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DmC |OT| No, F*ck You!

I hated on this game before I actually played it and now I love it, at least the gameplay. I don't like the story, the writing or the music. The part that mattered was great, though. It felt good, smooth. It had some small issues, and it was perhaps a little too easy... but I have faith in NT after this game. It's a shame that this Dante doesn't hold a candle to DMC3/4 Dante. Better luck next time! As far as sales go? I'm a little concerned for the game. Out of 45 people being online on my friends list from launch day to today only one other person was playing DmC. Not only that, but I'd discuss the game with close friends (and this conversation happened with many people actually) which was me stating that DmC was good, and them being like "No way, there's no way." and once I spoke to them about it in detail, I basically sold the game to them. Your average DMC fan thinks this game is terrible and they don't even know why other than their first impression of it from the trailers.

Mike M

Nick N
Oh man, those last couple Lost Souls in The Plan had me tearing my hair out. Fiendishly clever.

In the goddamned elevator. You have to hit the door or call button to have it open, the *only time in the game* such a mechanic is used


Oh man, those last couple Lost Souls in The Plan had me tearing my hair out. Fiendishly clever.

In the goddamned elevator. You have to hit the door or call button to have it open, the *only time in the game* such a mechanic is used

Yeah, I missed it the first time through. I kept hearing and wandered around a bit, but I couldn't find them.


I hated on this game before I actually played it and now I love it, at least the gameplay. I don't like the story, the writing or the music. The part that mattered was great, though. It felt good, smooth. It had some small issues, and it was perhaps a little too easy... but I have faith in NT after this game. It's a shame that this Dante doesn't hold a candle to DMC3/4 Dante. Better luck next time! As far as sales go? I'm a little concerned for the game. Out of 45 people being online on my friends list from launch day to today only one other person was playing DmC. Not only that, but I'd discuss the game with close friends (and this conversation happened with many people actually) which was me stating that DmC was good, and them being like "No way, there's no way." and once I spoke to them about it in detail, I basically sold the game to them. Your average DMC fan thinks this game is terrible and they don't even know why other than their first impression of it from the trailers.

For me, i dont think this game is bad, simply i dont want to buy it because i dont like the direction Capcom take for this series.


Phew, all done.


As I've said before, I really enjoyed it, but acknowledge that it's a significant step down in terms of depth and complexity when compared to other games in the franchise.

That being said, bar the treatment of Vergil, I am very happy with the direction the franchise is going in. I think Ninja Theory did a really good job, and hopefully they listen to fan feedback enough should they begin working on a sequel.

I will miss the old style of DMC, of course, but let's face it - Platinum Games has us covered for that kind of stuff now
I hated on this game before I actually played it and now I love it, at least the gameplay. I don't like the story, the writing or the music. The part that mattered was great, though. It felt good, smooth. It had some small issues, and it was perhaps a little too easy... but I have faith in NT after this game. It's a shame that this Dante doesn't hold a candle to DMC3/4 Dante. Better luck next time! As far as sales go? I'm a little concerned for the game. Out of 45 people being online on my friends list from launch day to today only one other person was playing DmC. Not only that, but I'd discuss the game with close friends (and this conversation happened with many people actually) which was me stating that DmC was good, and them being like "No way, there's no way." and once I spoke to them about it in detail, I basically sold the game to them. Your average DMC fan thinks this game is terrible and they don't even know why other than their first impression of it from the trailers.
If we're judging this anecdotally I've been seeing a lot of people on my friends list playing it and have been hearing a lot of positive buzz around it. The sense I was getting was that it'll probably do pretty well. Obviously these things are no good way to estimate this stuff. We'll just have to sit back and see how it pans out.


They don't though.

To me, Bayonetta has satisfied my craving for a DMC grade combat system thus far. I am hoping that Rising and Bayonetta 2 will do the same when they both release.

As I mentioned before, I still think that DMC4 was one of the most complex and most rewarding systems to learn and properly play with, but I feel like the way that game was structured hindered it and bogged it down from "shining" as bright as it could hence a reboot.

I'm not saying that I'm really HAPPY to see the old style of DMC games go, but rather that my itch is being scratched by Platinum's output (thus far).

