handled the story leaves a lot to be desired.


Which is why I said your posts may have unintentionally gave people an excuse to hide behind, not that you were out right advocating hating on the game.

The damage was done a long time ago and it seems most people are so narrow minded they were able to judge how good the game was in trailers. Honestly Capcom might have been better off not showing anything until the final year. The hate was ingrained into peoples minds for way too long.


A few questions: Considering the nature of Mundus' character, obviously a guy with a complete superiority complex far above any other character or concept in the game, with absolutely no respect for humans, or for Dante and his parents.

How would you rewrite that line, or sequence in the same timespan of that cutscene... We're talking about seconds here. While providing the same basic thematic concept.

I do not need to provide a positive to show that my negative criticism holds up. Nevertheless, just to suggest on how to write such a scene in a better way, or the narrative in the game in general: If you wanted what I consider to be non-offensive writing, then don't treat the audience/player/reader as a retard by having blatant exposition of what you are going for. Don't let characters directly point out what the purpose of the scene is, what's the motivation for what they are doing, what feelings they currently have, and so on.

Instead, show a steady command of the language, and use subtlety, hints, cleverness, and most of all let the characters behave naturally and organic. There are much better alternatives to the DmC's writing if Ninja Theory followed such principles.

Also, what kind of games do you think have good writing? Especially action games if you can narrow it down.

Writing quality can be independent of genre. But only in terms of action games, I'd say that Soul Reaver and Spec Ops: The Line are two examples of decent-to-good writing.
To give you an indication of what I consider to be some of the best writing in video games, I'd say Planescape Torment and Grim Fandango are up there, as well as Vampire: Bloodlines.


Honestly Capcom might have been better off not showing anything until the final year. The hate was ingrained into peoples minds for way too long.

Probably not... especially considering that I honestly believe that the criticism is a big factor in getting a game as good as we did.
Which is why I said your posts may have unintentionally gave people an excuse to hide behind, not that you were out right advocating hating on the game.

The damage was done a long time ago and it seems most people are so narrow minded they were able to judge how good the game was in trailers. Honestly Capcom might have been better off not showing anything until the final year. The hate was ingrained into peoples minds for way too long.
I don't know why you are trying to make a scapegoat out of Dahbomb when he was the very positive and optimistic about the game after he got his hands on the demo (and final game). Even in a thread before the demo was released bailing out because of other people's negativity. He has added more to this thread then you have, so one could almost say your negative snipes have only brought this thread down.


Dreamrunners 1v1 even on DMD are a bit of a joke with Kablooey abuse.

Wait for teleport -> Demon Dodge -> Demon Whip -> Hit x 3 -> Launch -> Hit x 3 -> Enemy step load up kablooey darts -> Helm Breaker -> Blow up darts and they're vulnerable to Demon Whip again to repeat.

They can't do anything against it except when they do the instant invincibility back step. Which, then you just let them teleport again and repeat.

I'm still actively playing and enjoying the game even after beating DMD.


If you wanted what I consider to be non-offensive writing, then don't treat the audience/player/reader as a retard by having blatant exposition of what you are going for. Don't let characters directly point out what the purpose of the scene is, what's the motivation for what they are doing, what feelings they currently have, and so on.

You may have interpreted the line as exposition, but I'm not sure it was ever intended to be. It struck me as perfectly in character for Mundus to directly compare himself to Dante in way that was both flattering to himself and insulting to Dante.


1v1 Dreamrunners are easy but 2 at a time are a pain. Doing that air combo will usually result in the 2nd one slashing you down and ruining your style.


1v1 Dreamrunners are easy but 2 at a time are a pain. Doing that air combo will usually result in the 2nd one slashing you down and ruining your style.

Yeah, 2 still give me quite a bit of trouble. There's no real way to effectively get a combo in on one without the other coming around to ruin it, or force you to dodge, which essentially ruins it. Maybe camera abuse, but it's not that reliable against Dreamrunners.


1v1 Dreamrunners are easy but 2 at a time are a pain. Doing that air combo will usually result in the 2nd one slashing you down and ruining your style.

Snake Eyes abuse.

lol dreamrunners. There could be 10 of them and no fucks would be given.


