I hated on this game before I actually played it and now I love it, at least the gameplay. I don't like the story, the writing or the music. The part that mattered was great, though. It felt good, smooth. It had some small issues, and it was perhaps a little too easy... but I have faith in NT after this game. It's a shame that this Dante doesn't hold a candle to DMC3/4 Dante. Better luck next time! As far as sales go? I'm a little concerned for the game. Out of 45 people being online on my friends list from launch day to today only one other person was playing DmC. Not only that, but I'd discuss the game with close friends (and this conversation happened with many people actually) which was me stating that DmC was good, and them being like "No way, there's no way." and once I spoke to them about it in detail, I basically sold the game to them. Your average DMC fan thinks this game is terrible and they don't even know why other than their first impression of it from the trailers.