Don't you think that's a bit unfair? Considering that this is a pretty great game, after all.

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the direction but after sinking 30+ hours in, I am pretty happy. :3
From the small bit I've played so far its been good. I just don't like holding R2 and L2 for changing weapons as I usually end up pressing square repeatedly instead of starting a combo using triangle. But I'm getting used to it. The story is decent and the music is alright. Can't wait to finish up.


Every purchase of DmC is saying that you want to see more DmC and not DMC.

DmC is a good game. We know this. You're assuming that a hypothetical reversion to the classic series and/or DMC5 will be good or better purely on the basis of it returning to the older format.

That's unfair. Especially when you consider that the Capcom that made DMC4 in 2008 is not the same Capcom in 2013.
DmC is a good game. We know this. You're assuming that a hypothetical reversion to the classic series and/or DMC5 will be good or better purely on the basis of it returning to the older format.

That's unfair. Especially when you consider that the Capcom that made DMC4 in 2008 is not the same Capcom in 2013.
I'll go on gut instinct and say that the theoretical internal game would be better than this thing.
I think you're right, but it's probably never going to happen. Wasn't the actual DMC team busy finishing up Dragon's Dogma anyway?

Yeah I assume a large amount of that stuff was working on Dragon's Dogma but there is no possibility that a Devil May Cry game would not be made given how big the franchise is. A new Devil May Cry game had to be done within a certain amount of years. They could have found a better studio instead of picking the absolute bottom of the barrel (or found some way to make it happen internally).
Yeah I assume a large amount of that stuff was working on Dragon's Dogma but there is no possibility that a Devil May Cry game would not be made given how big the franchise is. A new Devil May Cry game had to be done within a certain amount of years. They could have found a better studio instead of picking the absolute bottom of the barrel (or found some way to make it happen internally).

I know Platinum have been making quite a few of these games lately, but imagine if they handed the reins over the Platinum. Then again, I'd probably say that about any franchise at this point, so disregard me.
After I finished the DmC demo I was interested in ordering the DMC HD collection because I thought DmC was really fun. I've been playing DMC 1:
-I'm on mission 18 right now
-This game is frustrating 95% of the time
were so goddamn annoying!
-Story? All I know is
Dante wants to kill Mundus for killing his mom and brother. I don't remember if they mentioned how Sparda died?

Overall I think the game's alright. Not as "amazing" as everyone makes out it to be :p. Anyone know how long I have left until I beat the game? Also what's so bad about DMC 2? Just wanted to know since I always hear that game is horrible
After I finished the DmC demo I was interested in ordering the DMC HD collection because I thought DmC was really fun. I've been playing DMC 1:
-I'm on mission 18 right now
-This game is frustrating 95% of the time
were so goddamn annoying!
-Story? All I know is
Dante wants to kill Mundus for killing his mom and brother. I don't remember if they mentioned how Sparda died?

Overall I think the game's alright. Not as "amazing" as everyone makes out it to be :p. Anyone know how long I have left until I beat the game? Also what's so bad about DMC 2? Just wanted to know since I always hear that game is horrible

You are near the end of the game. There is a chance you may be used to skipping out on harder difficulties in games but I would highly, highly recommend going through Hard (after completion your save file will restart automatically into this difficulty, with all of your past inventory and the enemies will be remixed). Perhaps even try Dante Must Die, great fun. Skipping out on the higher difficulties in a well made action game is only experiencing a fraction of what the game has to offer.

DMC2 is a bad game, don't play it trust me.
You are near the end of the game. There is a chance you may be used to skipping out on harder difficulties in games but I would highly, highly recommend going through Hard (after completion your save file will restart automatically into this difficulty, with all of your past inventory and the enemies will be remixed). Perhaps even try Dante Must Die, great fun. Skipping out on the higher difficulties in a well made action game is only experiencing a fraction of what the game has to offer.

DMC2 is a bad game, don't play it trust me.
FUN!? I can hardly survive this game on Normal!

Skip straight to DMC 3 after?


I remember thinking that DMC2 wasn't that bad, and that most people were just over-reacting. I remember finishing it at least twice.