I don't know why you are trying to make a scapegoat out of Dahbomb when he was the very positive and optimistic about the game after he got his hands on the demo (and final game). Even in a thread before the demo was released bailing out because of other people's negativity. He has added more to this thread then you have, so one could almost say your negative snipes have only brought this thread down.

You are missing my point. He and many others slagged the game off a lot before they got a chance to play and I find it weird he is shocked how a lot of people don't seem interested in it.

Obviously the popularity of the game world wide has nothing to do with Dahbomb but why would you expect tons of people to talk to when the game was getting slammed from every angle for years?

On topic now, I'm using motion joy on PC to play DmC on Steam and for some reason when I try and click in L3 and R3 on my DualShock I have to get the timing exact or it doesn't seem to register. Anyone else having this problem? It's resulting in my looking like a fool repeatedly trying to press L3 and R3 in front of all the enemies whilst I try and DT :|


I am not really shocked at all. Just saying that I have seen plenty of people say this game is great, even one of the best games of this generation but never made follow up posts to it. Its like they beat the game once, made a post on GAF and then put the game away for good. Yea there are exceptions but still, the majority of contribution made to this thread is by OG fans. People who have stood by the series through thick and thin.
I am not really shocked at all. Just saying that I have seen plenty of people say this game is great, even one of the best games of this generation but never made follow up posts to it. Its like they beat the game once, made a post on GAF and then put the game away for good. Yea there are exceptions but still, the majority of contribution made to this thread is by OG fans. People who have stood by the series through thick and thin.

The audience DmC was made for does not stick around to really break games open. They play them once, enjoy them, and then move on.
I dunno I think people underestimate the hardcore action game fanbase a little bit. Like for Ninja Gaiden 2 - people knew what they were getting into and it sold pretty well (and the very late Sigma 2 port did pretty well too from what I understand, sadly they toned down the game considerably but I don't think that fact was ever advertised a ton). Then they released Ninja Gaiden 3 which sold like a series ending nuclear bomb and had pretty much nothing but bad press about it from the get go.

I think they could release a DMC5 with an ad campaign like "returning to its roots" and make a game as difficult as DMC3 USA vanilla and still have it sell. Sure I guess they would lose the people who would go into a gaming forum thread after playing through it once and write "best video game ever, ninja theory is my savior 10/10" but I think there is a very steady current of people out there who are looking for things like Ninja Gaiden Black / DMC3 (and the Souls games but that also hits the RPG audience.... even though it is just an action game mostly).


I am not really shocked at all. Just saying that I have seen plenty of people say this game is great, even one of the best games of this generation but never made follow up posts to it. Its like they beat the game once, made a post on GAF and then put the game away for good. Yea there are exceptions but still, the majority of contribution made to this thread is by OG fans. People who have stood by the series through thick and thin.

Personally I love DMC but I'm not a hardcore player. I'd be out of my depth and mostly just don't have the patience to learn the intricate details of the combat systems. I'd imagine a lot of people would be the same. Game is great but I assume many, like myself, cannot add a great deal to the conversation.

Just gonna repost my problem for the new page

I'm using motion joy on PC to play DmC on Steam and for some reason when I try and click in L3 and R3 on my DualShock I have to get the timing exact or it doesn't seem to register. Anyone else having this problem? It's resulting in my looking like a fool repeatedly trying to press L3 and R3 in front of all the enemies whilst I try and DT :|
I'm most of the way through SSSing DMD and still enjoying it a lot. Bloody Palace doesn't look great from that gameplay video (acid pools are pretty shitty) but I'll be all over that and the DLC the moment they drop. A pretty confident 9/10 for DmC where I would've given DMC 1, 3 AND 4 10/10 based on their combat and lasting appeal alone.

The response to this game has been utterly absurd. I know a few people with limited attachment to the franchise that were turned WAY off DmC purely because of the reception on forums and comment threads. They were shocked it was so well received critically. Internet bullshit does a lot to colour opinions nowadays.


The audience DmC was made for does not stick around to really break games open. They play them once, enjoy them, and then move on.

It's not really DmC's problem, it's GAF's. Like Korrz pointed out the DMC4 thread has about the same amount of posts as this one and this has only been out a month.
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