But now, I played it in the HD Collection. I don't know if it's because I actually appreciate action games and their complexity now, or what, but fuck me if it isn't just an absolutely abhorrent DMC experience.

It actually has no redeeming qualities, like, absolutely nothing. I can't believe how terrible it is and how blind I was back when it first came out :/
I remember thinking that DMC2 wasn't that bad, and that most people were just over-reacting. I remember finishing it at least twice.

But now, I played it in the HD Collection. I don't know if it's because I actually appreciate action games and their complexity now, or what, but fuck me if it isn't just an absolutely abhorrent DMC experience.

It actually has no redeeming qualities, like, absolutely nothing. I can't believe how terrible it is and how blind I was back when it first came out :/

What are the actual reasons though? Why is it so horrible?


Hey, I figured since you guys are talking about DMC2, someone might be able to answer this question: how hard are its achievements/trophies? I'm planning on playing the HD collection sometime in the future, and I'm just curious about that.

I've got no doubt I'll be able to get all of DMC1 and 3's achievements since they are supposed to be very good games (and I absolutely loved DMC4), but I'm not too sure about that one since it's supposed to be so bad.

Edit: Ha and what about DmC? It's got a crazy high ratio on Trueachievements so far but that's probably because it's been released quite recently.


What are the actual reasons though? Why is it so horrible?

I'll list some of my things, I don't know what other people think.

- Boring locations and very drab settings.
- Pointless inclusion of a second (mediocre) character
- Guns could do way too much damage and were broken as you upgraded them
- Combat in general was much slower
- Barely any weapon variety or combo variety
- Uninteresting boss battles

Dante's personality was also dramatically different wen compared to DMC1, though I'm not really sure why. I don't mind a silent Dante (I also feel like DMC2 was his best design yet) but the decision to tone down his cockiness was also frowned upon.

I think it's quite telling that Capcom have yet to set a DMC game to take place chronologically after DMC2.

I did like being able to play as Trish in DMC2 though (as a non-canon unlockable)

Hey, I figured since you guys are talking about DMC2, someone might be able to answer this question: how hard are its achievements/trophies? I'm planning on playing the HD collection sometime in the future, and I'm just curious about that.

I've got no doubt I'll be able to get all of DMC1 and 3's achievements since they are supposed to be very good games (and I absolutely loved DMC4), but I'm not too sure about that one since it's supposed to be so bad.

Edit: Ha and what about DmC? It's got a crazy high ratio on Trueachievements so far but that's probably because it's been released quite recently.

Depends on your skill level really. DmC in particular is incredibly easy and doesn't pose much of a challenge to me (I beat every game on DMD without items thus far) but it is time consuming. You're looking at roughly twenty hours (though I am sure it will be more.)

DMC2 isn't hard, it's just mind numbingly boring. The Bloody Palace achievement is the one that comes to mind for me, the combat is boring (as are the enemy designs) so it's more about being mentally stimulated for three hours or so rather than actually requiring the skill to complete it.

Did you do well with DMC4's achievements? Mine are very bare, that game was so hard for me to totally figure out (though I slowly got there).

Haha, the comments on that video


Obviously a fake troll account but I still chuckled.
Hey, I figured since you guys are talking about DMC2, someone might be able to answer this question: how hard are its achievements/trophies? I'm planning on playing the HD collection sometime in the future, and I'm just curious about that.

I've got no doubt I'll be able to get all of DMC1 and 3's achievements since they are supposed to be very good games (and I absolutely loved DMC4), but I'm not too sure about that one since it's supposed to be so bad.

I got the platinum in DMC2 (so I will speak as a resident expert on DMC2). The game is easy to get the platinum for the most part. Keep in mind playing this game is fucking BORING though.

1. When you start the game put in the cheats that are mentioned in the trophy guide so you unlock bloody palace / hard / dante must die instantly.

2. Play through normal as dante (like ~3 hours maybe?).

3. Play through medium as trish through lucias campaign (you can play through this in like an hour skipping cutscenes).

4. Play through DMD as Lucia. It takes about an hour because it is piss easy.

At some point over the playthrough make sure to use a guide to get the collectibles. Use this video:


To get all of the upgrades in like 10 minutes with a red orb exploit.

The hardest part is Bloody Palace which is like a 3-5 hour torture dungeon. Get maximum of all items using that red orb exploit in the video and then prepare for the worst experience the devil may cry series will ever give you.

Pizzaroll said it right when he described the game as a "sleeping pill in videogame form". I felt like I was slipping into sleep a lot while playing it.


I got the platinum in DMC2 (so I will speak as a resident expert on DMC2). The game is easy to get the platinum for the most part. Keep in mind playing this game is fucking BORING though.

1. When you start the game put in the cheats that are mentioned in the trophy guide so you unlock bloody palace / hard / dante must die instantly.

2. Play through normal as dante (like ~3 hours maybe?).

3. Play through medium as trish through lucias campaign (you can play through this in like an hour skipping cutscenes).

4. Play through DMD as Lucia. It takes about an hour because it is easy as piss.

At some point over the playthrough make sure to use a guide to get the collectibles. Use this video:


To get all of the upgrades in like 10 minutes.

The hardest part is Bloody Palace which is like a 3-5 hour torture dungeon. Get maximum of all items using that red orb exploit in the video and then prepare for the worst experience the devil may cry series will ever give you.


Lord I wasted so much time on DMC2 then :(

The worst moment in DMC2, for me, is the Lucia Fish battle. Fuck that was SO AWFUL.

Lord I wasted so much time on DMC2 then :(

The worst moment in DMC2, for me, is the Lucia Fish battle. Fuck that was SO AWFUL.

Lucia's fish battle on DMD is torturous (where you cannot see it at all), one of the worst moments in gaming.

Edit: Also if you have a European copy you can apparently use a cheat to get infinite DT which trivializes the bloody palace.


Lucia's fish battle on DMD is torturous (where you cannot see it at all), one of the worst moments in gaming.

It was crazy. I remember the Mundus II DMD battle being torturous in Devil May Cry (but in a good way, if that makes sense). That fucking fish though, half of it was just BLIND LUCK. I was so angry, I remember being so frustrated :p


Santa May Claus
It was crazy. I remember the Mundus II DMD battle being torturous in Devil May Cry (but in a good way, if that makes sense). That fucking fish though, half of it was just BLIND LUCK. I was so angry, I remember being so frustrated :p

That goddamn fish was one of the most poorly designed bosses in the history of gaming in DMD.


Lord I wasted so much time on DMC2 then :(

The worst moment in DMC2, for me, is the Lucia Fish battle. Fuck that was SO AWFUL.

It doesn't look like it actually changes much. You still have to go through it multiple times to beat it with multiple characters. I didn't know that the cheats worked either.


Depends on your skill level really. DmC in particular is incredibly easy and doesn't pose much of a challenge to me (I beat every game on DMD without items thus far) but it is time consuming. You're looking at roughly twenty hours (though I am sure it will be more.)

DMC2 isn't hard, it's just mind numbingly boring. The Bloody Palace achievement is the one that comes to mind for me, the combat is boring (as are the enemy designs) so it's more about being mentally stimulated for three hours or so rather than actually requiring the skill to complete it.

Did you do well with DMC4's achievements? Mine are very bare, that game was so hard for me to totally figure out (though I slowly got there).

I got them all on the PC version, so I take it DmC's should be a walk in the park in comparison haha. I guess I should be able to complete DMC2 then! I don't really mind playing boring games, I got the full 1000G on Tekken 6 after all (damn that game had an absolutely aweful single player mode haha)...

Thanks for your answer!

I got the platinum in DMC2 (so I will speak as a resident expert on DMC2). The game is easy to get the platinum for the most part. Keep in mind playing this game is fucking BORING though.

1. When you start the game put in the cheats that are mentioned in the trophy guide so you unlock bloody palace / hard / dante must die instantly.

2. Play through normal as dante (like ~3 hours maybe?).

3. Play through medium as trish through lucias campaign (you can play through this in like an hour skipping cutscenes).

4. Play through DMD as Lucia. It takes about an hour because it is piss easy.

At some point over the playthrough make sure to use a guide to get the collectibles. Use this video:


To get all of the upgrades in like 10 minutes with a red orb exploit.

The hardest part is Bloody Palace which is like a 3-5 hour torture dungeon. Get maximum of all items using that red orb exploit in the video and then prepare for the worst experience the devil may cry series will ever give you.

Pizzaroll said it right when he described the game as a "sleeping pill in videogame form". I felt like I was slipping into sleep a lot while playing it.

Wow, thanks for this awesome post! I'll keep that in mind when I attempt to play through the game. Hopefully I'll manage to finish the BP without falling asleep. Is the BP really that long though? I remember DMC4 one's being way shorter (I finished it in under 2 hours with nero IIRC, I never managed to do it with Dante though, he was simply too hard to play for me).
That goddamn fish was one of the most poorly designed bosses in the history of gaming in DMD.

It doesn't look like it actually changes much. You still have to go through it multiple times to beat it with multiple characters. I didn't know that the cheats worked either.

The biggest helper by far is that infinite red orb exploit. Getting both characters stuff upgraded without it would probably be pretty bad. The cheats really only save you from like 3 playthroughs.

Edit: The trophy guide i was mentioning was this: http://www.ps3trophies.org/forum/de...devil-may-cry-2-hd-trophy-guide-road-map.html

Edit 2: If I remember correctly I had to have at least mission 1 beaten on both characters for all of the difficulties to unlock after putting in all of the codes.


Don't you think that's a bit unfair? Considering that this is a pretty great game, after all.

Is not "unfair" is simply what i want in a game who is called Devil May Cry. Everything i see in this reboot except for the gameplay is awful for me (Dante, boss, music, story) so Capcom wont see my money for this game.

Plus, like other said, Capcom make a reboot only for money and i dont want to be a cow who get milked all the time


Santa May Claus
The biggest helper by far is that infinite red orb exploit. Getting both characters stuff upgraded without it would probably be pretty bad. The cheats really only save you from like 3 playthroughs.

Edit: The trophy guide i was mentioning was this: http://www.ps3trophies.org/forum/de...devil-may-cry-2-hd-trophy-guide-road-map.html

:( I just farmed that one fire boss over and over for orbs. I didn't know about any exploit. Ah, well, I never have to touch that game again.
Wow, thanks for this awesome post! I'll keep that in mind when I attempt to play through the game. Hopefully I'll manage to finish the BP without falling asleep. Is the BP really that long though? I remember DMC4 one's being way shorter (I finished it in under 2 hours with nero IIRC, I never managed to do it with Dante though, he was simply too hard to play for me).

Devil May Cry 2's Bloody Palace mode doesn't really fit with the games combat. None of the characters really have the tools to handle the enemies when there are so many in a cramped area (or at least... some combinations of enemies after stage 1000 where the enemies DT). So chances are you will end up just using cheap ranged attacks over and over (rocket launcher, jump away, rocket launcher or round trip with trish) and the occasional DT.

In general everything about DMC2 sucks. The terrible combat makes the bloody palace terrible.



This is the general idea behind it.

This has actually been quite enjoyable to watch happen. I've seen it being discussed on a few of the forums and boards I frequent and the back and forth behind the rationale has been somewhat heated. For the most part I think it's an interesting approach. So far the arguments I've seen have broken down to this:

1: Capcom won't listen no matter what you do.

Anti-Crazy - No matter what you do it will have little to no impact on the decisions that Capcom makes. They've not listened to fan outcry in relation to other franchises what makes you think they'll care now? Even worse it could have the unintended effect of making them think DmC was responsible for the HD sales due to increased interest.

Pro-Crazy - Either way it's a win-win. If Capcom doesn't listen than what we do won't matter so us buying the HD collection will only net us great games to play and not influence decisions related to DmC itself or its influence. If they do listen they will see strong interest in the older games as opposed to the newly released one.

2: You're just going to fund a sequel to DmC and not DMC

Anti-Crazy - If you do this the profits will still go to Capcom and they will in turn use them to fund a sequel to the game you hate. This makes no sense. How do you protest a company who decision you disagree with by giving them even more money.

Pro-Crazy - No matter how insulated Capcom is they still don't live in a complete bubble and saying that they are completely blind to what the sales mean is silly. Buying one product from a company does not benefit or positively reflect on all their offered products. This would be the same as saying don't buy Resident Evil 6 or Street Fighter x Tekken because Capcom will think you like DmC.

3: Your behavior makes your fanbase look silly

Anti-Crazy - This comes off like a bunch of children tantruming because they aren't getting their way. You'll just make Tameem and everyone else look justified in mocking you and what you love.

Pro-Crazy - For the last 3 months it's been nothing but every journalism outlet and online community deriding us anyway. "lol you're mad cause his hair isn't white" is so played out at this point that it doesn't matter anymore. We've already been painted bad, nothing we do now will change that one way or the other. This is about Uncle Dante.

And that's pretty much what I've observed. Personally I fall into the older fanbase who isn't pleased with the new game and don't really have a problem with people buying the HD collection and 4 on the PC. If it makes them happy and helps salve the wounds then more power to them. It will be interesting to see what the sales results are in a few months after this has all played itself out fully.


Devil May Cry 2's Bloody Palace mode doesn't really fit with the games combat. None of the characters really have the tools to handle the enemies when there are so many in a cramped area (or at least... some combinations of enemies after stage 1000 where the enemies DT). So chances are you will end up just using cheap ranged attacks over and over (rocket launcher, jump away, rocket launcher or round trip with trish) and the occasional DT.

In general everything about DMC2 sucks. The terrible combat makes the bloody palace terrible.

Oh I see! Well thanks again for your explanations! Hopefully it won't be too painful to play through this. Although, in comparison to this, DMC3 will feel like the second coming of Christ.

Edit for below: thank you! That'll come in handy.
Oh I see! Well thanks again for your explanations! Hopefully it won't be too painful to play through this. Although, in comparison to this, DMC3 will feel like the second coming of Christ.

Ill give you a quick guide to bloody palace and all of its combinations:

Wear the healing devil trigger amulet.

Wolf rooms:
Stand around somewhere and just mash the melee button. Somehow because of the enemies shitty AI just the act of moving via swinging the sword will generally make the character dodge the wolves most of the time while doing the most damage.

Rooms with goatlings that shoot projectile shit at you:
Kill them first. They are the fucking WORST.

Rooms with savage golems:
Either try to kill these dudes before they DT or just wait to kill them last (they just walk around really slowly and barely ever attack but are annoying to kill). Use devil trigger when their life is low so you make sure you don't get thrown around trying to finish it off (otherwise it regenerates to full health quickly).

Rooms with skulls from DMC1:
Preferably kill these guys first, they actually will do ranged attacks if they DT. They die quickly.

Every other enemy:
Attack with melee if you can
Otherwise use cheap ranged attacks

To make it even more boring the game doesn't have a lot of combinations for rooms and it never really gets any harder after a really early certain point. Have fun.


I thought of something cool that they should've done, though I know nobody will be with me.

Basically, consider Kat's backstory. I think it would be cool if at the end of the game or something she removed one contact lens and it turned out she had two differently coloured eyes.

Her father was a demon, who she apparently killed. Imagine if he were to come back as antagonist of DmC2

Seems like a nice segue and a nice way to reboot other characters.

Nobody will agree with me though :p
That would be pretty cool actually. I've ruled out seeing a new Trish at this point due to
Mundus' death
and trying to insert her now without radically changing her purpose would probably be really forced. But what you described could work for that character.

The ending has me intrigued though.
The facade of Limbo being taken away and all the possible effects? That makes some interesting possibilities to chew on if DmC2 ending being a real thing.


That would be pretty cool actually. I've ruled out seeing a new Trish at this point due to
Mundus' death
and trying to insert her now without radically changing her purpose would probably be really forced. But what you described could work for that character.

The ending has me intrigued though.
The facade of Limbo being taken away and all the possible effects? That makes some interesting possibilities to chew on if DmC2 ending being a real thing.

I mean, the other thing is, if Vergil really wanted to,
he could resurrect Kat's father knowing how much of a big deal it would be. Since he was the one who, you know, convinced her to kill him

They could even talk about how Kat
wore a contact because her heterochromia reminded her of her father
or something if they wanted to.
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